Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post14 Mar 2012


It is now clear that you wear the badge of conflict and confrontation as if it were something to be proud about. You hide behind your anonymity, dripping your poisonous theories and assumptions into the world.... be careful – one day you will drown in it. No wonder so many have either been banished from this forum or have had to leave because of your controlling, dictatorial nature. It’s clear that you’re trapped in the ego of your own opinion as your past record of conflict bears witness to.

Let me again stress that I’m not interested in your rhetoric/opinions. You’ve now made your position clear and so you’ll now hear from me or the appropriate authorities in due course. Unlike you, I’m operating within the law, so I have no fear of your irrelevant investigations as they merely expose your ignorance.

Thank you for the master class on trademark law. You clearly have no idea how rigorous the process is. The protection of intellectual property is a very thorough and diligent process and so trademarks are not handed out like sweets. If I’m supposed to be afraid of your veiled references pertaining to being a mental health practitioner, peddling my religious ideology through my work, once again you show your ignorance and demonstrate that you have misjudged me. There is clearly nothing more to say.

As for Mike26 and Alanna, this is now being desperately used to fan the flames of your non-existent argument. This matter has nothing to do with me and as I’ve said repeatedly, if Mike26 or Alanna want to contact me I will deal with this matter within the code of ethics I’m bound by. So what you believe is of no interest to me.

Easton Hamilton

p.s. as for your legal advice, as I’ve told you I’m not interested. Let the process now run its course. I want it noted by all that this was your choice. Until the legalities of this are resolved one way or another, if you continue to post negative material here I think it’s only right that your name and details are exposed too. That way you cannot use your anonymity to hide behind and you can join me out here in the open.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post19 Mar 2012

Enigma wrote:As for Mike26 and Alanna, this is now being desperately used to fan the flames of your non-existent argument. This matter has nothing to do with me and as I’ve said repeatedly, if Mike26 or Alanna want to contact me I will deal with this matter within the code of ethics I’m bound by. So what you believe is of no interest to me.

Do you honestly believe ... on the basis of the conduct you have shown here ... that those ex-clients would dare come back to you? I rather suspect that you will have made them frightened of what you and your supporters are capable of doing.

For sometime you have been going out of your way to try and destroy the ambience of this forum, and possibly the forum itself.

You were given an invitation to discuss matters nicely, either on forum or privately, and instead you have replied with more threats, insults and insinuations.

I know trademark law well enough for a lay person. Why would it be a problem to use a reference to the Brahma Kumaris' Shiva Baba when the Brahma Kumaris ... of whom you still have 4 or more recommendations to on your website ... have not registered it?

Do I trust you now to tell us the whole truth and discuss your own involvement with the Brahma Kumaris, and why you left? Sadly no. It might benefit other individuals exiting the BKWSU.

Have you checked through everything you are doing with the BACP first?
BACP wrote:Values of counselling and psychotherapy

Respecting human rights and dignity
Ensuring the integrity of practitioner-client relationships
Enhancing the quality of professional knowledge and its application
Alleviating personal distress and suffering
Fostering a sense of self that is meaningful to the person(s) concerned
Increasing personal effectiveness
Enhancing the quality of relationships between people
Appreciating the variety of human experience and culture
Striving for the fair and adequate provision of counselling and psychotherapy services

Bright Spark

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post19 Mar 2012

Do you honestly believe ... on the basis of the conduct you have shown here ...

And yet you are comfortable with your own conduct ex-l?
For sometime you have been going out of your way to try and destroy the ambience of this forum, and possibly the forum itself.
You were given an invitation to discuss matters nicely, either on forum or privately, and instead you have replied with more threats, insults and insinuations.

Your interpretation of the events which have occurred here is both staggering and delusional. I suggest you examine your own conduct before casting stones at others. And maybe get some help, you are obviously very troubled.

Oh well, even though you couldn't leave it alone for more than a couple if days, on the upside I am quite looking forward to finding out who you are.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post19 Mar 2012

Bright Spark wrote:Oh well, even though you couldn't leave it alone for more than a couple if days, on the upside I am quite looking forward to finding out who you are.

And why would that be?

Actually, if you look at the date stamps on the topics above, I left this topic alone for 5 days.

