Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & others

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Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & others

Post05 Jun 2013

Following revelations that BKs the world over are doing so, some enterprising individual has formally stepped forward and started a Facebook page for: Matrimony for BK Followers. Hooray.

The response was positive ...

2 of female frnds who belong to BK want bridegrooms for them. One is a pukka BK and the other is semi-BK ... so all the bridegrooms of BK fraternity please do msg me ... as those are females they cant post their details here ... so I am writing on behalf of them ... lots of gratitude to shweta arora and friends ... god bless all of them..:):):)

But it did not take long before the killjoys turned up and want to start making rules and, no doubt, checking BKs' charts afterwards!
BK Manoj

This is a great initiative, but there should be some security measures ... like only those are allowed who are good in spiritual knowledge and following BK for at least 1 or 2 years, and it should be verified from his/her respective BK centre ... Another think is that the relationship should be pure and based on virtues ... Om Shanti

What "security" is he talking about precisely? Padlocks in their underwear?

50:50 it gets shut down as soon as the Seniors get a whiff of it.
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Re: Matrimony for BK Followers

Post09 Jun 2013

Save a Brahma Kumari ... and find a nice wife. 2,016 members in three days.

Just have it written into the pre-nuptial marriage contract that if she leaves and go back, she takes nothing but her saris and loses everything. No property rights.


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Re: Matrimony for BK Followers

Post09 Jun 2013

ex-I wrote:Save a Brahma Kumari ... and find a nice wife.

I am ready. Any body interested PM me.
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Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

Post11 Jun 2013

It's less than a week but the BK Matrimony group now has 2,445 members and love goddess Shweta Arora has reached her maximum limit of Facebook friends ... 5,000! .. and found a partner.

Former BK adherents, now married, Rowena Rolt and Ravi Khanna
Shweta Arora wrote:Guys, we have a special person with us on this group, Sanjela Goundan.

I don't know much about her but I know that she has been a part of Brahma Kumaris Family at London and 3 years ago, she married to Simon Blandford, who has also been a part of Brahma Kumaris Family at London. Simon has been a key person in Brahmakumaris IT Team and he had started the BK Forum -, which has been very useful for all the BKs worldwide.

Simon & Sanjela make a great pair together and this post is to ask Sanjela & Simon to share their wonderful experience with us, with the hope that their experience sharing would benefit & guide the BKs in this group.

Please, Sanjela, we all would be so grateful to you & Simon for sharing your experience with us. Please do so! Thanks in advance!

Simon's exotic Asian wife, Sanjela, is a talented and attractive dancer who previous followed other BKs into Business Coaching, as developed by the now happily married Brian Bacon (also has a now ex-BK Asian wife) of the 'Oxford Leadership Academy' which trained Ravi.
Kazemaru Yukawa-Bacon: on Brian

Another blessed day at the plantation. I am thanking God for the such beautiful fortune to have the most generous, loving & special man as life companion, friend and husband

Fascinatingly, the page was also critically interrupted by a leading Brahma Kumari of 25 years, Amma Kanti Khanna Ji. Punjabi born (always a second or third division for the Sindi BKs), Kanti Khanna is the mother of now ex-BK Ravi Khanna ... who also married an attractive BK Sister he met doing service for the BKWSU, Rowena Rolt. Rowena, a BK for more than 10 years (5 years ago), taught Brian's Self Management leadership system and runs a personal and executive coaching business with Ravi called Courageous Leaders which represents other BKWSU/OLA luminaries such a Mike George, Geoff Marlow and others. Only a few years ago, Ravi was involved with enculting young people to the Brahma Kumaris.

We feel we are very privileged in having the support and sustenance of the spiritual teachings we get at the Brahma Kumaris, which are so indelibly linked with our Indian heritage,“ said Ravi Khannai, then a director of a pensions company in central London of Sister Jayanti, "... there is clearly much to be learned and benefited from having a true understanding of our Indian heritage".

Is there something about this corporate coaching stuff that makes BKs horny or the Sisters broody?

Both Ravi and his mother requested that his information be taken off the 'Matrimony for BKs' page. Does it suggest BK Kanti Khanna thinks her son is weak and full of Maya for marrying his wife?

