BKs use Texas University Claim Again

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post28 Mar 2016

Oh ... even pretended not to know and recognise them.

(Not me either, one of her blond hair, blue eyed boys. A very influential early Western BK. They always were partial to the pulling power of blonds or blondes, IMHO).

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post29 Mar 2016

I respect many of the spiritual principles of the BK system. However, some of the principles, which are lacking in spiritual truths, like some of the leaders, need to be shelved and replaced with that which is authentic. The four major religions have lasted this long because of efforts to ensure optimal leadership. There was also an effort to be malleable and ductile, with respect to time and socio-cultural changes.

When a system is not flexible, then it can be subjected to fissures and an implosion. One seed for a major implosion in the BK system will be a Khunian revolution, similar to scientific revolutions.
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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post29 Mar 2016

Interesting ... Kuhn was responsible for the idea of "paradigm shifts". Not a lot of people know that, or of him.

In 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions', Kuhn argued that
"science does not progress via a linear accumulation of new knowledge, but undergoes periodic revolutions, also called "paradigm shifts" (although he did not coin the phrase), in which the nature of scientific inquiry within a particular field is abruptly transformed.

They have, he continues, three distinct stages;
    Prescience, which lacks a central paradigm
    Normal science, when scientists attempt to enlarge the central paradigm by "puzzle-solving" which, when the paradigm is successful, solves problems that its members could scarcely have imagined and would never have undertaken without commitment to that paradigm and then,
    Revolutionary science, when sufficient anomalous results build up taking science to a crisis point, at which a new paradigm is accepted.
One could apply a Kuhnian analysis to BKism very well. They may be heading towards one encouraged by the exposure of their truth history and limitations of current modus operandi at present. Prescience - Om Mandli, Normal science - the formalisation of The Knowledge™ in the 60s, including the introduction of ShivBaba in 1955, Revolution - what is happening now.

I''ll chuck in a couple of assumptions.
    Firstly, although from the view point of history, such revolutions look as if they happened quickly ... as they happened they would appear to be quiet slow and certainly too slow for those encouraging them, resisted as they are by the establishment who would employ all sort of strategies to frustrate any challenge to their authority. And,
    Secondly, those who bet on the wrong side and refused not change, are left behind to be seen as cranks, and die like "flat earthers".
Being a religion-political movement, I'd suggest the encumbent leadership of the BKWSU, like politicians, are just hoping that nothing happens during their spell in office and that they can make it through to retirement or death without have to admit or face up to what went on.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post29 Mar 2016

Ex-I and Pink, thank you for your deep insights.

The BKs have to remember that it was the counter culture revolution in the West, that brought the first set of Western souls to the Mount Abu in the 1970s.

In the 1960s, Benson and Wallace commenced conducting psychophysiology studies on yogis by randomized experiments resulting in the discovery of the relaxation response. The Baby Boomer (BB) generation globally has been influenced positively by external spiritual forces. The BB generation is also not taking aging for granted, and is a major influence on the advances in life extension medicine and science.

I also think that the current telepresence in virtual worlds, due to the www, has been a catalyst for changes the BKs might have anticipated but have not been making adequate preparations.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post29 Mar 2016

Benson and Wallace’s work was actually following on from Dr Edmund Jacobson (1888-1983 - like Einstein another contemporary of Lekhraj but whose work, service & legacy stand in complete contrast).

Jacobson quote.jpg
Jacobson quote.jpg (32.79 KiB) Viewed 22929 times

To know more about someone who should be known by more people today, see Dr. Edmund Jacobson Dead; Specialist In Tension Control and The man who invented relaxation.

What is not stated in these articles is that Jacobson largely developed his techniques in response to treating what we would today call PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) or shell-shock for veterans of WWI, in which he fought. In WW2, he applied his techniques to fighter pilots who had to be returned to fly more missions ASAP.

And, in the Vietnam War, where, for veterans and war victims, EMDR (eye movement desensitization reprocessing) was used, a form of therapy based on the connection between eye movements and post-traumatic anxiety symptoms.

Another anecdote not in those articles is how he was only 10 years old when people’s reactions to a nearby building fire inspired his curiosity into why humans react to different stimuli the way they do.