I find it strange that, on one hand, you are so offended by our free and open discussion but, on the other, keep coming back more ... without actually wishing the discuss what we are here to discuss the Brahma Kumaris, their practises and the effects they have on individuals.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post19 Mar 2012

Bright Spark your last post is very aggresive and almost maliciously threatening, why would you be interested in ex-l's identity, how would that help you?

Would you feel some good at knowing it? or would you try and hurt ex-l? It comes across that way, your behaviour is really quite strange.

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post19 Mar 2012

ex-l wrote:Actually, if you look at the date stamps on the topics above, I left this topic alone for 5 days.

Well done, be sure to head for the front of the queue for your medal.
I find it strange that, on one hand, you are so offended by our free and open discussion but, on the other, keep coming back more ... without actually wishing the discuss what we are here to discuss the Brahma Kumaris, their practises and the effects

That may well be what the forum is for, but it is quite clearly not what this thread is for. Your concept of a free and open discussion appears to be the stating 'as fact' of lies and untruth. That has no place in a really free and open discussion. No apologies have been made, no attempt to balance the scales of discussion. I "come back for more" because the defamation, libel and insinuation against The Reach Approach has not been retracted or removed. Your revisionist take on the thread fools no one but yourself ex-l, and you are clearly delusional. This little world you have created is a lie, and is full of lies when it comes to the topic of this thread.

Bright Spark

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post19 Mar 2012

Mr Green wrote:bright spark your last post is very aggresive and almost maliciously threatening, why would you be interested in ex-ls identity, how would that help you?

would you feel some good at knowing it? or would you try and hurt ex-l? it comes across that way, your behaviour is really quite strange

To quote ex-l, mr green, not at all. No threat is intended or implied, there is no way I could hurt ex-l is there? But remember that Easton is the one exposed here, has no protection against the libel which is brought against in him in this sham of a "free and open discussion". ex-l has a clear and explicit agenda against him, how is that fair? He needs to be brought to book about this, but given he also administers this forum, how can that be done? if he is named, I have recourse to the law as a member of the public. Seems fair enough to me.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post19 Mar 2012

You know nothing about ex-l and the administration of this forum.
Bright Spark wrote:ex-l has a clear and explicit agenda against him, how is that fair?

But why attack me and not 'mike26' and 'alanna'? Surely their comments are far more damning than my questions?

My "intention" is clear from my first questions? I merely asked whether there was some kind of BK connection. By now, more than three independent sources, and Enigma himself, have all confirmed it as being true. I mean, it is an inarguable fact at more than one level.

As there is a 'public interest' element to this discussion, I would say all of it ... part of which is only understandable from and relevant to a BK point of view ... is "fair comment". I have reserved my criticisms over the use of "experts" who have dubious qualifications ... which, again, is utterly "fair".
The 'fairness' in fair comment is not to do with whether a comment sounds unkind, partial or extreme. Fair comment provides a defence if the opinion expressed meets all of the following:
    • It is supported by the facts - check
    • It is honestly held - check
    • It is on a matter of public interest - check
    • It is not malicious - check

If Enigma is serious about going down the road of law, he should be seriously considering what else is going to come out and what kind of disclosures he is going to have to make. I mean, speaking personally, I'd love to see Jayanti Kripalani, the local zone and center-in-charge, the other BKs involved all being dragged into a court to clarify terminology and decide whether the nature of their practises and beliefs were worthy of concern ... especially given their recently exposed ambiguous past ... and to establish past or current connections.

I am not entirely up to speed on defamation law but I do remember Justice Eady’s ruling in the Smith v ADVFN case, on a very similar situation.

In fact, Bright Spark, you calling me a "delusional liar" etc is far more dangerous than I anything I have said. But do you think I care?

BK's Shiva Baba on

Bright Spark

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post19 Mar 2012

You know nothing about ex-l and the administration of this forum.

Do you often refer to yourself in the third person ex-l?
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post19 Mar 2012

Bright Spark wrote:Do you often refer to yourself in the third person ex-l?

ex-l is not a real person, and is the work of more than one individual. I would have thought that was obvious.

Bright Spark

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post19 Mar 2012

ex-l is not a real person, and is the work of more than one individual. I would have thought that was obvious.

Whatever. The great and mighty Oz ... Pull back the curtain and what's left ex-l? While you're at it, why not smirk and do an evil laugh? Mwah ha ha. Then we'd all be REALLY impressed.