BK Kanti Khanna obviously does not believe "What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander" when it comes to her son and other people's daughters.
kanti_khanna.jpg (65.3 KiB) Viewed 47697 times
Pack of 8 Powers Friday, Aug 06, 2004 2.00-5.30pm
Venue : Global Co-operation House, 65 - 69 Pound Lane, London NW10 2HH

A spiritual survival kit to help make the most of challenging times

This two- part interactive seminar will help you realize inner strengths you never thought you had, and how effective they are in enabling you to find success and beauty in even the most difficult of circumstances

Ravi Khanna

An approachable and engaging facilitator, who regularly runs personal development courses on meditation, self awareness and stress management. He has worked in customer service management for a number of different organizations over the last six years, helping people to continue to enjoy and thrive on the working challenges they encounter, through valuing and enhancing their own strengths and resources.

Rowena Rolt

Rowena is currently working as a trainer for a leading charity. She designs and delivers a variety of training courses from management development to counseling skills at all levels.

Workshop starts on the 4 June, 2 July & 6 August

They run on Fridays. Day workshop:2.00-5.30pm

Related audio tapes and cassettes : 1521 - Meditation for extremely busy people
tel: 0208 727 3350 fax:0208 727 3351
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Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

Post12 Jun 2013

Some individuals question our ethics at using personal examples of the ambiguities of BK life but in these cases, I would argue, there is a clear public interest. Firstly, may I say, I am very happy for the individual BKs in questions. Life is short and then you die. It's worth experiencing a little bit of love and affection and having someone to look after and look after you. Even sex is really not that bad, if done well, and I encourage them to practise their skills at it.

The Brahma Kumaris are a relentless millenarianist religion who encult 1,000s of young girls, taking from their dowries from them and filling their heads full of sexual and emotional prohibitions; fearful and discriminatory exhortations about forming attachment and sexual relationships under the guise of preparing for the End of the World and earning a high status in the heaven to come afterwards.

In doing so, some will become the 'virtual wives' and servants of the cult's leaders and others, in time, take 'virtual wives' of their own to run centers around India.

It's not a cult which liberates women. It's about controlling them, and feminine sexuality. The BK leaders have not challenged patriarchy, they have just replaced themselves at the top of it as they have also done with the caste system. The BKs are not against it, they just think it is better to be on top.

Women and girls, dressed as brides, surrendering to the god of the BKWSU

The imagery their god or guru Lekhraj Kirpalani uses is of human love and sex as a "sword of lust" and being "worse than murder", and women loving their children being like the monkeys that hang around temples. Women indulging is sex were the spiritual equivalent of "carrying a basket of **** on their heads" (the actual word used being translated as "filth" but clearly referring to those women who caste is paid a few dollars a month to remove human excrement by hand). Churches and temples which carried out marriage services were portrayed as "slaughter houses" ... these are the concepts and language still used by the BK in training young girls in India today.

The smell of human love is like carrying a backet of **** on your head according to the BKWSU

Even in the West, as Rowena Khanna was developing her relationships with Ravi, the Brahma Kumari center leader Rowena was exhorting other women to give up their femininity and forgo sex and relationships with men which, for women, have a short window of opportunity. In the other case, BK IT activist BK Simon B invested 100s of hours, systematically, in an attempt to stop the BKWSU being accurately documented on the internet, and instead promoting a vague impression of it.

Simon even conspired with other leading Brahma Kumaris to try and destroy this website resource ... 100s of hours that I and others could have been spending with our families. He even argued against and distorted facts now proven to be true, and which are slowly being adopted by the BKWSU. A conspiracy led by a BK center-in-charge called Hansa Raval who, it turned out ... had also had a secret marriage and relationship whilst within the BKWSO ... having left her first husband and young child to join it and rise up its ranks.

One has to ask how much their desire to falsely present or re-write Brahma Kumarism is determined by their own desires, or hide them. In Hansa's case, it clear was as she intended to use the BK charity for the sake of her own personal benefit. The leadership apparently had no problem with that.

Simon "befriended" his soon to be BK wife a few months after starting their campaign against us. The same year as he conspired in the domain name dispute against us.
BK_simon_blandford.jpg (26.77 KiB) Viewed 47697 times

BKWSU leaders, like Janki Kirpalani (pictured below), continues to fill children and young people's mind with the need for absolute celibacy and the forgoing of all relationships with any human beings ... even to the point of watching their dreams and reporting any sinful thoughts they might have.

My concern is that the Brahma Kumaris are really an unequal system of abuse and exploitation with one law for the relatively wealthy, the privilege and the personally powerful (light skinned); and another law for the poor, the weak and those without options in life (dark skinned). It may dress itself in a modern and tolerant manner in the West, and yet in India and amongst Indian communities, it is unchanged ... and countless existing partnerships, relationships and families have been destroyed by them.

