Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post10 Mar 2012

You get another plug from Lucinda on her last blog post in 2011, and as she sells her 'Suffolk Weekend Workshop' this month (March 2012) on the basis of ...
lucinda wrote:"currently training in ... some teachings of The Reach Approach".

If Lucinda has practised Brahma Kumaris meditation for over 20 years, she must have come into Gyan around the same time as you. I take it she is still out of the Brahma Kumaris now and with her lover ... is she one of your student/clients now?

It is nice to see that the pair of you are at least made your money out of your BK connections rather than handing it all over to the Sindis.

The outer circle of BK 'contact souls', and how individuals evolve away from doing BK service for nothing into running their own businesses, is something we've documented here. Although your people chose a rather combative approach to us here, and we are critical of outright money making ventures based on forms which were essentially BK service programmes, we are always genuinely compassionate towards individuals who seek to leave the BKWSU and are coming to terms with their involvement.

However, for those ex-BKs, or demi-BKs, whose public image is in someway tied up with or benefits from exposure from the BKWSU, we are not so popular because we shine a light onto the Brahma Kumaris' ugly shadow. We are not part of the "Greater BK Co-Prosperity Zone" with defend the BKWSU.

We also often examine questions from a BK point of view, e.g. "if BKs are selling "purity", how can they use individuals who are off fornicating to do so?" It is stuff which only a few years ago would have been unthinkable. And then we look at the double standards which are involved, e.g. if you are talented or famous you can get away with more of which if you were poor, Indian etc you would not.
Lucinda wrote:Check out The Reach Approach on this subject ... Read The Three Gatekeepers.

Basically, it asks "is what I am saying ...

    1 True
    2 Kind, and
    3 Benevolent (i.e. is it really useful)?"

If not maybe silence is the best way forward.

Taken from an Arab proverb or Buddhism?


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post10 Mar 2012

Dear Admin

More fantasies and lies! When are you going to stop this libelous activity or are you prepared to jeopardize what this forum is really about? It now appears that ex-l is prepared to jeopardize the good work of this forum by pursuing his/her own agenda and finding connections that simply aren’t there! What has my relationship to Lucinda Drayton (an ex-BK) my local priest who’s Catholic, a dear friend of mine who’s a devoted Hindhu, a colleague of mine who’s a practising Muslim and a badminton partner who’s a Jew, got to do with anything and more specifically the clandestine relationship I’m supposed to have with the BKs? This constant stream of misrepresentation needs to stop today! All it is doing is making my case against this forum stronger. As for the quotes from our model/work, we’re proud of the rich heritage embroidered in all that we do. So thanks for your appreciation.

Easton Hamilton
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post10 Mar 2012

Enigma wrote:More fantasies and lies! When are you going to stop this libelous activity ...


Tell me, are you being True, Kind, or Benevolent, i.e. "really useful", by threatening to sue this site?

Go sue Lucinda then because here is the (shortened) screenshot from here. Or did you give her free classes?

Look, I mean it. I think it is a great thing you have both moved on from the BKWSU and are running your own businesses. I just wish you would not falsely promote the Brahma Kumaris whilst you are at it. If you must promote the Brahma Kumaris, you should tell people what they truly believe, and pre-warn them of the dangers of cult adherence.

So which part of the BK philosophy do you still believe and which part do you reject?

reach-bliss.jpg (35.09 KiB) Viewed 17981 times

Bright Spark

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post10 Mar 2012

Like it or not ex-l you are bringing all this on yourselves. You are the ones threatening the good work of a good man through libel and misrepresentation. Don't make enigma out to be the bad guy here, its this forum that needs to close the thread. While we're talking about connections ex-l, what are your connections to "Admin"? Your ip addresses are awfully similar.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post10 Mar 2012

Really ... OK.

"True, kind, or benevolent" ... what's my IP address?

Bright Spark

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post10 Mar 2012

Nice edit. I am obviously wringing my hands in shame.


    A) what makes you think I would say?
    B) having accused everybody of not answering questions, why not try answering some of mine for a change? You don't seem to have responded to any of my posts directed at you lately other than to say I was a bit of a disgrace. Pot, kettle.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post10 Mar 2012

Bright Spark,

We are here to discuss issues relating to the Brahma Kumaris. The purpose of discussion is to find our way to a greater truth. We have two sides to this discussion.

On one hand, Easton claims he has not been in a BK center for 10 years and yet, on the other, Mike26 says:
Mike26 wrote:The director is Easton Hamilton ... I know people who have met him at the centre in West Bromwich around 2006 but his association with this centre goes back a couples of decades and he has apparently been a regular visitor to the London centres in the past.

And alanna says:
alanna wrote:I wanted to reply to this though, as last year (well, Xmas 2009-Jan 2010) I saw a Reach Approach counsellor so can offer some insight. The counsellor is BK insofar as she believes in Baba and The Knowledge, but she recognises there are significant problems with the organisation, that it has really harmed people and agrees with me that children should not be subject to the teachings. I don't think she went to morning class etc, she just did her own thing with The Knowledge. I think Easton is a BK.

Listening back to the tapes, reading the articles on their website and seeing the BK-inspired logo (all of which I discussed with my current counsellor) I am very concerned that the Reach view of a whole, happy, healthy person may be modelled on the BK idea of a whole, happy healthy person, and it was this very model that caused my depression and suicidal feelings.