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post12 May 2012


It is now clear for all to see that this forum has no integrity or conscience.

Over a week ago a resolution of this matter had been successfully brokered – which took a period of 2 weeks. I fully honoured my part of this arrangement, which meant that all the issues that the forum claimed to be concerned about were completely dealt with by me. I went further than this and said if any outstanding issues presented themselves I would ensure that they were resolved too.

Then it was brought to my attention, although the content of the thread had been completely removed, that it had been resurrected a few days ago. This proves that this issue has never been about what it’s claimed to be about as none of the original issues still exist. So there’s clearly no reason for this conflict to continue.

However, the deception and hypocrisy sadly go further than that because what I can now see is that there has been a complete reinvention of the original material. So not only was the thread inaccurate in the first place and totally misrepresented the facts, you, Admin/ex-l, whoever claims to be running this fiasco, have now completely reinvented the thread to presumably strengthen your own argument. Things have been added, subtracted and edited. My last and most important posting isn’t even there and the order of the content has been changed as well as images added to try and prove your lame point. What’s good is that I have a complete hard copy record of the thread as it was, so this reinvention will serve as very good evidence of what is really going on here.... the harassment continues.

For those of you who have supported me, either with posting your comments, or off-line, again I thank you but please do not make any more comments here... better still don’t even come back to read this hypocrisy. This is nothing more than a soap opera, which hopes to draw you in by creating issues where none exist. So please don’t get entangled any further.

I will not be commenting here again, or indeed coming back to read any more of the nonsense and fiction posted here. I have better things to do with my time and energy. Let this matter now take its course because those behind the scenes have proven they do prefer/want conflict. I’ve consistently said I am not the enemy of this forum but clearly the forum is my enemy.



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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post12 May 2012

This appears very much like a childish game and argument. Why reviving and allowing it on this serious site ... ???
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post13 May 2012

dany wrote:Why reviving and allowing it on this serious site ... ???

I guess it is one of the burden of offering individuals a reasonable degree of "Freedom of Speech".

I have no idea why Enigma keeps reviving this topic whilst still refusing to talking about his BK experiences, why he left but why he still supported them, and refused to give we ex-BKs the benefit of his professional advice and experience. It strikes me he is suffering from a bit of BK-itis ... believing you can make something true, and others believe it, by keeping saying it over and over again.

How can it be "harassment" when it is you who keeps digging matters up, Engima? Let sleeping dogs lie. I think it is we who are being harassed as you continually attempt to destroy our harmony and the credibility of this forum.

I do not call being threatened with the Police and legal action for libel an "agreement". I call it censorship by fear.

For the record,
    a) I have no knowledge of any such "agreement", have never been involved in making it, nor have I even read any such discussions.
    b) I checked again today (12 May 2012, see below) and the Reach Approach website still has all the pages recommending the Brahma Kumaris, failing to mention that certain retreat centers were run by BKs, excluding their real agenda, and listing Sister Jayanti as an "expert".
    c) Enigma has been offered the opportunity the correct any errors anyone has posted regarding him or his business but has not taken us up on it.
    d) Where there were known errors or any vagueness, e.g. regarding the involvement of other BKs as "Associates" etc, they have been marked and corrected (hence his comments on the edits).
    e) The topic was mistakenly deleted during its review but restored from the most recent backup (I can see a couple of my posts are missing but cannot remember what I said. If he wishes to repost them from his copy, I would be grateful).



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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post16 May 2012

There's a lot of potentially interesting points on this thread, especially to do with the role of psychotherapy in helping exiting BKs, which is something very close to my heart (I must point out that I know nothing of The Reach Approach, but have visited their website since reading this thread and feel capable of drawing my own conclusions from it). Unfortunately, the thread seems to have got bogged down in a bit of a row between two quite strong personalities.

I have no strong point to make here, but would just like to say to ex-l, with the greatest respect, that the links you are talking about are not on the Reach website (anymore?). I think you may be looking at cached versions of the pages, if you clear your cache or reset your browser (f5 on the keyboard) you will see what I see, which is blank pages. I work in IT, it will take a little while if topics are removed or edited for search engines such as google or bing to "catch up".

Hope that helps.

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