Elderly BK lady almost gone insane, family members lost

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Elderly BK lady almost gone insane, family members lost

Post09 Jan 2016

Hi everyone out there,

Thanks for the forum, through this portal I could dare to hope now that there is a way out for few of my wife's family members. One of the elderly lady has almost gone insane as she is following the cult since two decades, and along with her many family members too has lost the control over themselves and are completely in the evil grips of the destructive religion, the family has no peace and harmony, however rigorously they follow the practices their condition is worsening day by day.

I need a help and guidance to bring out this brainwashed family from the trap of this group.

If someone sees this message soon please reply immediately, the situation is desperate.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Elderly BK lady almost gone insane, family members lost

Post09 Jan 2016

We are here to help as best as we can but we all live in different timezones, so please allow members time to respond.

What is you relationship to the family?

Sadly, I must warn you, this is not a unique incident. It has been happening all over the world for decades. In fact, since the very beginning of the cult.

Tell us as much as you can about the circumstances?

Are the Brahma Kumaris exploiting them for money?


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Re: Elderly BK lady almost gone insane, family members lost

Post09 Jan 2016

The lady mentioned in my request is my mother in law and the family are my wife's siblings. Yes, they have been exploited but they don't realize it, even they turn violent if you speak such things about the cult.

OK, well, about the circumstances. My wife doesn't go to centers since the beginning the family started following the cult, that's why she is hated so much and, in turn, me too as I am pulling her away from the salvation.

My mother in law usually speak normally, but she is 24x7 in her own world and keeps repeating same thing over and over again (that's what made me call her insane) as she doesn't understand anything you say. She will always come back to the original point how much ever explanation given to her. One of the family members is a center head somewhere in central India. She is unpaid and forces family to support her, center asks her to call for the support.

Two handsome, well built, working boys in their early 30s don't want to be married, Father in law is indifferent about the things but when my wife opposes he joins the bandwagon to fight her. Another Sister I heard recently is being treated for psychiatric complaints, violence, anger, abuse verbal and physical and carelessness towards a young son (6 and half) and her husband.

They visit Mount Abu, everyone, nearly every month, sometimes twice a month. And they follow all the rituals mandatory by BKWSU but are always fighting amongst themselves, the family is secluded and, on top of that, they don't care about this broken social connection. In short, they are completely brainwashed.

P.s. They don't eat onion, garlic and certain other foods, only self prepared meals, etc. None of them thinks the problems are caused by the cult, so no question of thinking of suing BKWSU as there is no (clear) victim as such.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Elderly BK lady almost gone insane, family members lost

Post10 Jan 2016

vinodkumar1976 wrote:They visit Mount Abu, everyone, nearly every month, sometimes twice a month.

Are they wealthy to do so? If so, that would explain a lot. The BKs give "special treatment" to anyone with money so they can drain it ...
And they follow all the rituals mandatory by BKWSU but are always fighting amongst themselves, the family is secluded and, on top of that, they don't care about this broken social connection. In short, they are completely brainwashed.

Yes, these symptoms are all typical. How long have they been involved? (Sorry, I forget if you said or I asked). It's a sort of mental illness really, they want to believe they are "Om Shanti" and divine ... and then spend all their time fighting. It would be a joke if it was not such a tragic waste of life.

Sadly, once an individual is hooked, it's very difficult to remove them from it or to wake them up. Their ego becomes involved and they believe they are the special ones, "angelic", and that they are awake as you are asleep and "devilish". They are programmed not to listen. Even if you speak to them and they are silent, they are not thinking about what you are saying ... just meditating and looking for a time and way to turn the conversation back to the simple building blocks of BKism ... to "plant seeds" in your mind.

In many case, all you can do is explain to them, calmly and kindly, that they are being deceived by a cult that has deceived 100,000s over decades, that their leaders keep changing the religion subtly to keep newcomers hooked, that their god has made many false predictions which are hidden, and so on. And that many people have lost their lives and fortunes, and then left with nothing.

To do so will require you becoming a little more informed about the details.

