The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

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The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post13 Jan 2015

I just wanted to share with you a couple of interesting articles on Negative Emotions which some of you might find quite interesting. The Brahma Kumaris make you suppress all these negative emotions which in turn is extremely unhealthy and damaging to ones health and well being. ... 07708.html ... ell-being/

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Pink Panther

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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post14 Jan 2015

Both good articles. The Huff Post article I thought needed to be a bit more careful with it’s terminology. It failed to look at the downside of these emotions too, i.e. misappropriate application.

In terms of culture and religion, there are some that accept the Yin is part of Yang, happy means there’s unhappy, all humans have all potentialities. For those, spirituality or morality are not about eradicating or demonising ”negatives” but moderating them or turning them into ”meters” of how you are doing or what you need to do. e.g. Pain.
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Mr Green


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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post14 Jan 2015

it'll all repeat in 5000 years, like a record
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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post14 Jan 2015

Mr Green wrote:it'll all repeat in 5000 years, like a record

:D :D :D hahaha very funny indeed...

Mr Green, can we ever get over this Brainwashing and lead a somewhat "normal" life, if there is such a thing as "normal"? No matter which way I turn, I am being used, abused, misunderstood, taken advantage of, etc etc. Is this the curse for leaving the BKs? Are they still haunting me? Is there such a thing as what goes around comes around?

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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post14 Jan 2015

A "curse" just in that you did not learn the lessons of life and were denied normal influences and good teachings/methods of coping and succeeding about it.

Nothing superstitious.

Learn Karate or Taekwondo. Kick some butt, or at least feel confident enough to do so.

Anything good happened for you?
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Mr Green


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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post19 Jan 2015

Hi Enlightened.

Yes is my answer, it takes a lot of courage to break away from BK brainwashing. We used to be effort makers there, you have to do the same to reverse it too.

It's true what you say about being abused and used, but in reality I think that is happening to everyone at some level. There'll always be someone trying to take advantage of you. The trick is just to remain happy as often as possible while they're eating you!!!!!!!

On the whole now, my life is very happy and rewarding. I have a pretty good job, a wonderful family and a couple of real friends. I have trouble socialising and suspect I will always be a bit screwed up as a result of belonging to an Indian death cult.

It takes years to wake up again but, yes, it is possible to shake those poor fools off.
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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post21 Jan 2015

Thank you for sharing MrGreen!! I am happy that some things have worked out for you!!
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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post08 Feb 2015

Sometimes I feel I would be better off dead!! I feel like my life and soul have been taken away from me!! It feels like too much to cope with to undo the damage and traumas caused mostly by the BK brainwashing and abuses and control. I feel stuck! I cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel!! Life is looking bleak!! Life is extremely lonely because no one really understands me or cares about me!!

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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post08 Feb 2015

I feel completely lost!! I don't know where I belong and I don't know where I am going!! I don't have any sense of purpose!!


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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post09 Feb 2015

Dear BK Victims,

The recovered of your own life from BK was very tough. Especially, those people stayed with this group for many years. The heart always broken when you remember you had spent the time, money, heart and soul with them. You lost the most when realised the truth.

Please cut off everything from the cult, throw everything out from your eyes. Avoid those BK come to you, do not see their face and have any conversation. Please stay away from those whoever try to influence you. Change your contact no.. If possible, please move to other place and restart your new life again.

Please do not remember them again and again, you would not gain or get back anything from them. You will get upset if you still concern the passed.

Please set an aim, make yourself hit the target in your life. Example: Gain your health, make yourself beautiful, make something more positive in your life.

I recovered soon, I set my aim, I decided to restart my life. I want myself become beautiful inside and out. I attended courses, try to have exercises for everyday. I spent time with my family, friends, and my hobby.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post09 Feb 2015

Help others to help yourself.
Connect to earth to connect to yourself.
Sing out loud to feel the warmth in your heart.
Spend time with animals, they are most the humane creatures.
Exercise, Vocalise.
Don’t repeat what doesn’t work.
Do new. Do easy.
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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post09 Feb 2015

Thanks for your posts! I've been doing and still do most of the things you both suggest, however, i still feel very stuck and unable to snap out of all this bullsh**! (Please excuse my french). I just feel undermined and rejected no matter which way i turn. I cannot function on a day to day basis! I cannot concentrate and be on top of my paperwork and my own daily survival! I have been undergoing therapy for years but the list of things to work through is endless and it doesn't help having to constantly change therapists. I feel like every cell in my body has been affected! I have pain all over my body! It's damn hard to just get through a day!
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post09 Feb 2015

The good days come and go, so do the bad days.
Just keep on taking care of yourself with kindness.
Don’t be afraid to cry if you need to.
Take care of yourself.
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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post09 Feb 2015

I don't think anyone can really give you a "fix" via the internet site. I doubt whether anyone can really give you a "fix" in personal either ... but I do think other ex-BKs can offer a little more than others because we too know how it feels and can listen.

I am sure if you want to talk to anyone here in person, when times get rough, they would be willing to do so a little.

I am sorry but I don't know you well enough. I remember what you have been through to get here but that is not the same as doing so in person. Yes, I have been through days like that too. Yes, that is how it leaves you. And, yes, I know I did not have it as bad/deep as you did ... so your experience must be worst.

What can I offer or say except but just to listen to you, and for other ex-BKs experiencing the same?

When things get bad, you need some instant fixes and sometimes it can be as simple as a hot bath, sweet tea, a day or two in bed to sleep it all out, watch a weepie movie to get some sadness out of you etc.

One of the difficult things to know, when it gets like that, is how much is just us, our body chemistry or environment and how much is BK-ed. I remember you have lost a lot more than most.

I would like to say that I think part of what you are experiencing is beyond BK ... it's real life, a part of real life that most people don't face, don't want to face and work to avoid through 10,000 means including bogus religions. You might even say that is one thing religions are set up to do ... mental plugs/life crafts for the storms of life.

Unfortunately, as an ex-BK you've sort of seen through it all and they don't work any more. You're facing the hard realities of life that only a few do ... 'walking across the abyss or void' not know why, where it is taking you, what or if the other side is.

I cannot offer you any mental comforts as far as those feelings go. I actually don't think there is any reason or point to life. I don't think there are any answers. You're here. You can do what you want or can get away with. You've got to work out a way of coping and dealing with all the stupid and nasty morons out there, or choose to just let go and die. Except even that is not easy either!

If you were an animal, which animal would you be now and which animal would you like to be?

If you want someone to speak to, you can always PM me. I am sure others would say that to if you prefer them and their style.

But it's also good the rest of the world sees what a **** up the BKs make of people's lives ... I was hearing about another BK that ended up being sectioned in a mental hospital. How many more people do the fraudsters have destroy before they stop what they are doing?

May expressing your anger a little back at them might do you good ... I remember someone saying something like, "depression is congealed anger". It may not be always and absolutely true ... but it might be something to work with.

I'd like to have the opportunity to tell the twisted crapbags what twisted crapbags they are. Someone has to tell them to get it through their thick heads.
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Mr Green


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Re: The Battle of recovering from Cult Brainwashing Goes On

Post09 Feb 2015

i got to do that to some extent,

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