What is BK - Honest interview

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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post27 Feb 2017

Like children, we used to tell ourselves all sorts of ghost and fairy stories to keep our faith excited. Same too with dreams.

I remember having dreams that used to confirm such beliefs and being encouraged in them by other BKs. Dreams that were quickly converted into "visions" or "Baba's showing the child a vision".

I remember someone else whacky "vision" ... it was a common prediction that the Thar Desert in Rajasthan would be filled with 10s of millions of Hindus flocking to Mount Abu for salvation ... and this BK believed they had a vision of themselves flying in a helicopter over the masses given them all peace via dhristi (divine gaze).

No explanation given of how millions were going to survive in 77,000 square miles of up to 140m high sand dunes ... nor, apparently, of how peaceless helicopters are! Nor why "spiritual vision" had to be physically located above crowd in order to "zap them" with it.


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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post27 Feb 2017

The whole concept of drama, ie I will type these words on this exact same computer made from the exact same materials mined from exactly the same spot etc etc in 5000 years, is; a) ludicrous, b) soul crushingly depressing to me.

I cannot understand how people draw solace from an idea that we are all hamsters in a cage.


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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post27 Feb 2017

Mario passed away recently.
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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post27 Feb 2017

EricCartman wrote:The whole concept of drama, ie I will type these words on this exact same computer made from the exact same materials mined from exactly the same spot etc etc in 5000 years, is ...

I knew you were going to say that.

In fact, I knew you were going to say that 5,000 years ago too! ;)

I think it's certainly a philosophy for people who never had anything bad to them happen in this life, e.g. the little spoilt Sindi princesses who made up Lekhraj Kirpalani's core following.

Stop and image how a rape victim coming to the BKs might feel about that (added to which she is essentially going to be told the rape was her own fault because she must have been a rapist in her past life and the event was a punishment for that).

I've never had anything happen to me *that* bad ... but I've certainly had a number of experiences that I would never wish to face again, nor anyone else do.

In a recent academic publication, the BKs had some of their PR copy and pasted. It said, that
The movement’s founder, Dada Lekhraj, established the World Spiritual University under the name “Om Mandali” in Hyderabad, Sindh. After partition, he witnessed the suffering of the population as the country split into two and decided to address it through education. Taking the name Brahma Baba, he integrated spiritual contemplation into a new model of education that would be accessible to everyone, regardless of faith or ethnicity.

A "new model of education" ... really?

How does the "new model" explain a 5,000 year cycle of molecular identicalness? Of light travelling backwards in space to return exactly where it existed 5,000 years ago too?

Are we sure it is not just an old model of ignorance based on blind faith, gullibility and religious supersition?

The BKs, especially the Western BK Elite who write this stuff, are shameless.

And, of course, it's 100% bs that Lekhraj Kirpalani was inspire by "the suffering of Partition" and decided to address it through education.

Unless brainwashing means education to you.


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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post27 Feb 2017

I suppose it is a question of what you are at heart? If you are like me, you will not fail to see that, by and large, we are living better lives than our parents and ancestors. Major diseases have been by and large eradicated. Technology has dropped and continues to drop in price to where many are able to access it. Education is likewise accessible more than it ever was.

I shudder to think of the squalorous, unhygienic and sometimes downright cruel times that humanity has lived through. But we survived and we are stronger for it. Losing faith in that humanity and wishing 99.9% of them dead is plain wrong.

Re brainwashing. There was a question to a Senior Sister (center in-charge) at Gyan Sarovar. "What do you think about the 5000 year cycle?". She was a doctor by training, seemed like she had some intellectual curiosity. She admitted that she had those questions when she joined the BKs in her early 20s. When asked how did she resolve the question, she replied "I did not ask it anymore". Like others that I came across, she reasoned that if God says its so, it must be so.

Is that not Bhakti? A superstitious belief with no reasoning to back it up? Where is the churning and using of intellect?

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GuptaRati 6666

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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post28 Feb 2017

Mario, R.I.P. I will have to write a tribute to him. He was a great artist and a great friend.
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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post28 Feb 2017

EricCartman wrote:When asked how did she resolve the question, she replied "I did not ask it anymore".

Decades worth of Dadi Janki's indoctrination, "Don't think, don't ask questions ... just say Baba 10,000 times a day".

How can they be so audacious to call that a "new model of education".
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