Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post15 Aug 2012

The Lord has not kept them in store for five or six thousand years past, and kept them waiting for their bodies all this time to send them among the Hottentots, the African negroes, the idolatrous Hindoos, or any other of the fallen nations of the earth.

It says a lot about the ridiculousness of people who insist their insane ramblings, Lekhraj Kirpalani included, are the unerrable words of God and they are saints, angels and prophets spouting "scripture". For scripture, read Shrimat and remember that the BK used to and still teaches that the utterances of their top dogs is "Shrimat", equal to the words of God and somehow magically insured so if followed nothing wrong will happen to you.

The BKs are burdened with their adoption of "the Law of Karma" from Hinduism (it is no law). Of course, even in Hinduism there are a variety of understandings about how karma might work but the BKs don't bother about that. It's kept simple ... all the bad that happens to you is your own fault.

Therefore, by the BK philosophy, all the bad things and racism that happened to black people happened because it was ... THEIR OWN FAULT! They must have been racists in their last life. It is as simple as that. No need to think about sociology, social justice, politics or the evils of capitalism ... according to the BKs, everything from slavery to the Holocaust and child abuse is the victims own fault.

Now, you might find it hard to catch one of their leaders saying this in public now, they are too aware of the bad PR value of it, but you are likely to catch one of their followers out. Are the BKs institutionally racist? In theory, probably not. All human beings are sparkling points of white light ... souls ... and the body is just a costume. However, on the other hand, they don't have any high ranking black leaders.

There was a saying around Gandhi's time in South Africa that went
"The whites looked down on the blacks, and the blacks looked down on the whites ... and the Indians looked down on both of them".

The BKs certainly have their own brand of Sindi/Indian supremacism going on and within that, moreso in the early days and at a popular level there are elements of caste-ism in which lighter skin is valued more highly.

In the records of the 1930s, Lekhraj Kirpalani is accused of preferring light skinned Sisters. In the 70s and early 80s, we used to joke about their preferences in using blondes for service. The future gods and goddesses are all portrayed with very light or white skin. There are very few to no dark skinned "Dravidian" Indians in the higher echelons of the BKWSU. India is, of course, the center of the world and the original pure land and used to be portrayed, hysterically, as a perfect India-shaped island floating alone in the world in an otherwise empty ocean.

Therefore, I would say racism is probably the wrong word ... but Sindi/Hindi Supremacism would be fair. Even White BK converts have or are seen with a little bit of suspicion. They used to be "useful for service", for impressing non-BK indians the BKs must be onto something, but I guess they are less of a novelty now.


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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post07 Dec 2013


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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post07 Dec 2013

I can remember the campaign to Free Nelson Mandela and the Anti-Apartheid Movement, the actions they took, the celebrations at the end ... and I can tell you there were no ... ZERO ... Brahma Kumaris involved, and no ... ZERO ... interested from the BKWSU in it. I can remember who its supporters were, and the kind of people who did so, and I can say they would disgusted by who the Brahma Kumaris are and what their game is.

The Brahma Kumaris are just doing what they do ... parasiting off individuals who through their own entirely unconnected efforts ... often very "un-Brahmin" efforts involving real risk, political activism and even direct action ... made a real difference in this word.

"Been seen" to associate along side them in order to gain some of their status is all the BKs do, posing in a "royal" fashion in front of their followers to appear more important and sustain their status over them ... and "have thoughts". That is all they do.

Thoughts. Really? How about feeling? How about actions in his memory democratising the Brahma Kumaris own caste system and apartheid state? What are the rich Sindhi BKs doing for the dark skinned poor of India enslaved by caste rather than racialism?

Do you know what ... I think they have finally become so ridiculous that it's becoming obscene.

Who writes this twaddle? Do we really believe Janki really has any idea what is going on in the greater world and who Mandela was ... apart from famous and therefore advantageous to meet? What are they saying, that being held in prison for 27 years is a good thing, or that he did a BK Raja Yoga class when he was in there? What is the connection?

They did nothing and they ... she in particular at that time ... would have instructed BKs to do nothing; not waste a thought, nor a penny, nor a second on Freeing Nelson Mandela nor bringing down the Apartheid state.