And then, if they are still not interested ... think only of protecting yourself and your own family's interest. Tell them you will accept them back if they reject BKism. If they chose not to do so, cut them off completely.

Their religion tell them that they have "died alive" and "destroyed all bodily attachments" (family relationships, children etc). That is what they want, so accept it and protect your own lives from them.

If you can, argue to take your wives inheritance from them now because if you don't, it will all go to the BKs. This has happened many times before.

If they refuse, then accept that they are dead. They have left the family to become BKs, the cult tells them that the BK family is their real family and that you are devilish and ignorant, deluded and asleep, obstacle to their progress, that attachment (human love and loyalty) is an evil. Give nothing to them and accept that you'll get nothing back ... what they will be programmed to do is consider every interaction is merely to promote BKism in some way.

Strictly speaking, they don't sound like very good BKs. They sound they may have a little money but they are just stupid and being milked by the BKs. Every time they go to Abu, they will drop some money there and so the BKs will keep encourage them.

If so, for example, argue for the sake of your children, i.e. their daughter or grandchildren, for them to set up a trust for them otherwise the money will all disappear. If they refuse, then you will know it is already too late.

This is just a starting place for conversation. If you are unclear about any teachings, practises or language they use, just ask us to explain to you. Yes, all the food stuff is typically BK. The food you cook is too "impure" for them to eat. They believe if they eat it, their spiritual level will drop and they will be infected by your vices and impure consciousness. This is a BK rule.

How does your wife feel about all this?


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Re: Elderly BK lady almost gone insane, family members lost

Post11 Jan 2016

Thanks for the reply.

We tried things you mentioned many times, like talking to them peacefully and to explain the manipulative nature of the cult, it's all in vain as you said they are programmed to not to listen to you. They are not very rich, to visit Mount Abu they cut down on different expenses.

My wife is now almost devastated because she is the only one from her family who is not following the cult, hence she feels lonely from her family's side. The emotional attachment she has for her parents broke her. She goes through lot of pain. Moreover they see her through BK rules and even force her sometimes to do what they want, she is not able to break away from them mentally and emotionally.

The family is since last 20 years in the cult.
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Re: Elderly BK lady almost gone insane, family members lost

Post11 Jan 2016

vinodkumar1976 wrote:My wife is now almost devastated because she is the only one from her family who is not following the cult, hence she feels lonely from her family's side. The emotional attachment she has for her parents broke her. She goes through lot of pain.

Then that is the main issue to focus on.

If the family - I suppose the BKs captured the mother first and then drew in the rest? - has been in for 20 years, and will not listen to commonsense, then one has to lose hope that they will be coming out. Their personalities will have been bent around the beliefs and they will be bound to BK social connections.

But it's strange they go to Abu so often ... why do they do that? There is no specific spiritual need or merit in doing so, even from a BK point of view.

Does your wife understand that the BK teachings brainwash the followers to "die alive" in their minds, to cut all bodily attachments? To see non-bKs in the negative way they do and practise detachment? Every morning they attend Murli class they will hear this. They will look upon her as the "failure".

Does the mother have no warmth and feelings for her? Was she against your marriage? Was that a big fight for your wife?

OK, let us also accept that there might be residual culture influences here, e.g. the place of daughters in India, but that is a minor aspect. The primary one is BK domination and attitudes to non-BKs.

You say they gang up against her ... amazing. Well, I am afraid she is up against gang of stupid, brainwashed, unfeeling and manipulated idiots trapped by their own egos and flattered by the BKs into doing whatever they do; money, volunteering etc.

In such a case, I am afraid my advice might not be pleasant to hear ... she should hold a funeral for them and accept their choice, that they have died and she is alone ... to cut off *absolutely entirely*.

I would write them a letter telling them how she feels about them, the love feels for them, and confirming that when they choose to leave the BKs she will accept them back ... but then not see them any more and be firm about it. After a while, the pain and confusion will die away. We humans are designed in that way as death has always been part of our experience.

