Anyone from Australia on here?

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: Anyone from Australia on here?

Post14 Dec 2014

Templewoodalister wrote:Don't get too excited about Zoolander lol it's pretty daggy : )


I watched it especially for you thinking it might have some deep and meaningful spiritual message. Um ... probably not. Definitely not BK material.

I don't have any more to say right now but I'll be interested to read the response you get to those questions. Beware that the BKs have decades of experience in "sweet talk" and their answers might need deciphering.

I am resistant to this "accept what you want" or what is "good for you" line because the flip side of it is really, "we'll take as much of you are we can get ... a little or a lot, but preferably all".


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Re: Anyone from Australia on here?

Post14 Dec 2014

You watched Zoolander lol you poor thing!! I like a good laugh, and that "Zoolander v's Mugatu" reference was my way of getting my head around some of what I've read here; like:
"The real problem with the BKs is what they are really all out and how they been suck people's lives up on a series of falsehoods ... the whole End of the World scenario, mass Destruction of Humanity number. That's not open for interpretation. That's the way it is."

I don't want to trivialize what has been shared here but at some point you need to step back and come back to something more grounding. And I was starting feel like the simple minded Zoolander in all this.

I asked the questions above and at this stage I am satisfied with the answer. (I won't share) It is all still a little confusing and WAY off the more peaceful/soul conscience mind set I've been trying to focus on, but I am OK with seeing the bigger picture. I just don't think at this stage were I am at it's helpful to drive fully into doomsday information as I am feeling like I am being pulled away from my desire to simply be, as I am & feeling connect to God. I am not sticking my head in the sand because it will still be there in the back of my mind filed under to do later, I just want to take time to take it all in, not rush into any decisions about writing the BKs off. But again thank you for pointing this all out to me : ).
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Re: Anyone from Australia on here?

Post15 Dec 2014

Templewoodalister wrote:You watched Zoolander lol you poor thing!! I like a good laugh, and that "Zoolander v's Mugatu" reference was my way of getting my head around some of what I've read here

You know, I watched it just a couple of days ago and I have already forgotten what it was all about ... except, post-BK, I hung out with some fashion people - even stayed in a model's hostel for a few days - and so some of those joke went down very true to life.

I typo-ed in that quote, it should be ... "really all about". Yes, it really is Zoolander brainwashed by Mugatu.
"The real problem with the BKs is what they are really all about and how they been suck people's lives up on a series of falsehoods ... the whole End of the World scenario, mass Destruction of Humanity number. That's not open for interpretation. That's the way it is."

Oh, by the way, you know BKs aren't really even meant to watch movies and laugh ... it's "against Shrimat" and "not royal" respectively.

So which line did they use on you? Saying it was just Baba's way to encourage the children, or that Destruction ... sorry, "Transformation" ... only happens because their purity become so strong it causes a spiritual reaction and the nuclear war is an act of mercy to relieve humanity's suffering? And the failures of predictions of the End of the World were due not to their god but followers' misinterpretations?

(That last one is not true, but they use it a lot).


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Re: Anyone from Australia on here?

Post23 May 2017

In Australia BK leader Charlie Hogg presented new public service model of new BK system in Austrelia. Quite funny write up on

You should click on topic called BK Sub-Units to read.
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Re: Anyone from Australia on here?

Post23 May 2017

Sub-units? Sounds very robotic and dehumanising.

And much like the Indian civil service bureaucracy, which is like the caste system reworked for the modern world - role and hierarchy clearly defined, to each person a clearly demarcated ”job" and from each obedience to the superiors.

It all sounds like a bad joke we’ve heard many times before, getting exaggerated in desperation with every retelling.
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Re: Anyone from Australia on here?

Post23 May 2017

Robin clearly carries on doing good work within the BKs (my eyes naturally fell upon the "SOME $2,000,000 CASH AT THE BANK AND $27,000,000 WORTH OF PROPERTIES" ... but Destruction is still coming in two to three years!?!?!?!). Top marks for the 'pro-vegan' spin.

What is his daughter up to? Last we heard was doing a review of BK literature for academia (OUP) but someone wrote earlier that she's still promoting the BKs via yogic farming (unconfirmed).

Apparently she does not call herself a BK any more ... whatever that means ... I am still in a huff with her because she won't share her historical findings, eg Jank interviews etc, despite borrowing our openly shared findings.

"Am I not a man and a Brother? No, I am an ex-BK sub-unit".

Meanwhile, apparently from the BKA website ... hot girl in BK Yoga pants!!! Accuse me of not being soul conscious, but that a lot of gusset on display for a BK Sister. May be this can be the start of a "Hot BK RajYoga" campaign?

I want a photo of Big Mohini from New York doing the same asana.

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Re: Anyone from Australia on here?

Post24 Sep 2017

Big Mohini thinks too much laughing is not good and she attempts to stop it ... that, along with hugging if she spots it.

I am not from Australia, but from the US. For a good many years, I roomed in Gyan Sarover with many Australians and have kept up friendships over the years. I found myself very comfortable in their presence, both male and female, and so very open, similar to so many here in the US who are non-Indian and trying to understand and incorporate Indian ways.

I found 2 things very interesting ...
    1: I was told that there were many who felt strongly about the need for friendships and relationships in the Yagya and NOT to end outside relationships. They all seemed to have a stronger sense of self and what is really important. One can detach ... with love ... and still be very much connected as friends.