Many thousands of people died in the struggle to end apartheid and Janki would have jumped into bed just as quickly with Botha and de Klerk, because they too were powerful and famous, if they would have had her.

I could quote some of Mandela's own thoughts and we could compare them with Brahma Kumaris actually beliefs ... but, you know, I just can be bothered.

Janki Kirpalani did actually meet with Nelson Mandela once, in 1995 during one of their usual 'photo op' publicity PR campaigns that they call "serving humanity". No doubt he too got a frame picture of Lakshmi and Narayan or a Shiva dot and wondered who the hell this funny old Indian lady dressed as a bundle of laundry was. I wonder how long she got and what she was there to do ... to give Mandela advice on how to make the world a better place? To give him his inheritance for the next Kalpa (Cycle of Time)?

Honestly, they're sinking into some sort of collective insanity.

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Pink Panther

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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post08 Dec 2013

I could quote some of Mandela's own thoughts and we could compare them with Brahma Kumaris actual beliefs ... but, you know, I just cannot be bothered.

Oh, go on!

Here’s some observations in that general vein (of comparisons).

Mandela was part of a violent, armed struggle. He turned to non-violence and diplomacy when it was strategically the best way forward. (As Gandhi said - no one can say they've chosen non-violence unless they are able and willing to use violence).

Also, it was De Klerk, the man with full power & authority for violence by the state at his command, who recognised that the world, was not what it used to be, the status quo was untenable, and chose to relinquish white supremacy.

In his turn, Mandela chose to retire from the presidency to allow for the first real test of democracy (unlike say, Mugabe). And he spoke out against some of his successor’s policies, even though he was of that same political party and damaged their reputation.

Peter Gabriel’s tribute to Mandela included this phrase "”... he was still willing to trust the humanity and idealism of those who had been the oppressors ...”.

That is, he did not write off the white population as evil, irredeemable, the enemy, permanently cast in any mould. Nor did he struggle for supremacy of his clan or tribe in a tribally divided country, or for black supremacy.

It was ”we’re all in this together” - and worked to change things for the better, practically, for everyone, regardless of creed, race, class, gender, etc. He did not just make fine speeches.

The BKs make fine speeches (as seen below). They write off humanity’s (currently) 7 billion participants, but for 900,000. And, even of those, special allowances are made for those of their clan.

BKs believe the state of the world is irredeemable, it has "gone to hell in a hand-basket" with no way out and getting worse. Only by mass destruction (”inspiring” - to use their words - civil strife, natural disasters, world thermonulcear war) can it be ”cleansed”.
    No scene in drama for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission possible for those bad Yadavas or Kauravas.
    No point in long-term practical activity for systemic changes.
Just pointing out the world’s problems and offer ”pure thoughts and good wishes” as solutions.

Even then - for dealing with the world’s problems by ”pure" thoughts and ”good" wishes (paraphrasing the Dalai Lama):
    - Mandela would say, ”Why worry? If there is a solution, worrying doesn't help bring it about, let us roll up our sleeves and get on with it”.
    - BKs say, ”Why worry, there’s no solution, so worrying is a waste - just remember Baba”.
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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post06 Jul 2014

Researching Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani: constant Prostitute & Brothel references, I discovered quite a bit of documentation of Black Africans in the Sind, mostly slaves many being prostituted.

Interesting ... I had never thought about it before but the references about them would shed more light onto the attitudes, as voiced by the old Sindhi BKs, towards Black people.

For example, in Richard Burton's 'Sindh, and the Races that Inhabit the Valley of the Indus; With Notices of the Topography and History of the Province'. [1851]


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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post06 Jul 2014

Hypocrisy is the claim or pretense of holding beliefs, feelings, standards, qualities, opinions, behaviors, virtues, motivations, or other characteristics that one does not in actual fact hold.

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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post16 Jul 2014

Yes jann, it is one of the biggest problems with BKs. The double standard talks & double personality traits are common to them, they think something else & cunningly come out with an opposite speech which infact showcase them better in front of rest of the world.