Will these matrimonial BKs speak out about their experiences and will the leadership afford the same experiences for the PBIVV's unpaid slave "sevadharis" in India? Will the leaders apologise to those couples and families they have destroyed?

Does this ex-BK couple look evil, sin or unhappy? Who looks happier, them or the BK Seniors below?
rowena_ravi.jpg (40.42 KiB) Viewed 47692 times
an ex-BK wrote:... this woman. She brainwashed me in such a way about pure visión and brotherhood that I spent more than a decade without been able to look at a man's eyes. Then in 2007, I found out that she was in a sort of affair with this guy, on and off, long before that time. I was in a complete shock..and latter I knew by chance she had married. Could not believe!!

I have personally sat and watched its leaders separate young couples, and yet here we have others being at least tolerated and used, if not celebrated.

The BKWSU principle of "purity" appears to be malleable according to how useful or wealthy individuals might be. And, of course, as we will find out later, it's leaders weren't even that pure themselves.

A hardly happy Janki Kirpalani and other Dadi marrying young women off to the BK god spirit

What is this all about ... the BK cult leaders allow their young follower to sow their wild oats knowing that they will be back in time ... they used to always say that too ... even still benefit from them during their dalliance with the vices.

Whatever happened to the idea of "purity" and impure vibrations? Is not hypocrisy also impure?
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Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

Post13 Jun 2013

The Brahma Kumaris have falsified their history and hidden failed predictions of Destruction, and yet still enculted young women into their religion and kept them in on the basis of their End of the World mania ... "two to three years until Destruction" as spinster and university drop out leader BK Jayanti Kirpalani used to say.

Almost all women love children. For them, their children are their life and their future. Traditionally, and for most people still, it is one's children who look after one in old age, not one's cult leaders who one must pay and look after.

Even most men love children and the happiness they bring.

All women have a limited time frame to have children. The older a woman gets into her 30s and 40s, the more the risk of birth defects and health problems there are in pregnancy arise.

The virgin crones and BK Seniors who discarded their children to run to Lekhraj Kirpalani when they thought he was God lead healthy young women in the teens and twenties to deny themselves and their bodies until it is too late for them to have children ... then what? Can they replace them? Do the BKs teach "procreation by the power of thought" as they claim will start in 2036? Can they compensation those women for the lose of a child, the joys and emotions, and the love of and support of their children?

Does the BKWSU promise to support those young women in old age ... and, if so, under what terms and conditions? A 24 hour, 365 days a year, free labour contract for life, with no freedom and no personal interests? What will happen when the BKWSU collapses or runs out of money again? Is it saving up a pension fund for them?

Who will those women have to support them then ... or is the BKWSU still expecting the maha sati pyre to save them from social disaster?

BK Kanti Khanna, supported by her son and ex-BK daughter-in-law denying others the same love and support

BKs with kids (...other people's - kids anonymised)
BK Kanti Khanna: I do not think I need to be here because I do not think it right to have such a group. It will provide encouragement for those who are weak and allow Maya to disrupt others. If one does not really wish to get married, I am sure Shiva Baba will help ...

I once even heard of the Kirpalani Klan suggesting to a young woman to have an abortion because Destruction was near and having a a child would be a distraction from her Yoga. That was in the early 1980s. The child is now 30.
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Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

Post14 Jun 2013

I knew Ravi and Rowena ... wow, all the best! ... and dear Simon, who once had a membership here with a snoopy avatar.


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Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

Post15 Jun 2013

I did brush shoulders with Ravi once. He seemed like a jolly fellow. He speak about the importance of Gyan and Shrimat and the need of being a team player and attending all classes.

Which is all very well, but he is now married. Confused ...? That's an understatement.

All the best Ravi and Rowena ... all the best ...
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Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

Post15 Jun 2013


I see Ravi was active in promoting Brahma Kumarism to the Jains, or specifically the "Young Jains" meetings/organization, and promoted Sister Jayanti Kripalani to them. I heard for a while he had an eye on a Jain girl but came back to the BKs to find a wife.

It's just plain wrong that at the same time she was courting him, she was also filling other women's heads full of BKism and encouraging them to make efforts as an "advanced" BK student.

Do you think if I turned up looking to pull an attractive Kumari they would welcome me?