    2: After having shared some personal information with some, I was advised ... strongly advised ... not to disconnect from my lokik family as they had done. Two were center-in-charges and one deeply regretted her parting from her family and now that she is older, she tells new people her story and, at this point, she stated she feels she cannot leave due to no other life available to her or financially available. Her lokik family had closed their door to her ... husband and adult children, now with grandchildren. That made me feel very sad for her and her life.
I was grateful for her honesty and that she, as well as the others, were so open and honest with me and others we talked with. They maintain friendships with BKs all over the world they told me.
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Re: Anyone from Australia on here?

Post24 Sep 2017

Maui wrote:They maintain friendships with BKs all over the world they told me.

That would not have been allowed in my time. In fact, it would have been 'illicit', a sort of sin. An "attachment" and a distraction for all important, all demanding "service". If it was not 'service' it was 'Maya'.

And what does "detach ... with love ... and still be very much connected" mean, apparent from acting as a symptom as how contorted simple things like friendships are within BKism?

Perhaps the undercurrent is that they are all starting to believe it (Destruction) is not going to happen and so, therefore, BKism is all half baked or bogus, and so they are starting to spread their bets a bit and become a bit more normal again.

Collectively we/they all paid a high price for the Kirpalani Klan's social climbing ambitions and property acquisition plan, but now they have done so - reached a higher place within society and have a few nice buildings and retreat centres - they can start to enjoy them and the status a bit more.


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Re: Anyone from Australia on here?

Post24 Sep 2017

The price was very high for this brave, older CC sharing from the heart ... perhaps to help herself as well as others.

"Detach with love" has been around for so long in other 12 step programs, and different from the BK detachment. Detach from the enabling, detach from the emotional difficulties and love that person without getting involved in their issues. Medical professionals must learn this otherwise they cannot be of useful help to others. One cannot get emotionally involved with a patient while at the same time giving life sustaining care, but compassion, caring, and connectedness can be accomplished.

They spoke a lot about acceptance for where their fellow BK friends were at; and could love them without attaching to their problems; but as friends were there to help if possible. In fact, one Brother said there was such a great need for that and they all agreed. Seems very human and loving to me ... they all seemed to have a high level of trust with each other, as well as really acceptance. Many were BKs for over 15-20 years.

I remain in touch with a few of them; I have not as yet told them that I am on this site or where my head is at. Perhaps my level of trust is not as good as theirs. I guess I have to trust myself first; have found out such an extraordinary amount here for the short time I've been connected to this site.

I VERY MUCH HONOR AND RESPECT the tremendous amount of work you have all done; the invaluable service you are providing people like me and the many, many others caught up in all this muck and mire.

Where does it end ...
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Re: Anyone from Australia on here?

Post25 Sep 2017

Before responding to some of the assertions in your post, what do you think the mood is amongst said "elder" Western BKs?

There is no Western BK that I would call "stupid". Few to none of them can *not* know about our work and the work of others exposing failures and anomalies in the teachings, or abuses in the system. Most of them will have had experience of such abuses or know of them. Many of them will have known other BKs who have left due to them.

Now, in 2017, I think of even "15 year old BKs" ... which is very old in BK years ... as being very young and naive, many driven by their egotism and delusion rather than spiritual ambitions.

20 year old BKs, I think of more knowing. They would have been around for the Year 2000 "flat pancake", when all the excitement brew up for the end of the world - the food and water storing, the extra long Yoga sessions, the bank account emptying - amounted to nothing.

20 year and on BKs, for me, are actually 'part of the problem'.

They are the one actively translated BKism for Western consumption and made up new yuktis - excuses and ambiguous responses - suitable for Western sensibilities. They are the ones keeping the BKs' plates spinning, many becoming center-in-charges and opening up foreign lands for the Kirpalani Kult.

They are ones turning into a little cottage industry business for themselves and starting to feather their own nest for retirement, e.g. "good service" and donations to be rewarded by a comfortable place to retire in a select retreat centre.

And let's face it, their retreat centres are select and attractive.

Is there such a thing as a "BK mission" in a slum area ... or does not all their money go on VIP retreat centres?


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Re: Anyone from Australia on here?

Post25 Sep 2017

The one person I have stayed in contact with for years seems to have found an acceptance for where she is at now. On the outside, she seems happy. I was with her in Madhuban a few times, and in fact we visited Didi Nirmala a few times together. But it seemed to me, anyway, that it was more of a resignation of happiness and dependency on the Yagya now.

She said it's much more open in Australia than anywhere else she has seen; and she likes that. What I found very disconcerting was no more questioning re: dates of destruction and what that might mean ... another person I met there works on the Double Foreigner program ... she is about 20 years in; and they are also part of that Global Functioning.

When I asked what are they bringing in new, she said environmental issues; how thinking can control matter ... and not for 'transformation" or destruction ... One who I think was over 20 yrs. or so was not as open at all ... but was taking it all in. She is not one I stay in touch with.

A Brother was about 15-17 yrs. and was so positive, hopeful, and just feels more will be revealed and that The Tree is going to shake and he wants to be stable on this belief system no matter what. They all seem to have a decent relationship with Charlie but all feel he is no longer as approachable as he once was ... all of them felt that way. I think they know about an anti-bk chat site? but it was not this one.


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Re: Anyone from Australia on here?

Post27 Sep 2017

Just an amazing thread! Really loved reading through it. Thank you everyone for so freely sharing your thoughts.

I am out of BKs at this point, though my wife still continues. I still lurk here pretty much continuously just for gems like this thread. Thank you!

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