The word ”relaxation” actually took on its current meaning of a mental state of mind after Jacobson’s and Benson’s work in psychosomatics, ”relaxation" back then being the buzzword the way ”mindfulness” is today's current buzzword.

Jacobson’s method is very similar to the Buddhist Yoga idea of Kaya Vipasana, or ”clearly seeing body” - noting where you are ‘holding on’, i.e. where the muscle tensions are and consciously doing what is needed to allow them let go. It is based on a principle that mental stress and muscle tension create a kind of feedback loop (Jacobson was a bio-feedback pioneer too BTW). You might say his methods were the diametric opposite to ”soul consciousness” as a way to relieve stress, which you could argue is really only a kind of diversionary, affirmation therapy.

Ironically, at least one of their methods was incorporated into popular Yoga practices, particularly the "corpse” pose or ”shavasana” where full relaxation is attained by using breathing in conjunction with individual muscle tensing and relaxing in series, a technique Suzanne Newcombe (historian of Yoga at Inform, based at the London School of Economics) says is not part of medieval Yoga texts but is not out of keeping with other recorded traditional methods.

In 1929, after twenty years of research, Jacobson began to publish his results in the book "Progressive Relaxation: A Physiological & Clinical Investigation of Muscular States & Their Significance in Psychology & Medical Practice ".

His major work, "You Must Relax", addressing the general public, came out in 1934.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post30 Mar 2016


Thank you very much for your historical review.

Another contemporary of Einstein was professor Walter Hess who did EEG and brain stimulation studies on cats and demonstrated a response similar to the relaxation response (RR). The RR is the psycho-physiologic opposite or antagonist to the emergency response or flight-or-fight response (ER). It is interesting that both the ER and RR were both discovered and extensively studied at the same institution almost 200 years apart. Both were demonstrated at Harvard Medical School; the ER by W.B. Cannon and the RR by Herbert Benson.

There is another Harvard connection. The hypometabolic state induced by the RR has many physiologic similarities to the hypometabolic state experienced by animals and humans exposed to tetrodotoxin (TTX), a channel blocking toxin derived from the ovaries of the puffer fish and one of the major ingredient in the mixture used for zombification in Voodoo rituals.

NASA has been interested in taming tetrodotoxin in pharmacological ways for use by astronauts undergoing ultra-long flights to destinations such as Mars. The ethnographic studies of Wade Davis of zombification in Haiti were part of NASA's efforts to understand the effects of TTX. Richard Evans Schultse the grand daddy of ethnobotany at Harvard University Herbarium, was the major professor of Davis.

Recently, the BBC used submersible drones to document an unusual behavior of dolphins. Dolphins will deliberately chew on puffer fish to become intoxicated with TTX and experience a hypometabolic state similar to the altered state of consciousness demonstrated in yogis or mindfulness practices.

The cetacean behavior, however, requires detailed field and laboratory investigations.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post30 Mar 2016

Ex-I, with respect to the blond and blue-eye business, I find it amusing and a bit amazing. The BK trying to be connected to the Nazis!

Errol, in the Summer of 1983, along with the late BK Barbara Moore and another Sister, was interviewed by Kim Davis on Channel 12 (the NBC affiliate in Montgomery, Alabama) on the medical effects of Raj Yoga meditation. The interview lasted for half an hour the show was called FOCUS. When the interview was screened in Madhuban in the winter of 1985, it received a cold reception.

If Errol and his associates were blond and blue-eyed, the reception would have been the opposite. Such obstacles by the BKs towards non-White yogis or deviant yogis have been stepping stones for Errol. I will ask him for a one on one interview.
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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post30 Mar 2016

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Ex-I, with respect to the blond and blue-eye business, I find it amusing and a bit amazing. The BK trying to be connected to the Nazis!

In this case, I'd say it was more to do with light skin and the caste system, and the value of them to parade in front of other Indians. It's literally been said, "Look, White people join us too!". I've never heard that of Black people ... although I suspect that as their utility of attracting other (Black) people, I suppose it has changed over the decades.

Soul consciousness is theoretically beyond race ... but what was good for business was certainly prevalent in the past, generally with lower class or unqualified Whites being paraded with highly exaggerated professions.

