BK Joy Genese from London, UK also dead

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BK Joy Genese from London, UK also dead

Post04 Aug 2014

Somewhat overshadowed by the death of Anthony Strano on the 25th of July, I also note that Joy Genese from London, UK is also dead. She died on the 23rd of July 2014.

She was around in London just before Anthony was enculted into the BKs.

As Joy lived in the UK, we should be able to see any Will she left and whatever the BKs got from her. BKs might just be worth more to them dead than alive. It's a wonder they are not targeting old folks homes for new members. Or perhaps I should not give them ideas?

I remember her as a very quiet, well mannered, sensitive individual.

I note quite few BKs listed in their "transitions" pages all went into lokik nursing or care homes as I know a few older Western BKs also go into local government housing for the elderly. The BKs have not worked out a way to care for their old, having encouraged them to have no family and expend their lives on them rather than building up a pension fund. Therefore where the welfare state exists, the costs fall back upon society and do not come out of the BKs' coffers.

Why I mention the Wills of BKs is that I dare say they do go into the BKs' coffers.

The Christians say
Billy Graham wrote:God has given us two hands - one to receive with and the other to give with.

The BK leaders say, "God has given us two hands - one to receive with and the other to receive with too". In the UK, the BKs claim their charity has been set up to "alleviate poverty". We presume they mean their own poverty having arrived in the UK with nothing and now owning a Palladian mansion in the country which, it has to be said, is not exactly overflowing with poor people. It's not even overflowing with sick and dying BKs either.
Sr Joy Genese from London, UK

25 July 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings of love. Sr Joy Genese from London, Baba's child for 40 years flew away from her body on the morning of Wednesday 23rd July at 5.20am. She was aged 83. Joy had been in hospital for 9 weeks before moving to a nursing home just over a week ago. She was admitted to hospital with an advanced stage of cancer.

Joy came to Baba when she was working at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Deniseben, who was also working there became the instrument to bring her to Baba. As Joy had been hearing Gyan at work she insisted on coming straight for Murli without formally doing the course. She understood the Murli straight away!

Joy has been a pillar of Baba's work abroad since 1974. She was part of a group of 12 that Sr Jayanti took to Madhuban in 1975. Baba came especially to meet the group on the 2nd August 1975. In that meeting Baba said: Service in the foreign countries is the main foundation for the Kumbhakarnas of Bharat to awaken through the sound from abroad. This is the aim and object of service in the foreign lands. It is the service in the foreign countries that will glorify the sound of the Godly revelation in Bharat. The foreigners are instruments for this task. Why the service in the foreign lands is the main basis or the foundation is that it is fixed within the drama for the sound from the foreign countries to reach Bharat. Joy always wanted to fulfil BapDada's wishes.

From the beginning, Joy was absolutely dedicated to Baba and the Yagya with body, mind and wealth. In 1979, when Baba Bhawan opened in North West London she often came from central London on the night bus for Amrit Vela. Dadi Janki has often remembered Joy as an example of one who has an elevated stage, passing through obstacles with grace and dignity. Even in the last weeks in hospital, despite her discomfort, her face was always shining.

Joy was involved in service from the very beginning making contacts in the media and other fields including high profile scientists and celebrities. In the past few years she served on the Murli team and was a regular server in the office until about three months ago.

With the passing of our Sister Joy, it is the passing of an era. We know that Baba will be holding the soul in His lap and surrounding her with unlimited love.

The cremation of the body will take place on Wednesday 30th July. The first part of the ceremony will be at 2.30pm at Diamond House followed by the service and cremation at 3.45pm at the West London Crematorium, Harrow Road, London, W10 4RA.

I am sure many of you will want to honour such a special soul, either by being present or by sending your good wishes from a distance. A photo of Joy is attached.

With love and regards,
in Baba's Yaad,

BK Jayanti
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Re: BK Joy Genese from London, UK also dead

Post05 Aug 2014

That link to the BK Transitions page listing the dead is going to get very long very soon! It would be already if they honoured all equally.

I can see a full time position as Obituary writer opening up - a chance for a high jump through service for some poor but literate minion.

I knew Joy Genese a little bit, as much as anyone could, given her most endearing quality was that, being considerably hard of hearing, she would turn off her hearing aid anytime she found the company or conversation not to her taste.
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Re: BK Joy Genese from London, UK also dead

Post05 Aug 2014

My most prominent memory of Joy is from a meeting where Western BKs perhaps for the first time met and spoke out about the problems and dissatisfactions they had.

She was in a state of shocked about hearing them. She seemed to have no idea they existed.

The impression I had of her was that she was very loyal to the Jayanti and Janki and trusted by them but I did not have much interaction with her.

From memory, nothing happened about the ideas of reform at that point and they were mostly just dismissed as "Brother's Maya".
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Re: BK Joy Genese from London, UK also dead

Post05 Aug 2014

she was a lovely genuine kind person

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Re: BK Joy Genese from London, UK also dead

Post09 Aug 2014

Servants who help their Master Demon in his (or her) demonic activities are much alike. Now she is dead, so we all can forgive her now.

You are right PP, it would have been a long series of BK Gods if all loyal servants were given equal position at least after death. I think someone should now count all good & loyal BKs who are dead now & put it in a list. It can be beyond hundred or may be thousands serious, loyal BKs who have been there in system for more than 20-25 years in the system, all promised with heaven & top positions.

They already claim that 8 positions are reserved for their Dadi ammas. Next 100 for other Behenjis & Bhaiyajis (Sisters & Brothers) who will not get sufferings after death & then next series which will face pains after death. So, we can then tell everyone that 108 slots are already full & next slot promises sufferings.

One more thing, they say that their BK RajYoga gives physical wellness, mental peace & blah blah blah ... Also that death cannot be averted which we agree. But there is a problem here. Why most of the sincere BKs are dying with Cancer or Heart attacks or due to other fatal diseases. Is it just me who got wrong definition of health & wellness? Their RajYoga offers disease or health?

I mean all active BKs should take it seriously, churn deeply and understand that their years of BK RajYoga will fetch some awful gifts in last years of their life. Are you ready for it? No, then Wake up!

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