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Post01 Dec 2006

Andrey wrote:Negativity is not good. BapDada has said that a sign of love is to not tolerate weaknesses of others. We should first not tolerate weaknesses in ourselves. If you are all my Brothers, why should I like to see anyone with negativity. Pointing out negativity is not bad either, but one has to have the power to change it from negativity into poisitivity.

Dear andrey Bhai.

If you mean asking genuine logical queries is 'negativity' then please define 'positivity'.

If you call negativity bad, then blind faith is far worse; there are millions of people who have faith in Shiva in Bhakti marg in the outside world; but they fail to see that Shiva has come in person, as they have not asked any queries to themselves; if i had not asked any questions when i was in basic knowledge then i would not have come in Advanced Knowledge and if i want to progress further in RajYoga study, then whatever queries i have i mind need to be expressed and shared with my Brothers. If call this negativity then as you said, ''Do you have the power to change this negativity into positivity''.

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Post02 Dec 2006

Dear Shivsena Brother,

If I were able to change negativity into positivity I would have created myself heaven on earth a long time ago. For me “positivity” means to give. It means to solve ones own problems and problems to others, to find answer to ones own questions and questions of others. Negativity means that nomatter what answer one receives one does not like it. The intellect is negative towards ones own self and others. It does not consider there could be an answer to his question and is stuck in the question and uses it as a tool to give sorrow to ones onw self and others. There is not even the powerd to let go. Later an answer may come. It is like a sick mind. It is not at all a matter of knowledge. Like the sick body cannot receive food. It needs but there is not the power to accept and digest. There is not the power even to say i don't know, or there is the ego thet it is only me thet can know, no one else can know. One cannot even consider himself a student. One is afraid to make a mistake. Mistake is OK. We learn.

I cannot understand why you keep looking for answers from Brothers. It is like looking for another bodily guru isn’t it. However in your case when you think that you cannot receive genuine answers from Baba, I don’t know any solution.

Where I live there are not many examples of faith, but there is a lot of examples of intellectuality. I believe people with faith will like knowledge. They have pure desire to meet God. When they meet him they’ll easily accept his words too. It is said that Gyan is a reward for Bhakti. The more bakti we do the more Gyan we receive. When Gyan is given and received then Bhakti goes away automatically one does not like it anymore and likes knowledge instead. These bhagats just don’t have knowledge. It does not mean that if they receive they’ll remain with blind faith.

All people have blind faith till they don't receive true knowledge. False knowledge is like blind faith. And true knowledge comes from only one. Will it be any Brother? For some God has come, they receive knwledge. for others He has not come, means they don't have knowledge. One can have a lot of intellectual knowledge, but still don't accept it and oppose it. It is called "bemukh" - away. Children can be "sanmukh" - in front - not phisically but with their intellect.
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Post02 Dec 2006

I cannot understand why you keep looking for answers from Brothers. It is like looking for another bodily guru isn’t it. However in your case when you think that you cannot receivegenuine answers from Baba, I don’t know any solution.

Firstly in case you missed it.

which surely means that Brahma is bound by drama to complete the shooting of Dwapur and Kaliyug i.e. subtle Bhakti-marg, and only in the end when Ram and Shiv become combined as ShivBaba, then and only then the true Gita knowledge will come forth from the present Chariot)
That is alright. The True Gita will not come out now. Now the shooting of Bhakthi marg is going on. When the living (chaitanya) True Gita comes then the True Gita will also come.

Secondly, why bother to have such a tone with other users of the forum, who you cannot understand or don't agree with.

Why not just state your points without the 'you must be blah blah blah, not a true Brahmin' is what you're really trying to say. There is no need for it. Just back up your ideas with intelligence, common sense and Murli, that is enough ...
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Post02 Dec 2006

Dear Brother,
Yes, i saw these answers. I did not know, i thought the true Gita is already present. It seems I am doing Bhakti - however, let me do the most Bhakti the possible then i can have the more knowledge from the true Gita.

Is it my duty to say who is a true and who is a false Brahmin? This Brother shares his view, so i also do. For me it is still not matter of a dicussion. I have found one teacher. I don't believe truth comes up after dicussion. Yes, it is seen that if these queries had not come up, if Arjun Brother had not take the initiative to pass them to Baba we would not have the fine answers we now have, so there is benefit.

However anyone has his own queries. I see Brother shivsena is situated in basically, fundamental questions as who is ShivBaba. For me i have an answer, so i try to convey this. It is of course my own interpretation to as far as i have learned. I see Brother shivsena has good logical questions. I am not that clever at all to answer them. For me ShivBaba is one personality, but just see if for me it is that one can study from this personality and for another one it is that one can be only confused from this personality then there is definetely a difference of oppinion. Shivsena Bhai has said that he himself does not ask questions to Baba, i don't know whether he watches VCD* ... So my effort was to encourage him to study. Like you still wander is it true ... what is true. This is what i don't understand. And it is true that true is also a matter of stage ... not knowledge. Today we think this is true. Tomorow we thing the other way. So my interest is to improve my own stage.

