Prior references to Sangumyug in Bhakti before BKs

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Save Innocents

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Prior references to Sangumyug in Bhakti before BKs

Post24 Jun 2014

Ex I wrote:That's interesting. I did not know Sangamyug existed in the scriptures first. Can you tell us more?

There is mention of Sangamyug in Agams which is largest collection of spiritual knowledge existing till date. Now if some BK Dadi will read this, she will start planning to manipulate knowledge of Agams. Pathetic!! But that would be hard as whole scripture & commentaries are in Prakrit language which rarely anyone knows today. Agams means something which never changes i.e. Truth.

Description of Sangamyug can also be found in Aptavani. Right now I do not remember which volume out of 14 Aptavani contains but I have read it in one of them. It is available in both English & Hindi language.

According to scriptures, Sangamyug starts when a Sangameshwar is born on Earth. More precisely, it starts when he/she gets full self realization & gets this special power of "Bhed Gyan" [Science of Separation of soul from non soul part] through which he/she can establish anyone in the elemental self in very short time. Sangameshwar Bhagwan occurs once in 10 lac years. He opens a path for those who did not get liberation for last 10 lac years even through Yoga & are yearning for it. He directly establishes seeker, who comes in his contact & asks to get self realization, in the self with his Siddhi.

Indirectly all those who want to come out of all pains & sufferings forever are the one who want liberation & fit for self realization. Such a person with fully manifested soul is rare as one can see that next Sangameshwar will come after 10 lac years.

One chief feature is that Sangameshwar Lord does not dictate yogamarg or path of meditation as opposed to what BK are doing. Agams discusses two paths of purification for realization of soul : Kramagat Marg & Akramagat Marg. Vedanta name same as Peepli Marg & Vihangi Marg respectively.

Kramagat marg is step by step purification (by kram or step by step). It is this path of meditation which people have divided today ad Bhakti Yoga, RajYoga, Kriya Yoga,etc. This path remains open forever. It closes after onset of Kalyug. One doing Yoga in kalyug can only reach till RajYoga. To go beyond it in present times is not possible. Yoga requires integrity of speech, action & mind. Now see people doing BK RajYoga or other forms of Yoga. They say something else, do something else & what goes on in their mind cannot be predicted. People have lost integrity today.

So, Yoga is of no use if one want self realization. But it is still beneficial for body & mind.

Second is Akramagat marg or Path of Knowledge. It opens once in 10 lac years, at times when Yoga path gets
fractured. This path is called Vihangi Marg according to Vedanta. It is the only shortcut path where seeker has to do nothing on his own. Only thing he has to do is to meet such a Sangameshwar who has Power to make him self realized like himself within short interval of 1 muhurat or 48 minutes.

Sangamyug is very short time interval if you compare it with whole time spam of Kalyug. I will try to post exact time cycle which matches with knowledge given in scriptures. Shiv Baba or Bhahma Baba or any of Dadi is nowhere close to a Sangameshwar Bhagwan. A Sangameshwar has strong characteristics which are very much visible. None is present in BK founder & their Dadis.
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Re: Prior references to Sangumyug in Bhakti before BKs

Post24 Jun 2014

Very interesting ... so it's not a new creation of the BKs either. It's just yet another begged, borrowed or stolen item they are trading, taking from some other prior tradition.

Thank you.

Save Innocents

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Re: Prior references to Sangumyug in Bhakti before BKs

Post27 Jun 2014

If they (BKs) claim knowledge to be created or owned by them, then it is such a big ignorance on their part. There can never be any ownership of Knowledge. But if one claims, let him do that. It is a dimwit's profession to claim. Well, I think next thing they are going to do is to get THEIR KNOWLEDGE patent. It would be better then.

Note to Admin : Instead of putting this discussion under "Prior references to Sangumyug in Bhakti before BKs", you may change it to "Prior references to Sangumyug in Spirituality before BKs" because there is still a great misconception about Bhakti among BKs. They don't know that there are several paths of spirituality already existing here & commonly the way Bhakti is described by them is not what it is truly defined in spirituality.
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Re: Prior references to Sangumyug in Bhakti before BKs

Post27 Jun 2014

Save Innocents wrote: ... there is still a great misconception about Bhakti among BKs. They don't know that there are several paths of spirituality already existing here & commonly the way Bhakti is described by them is not what it is truly defined in spirituality.

Fair comment. Bhakti is used dismissively, even negatively, by the BKs for *all* other religions or spiritual tradition and practises. All. Of course, that's completely wrong too as I am sure you would point out too (Traditionally, "Bhakti" is only one kind of spiritual path). It's used to distinguish "Knowledge" (what BKs believe) from "Ignorance" (what everyone else believes), and they consider every other path to be useless and a waste of time ... binding one karmically to life and of limited benefits.

Knowledge, their path, they claim is the only one that delivers liberation in life, and there is no such thing as eternal liberation (moksha). No other religionist, whether saddhu, saint or Buddha has escaped via their practises, all ave continued to reincarnate they say.

Their actual claim is that Bhakti ... all other paths ... is "the path of ignorance" and "stumbling in darkness" and only their practise is walking in the light etc etc etc.

As this is a BK related forum, we tend to use terms that BKs and how BKs would understand them but perhaps it is something we should be more careful or accurate about?

Save Innocents

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Re: Prior references to Sangumyug in Bhakti before BKs

Post29 Jun 2014

ex-l wrote:Knowledge, their path, they claim is the only one that delivers liberation in life, and there is no such thing as eternal liberation (moksha). No other religionist, whether saddhu, saint or Buddha has escaped via their practises, all have continued to reincarnate as BK say. Their actual claim is that Bhakti ... all other paths ... is "the path of ignorance" and "stumbling in darkness" and only their practise is walking in the light etc etc etc.

If this is the foundation of their organisation, it can be called neither a Spiritual path nor a Religion nor even a good Culture. They are pathetic. May fully enlightened beings help them & their followers to get things right.
"As this is a BK related forum, we tend to use terms that BKs and how BKs would understand them but perhaps it is something we should be more careful or accurate about?"

Yes, if possible. But is that going to influence them. I don't think so. Their heads have already been locked & key thrown in some ocean. May nature unlock their wisdom. Whew ...

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