Brahma Kumaris' "Message for Haiti" after major earthquake

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Brahma Kumaris' "Message for Haiti" after major earthquake

Post21 Jan 2010

On behalf of the Brahma Kumaris, I would like to extend a message of hope and empowerment to the people of Haiti all over the world and especially to those living in Haiti. We are with you in our thoughts and with our hearts.

Being actively involved in the work of the Brahma Kumaris has given me the opportunity to work closely with the Haitian people in the Dominican Republic and to visit Haiti twice, recently.

One of the most heartwarming abilities of the Haitian people that I have met and worked with, is their camaraderie, their love and understanding of the deeper truths of life and their ability to be light, creative and artistic -- even under extreme circumstances. They are a people that are deeply spiritual from the core of their being.

The family of humanity is passing through some extremely challenging times, and we will be able to go through that turmoil of change by strengthening our internal spiritual potential and by accessing the power and wisdom that come from the Supreme, God. Clarity of mind and purity of heart will help us deal with the difficulties that life brings in front of us.

For the whole of humanity it is a time for deep reflection and spiritual development. It is a time to revise the way we position ourselves in this world and to be clear about our aim in life. Time is calling us to emerge our innate nature of peace and to actively use our spiritual power and capacity to love. Time is requesting us to show our generosity of spirit.

Wishing you all the courage, faith and wisdom during this challenging time.

Rona Schweitz

On behalf of the team for the Serve Caribbean Project of the Brahma Kumaris.

Rona is the coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris activities in the Dominican Republic and is also a medical doctor.

World Meditation Hour will be dedicated to Haiti and its people.

BK Rona Schweitz, is a medical doctor and center coordinator of the BKWSU United Arab Emirate's Dubia center and previously their Dominican Republic representative. She also operates under the Brahma Kumaris' Living Values outreach programme.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris' "Message for Haiti" after major earthquake

Post22 Jan 2010

Do BKs actually "pray" ...? I thought not.
ex-l wrote:These Brahma Kumari "The-World-gives-us-money-and-property-and-we-give-the-World-our-thoughts" type events leave me cold. For me, they are just make-believe and window-dressing. A facade of goodness and a manipulation of their followers to give them the feeling they are doing something for others.

I am as sure the individuals in Haiti would prefer water, food and shelter than "BK blessings" as I am sure that the Brahma Kumaris are speculating and encouraging each other that, "Destruction must be near", because a wonderful 200,000 poor people died.

Why do I say something so strongly?

Why ... because

    a) the Brahma Kumari media whores are already working the PR value of it sending PR advertisements out to the press about how wonderful they are ... essentially using the suffering in Haiti for their benefit. See: Join hands for world peace: Dhumal (India), Khaleej Times (Dubai), West Indies, Miami and elsewhere ... all around the world.
    b) they use such tragedy to pull people back in to them and their agenda.
Let us be honest. By "turmoil of change", Brahma Kumari Rona Schweitz means 'The Confluence Age ... Destruction ... and the death of 6 Billion human beings' and "by accessing the power and wisdom that come from God", they mean tuning in to their channeled entity BapDada.

Meanwhile, back at Planet Abu, they are still sucking up to air VIPs and handing them out expensively framed (by local standards) trinkets whilst blowing their own trumpet to the media ... Please note, the nearest commercial airport to Mount Abu is Dabok Airport, Udaipur and 210 kms away, so we have to suspect the Minister, playing the same media game or "being seen" came in via the military air base.

Rather than pay to send Rona out from the UAE twice, why did they not just send the money to a trusted aid agency?
Join hands for world peace: Dhumal, January 19

Thousands of delegates from 70 countries have thronged the Pandav Bhawan and Shantivan complex of Brahmakumaris organisation at Mount Abu to attend the prayer meetings being held to celebrate World Peace Day commemorating the 41st death anniversary of the founder of the NGO fondly remembered as Brahma Baba. Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal also air dashed to the only hill station of Rajasthan located close to the Gujarat border for the function.

Prayers in silence started art 4 am simultaneously at 8,500 centres of the organisations spread over 112 countries, chief spokesman BK Karuna said. Later, at 9 am, senior functionaries of the NGO including the chief administrator, 94 years old Dadi Janaki, Dadi Hridaymohini, Dadi Ratanmohini and secretary general BK Nirwair, led the prayers for peace in the world and relief for people of Haiti who were facing worst ever calamity.