"Time heals", they say ... if you stop cutting and damaging yourself. Therefore, to really accept what BKism does to people and that she has lost her family, as if to a fatal disease or invader, have some kind of ritual to process it. And then not see them any more.

Cut off, refuse to see them until they drop BKism, and replace them with someone else. There are 7.5bn people in the world and a whole load of animals, she will be able to give and receive love elsewhere.

The first part of this is not being deluded about what BKism is. They are like a fatal virus or an invasion force establishing its empire. Their symbolic language is of empires and kingdoms, killing and dying. They are programmed to see this "old world" as a graveyard and its inhabitants, you and your wife, as "the devilish community". That is exactly what they say.

You cannot negotiate with that, nor appeal to their goodness, kindness or reason ... because there is no goodness, kindness or reasoning behind it. It is a sort of contagious insanity. All you can do is protect what they have not already taken ... your family, your home, your children, your community. See them like the Mughals come back to India, or plague carriers and warn others from them. Isolate them away, and frustrate their progress until they stop. They are enemies to your world by their own intention to conquer it. Again, literally, a BK concept.

If necessary, I would literally hold a funeral for them.

I am sure the local priests are no fans or devotees of the BKs and so explain it to them [in the West, she might be encouraged to go to a psychotherapists but a) they are equiped to deal with cults and BKism, b) it is not common practise in India, and c) it is expensive and questionably successful]. Even make a media event of it to raise awareness against BKism.

I am sorry to say this but your wife has to grow up and accept she is on her own now ... with you and your family.

The BKs also reference the traditional idea of women leaving their family's home to go to their "aunties", that is what she must do and NOT keep hurting herself on them. With time, the grief, pain and loss will fade. You need to do this as I am afraid she will experience even more pain when they die and the BKs will ... a) take ownership of their funeral and infect it, and b) take their money and property.

How does that sound?

Some questions though, if the parents have been in the BKs for 20 years ... how old is she and her Brothers? Did she grow up being taken to the BKs and then reject it? Why did she reject it, and what gave her the strength to do so?

Was there conflict over the marriage, dowry etc?

If she needs the love (and wisdom and guidance) of an older woman, find an old widow who is on her own now and adopt her. If she needs a "family", find a new circle of people who share your values and make them it. It is possible ... but she will need to let go first. She must base her happiness on the life she must create for herself now.
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Re: Elderly BK lady almost gone insane, family members lost

Post11 Jan 2016

As I thought about your situation, vinod, and replied above, I came to think it is as if this is what the god spirit of the BKs has come to do. We read of so many cases like yours all over the world.

We know that the god spirit of the BKs has in its, or the deluded mind of it founder, come to conquer and rule not just India but also the world; and, in its rage against a humanity who sees it as irrelevant, it wants the rest of humanity, except its devotees, to be murdered in civil and nuclear wars. That is what BKism teach.

However, I wonder if even it or they accept how ridiculous that is, and that they have failed to inspire their followers to achieve that by their Yoga power. And they have failed many times and they are going to fail again in the future ... so instead, I wonder if it is just gratified by destroying and tearing apart one marriage or one family at a time like some evil, all consuming moloch.

That that really is what BKism is all about ... and all the rest of it is just a sham, a mask to hide behind and delude the world?


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Re: Elderly BK lady almost gone insane, family members lost

Post12 Jan 2016

As you must be aware in India, even if you are a BK, you have some other religious background. This family comes from a Buddhist one, Yes, the mother started to visit these centers early in the kids' childhood to seek some personal help, husband was unwilling initially, but she roped in everyone except my wife who always told her that this is all hypocrisy, and when she was as young as 20, she became Christian denying every trick of them against all odds. She has been persecuted for her faith. My wife is 35 now so, yes, some early years of her life she went to centers, knows everything about them as she has been forced to go along.

As you can understand now, we are Christians and regular church goers, none of the family members were willing to get us married. Ours is a love marriage, no dowry involved as you can make out, the point is again the same; my wife, me and kid are very happy and loving family. I and kid are the world for my wife. What is hard for her as a daughter to accept is that her relatives are very much alive but she has none of them around.