Whether that reflects an organization wide attitude, I do not know, e.g. the famous Black actor Clark Peter was often used for service events. I wonder how much of that is just show business.

But, on the other hand, how many very dark skinned Indians do you see amongst the BKs' leadership or representatives?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post01 Apr 2016

Quite a great deal of the BK communication of knowledge is show business. A name brand is being sold to souls of the earth and God is the center piece of the name brand. Color plays a significant role in two aspects. There is the color of skin of those representing the name brand and there is the color of capital. The capital may be diamonds, gold, pounds sterling, the US dollar or the Euro.

Dr. Charles Drew, the developer and pioneer of blood banking was one of the best surgeons in the world. However, many hospitals and medicals schools refused to hire him, because of his skin color. The institutions, such as Harvard Medical School feared that a black on their faculty, at that time the 1930s would reduce endowment gifts from wealthy donors. Also many wealthy white patients would not want to be treated by a black surgeon.

It is an interesting irony that when Janki Dadi first visited Tuskegee in 1978 that her plane departed from Moton Field Municipial Airport. It was at Moton Field where the famous Tuskegee Airmen trained. One aviator, a Tuskegee graduate was an ace fighter pilot in World War II, the Vietnam war, and the Korean War. General Chappie James would also become a four star general and commander of the North American Air Defense (NORAD).


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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post09 Apr 2016

Be holi, be peaceful ...



GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post10 Apr 2016

Hello Warrior, the photographs have got to be close to 40 years old, taken around 1978.

I remember Errol discussing the medical and physiological aspects of the studies in the early 1980s. Of course, his little ripple in the pond of scientific contemplation arising from his meditations became a BK sensation, and should have created shock waves in the scientific community similar to those created when Benson and Wallace did their classical studies of TM meditators at Harvard medical School in the 1960s at the start of the counter culture revolution (CCR).

In its baby stages, the CCR influenced the discovery and development of the LASER beam in the 1950s. Errol, who is currently an aqua-vet or aquatic veterinarian and toxicologist, has always been fascinated by the biophysics of the mind. His interest in biophysics can be shown by his research interests of more than two decades. He has conducted studies on the effects of the PCBs on the abilities of cetaceans to echolocate or their biosonar abilities.

In 1978, he was interested in the abilities of yogis and other meditators to produce coherent thoughts similar to the LASing of light energy or electromagnetic energy. In the BK system, the LASed thoughts arising from meditation is meant to be used to transform sanskars from negative to positive. Errol has consented to an interview of him by me and I will share the results of the interview on this site.

LASER is the acronym for light amplification for the stimulated emission of radiation. In the 1960s, the James Bond film, Gold Finger, popularized lasers in the lay public. Diamonds Are Forever, had a similar effect in the 1970s.


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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post10 Apr 2016

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Hello Warrior, .....the photographs have got to be close to 40 years old, taken around 1978. Errol has consented to an interview of him by me and I will share the results of the interview on this site.

Hi how are you?

Yes, the above pictures landed on a fb page. Not sure how old.

Please do share your interview. I appreciate all discoveries and research on God, us and Universe.

Be blissful have a good day.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post10 Apr 2016

Lots of evidence to support various theories of us and the universe.

I'd be particularly interested to see any direct evidence of (any) god.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post10 Apr 2016

Hello Pink.

Thank you very much for your reply. You should read Jean Shinoda-Bolen's two classic books. One is the 'Gods in Every Man' and the other is 'The Goddess In Every Woman'. Dr. Shinoda-Bolen is a Jungian psychologist.

The studies on near-death experiences (NDE) and outer-body experiences (OBE), both qualitative and randomized do provide some evidence of the Supreme Spirit. The NDE and OBE studies, including the OBE of President Clinton during heart surgery, are other bits of data on a Supreme Spirit. One institution cannot stake out a monopoly on the Supreme Spirit.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post10 Apr 2016

Here is a link to a You Tube video of Dr. Herbert Benson discussing some of his team's most recent discoveries of the relaxation response. The lecture was held at the Harvard University Book Store.

The title of vide is: Herbert Benson - The Relaxation Revolution: Enhancing Health Through Mind Body Healing.

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