A message received from Rona Schweitz, coordinator of the Brahma Kumari activities in the Dominican Republic, was read out. The coordinator, after visiting Haiti twice, said the family of humanity is passing through some extremely challenging times, and “we will be able to go through that turmoil of change by strengthening our internal spiritual potential and by accessing the power and wisdom that come from God.”

Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal addressed a largely attended meeting at Shantivan.

He said science, spirituality and governments should join hands in ensuring peace across the world. He was amazed to find that a large solar cooking range had been installed at the Shantivan to prepare meals for 15,000 persons twice in the day. Dadi Ratanmohini honoured Dhumal by presenting a memento.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris' "Message for Haiti" after major earthquake

Post22 Jan 2010

How come even the Scientologists get better press than the Brahma Kumaris!?! Good heavens, what will happen next? Will the BKs and the Scientologists will be fighting over the weak, wounded and the destitute to see who can save their soul first? And the Scientologists have got better VIPs.

An irate intervention from the real National Mental Health Association, said, "The public needs to understand that the Scientologists are using this tragedy to recruit new members," the president of the NMHA stated. "They are not providing mental health assistance."

Hmmnn, someone had better send the NMHA a letter about the BKWSU ... they got there first. But the National Mental Health Association got it right.

Frankly, from the BKWSU point of view, why should BKs really bother? According to Brahma Kumarism ... their suffering was their bad karma and their bad karma only. So why exploit it? Should not they just "go and eat halva" like when their mother dies?
Don't panic Haiti, the Scientologists are coming!

It's fair to say L Ron Hubbard's death was a blow to global humanitarianism. Happily, there is a silver lining to the cloud that has hung over Earth since the founder of Scientology shed his corporeal form in 1986. That silver-lining is the high profile, expansionist figures who represent his organisation today – and the good news is that they're turning their thoughts to Haiti.

Were an idiot like you to itemise the myriad things that this most wretched of disaster zones currently lacked, chances are you'd omit "militant Scientologists who claim post-traumatic stress is a conspiracy created by the evil psychiatric profession, and who believe the correct response to extreme shock is to touch sufferers with one finger, before attempting to convert them to the ways of Hubbard".

All I can say is, thank God for John Travolta. The Wild Hogs legend has unveiled his response to the unfolding crisis, announcing: "I have arranged for a plane to take down some Volunteer Ministers and some supplies and some medics." For the medics and supplies John must obviously be thanked, but for the Volunteer Ministers – arriving in Haiti via Air Travolta along with scores from other Scientology churches – the same cannot be said.

According to an official press release, the corps will be on hand to dispense "spiritual first aid" to Haitians.

In an undercover BBC investigation the leader of the London branch of the Church's anti-psychiatry movement was taped laughing that their role in the immediate aftermath of the bombings was "fighting the psychiatrists; keeping the psychs away [from survivors]". One survivor who happened to have mental health training voiced his shock that Scientologists had attempted to recruit him and others.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris' "Message for Haiti" after major earthquake

Post06 Mar 2010

As news of the Chilean earthquake and related tsunamis unfolds, the Brahma Kumaris wish to express our deep sympathy and compassion for all of those who have been affected by this tragedy.
In times such as this, we can take comfort in remembering that the human spirit is eternal. And while we are affected by upheaval in nature and the loss it can create, the spirit itself transcends this loss. It is important not to underestimate the power of our collective good wishes and deep thoughts of peace and courage to uplift and give hope to those in need.
Today (Sunday) Brahma Kumaris students worldwide will donate thirty minutes of meditation for Chile, starting at 10 am Chilean time (1 PM GMT). A special meditation vigil in which you can participate may also be hosted at your local centre. Please contact them for details.

Om Shanti.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris' "Message for Haiti" after major earthqua

Post06 Mar 2010

Hmmn, is that meditation causing all the after shocks?
Brahma Kumaris wrote:Sakar Murli 2009/03/23 Revised (We want destruction to take place soon)


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Re: Brahma Kumaris' "Message for Haiti" after major earthqua

Post07 Apr 2013

I don't agree with the negative comments made against the Brahma Kumaries. The persons whom have posted those comments needs to re-examine what they have written and check with an honest heart why they have done so. I am sure they will find out that it was certainly because they were dissatisfied with something and if the honestly check further they will acept in their heart that they are certainly wrong.

You see as one gets closer to Godhood many many obstacles will come in our path to fail us and if we are or were strong and firm in our own religion we will certainly pass with flying coulours but on the other side of the coin if we are not firm and strong in our religion we will definitly get wrapped into the web of falsehood. Then we become dissatisfied with our ownselves but blame it on someone or something.