Some souls also forget their questions in front of Baba because Baba is a resident of Paramdham and makes others the same which clearly proves questions (answers) to be a matter of stage and not knowledge. It was only this point that i liked to emphasise. I believe one can find proofs for this point in the Murlis. I am not going to serch for. Scholars do like this ... where is this written ... in which scripture ... in which page ... our knowledge is living knowledge contained in the intellect ... Baba does not make us page worms. Whatever question someone asks we don't say ... let us first check with the book, we can give an answer immediately. And Brother shivsena has probably learnt more Murlis than me. He will beat me in this.
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reforming BK

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Post02 Dec 2006

andrey wrote: Shivsena Bhai has said that he himself does not ask questions to Baba, I don't know whether he watches VCD* ... So my effort was to encourage him to study. Like you still wander is it true ... what is true. This is what I don't understand. And it is true that true is also a matter of stage ... not knowledge. Today we think this is true. Tomorow we thing the other way. So my interest is to improve my own stage.

I am sure Sivasena has posted that he does ask questions to Baba and asked a lot in person as recent as Aug 2006.
Yes, I saw these answers. I did not know, I thought the true Gita is already present. It seems I am doing bakti - however let me do the more bakti the possible then I can have the more knowledge from the true Gita.

Yes and you have been very critical of anyone who might have suggested this. Now that Baba has said for himself, maybe you can 'back off the mic' a bit and allow others a bit of room without breathing down there necks.
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Post02 Dec 2006

There are two Gitas. Gita means a living soul. One is false Gita in which the image of Krishna is there in the intellect- Jagadamba. One is true Gita in which the image of ShivBaba is there in the intellect- Vishnudevi.



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Post04 Dec 2006

Andrey wrote: And Brother shivsena has probably learnt more Murlis than me. He will beat me in this.

Dear andrey Bhai.

We are not here to play games and to see who is beating whom; i am here to present my views as per my research of Murli points and if i find something which is ambigious, i would like to share it with my Brothers who may have overlooked it; my basic intention is to share and collectively arrive at an objective aspect of the Godly knowledge which cannot be challenged and which appears to be the truth from all angles. (just like when the sun arises in the morning all darkness dissappears; so we all BKs, ex-bks, PBKs are passing through' the night of Brahma, all speculating, but none of us knowing what is the absolute truth.)

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Post05 Dec 2006

The remark reveals my own competitive attitude.

Reveling shortcomings to others is not good business. We should be busy with ourselves. In this impure world no one is pure, there are no charitable souls, there is no charity, the one who performs charity is no better.

Knowing my bitter language, it is better stay in sweet silence.
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Post05 Dec 2006

Andrey wrote:The remark reveals my own competitive attitude. Knowing my bitter language, it is better stay in sweet silence.

We have more compassion for you than you do yourself Andrey. It is not so much bitter ... I appreciate that English is your second language and so I am not criticising that ... it is just the heaviness or suppressive. My worry is that you are doing to yourself what you are doing to us. It feels like hammer blows beating down any alternatives and creating such a negative view of the world that only Gyan can positive within.
    impure ... no one ... no charitable souls ... no charity ... no better ...
So many nos ... just allow a little "some" and positivity into life. Be surprised by the goodness you discover. How did your family or Seniors treat you to make you like this? It is terrible for you!
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Mr Green


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Post05 Dec 2006

Hey Andrey, chill out man ... relax.

You are essentially one of the good guys. You keep singing your opinions, what's wrong with that ... at least you are open. But there are charitable people or souls.

I have given money to charity since leaving the BKs, of course you know it against the advice given in the Sakar Murlis to give to charities in the old impure world. But I have ... yes, it makes you feel good. Is that so wrong? ... You cannot argue that that money will go some length to alleviating someone's immediate suffering, as long as it is a bonafide charity. :D
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Post16 Dec 2006

Dear Brothers,
It's good to be strict to the self. The best is to be strict to the self and light to others. We should become our own teacher and coach, not others, drama, time.

Dear Brother John,
Could you, please, pass through your posts to check what kind of words and tone you have used towards me, along with ex-l Brother. I don't mind. If one's self respect is based on what others may say, then what a self-respect it is? One says something, another one says something else. That's why the best is to use the self-respect Baba teaches us to have in so many different ways.

I just liked to point that behaviour with abusive words, tone, form (like capital letters) is not polite to the self and others. My point is that if we are spiritual souls we should have different behaviour.

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