BK cult is planning to invade ... Iran

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BK cult is planning to invade ... Iran

Post05 Dec 2013

Apparently, BK cult is still in shortage of the reguired 900,000 "Golden Agers" nomber, and is desperate to achieve that before "Destruction of Earth" comes ... Would not be pitty to see "Heaven On Earth", with half empty golden palaces ?

To achieve that, it appears the Brahma Kumaris are targeting new heavily populated countries, in an attempt to trap new followers, irrespective of the challenges involved.

The latest chosen country seems to be ... Iran!

A wealthy Kuwaiti lady, who is very close to Jayanti, and considered to be the head of BK in that country, is sponsoring and undertaking the mission to invade Iran and introduce BK cult there .

As usual, they will start in small homes in different locations and towns, hiding behind Raja Yoga mask. At the right time they would get licensed as an innocent meditation center for relaxation and personality development, with plenty of sweet smiles to support their application.

It will be interesting to see how such fundementalist country with extremely religious Ayotallahs in command, would react to this..!!

c.c. : To whom it may concern , Tehran , Islamic Republic of Iran .
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Re: BK cult is planning to invade ... Iran

Post07 Dec 2013

Risky operations. I wonder if those folks who make themselves available for service in certain countries, realize it.

Has it happened before that incognito (supposed to remain so) Raja Yoga teachers have been kicked out from a country or run into serious trouble ?

They would not advertise such kind of news, obviously!


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Re: BK cult is planning to invade ... Iran

Post07 Dec 2013

The Brahma Kumaris go very discreet about their activities and business, all over the World, and may be that is how they managed to survive through difficulties, over the years.

With the blessings of Jayanti, the Kuwaiti lady made several trips to Iran to plant seeds of BK cult there, and started contacts with potential supporters, but I am not aware how much she has succeeded in accomplishing that.

Being wealthy and a female, would not attract much attantion to her at this stage, but with time, Raja Yoga mask will fall off and BK cult face will get exposed. The Authorities there would not take it easy with them, and all BK traditional sweet smiles will turn sore.
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Re: BK cult is planning to invade ... Iran

Post07 Dec 2013

Let's guess ... she'll be targeting slightly bored and underachieving wives of wealthy husbands, like they always do (lots of money and free time, sick of their husbands being on top of them), foreigners in Iran, and anyone with any interest in interfaith dialogue.

After which, they'll send in their corporate whores trainers to offer free Self Management Leadership training, and try and find anyone with any interest in multi-faith issues. They'll variably present themselves as being both Hindu and non-religious as suits which ever interests on the day they have.

They'll chose ex-Muslims BK as instruments, who will lie about ostensibly still being a Muslim and how it it OK to do their meditation ... that BKism is not a religion, they don't have to stop being Muslim to practise it, and so on.

Some BKs will get a frisson for taking on such an exciting 'secret' project.

The corporate whores trainers ill make money out of the contacts they make. WHo was that Indian guy in Turkey? He's a likely case.


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Re: BK cult is planning to invade ... Iran

Post07 Dec 2013

ex-l wrote:Who was that Indian guy in Turkey?

Do you mean Yogesh from London? Handsome, intelligent, articulate ...

I wonder if he is still involved with the BKs?
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Re: BK cult is planning to invade ... Iran

Post08 Dec 2013

Even hatha Yoga teachers get a hard time in Iran - and that’s Muslims just stretching! Even mention of Sufi yogic practices gets them in trouble.

BKs will stay under the radar and as ex-l suggests, target the Indians there on business. And then when any stories of government persecutions emerge, it’ll be "Wah Baba" when they (along with the rest of the population) are not among the imprisoned or executed. Or when the next earthquake hits that seismically-prone country, it’ll be ”Baba’s canopy” when the centre is not damaged (along with everyone else not damaged - which just proves it was be good karma and Baba loves Muslims too).
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Re: BK cult is planning to invade ... Iran

Post10 Dec 2013

bkti-pit wrote:Do you mean Yogesh from London? Handsome, intelligent, articulate ...

I wonder if he is still involved with the BKs?

Last heard of in Turkey, surrounded by adoring gopis, making nice "pocket money" on the side.

What does he do for a living?

In countries like Iran, as with the Soviet block in its time, there are a lot of individuals hungry for anything new and different a few of which the BKs will hook.

Are a certain type of BK driven by ambition to "claim their inheritance" by "creating their kingdom" and devotees?

I dare say they'll be targeting the wealthier middle and upper class as usual.
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Re: BK cult is planning to invade ... Iran

Post10 Dec 2013

I have never seen them fishing for client in the slums ... Missionaries and priests do get involved in troubled areas, with drug addicts, prostitutes, HIV diseased etc ..., not the BKs.

They have been instructed to serve the big mikes who, in turn, will spread the message everywhere without the need for white sari folks to dirty or contaminated or risking their lives !

Easy Raja Yoga.


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Re: BK cult is planning to invade ... Iran

Post15 Dec 2013

News Agencies,


Iran : Second monkey sent into space


And the third Monkey will be sent BACK to Mount Abu ... soon ..!!
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Re: BK cult is planning to invade ... Iran

Post16 Jan 2014

Looking at the latest Brahma Kumaris (UK) accounts, one thing that stands out is that they are/were hosting regular meetings for Farsi Women Groups once a month.

Approximately ... it's a little political ... Farsi speakers are ethnic Persians, or Iranians if one must, who left Iran/Persia when the strict Islamites took after the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Many of them are quite wealthy. My guess is this group would mostly be Zoroastrians, as I cannot see Shiites sticking out BKism for long and the Kirpalani Klan (Janki/Jayanti) has spoken at the Zoroastrian Centre in Harrow, London before. Perhaps this is the backdoor through which the Brahma Kumaris are attempting to gain entrance to Iran?

The usual model for this is ... some individual (in this case Persian/Iranian) converts to Brahma Kumarism or, as the BKs would say "finds their way back to Baba and their original religion", and then starts running evangelistic outreach events aimed at enculting members of the same community. The converted BK will pose as a member of the previous religion, and present BKism in familiar terms, in order to gain acceptance.

Of course, by now the BKs know that most people do not convert, so the approach at such meetings or groups is subtle and focused on "giving people an experience" of the hypnosis/meditation ... discreetly ... and introducing them to a senior BK to make an impression on that at some point.

Otherwise, why would the BKs be lending out their property to some other group with an "impure" agenda?

If anyone knows more specific details, please let us know.
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Re: BK cult is planning to invade ... Iran

Post17 Jan 2014

The Farsi/ Zoroastrian community are largely a diaspora. One of the largest communities live in Mumbai. This goes back to before even the fall of the Shah.

They are traditionally merchants and their Parsi language overlaps with Urdu, much in common with sindhis. I am sure Lekhraj would have had much to do with them.

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