Why this particular spot on Earth ..??

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Why this particular spot on Earth ..??

Post20 Jun 2012

Since dawn of history, fact is: the Indian subcontinent and parts of the Middle East, which I guess jointly constitutes less than 5% of the total area of our Earth planet, have nursed the world's major religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam ... etc), cults (Brahma Kumaris and others), and spiritual organizations and movements.

Civilizations and large human settlements have also existed on other parts of the world, but none have produced major surviving religions, cults, and so on.

What are the reasons and explanations behind this fact ..??
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Re: Why this particular spot on Earth ..??

Post20 Jun 2012

It is not exactly a "spot", it is an area 3,000 miles by, may be 1,000 miles depending on what you want to include ... and I say Christianity really spread from Rome (Roman Catholicism) and Greece (Orthodox Church) in Europe.

For much of its history it was not connected the one we see it now (they had no maps). It was separated by impassible forests, deserts, mountain ranges and so so. Therefore, I think you have a false image in your mind if you see it as a "spot" and are looking for some magical cause. If you take "India" as a concept, it was not a definable "one", it was many conflicting nations.

If we accept the theory of evolution, humanity spread out of East Africa and so arrived in the Middle East first. It took a long time and many environmental factors for it to reach elsewhere, e.g, the Americas because we had to walk there and even longer to sail across the great oceans. Ditto, we had to wait until the Ice Age thawed out in order to settle the north of Europe.

It happened there because it had a good climate. Not too hot, not too cold, plenty of rain.

I guess a large part of reason is tied to history of arable agriculture and its effect on the civilization of humanity. It is said to have started in the "Fertile Crescent" of the Tigres and Euphrates, and the geographical coincidence of being at the end of what became called the Silk Route, a trade route from China and the East to the Mediterranean and Europe. In short, the area is at the center of a busy crossroads which was good for business.

Another big part in the race to civilization and power is the availability of metals (good for farming and killing your opponents) and the Middle East and India were "fortunate" in that elements (as was England later in history).

As we know, those "holy" people spent a lot of time slaughtering their family and rivals, murdering and raping ... including the likes of Ashok, and his armies, who used Buddhism as a political tool to unite most of India. They needed metals to do so.

On one hand, tribal spiritualism or animism as a religion or religions are universal. They arise wherever humanity exists. On the other, I am not sure that Europe or the USA is any less in the number of cults they has produced.

Personally, I'd go as far as to say, that happy and content human beings living in rich natural environments don't bother establishing religion and killing each other off in great numbers ... the two going hand in hand. They just live in happily and sustainably and are grateful for the natural world around them. That is the alternative, from the pigmy tribes of Africa to the aboriginal tribes of Australia, or the plains people of North America.

I'd would say it is only greedy, hateful, aggressive who need to invent fearful invisible gods in their own image and develop organization religions in order to build empires and control and tax their subjects. The BKs have just chosen a subtle way of doing so.

Before they came, the rest of us were just happy and gave thanks to the sun and the moon, motherhood and nature.

Rather than look to geography, a better question might be, "where did the restlessness, discontent and aggression in their genes come from?", e.g. the so called Aryans from the north invading Dravidian India.

Why weren't they happy in their own homes and why did they have to colonise other people's in order to build their empires?

Do you have a point you wish to make?

Your question suggests to me that you have a hunger to study history of humanity. There are plenty of books to read on the subject. I think you will find the answer is mostly politics, religion is a tool of control.


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Re: Why this particular spot on Earth ..??

Post20 Jun 2012

The term "spot" is only relative to the area under reference compared to the whole Earth planet area ... In lighting, there is reference to "spotlight", which could cover big area, yet encompass it and throw light only on it.

It is true that Rome and Greece have both played major host roles for Christianity at that time, but let us not forget that Jesus Christ was born, started his religion and died in what is now the state of Israel.

I tend to agree with your view that happy and content people living in rich natural environment do not bother establishing religions. Furthermore, the clear skies during most nights of the year might also encourage some people to stay outdoor, gaze at the moon and stars in the sky ... and inspire new religions and cults.
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Re: Why this particular spot on Earth ..??

Post28 Jun 2012

To say that religions began in the same spot is myopic. Religions and religious beliefs sprang up all over the world, most predating the so-called great religions by thousands of years. The Dreamtime of the Australian Aboriginals goes back about 60,000 years. Your objectivity is still being influenced by what you learned from the BKs.


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Re: Why this particular spot on Earth ..??

Post28 Jun 2012

We are here talking only about the 5 major religions ...!!
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Re: Why this particular spot on Earth ..??

Post28 Jun 2012

What and why do you think now, Dany?

One could add ... "Hinduism is not one religion but many religion. 100s of them if not 1000s. It only became Hinduism when it was named by the the invaders whether Mogul or British". Are the great religions one or many?

Certainly Christianity's formation has to be shifted out of Asia Minor and to Rome but it only became "great" because of the Spanish and British spreading it and using it as a political tool.

One could argue that the reason those religions stuck was that the people's were trapped in poverty and feudalism for far longer and hence stuck with their tribal Gods and superstitions. Where there were humans, there were beliefs and animist beliefs the BKs don't mention in their "Tree of Humanity", like Taoism or Dreamtime.

Or that there was something rapacious and dominating in the northern genes than the southern genes did not have (e.g. the Aryans came to India from NW of the Caspian Sea ... Russia).

I think "spot" is wrong and the reasons were all practical and material ... latterly, religion as a form of Imperialism. Look at how Africa has been divide in half by the Islam to the North and Christianity from the Europeans in the South. There is certainly no divine secret to that.

I also wondered how the BKs could blank the whole of Chinese history and religion too, e.g. Confucianism.


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Re: Why this particular spot on Earth ..??

Post28 Jun 2012

It is an innocent religion/geography observation, which does not carry with it any indication or insinuation ... unique, but true ..!!

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