For example:
    1) Internally, BKs tell that Dark skinned are worse while white ones are superior & close to God. On the other hand, they put quotes like the one you posted above. It is quite an issue how they treat dark skinned Brahmakumaris within institute.

    2) Often teach that they are Brahmins(pure ones) & remaining are Shudras(impure ones). And what you get to hear in different interviews is that Bramhakumaris promote Universal Brotherhood & oneness.

    3) Celibacy is pre-requisite to become a BK (right??), while many of the old & experienced ones enjoy it either by leaving the institute or by remaining in relationship with a BK Brother within the org.

    4) While they teach to not harm anyone, most of the BK teachers thoroughly enjoy abusing one who comes in their
    contact & ask questions. They even used lathis to protect any harm to their Dadis from outsiders in past decades.

    5) On one hand they teach everyone to run away from worldly pleasures & destroy desires whereas on the other hand, they are well immersed in all sorts of happiness which they cal too worldly to enjoy.
These are just 5 and many more can be added. It just shows how fragmanted their thinking would be which does not agree to one specific norm.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post23 Aug 2015

With a due respect, BK Janki at the time she made the statement should have been hospitalized and have CAT scans, MRI SCANS along with specialized EEG studies done on her. It's not too late and now will most likely be the best time, since she is 100 years old. BK Janki must have some type of neuro-degeneration at the centers of the brain associated with short term or may be long term memory. BK Janki visited Tuskegee at least twice. In the late summer of 1978, BK Janki walked on and stood on the same ground where the famous Tuskegee Airmen trained. She also met the Hon. Johnny Ford, the tall, handsome dark skinned Mayor, who gave her the keys to the City Of Tuskegee and declared one day of the week to be BK Day or may be Dadi Janki Day! BK Janki departed from Tuskegee Municipal Airport when she visited Tuskegee in 1978.

She was walking on the grounds on which General Chappie James, four star general and commander of NORAD trained, before he became an ace fighter pilot in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.

Close to the Tuskegee Chapel, where many great BKs have lectured, is the George Washington Carver Museum, a US Historic Site. Dr. Carver was a nutritionist consultant for Mahatma Ghandi. I do remember in 1981 when President Regan was shot, he was about to visit Tuskegee. Instead, Vice-President George Bush came to Tuskegee. In his lecture in the Tsukegee Chapel, Bush who was also a former fighter pilot heaped lots of praise General Chappie James and the other Tuskegee Airmen for their excellent military service in three major wars.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post24 Aug 2015

Funny thing is (referring to that slogan about race and clothes) that BKs do follow that - they will judge soemone according to their clothes, hence the importance of the BK uniform!!

As for racism, Janki or any BK will gladly meet any person of any race. But the worst racism is unconscious and institutionalised. The BKs teach that the suffering of the black people, Jews, or to be born in any collective identity that has been oppressed is because of ”karma”, i.e. the oppressor blames the oppressed for their misfortune and doesn't understand how that view adds to the oppression.

That is thought patterns like, ”I am not racist but ... it is unusual to see a ...”, e.g. non-northern Indian in a high position in the BKWSU.
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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post24 Aug 2015

"The darker you skin is, the lower down the caste system you are" has long been part of Hinduism (and other cultures). We can discuss why if anyone wants.

If I remember right, this was specifically a comment relating to Africans after BK service started there as black Africans were so "impure" (sexy/sensual/"body conscious" etc).

It's an awkward truth for the BKs because according to BK beliefs, Dadi Janki is one of the top 8 souls in the world and her opinions "Shrimat". Therefore whatever she mutters "must be true" or display some unquestionable wisdom.

Perhaps, as you suggest Pink, it is an equation with regard their suffering, i.e. "slavery was black Africans/American-Africans own fault because of their own bad behaviour".

But, on the other hand, does it have any validity from a spiritual point of view?

I know how contentious it is to question in that manner but, in order to understand, one must be willing and able to think the unthinkable and examine the logic.