Yes, I have tried telling her to forget that she has any living relatives, it is difficult for her to come to the terms. As you said, these guys are deluded. They just go to Abu in the name of this and that meeting, nothing ritual, her mother sometimes shows some warmth, but never compromises with her New Age philosophy. She is completely demonized by these spirits you mentioned.

Boys are 30 and 33.

Thanks for your responses, they are very helpful and bringing lot of clarity and understanding about the cult.
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Re: Elderly BK lady almost gone insane, family members lost

Post12 Jan 2016

Congratulations for the goodness and happiness in your life, and all respect for your wife's strength of character and clarity of vision. It's an unusual case for Buddhists to turn BKs, and even moreso for Buddhists to persecute anyone. Were the mother's parents and family Buddhists, or did she move across from Hinduism? I would say the majority of BK followers come from Vaishnavite/Krishna worshippers to which the half-baked, lightweight philosophy is designed to attract and reform.

When I say "reform", I mean "thought reform", in the manner of Robert Jay Lifton's work.

What your wife won't know about them is that we have discovered through years of research, especially into their early history, e.g. there was no God Shiva involved until after 1955, that they made many false predictions of Destruction, e.g. WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986-1996 ... which would have all happened, and been swept under the carpet by them before she joined.

This is why I underline the deep, deep dishonesty of them as evidence of the nature of their god and their inner being, to hide all these things and keep manipulating newcomers into surrendering their wealth and free labor to them. Such evidence is not the evidence of a pure and supreme god.

From the earliest days they were involved in spiritualism - seances, spirit possession, congress with spirit beings through spirit mediums. They have hidden this from followers and hide it from outsiders. It still goes on, not just through BapDada possessing Sister Gulzar, but in secret at Abu and in many centres.

Specifically, it is clearly stated in the teachings that the spirits of their god and deceased leaders will enter into the followers secretly in order to carry out their work; to influence, promote and defend their religion. A large aspect of their practise is to surrender to this or these spirits, to make their minds passive and sensitive to their directions. A large aspect of their philosophy are just mental plugs to stop them questioning and encourage them to surrender to the directions of the spirit/s, directly or indirectly via senior BKs through whom they work.

When they sit staring at you silently, this is what they are doing ... and this is one of the reasons why I suggest you should at some point cut them off and keep them away, especially from your child. It is a subtle pull, a siren's calls.

From a Christian point of view, it is clearly Luciferic in nature. What else would a spirit or spirits be that claims to be an infallible supreme god, and yet is not? Which is deceptive and seductive and uses young women, and says *specifically* it has come to destroy all other religions. From the early days, it's founding medium, Lekhraj Kirpalani, surrounded himself with young women and uses them as a barrier against criticisms and attacks; and was inappropriate with them, claiming to be Krishna and they his gopis.

Have you see the videos of BapDada speaking at Mount Abu?


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Re: Elderly BK lady almost gone insane, family members lost

Post12 Jan 2016

Video. No I haven't seen any.
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Re: Elderly BK lady almost gone insane, family members lost

Post12 Jan 2016

There's quite a few up on Youtube now, search for 'Avyakt BapDada Milan' etc.

This, according to the BKs, is the combined form of God and the deceased and perfected Lekhraj Kirpalani possessing an elderly Brahma Kumari speak to humanity. This is what it is all about.

I don't know how it is now, but in the old days, you had to follow Shrimat perfectly for 6 months (for Westerners) to 1 year (for Indians) before being allowed to go and share the mass seance with them in Mount Abu. In the old days, one used to be able to meet with him/it/them personally and he would come every might for weeks. Now they go in 10,000s and meet in huge groups.

The fortune of later comes, despite what they say, is less than the "original jewels". The BKs say that the highest souls were those who spent all of their lives living along side Lekhraj Kirpalani in India right until the last birth in Sind. In essence, the further and later from that centre experience you were, the further from god and a high spiritual fortune you are.

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