BK is definitely in the money

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BK is definitely in the money

Post10 Jan 2014

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Pink Panther

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Re: BK is definitely in the money.

Post10 Jan 2014

Wow! A worthy audio-visual concept worth developing further!
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Re: BK is definitely in the money

Post10 Jan 2014

The problem is ... define "serve humanity". The BKs have their own definition and most people would call what they do "self-publicity" (public relationships and smooching for the BKWSU).

For me, "serve humanity" means dig latrines, feed the hungry, educate the young, heal the sick and so on.

To the BKs it means have servants, acquire real estate, chase after VIPs, own attractive retreat centres all around the world to holiday in, put on events for rich businessmen & their wives in 4 or 5 start hotels and, increasingly, fly business class.

What does humanity get out of the equation? I am always amused that in the UK, the Brahma Kumaris have the audacity to claim their charity is designed to "alleviate poverty". Whose poverty? Their own one has to presume because they've never given away a penny.

One question though ... if the Kirpalanis Jayanti and Janki etc don't receive wages from the charity for which they work full time, how exactly have they been living for the last few decades? OK, Janki is now on Madhuban's bank roll, which is never made public. Do they have private incomes? Personal savings? Where did that money come from?

dadi-janki-money.jpg (17.68 KiB) Viewed 29478 times
BKWSU wrote:Dear Friends,

Om Shanti. If my main concern is to serve humanity rather than to make money or become well known, I will never become tired.

If I say something negative to anyone, then the love between us is lost. Don’t feel that you need to prove that you are telling the truth. Don’t speak harshly. The effect you have on others and on the atmosphere depends on your voice and how you speak. Your tone of voice is very important. For this you have to learn to make yourself silent inside.

With love,

BK Janki


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Re: BK is definitely in the money

Post10 Jan 2014

Money for them comes from looting properties like mine. They made my Idiot BK family member (IBKFM) to behave harshly and fight against me. I put my blood and sweat to make savings and made the property. Now I want to use it for orphanage or elderly home (not for BK elderly OR fake BK orphanage, but for real orphans who could not get help from any other sources).

But the BKs are putting all their resources to make my IBKFM to fight against me and use it for their fools paradise (BK Restaurant (yeah, they want to live in there)/BK center.

They do not want me to use my own property for real service of humanity. They are porcupines and devils and blood suckers who don't make their own money for their own luxuries. But feed on people like me. My IBKFM says I have to kill IBKFM, if I have to stop them from using my property for their BK restaurant style use. Other BKs want to live there as their residence for free.

Whenever I think of BKs, which is 365 days x 24 hours throughout the year, my blood boils at million degrees. Because I was watching from a distance (I was living away) as they were diverting IBKFM to their CULT for over a decade, and I could not do anything. At that time, I knew they were ruining IBKFM's life and career path, but I did not realize their hunger for my property. I did not realize their determination to ruin my family, but get away with what they care most, which is free luxury/free residence at my property.

By exposing myself like this, I am running the risk to my life from BKs but I don't fear death. At same time, I don't want to open too much to increase my risks. I am not going to provide additional details openly so, ex-I, please no open questions for me. Privately, Sure.
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Re: BK is definitely in the money

Post10 Jan 2014

One of the BKWSU's mantras is, "we never ask for money ...". How do they get their money then?

Victim, I hope this is not too specific ... but what are they telling your IBKFMs in order to con or extort money and property from them?

I am not apologetic about writing that ... if you induce people to believe in an 'End of the World' scenario which keeps never happening, hide the ones that did not happen, then promise them all sorts of riches and high status in their next life ... you're either conning people or extorting money from them.

"God" does not need money. The Brahma Kumaris do. Lots of it now ... to upkeep all their properties, feed and clothe their servants and pay for their international travelling.

Eventually, it will become the downfall of them as their requirements outreach their supply. What will happen then? They hope the death of 7 billion human beings ... already they and the smart BKs are moving more to running businesses and "consultancies".

Unfortunately, most Brahma Kumaris are trained only in housework and hypnosis.


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Re: BK is definitely in the money

Post11 Jan 2014

These old women at Mount Abu know exactly how to extract money from their visitors ... !!

May be not by bold and direct requests, but by surrounding the potential givers with extreme care and 5 star treatment.

The best accommodation on the top of the hill, free laundry, unexpectedly good and varied food, free and acceesible internet service, air conditioned rooms, arranging transport to Ahmedabad airport, and even reconfirming your retun ticket with the airlines, visits to surrounding areas and to their plantation. So when at departure, given the large envelope to fill it, you have all that in the back of your mind.