I strongly feels that all religion and majority human beings would feel strongly to support others in situations and circumstances but some could not afford to but in their hearts and minds they have certainly prayed for the Hatians. Fortunately for them, the Brahma Kumaris (BK Rona) managed to visit them out of love for her divine Brothers and Sisters and I am certain that those of you who has negatively lambast the Brahma Kumaris have not even felt any kind of good feelings for these people.

So stop lambasting other religions, cults or sects and starting taking responsibility by honestly checking why exactly you are saying these baseless things about the Brahma Kumaris. Enlighten yourselves about them and try to experience the teachings of your God and see how differently you will look onto and respect others, especially the Brahma Kumaris for the great service they have done and is still doing for Human kind from various walks of life irregardless or religion, caste or creed.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris' "Message for Haiti" after major earthqua

Post07 Apr 2013

Sabitree wrote:I am sure they will find out that it was certainly because they were dissatisfied with something and if the honestly check further they will acept in their heart that they are certainly wrong.

... in our own religion we will certainly pass with flying colours

Both of these remind me of Brahma Kumari "jewels" or yuktis, are you in some way affiliated with the Brahma Kumaris?

If so, can you please define how.

Could you also show us evidence, by way of written account etc, of how much the BKWSU has donated to emergency aid relief and how it was spent.

Please be specific. Thank you.

In fact, tell us how much money the Brahma Kumaris take in, in India, and just how much they spend on genuine charity.

The vanity of the Brahma Kumaris will never cease to amaze me. Nothing they do is ever wrong. It's always your fault. This is the way they deflect responsibility for their actions and instructions. They honest believe that if their leaders "Remember Baba", they can do or say anything ... legal, illegal or a complete waste of time ... and there will be no come back.

Beyond that, they also believe that sitting on their mostly fat bottoms, doing nothing but mooning over their guru Lekhraj Kirpalani and latterly "sending thoughts", is the highest "service" of humanity ... and one only they are capable of doing.

Now, perhaps I am wrong but I am pretty sure the Haitians would have preferred money, food and medicine just as I am sure, in India, that people really need clean water, toilet sanitation, more human rights and a little better pay. Instead what do the BKs do?

Cosy up to the multi-millionaire industrialists and provide them with paid pacifying hypnosis classes they call meditation.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris' "Message for Haiti" after major earthqua

Post09 Apr 2013

ex-I wrote:Cosy up to the multi-millionaire industrialists and provide them with paid pacifying hypnosis classes they call meditation.

They are now becoming unstoppable. Recently, I witnessed a multimillionaire donated very good piece of land of his farm to build a center. After capturing the land, I learned that they have called meeting to generate funds/material to create the building. Now, for them, it became immaterial that how pure the fund/funding source is, as they are calling all people in their fundraising meetings. In my days, I was taught that Baba uses only that money/material etc which is earned by honesty.

I think, they have accepted the fact that people will come, join, enjoy the Honeymoon Period of, as ex-I said, pacifying hypnosis, donate and leave, because they were weak and could not cope up with the Shrimat.

Those who will continue may perhaps not having any other place to go, or have captured the front deck of the boat.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris' "Message for Haiti" after major earthqua

Post09 Apr 2013

because.parmeshwar wrote:In my days, I was taught that Baba uses only that money/material etc which is earned by honesty.

In my days, we were taught that they did not accept money from anyone not following principles because it would be "impure" and have a negative influence.

Of course, I found out recently that was a lie and they had been accepting money right from the early days. Indeed, they were saved from going under by one of Lekhraj Kirpalani's female devotees making sizeable donations.

Then, I think, after the failure of Destruction in 1950 and the money running out, they realised that they had to change their business model and start going out and collecting donations ... just discretely.

Who knows where the 'cash-cash' donations to the likes of Janki Kripalani went?


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Re: Brahma Kumaris' "Message for Haiti" after major earthqua

Post10 Apr 2013

It is amazing ... really amazing ...

Gather people around ... demand them money directly/indirectly, WITH AUTHORITY. People sit silent but, internally, accepts to give them as much as possible but still fee guilty that not made enough ...

I really want to know what force is pushing or pulling people in to the organization and, even after giving TAN/MAN/DHAN to them, the givers are always in the guilty consciousness. The leaders make it present in such a way, that it is because of we instruments, that your money/property is being utilized for the noble cause. Otherwise it will go to waste and destroy. So we given you the opportunity to safal your wealth/opportunity.

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