"I was a regular follower of Brahma Kumaris ..."

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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"I was a regular follower of Brahma Kumaris ..."

Post23 Jul 2015

From the internet ...
anju vashisht 1 year ago

Yah, When BK's don't have the answers to the actual questions, thats what thye say to brain wash and hypnotize people, "Mera Baba, Meetha Baba, pyara Baba" They don't have the guts to answer.  I was a regular follower of Brahma Kumaris for 3 years. There is no single class ans Murli that I have missed. BUT ...

I was a victim of this cult. Their goal is to get the male members of the family to write a will of donating 1% of their income for Brahma Kumaris and show their power by 500 crore worth and nothing else. When people want food, they want to give Yoga drishti and vibration but don't want to feed poor people and tell that it is their karma Bhog.

I think the message in India is clear ... money, money, money.
Shirish Jadav 3 months ago

and what will be that true knowledge bring to you? also you must know fellow BK's that you are being hypnotised and brainwashed ... so at the end when you die you give all your wealth you earned through out your life to your BK centers and they can make bigger and bigger centers to grab more stupid people like you.

They use you as spiritual slaves (those with no money or those girls) and people like VIP are treated well so they donate a lot to them. It's fine you guys follow BK but one day your group will be like controlling political power as commanded by your god ... :P may be that god is some president of some other nation and you all will be voting like hell. Your god wants it so let's do it. Or like god want some person to be killed for greater good of all .. :P hahaha.

You guys don't know where your heading to ... you will spoil your lives ... have fun after your Doomsday .. which is gonna come. And be like hypnotised dolls and puppets of your leaders ... :D will be fun to see where is ends in mass suicide or putting a nuke on your Abu center.

Well, you all be gone to the Golden Age.. :D 


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Re: "I was a regular follower of Brahma Kumaris ..."

Post25 Jul 2015

They will not bother or care once you are out. They will don't even think of you no matter how many years you given there.

Moreover, you will be called a weak brick which deserve the get out from the organisation. This is what they believe.
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Re: "I was a regular follower of Brahma Kumaris ..."

Post25 Jul 2015

You may get hassled for a few weeks or months after you leave. I did not when I left - but it's got worse in this age of tweets and automatic emails. You are right, I was completely forgotten. I had failed and "died" spiritual.

Actually, I was at home really enjoying getting up late, going out sight seeing, meeting new people and not having to listen to their boring nonsense.

I think other BKs need to not see exiting BKs because they too crave a life without all the disciplines demanded of the Kirpalani Klan.

May be one or two will come around and "serve" you, e.g. bring you toli and Murlis and ask you when you are coming back. I got letters telling me I would "cry tears of blood" and "grind my teeth like the noise of mustard seeds being ground" at Destruction with regret" if I did not come back. That was when Destruction was in 1986.

The BK teacher who sent me later had a mental breakdown and left.

What I was told recently by one BK, was that I had "inadvertently" coming in contact with The Knowledge and that all the failed predictions and historical revisions were just their god's way of keeping people like me out.

That people like us had just "inadvertently" wasted years or decades of our lives, lost time, money, property, the chance to have a family etc by mistake.

We were factually inferior and not worthy of their company and "wisdom" because we could not accept their nonsense and demands on our lives. (I say "accept" because there is nothing to 'understand' in BKism. You cannot understand the BK Knowledge, you can only accept or not).

Now, the mental convolution required to believe something like that is incredible. It's on a par with some Christians who claim that "dinosaur bones were made and planted by the devil to deceive humanity" but filled with a sort of conceit. A callous snobbery towards others.

It seems like a terribly weak defence for a huge ego ... individuals who have to believe they are super special "God's own chosen few" without any practical evidence to support it.

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Re: "I was a regular follower of Brahma Kumaris ..."

Post25 Jul 2015

ex-l wrote:May be one or two will come around and "serve" you, e.g. bring you toli and Murlis and ask you when you are coming back. I got letters telling me I would "cry tears of blood" and "grind my teeth like the noise of mustard seeds being ground" at Destruction with regret" if I did not come back. That was when Destruction was in 1986.

So the customised predictions were also given?? I know even that also must had failed miserably. Why BKs cannot make a single truth about future ... because they don't have one.
The BK teacher who sent me later had a mental breakdown and left.

The reason could be the huge amount of shame & guilt he/she had of mailing threats to ... may be ... too many ex-BKs. At the end, the teacher might not had been able to convince himself of more lies & emptiness of BKism.
What I was told recently by one BK, was that I had "inadvertently" coming in contact with The Knowledge and that all the failed predictions and historical revisions were just their god's way of keeping people like me out.

Gawd, when will the BKs bu*****t end? Losing your life is a mistake ... is there a better PJ, BKs?

BKs may try to break strong-willed ex-BKs so that they could not spread the word ... perhaps truth about the BKWSU. What amazes me every time, when I read such deceiving tales made by BKs (teachers especially), is the sheer stupidity of followers to believe it & never ending ruthlessness towards those who were once part of their organisation.

"Keeping ex-BKs type out ...." ... does not sound Godly at all. What does the line in Murli," Baba loves even ex-BKs " mean?

I think that it is all instructors' mood dependent. They forget what they wrote in Murlis & make such weird statements later which contradicts everything they they had been trying to build up for decades. One has to be sincerely very stupid to accept it without questioning them.

Confused BKism.

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