I just don't understand all the ambiguities or compromises of the BK world nowadays. is not Ravi the guy who, even after he had drifted off a bit from the BKs, Jayanti used to encourage to come back and promote him at events?

Here's some more matrimonial ambiguity ...

Recently we had an email from someone purporting to be acting on behalf of Brian Bacon (the Self Management Leadership BK who, you'll remember, also married a BK), asking us to remove all references to him ... "because he did not have anything to do with the BKs now".

Only a few weeks later ... it turns out the pair announce that they have moved into the Old Stable House on Nuneham Park, Nuneham Courtenay, Oxford where the Brahma Kumaris showcase "Global Retreat Centre" is, and Marneta Viegas lives. (The estate is owned by 'the Chancellor Masters and Scholars of the University Of Oxford' and has a 125 lease which the BKs now pay).

A "small world" coincidence? No, we don't think so either.

Explain to me how that works? You leave the BKs, take a very serviceable Sister with you and marry her, turn a service idea into your own successful business on the back of its success with the BKWSU (see previous note re: Mexican president) ... and then you get to come back to stroll around their big house in the country.

Meanwhile all the little, dark-skinned Indian girls who surrendered their dowry to Baba and work 16 hours a day, 365 days a year with no options are sleeping on the floor of some village centre wearing 'hand me down' saris. And get no pension, no freedom and no holidays per ever.

What does that really say about the BK values? Perhaps Brian just knows too much about the BKs?

I'd be the happiest individual on earth if the BK leadership put out the word about all their End of the World nonsense and waves the flag for *every* BK *equally* to hook up with whoever they wanted to ... and especially if they were to do some real good for those little dark-skinned Indian girls like train them and educate them in real world skills ... but all this just smells of elitism for the few and hypocrisy towards all those who gave everything for so many years of their life to build them up.

How do they get to beat up little girls with all their crap and then hand out praise, blessings and rewards to those breaking the rules.
“The Father says – The world is very dirty. Dirty people come to the centers. They get entangled in name and form. Many kinds of obstacles are also created in the Yagya. Maya also creates obstacles. Then they suffer defeat.

Many give divorce. They obtained sustenance for so many years; then they got married and went somewhere or the other. They surprisingly run away.

Revised Sakar Murli dated 18.12.07
The mouth born progeny of Prajapita Brahma are Brothers and Sisters, aren’t they? A Brother can never marry his Sister.

Revised Sakar Murli dated 26.05.09


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Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

Post11 Jul 2015

Where should I apply for BK matrimony...kindly guide
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Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

Post12 Jul 2015


BKs largest single group is old spinsters, widows, and divorcees. If you want a good marriage, avoid the BKs.

The BKs' primary aim is to encourage donations and gifts from followers.

They will tell you marriage to a human being is wrong because the world is about to endm you should ”marry to God”.

But if they think they will get more money by encouraging you to marrye.g. to a successful wage earner or business person - they will encourage that, despite it going against their own teachings.

They are hypocrites of the worst kind - wolves in sheep’s clothing.
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Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

Post12 Jul 2015

I knew Rowena a bit, she was living in Shakti Bhavan when I was in London. She told me she was treated very badly by her center in charge from the first centre she attended in Norfolk. She seemed very unhappy even then.
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Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

Post12 Jul 2015

The link to the BK Matrimony Facebook page is at the top of this topic, or here:

Good luck.

What are your circumstances? Are you looking for an Indian or a Westerner?

It still lists about 4,500 members, which is pretty amazing really but it's a "closed group". I am not a member so I cannot read any of the discussion.

If anyone else can report on its activity, I'd be interested to know.


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Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

Post13 Jul 2015

BK teachings are anti marriage, anti relationship and anti-social.

How come this group is formed? is it an official BK matrimony group ? Please clear the truth behind this group.

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Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

Post13 Jul 2015

It's definitely unofficial.

I don't know who started it or why but it also raised the issue of a certain hypocrisy with the Brahma Kumaris of absolute anti-marriage, anti-relationship teachings from the god spirit and leaders ... and then the accommodation of *certain* leading or high profile BKs then marrying off and being accepted by the leaders because they or their parents were useful to the cult.

Yes, their god's teachings are mad about, he called marriage "prostitution" and temples carrying out marriages "brothels", and calls sex worse than murder.

As usual, the leaders exploit it where they can ... like innocent young girls in India ... but then turn a blind and or even "bless it" in the West or when the families are rich Indians.

As usual ... it's all just about the money, not the morality or enlightenment.

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