Due to travel problems, my stay in Mount Abu overlapped with the double foreigners (foreigners of Indian origin) for two days, and the food quality and variety dropped dramatically ... !!
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Re: BK is definitely in the money

Post11 Jan 2014

Very interesting Dany ... did they actually give you a "large envelope" to fill?

Therefore, it's basically "the royal treatment" and a holiday resort business run on an "honour system" ... which works because the intended targets are filtered through a 6 month to 1 year waiting system during which they are indoctrinated, or cherry picking from the right kind of IPs and VIPs.

Obviously it exploits the Hindi superstition that giving money to religious people in some way brings you karmic benefits and works in a society based on transactional giving (i.e. a society bound together by equivalent gift giving).

I had to laugh when you said the quality of food dropped when the Westerners came ... what do you mean by that? It became more plain or more "healthy", or do you really mean the quality dropped. I wonder why that was.

We read before that in the upper class accommodation offered to Westerners, there are big post box size "Baba's Boxes" for people to give donations to, and that on the Indian size, you see 1,000s of young Kumaris queuing up to hand over their cash cash to the Dadis in some kind of ritual of obeisance.


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Re: BK is definitely in the money

Post11 Jan 2014

The ethics of the BK business?

The Ethics of Business by Christopher Drake.
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Re: BK is definitely in the money

Post11 Jan 2014

jann wrote:The ethics of the BK business?

The BKs are experts at writing pithy "position piece" statements and telling other people what to do .. but what about discussing their own business? Their "self management leadership" gurus go and work for McDonalds, Coca Cola and GE etc ... is that, or they, "ethical"?

Have they ever published their own financial accounts like the corporations do? Do they give their shareholders and stakeholders any rights?

Ha! "Rights" ... BK followers and donors have no rights. They are not even "members" of the exclusive BK club. This is what gets me ... BK adherents are conned that they are part of "the club". They are not. They are just victims. They may be willing victims, they may be bought off with the use of "free" retreat centers or the ego trip of becoming an "Brahmin" or "instant guru". But their position is just that of a victim ... or host to a parasitical life form that feeds off them, their money or their free labor.

I think the Kirpalani Klan Klub is run more like a mafia where only the 'made men' (or women) know what is going on, and get to make decisions; a business empire ruled by unaccountable, unelected "divine" leaders.

If Janki, Jayanti and all the rest are not paid ... and their salaries do not appear on the little public accounts that exist ... how do they travel about the world and survive as they do? Where is the money coming from and how? Do they have private bank accounts we don't know about? I mean, we know Janki used to pocket bundles of cash-cash from Indian followers ... where did that go? Did it all go through the books?

She used to say things like, "any money you give to me, goes directly to Baba/Madhuban" to encourage donations (because they taught to give money to Mount Abu is worth extra karma points) ... but was that literal or figuratively?

Do they and the others meet in a backroom and divvy up the piles of used bank notes? One for you, one for me ... Or did they keep their own physical family's wealth whilst they encourage every other family to donate their money to the BKWSU?

I don't know but I think we should. How their system works should be written down somewhere clearly in back and white ... but I doubt it ever will be.

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Re: BK is definitely in the money

Post11 Jan 2014

Actually, it is when the double foreigners, not the pure ones, period started the quality and variety of food dramatically deteriorated, which sadly demonsrates the descriminational attitude of BKWSU in all facets of life and dealings ..!!
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Re: BK is definitely in the money

Post12 Jan 2014

There’s many other properties and holdings owned outright by this not-for-profit organisation that are not shown in that video.

Brahma Kumaris Retreat Centre, Leura, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia, (about 90 mins from central Sydney), 130acres (52 Hectares) marked yellow area is approximate

Unimproved land value probably about $2.5million - then there’s the "improvements" - Large main hall, large professionally fitted out kitchen, Admin block, free standing twin share cottages with ensuite bath, heritage listed Stone Cottage, sheds, tools tractors, equipment etc.

Of course, rates and upkeep costs a lot of money - BKs have recently started hiring out the facilities to other groups to help cover costs, with BKs catering and cleaning - done by ”volunteers” providing free labour.