Does she say that because such large parts of African and Dravidian culture is so "backwards" and "unevolved", or because African's intelligence (as measured by IQ) is so low (there was a controversy recently when some academic published research suggesting the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans was about 80 - an IQ Score of 80 is dull normal intelligence and considered borderline mental retardation)?

Or was it just a typical BK conceit that the further you are born from the Lekhraj Kirpalani and the Sind and not being Hindu, and poor, the more impure you are?

Of course, the big danger in such conversations is the making of such wide, sweeping generalisations ... and that is the most major fault with karma theory as far as I can tell, e.g. all black people are not one, and amongst them are geniuses, so how can you generalise?

And what is "intelligence" ... "Science proud" Yadava (white man) voodoo, or the wisdom of living sustainably in harmony with the land about you?
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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post24 Aug 2015


Albert Einstein was a Pisces who did not do well at school.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post24 Aug 2015

Paul Robeson was Albert Einstein's best friend. Papi Einstein once declared that racism was a disease of whites. The September issue of Discovery Magazine is dedicated to Einstein. BK Janki needs to watch out. In her next birth she may be in a black body, though a highly evolved soul with some more lessons to learn. Will blacks at that time be the most impure?
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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post24 Aug 2015

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Papi Einstein once declared that racism was a disease of whites.

I am not sure about that at all. There are 10,000 brands of racism and most cultures appear to depend on their being superior to all others.

There was a Gandhi quote related to his time in South Africa that went something like, "Whites looked down on Blacks, Blacks looked down on White, and Indians looked down on both of them".

The white British during the Empire, and the Brahma Kumaris in their early days of Western expansion, most certainly exploited the high caste values of light or white skin in India and all you have to do is look at all the matrimonial ads for "wheaten" coloured Indian girls and prejudices against "black" Indians from the South mainly.

As you probably know, some Indian can be as dark as Africans.

For me, it's all just to do with showing off wealth and power (in India). The lighter your skin is, means the less time you spend in the sun working hard. The darker you are, generally the lower caste you are because you or your ancestors were labourers or indigenous (tribal) peoples. Bear in mind that the girls and women of the original Om Mandli hardly went outside at all, and when they did, they went out fully covered.

They were "kept", like expensive but attractive house pets by the rich merchants.

"Labour" was seen as "not being royal" in my day and many BKs, especially Western males, avoided it.

Nice life if you have the servants to afford it!

I am guess you know enough about the roots of the Indian caste system, the lighter skinned Aryan invaders from the North pushing down and suppressing the indigenous dark Dravidians etc. BKism never really spoke against it but rather just re-intepreted it placing themselves on top.

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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post24 Aug 2015

The great Rev Ike in the NE US used to say that it is not black or white or brown. It's only green that matters, referring to the color of the US dollar. I agree with you that there is economic discrimination. I am aware of the caste system in India. I grew up in the Indian culture and have the Indian DNA in me, though it is not grossly phenotypic.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

Post25 Aug 2015

GuptaRati 6666 wrote: It's only green that matters, referring to the color of the US dollar.

All discrimination is essentially about power and privilege - racism, sexism, class and caste, religious and gender-identity discrimination of LGBTI people, species etc etc.

On the surface, and quite low down, people fear ”the other”. Most indigenous people call themselves ‘the people” and others are ‘strangers’. The word ”barbarian” originally meant those who did not speak greek and sounded liek they were just saying ”bar bar bar” (equiv. Blah Blah Blah i.e. blah-barians!) .

But even if people can work themselves past their aversion to ‘the other” then self-interest takes over for most - maintaining the status quo for those who have power and privilege, and changing it for those who don’t.

The BK system is built on certain values that are antagonistic to liberalised or socialised, open, secular democratic values.

They’ll say publicly ”all people are equal, all are souls, children of one god” but that comes with the esoteric understanding that those born into low caste or foreign, undeveloped countries, do menial jobs, have physical or mental disability, are transgender or sensually alive or atheistic - are ”paying off” or are "in bondage" to their karma. i.e BK values are right, best (because we are BK) , all others are wrong, lesser - and they should be BK if they want to ”improve” things for BKs- and themselves.

That is the simple duality that underlies all such discrimination

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