Why do we use the word "truth"?

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Why do we use the word "truth"?

Post11 Dec 2006

Are we really that honest in ourselves and convinced ourselves that this is it! "This is the truth." Don't you think that the truth we convinced ourselves in is a function of our own ego?

In my opinion, we may only find out the truth or hope to be revealed to us when we die. I even thought that truth would never be revealed to us even if we die. We may just experience it or its effect depending on our Karma (this is also my hope). What is the point of knowing the truth? To strive to find out for the truth is like chasing the rainbow. It is not really in the knowing that we actually live our life for, but for experiencing.

I think we can only strive to believe in something and we have a right to change what we believe in any time. It is our right to do so.

And why do we define God as someone who doesn't make any mistake? He is not even onmnipresent, how could He know everything? Did God tell us that He doesn't make any specific mistake? If He makes a mistake, does that mean He is not God at all. I think we have a lot of preconceived notions about God. Why cannot we open up our minds and accept some possibilities of the true nature of God? Can we forgive Him if He is not perfect as we used to think of Him?

Being totally soul-conscious is not the same as having the perfect knowledge of everything. In my opinion, the truth of the changes in the state of the universe will prevail whether we do Yoga or not. Our solar system is just too small to have a significant effect on the entire universe. We cannot beat the universal system. So why worry on the universal change (even the global change), it is certain. Whether it happens in our generation or the future generation, the only thing I can say is: Hey, you better make the most out of your life. Our concern is to love ourselves and loved ones (humanity if that is your aim) and protect them from negativity.

But we can see, how certain individuals have made a good life just by investing on these beliefs. If one believes to the core of his being some teachings/belief, and passes the belief to someone else, it doesn't make him a liar at all, in my opinion. However, if this belief did not materialize, or did not hold true after some time, then one has to re-examine the teachings and make amendments as necessary. A true leader doesn't claim absolute teachings or claims that his/hers is God's absolute teachings, but is humble enough to accept changes in the teachings and the responsibility to inform its members. This is honesty. Is BapDada still holding on the validity of the Sakar Murlis? In my opinion, the soul that possesess the body of Gulzar cannot address the issues of the Sakar Murlis. In my opinion too, Shiva is just another pure soul that possesses Brahma, just like Christ in Jesus' body. So hold your breath folks, religions will keep on adding in numbers until the globe experiences some catastrophe (Malthusian or whatever). I believe global changes are spiral. Our global changes are just so small in comparison to the universal changes. We cannot really make an effect on the universe. Meditation stating that we affect the universal forces is simply a hype. We can only affect ourselves and our connections in the globe/solar system, that is pretty obvious.

Knowledge is dynamic as defined in Science. Remember how we consider science in the old days and now, we have the modern one. We know it is perfectly OK to consider both as science. So we can start accepting changes in an openly manner. This is our responsibility to ourselves.

I think what destroys the family, the organization, whatever you call it, is the illusion that our belief is absolute. Why cannot we just be humble enough to say we don't know everything (the magic words ex-l refers us). We can always enjoy the sunrise and the sunset by dumping all the Bhakti and dogmas we are carrying for so many years. It's time to accept the evidence and the reality that we can be happy without meeting the Incorporeal God seating in someone's body.

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Mr Green


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Post11 Dec 2006

I utterly concur that I have never found any ultimate truth.
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Post11 Dec 2006

I am not totally sure whether i've found any ultimate truth. Though I remain 100% optimistic :D

I would say just because BKs have nabbed and profess ownwership of Murlis, doesn't mean they understand what's in them nor for that matter does it mean Murlis belong to them. I believe there is Shrimat and BKmat, BKmat is skewing out of sink with Shrimat.

Murli is the word, BKSWU is the organisation, not the same thing.


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Post12 Dec 2006

I think everything and nothing is truth.

Which came first, the pure chicken or the evil egg. Or the evil chicken and the pure egg.

Good and Bad are opposite and equal states of each other. When all and everything is deemed good, then it cannot be good because there is nothing to compare it to. You cannot see a white box a white room. Unless you try looking for a black box.

The search for truth happens when you want to know when did the first black speck of dust fall into the white room, or when did the first white speck of dust fall into a black room.

Nothing is black or white. There can be a left only when there is a right.

Purity exists when there are Vices.

Peace occurs when there is Noise.

To be or not to be.

When then are no thoughts, you are just are as you are, then that is the truth for me. Far well beyond it ...
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Post26 Dec 2006

I believe truth is only God and God is a soul and this soul comes in a body and expresses itself as a personality. He is a religious Father, Father of the other religious fathers like Ibrahim, Buddha, Christ, they all talked about him and now he himself has come and says, "now listen to me, the world has become hell by people listening to many different religious fathers, now I have come and create heaven". He creates the most ancient deity religion, but along with this He does the unique task of destroying all other religions, so it remains one religion - true religion, one direction - true direction.

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