Does what most people call "Income” (i.e. profit from exchange of labour, goods or services for money) need redefining when otherwise unconnected people become connected as ”dependants” of a Not-For-Profit organisation? In Australia, and most places, there is a concept of ”Fringe Benefits” - benefits in lieu of wages. These can include cars, travel, accommodation, food, health costs, etc etc supplied by the organisation to an ”employee”, trustee or board member for personal use, or purposes other than the business of the organisation.

It seems the question of ”what is profit?” when we discuss a "not-for-profit organisation" needs a thesis by Chris Drake.


Stone Cottage (at top right in the aerial shot)

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Re: BK is definitely in the money

Post12 Jan 2014

Australia has three country retreat centres. Properties owned by the BKs in Australia are worth more than $20 million. BK in Australia is officially listed as "Large Charity", i.e. income per annum of more than $1 million. My BK friend at one centre says outside people do paid room cleaning.
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Re: BK is definitely in the money

Post12 Jan 2014

My BK friend at one centre says outside people do paid room cleaning.

Are you saying they pay contractors to clean? That would help with having a clear calculation of costs needed to be reimbursed by the hirers.

If the cost of cleaning and other goods and services is less than the charges, there is a profit left over.

It is difficult to ascertain exactly what all the costs are so that hirers are only charged at a "not-for-profit" rate, especially when much BK volunteer labour is not paid for, and how do they calculate other prices e.g. electricity etc.

For the BKs to maintain "not-for-profit" integrity in such a situation, they’d have to err on the side of loss - and that loss has to be carried by someone - and it is. It's partly carried by the people who donate their time, energy and skills for no financial reimbursement. That time, energy and talent can - and should - be given a proper dollar value.

My experience is that people who have and give money - easily quantifiable - are considered as donors in a different way to those who give their time and energy.

"Services in kind" i.e. "in lieu of payment" is tangible tax office stuff. Each year, in countries where BKs have charity status, they give receipts for money donated and people can use it as a tax deduction.

Volunteers, who’re often foregoing other income, should be able to get receipts for "services in kind" to the value of $xxx.

The BKs should allocate a realistic value on people’s time and energy commensurate with what they’d pay ”outside people” to do that task, note that amount as a donation in their bookkeeping and issue a tax receipt to the donor.

For example, if a kitchen hand usually gets paid $20 / hour in that country, then a volunteer BK kitchen hand should be noted as having donated $20 for every hour they've worked. If that kitchen hand then later fixes the electrical wiring, that should be valued and accounted for at the standard rate for electricians.

The BKs would then see which side their bread is really buttered. It would be a big surprise. The spiritual "serfdom" paradigm could be totally replaced, with the sincere 24/7 sevadaris being properly, quantifiably appreciated, while the (merely) fiscal donors have less influence to ”buy” favour and preferential treatment.



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Re: BK is definitely in the money

Post14 Jan 2014

Om Shanti !!!

As per my understanding, Dadis or volunteers are not paid. Yes some people might be getting hired to do some job, but Dadis do not get any salary. But their trips and other necessary expenses should definitely be taken care of.

Also Shiv Baba, doesn't need any money, but this whole task has to be carried out here, so Money is definitely required. As per my understanding of The Knowledge, one can make his destiny better by blessing others rather than donating money. Shiv Baba always talks about spreading happiness to all souls on earth.

Also if someone would misuse the money donated by people, it will have impact on his karmic account. Which only God or time will tell. Shiv Baba always gives hint in Murli, someone may catch it while other may not get its full essence.

Om Shanti !!!
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Re: BK is definitely in the money

Post14 Jan 2014

Never mind your "understanding" ... your opinion is worth nothing. You really know nothing.

Where is it all written down and accounted for?

They also say Om Radhe (Mama) had to take a rebirth to do "service with money" (give money to the BKWSU) in order to create a spiritual balance because in her previous birth with Lekhraj Kirpalani she came in with no money.

Please be warned that we demand higher standards of BKs here than in the BKWSU. If you are going to make claims, you are going to have to back them up with facts and do work to support your arguments.

For example, what is the total annual income of the BKWSU now? What percentage is accounted for, and what percentage just goes straight into the pockets of leaders?

Do the leaders operate their own bank accounts? When they travel, they carry cash with them (and take cash back to Abu etc) ... where does it come from and why is not this on the accounts?

I heard of a strange thing ... a BK sold a house in India and gave rupees to the BKWSU. Then when they returned to the UK, the BKWSU gave them Pounds back. The sale of the house was nothing to do with the BKWSU.

Can someone please explain?

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