In terms of Reach being a counselling service for BKs, I know someone at my old centre had problems with depression etc. and he went to them and is now better, but of course still a BK.

So who is telling the truth? We don't know yet but we have confirmed numerous connections between Reach and the Brahma Kumaris.

As I said before, even talking business with other BKs would have been against the principles of BK-dom in the old days.

I find Easton's responses unsatisfactory and have given up expecting to have a reasonable conversation, or getting the truth from him, which is sad.

Give the depth of issues relating to the Brahma Kumaris, I would have expected much more from an experienced therapist. I find his unwillingness to discuss such issues either small hearted ... or evidence of his bias. In some cases, I think he has answered in half-truths, e.g. the logo. Yes, a child probably did design it ... but it is clearly based on a Brahma Kumari design.

If Easton thinks the Brahma Kumaris are good enough to recommend to clients, why would he consider it libellous to be related to them?
Note, no mention the Brahma Kumaris' Global Retreat Centre is actually run by the BKs on the advert for it, nor that by "experienced facilitators" he means BKs.

Reach Approach wrote:HEALING HABITS

Global Retreat Centre - Oxford

Since 1993, the Global Retreat Centre at Nuneham House has welcomed thousands of people from across the world. They come to restore balance and focus to their life through solitude, silence and the study of spiritual values. Tucked away in the rolling countryside of Oxfordshire, surrounded by 55 acres of historical gardens and overlooking the river Thames, Nuneham Park is the perfect location to step away from the frantic pace of modern living, and to rediscover your inner peace and power.

Residential and One-day-Retreats

All the retreats are led by experienced facilitators. They give their time freely, to help others see the inner changes which are necessary to cultivate a deeper contentment and a greater joy, in an often chaotic world. Each retreat is an opportunity to explore the deepest insights into the true nature of our being, review the purpose of our life and learn practical methods to sustain calm and clarity in everyday living. Both the one-day and residential meditation retreats provide experienced guidance in meditation, whilst the retreats for specific professional groups are sensitively designed to explore the application of spiritual values in the workplace.

BKWSU Global Retreat on Reach Approach
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post10 Mar 2012

This blogger says he started his practise 34 years ago which would have been 1978.
MY INVISIBLE FRIEND EASTON February 22nd, 2012 | Author: galina

To all of my readers whom I consider to be my invisible friends, I would like to tell about my dear friend Easton Hamilton whom, although known to me since 2008, I have never had a chance to meet.

I received a telephone call from Easton in 2008. It was a year full of challenges for me. We spoke about healing powers of clay, salts and muds, and then about life, spiritual values, and things unlrelated to what I was doing. It was a long conversation, but I barely noticed how the time flew by – I was so interested in what was being said.

Easton set up an integrative counselling practice 34 years ago. Now it is the oldest practice of its kind in the country, with a large team of people practicing counselling, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy around the UK, using a unique method – The Reach Approach – developed by Easton Hamilton.


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post11 Mar 2012

I've taken the time to write this, because I just cant sit back an watch ex-l, whose clear intention is to try and bring about the downfall of Easton and the Reach Approach, which is blatantly clear for anyone to see, I cant sit back an do nothing, so again and again I will continue to make the point for all to see ... THAT EASTON AND THE REACH APPROACH IS AN ENTIRELY ETHICAL ORGANISATION, WHO GREATLY HELP THE MOST VULNERABLE AND NEEDY. Why do I say this? Quite simply because I CARE ... I care and when you truly care about something, or someone, you do all you can to support and help. So until these threads stop, I will continually speak my truth.

You see, truth always wins through in the end.

Love and respect


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post11 Mar 2012


Dear ex-l

I had suspected when Admin first entered this dialogue that it was in fact you ex-l, because there was no objectivity in what Admin had to say. Now I know you are one and the same! In fact, I now know who you are.

I've been instructed to tell you that you now need to read this post very carefully because what you do next may well not only jeopardise your own position it will endanger this forum. Throughout this character assassination you have called into question my integrity. You have repeatedly made slanderous and libelous remarks, tarnished my good name, generated an atmosphere of doubt, fear and suspicion and worst of all caused alarm and distress to people who are already vulnerable.... whilst claiming to care about the vulnerable.

Before I explain the legal ramifications of all this I first need to say you have been accusing me of being duplicitous and deceitful and now the curtain has lifted it is clear for all to see that you are the one that has not been completely honest here. You run this forum like your own personal kingdom, using anonymity to do serious injury and damage not only to people’s emotions but their reputations too. I now not only have my own evidence (contained within this thread) but the evidence of others too to support my position. So if you would like to pursue me through the courts for this statement then please do, because unlike you I can support my claims with facts, not rumour, hearsay and innuendo.

You see, when you try to treat people well and act with integrity and conscience people always come to your aid and this is what has happened here in this forum. But the reason you did not understand that and have questioned almost everyone's motives for commenting is because your position has been contrived and engineered. You are playing many roles behind the scenes whilst trying to profess this is a forum for truth and justice.... In this instance, it is not!

As per usual your selective quoting of others and myself has also helped show your hand and expose your ignorance. Quoting the three gatekeepers is amongst your best work because you clearly did not understand it otherwise you would never have cited it.... because it speaks against your position and for mine. But you see when you use information you don’t fully understand out of context it's very dangerous. You can make anything sound true when the audience doesn't have all the information and again and again your quotes prove you have not bothered to take the time to really see whether a connection between Reach and the BKs actually exists. Otherwise, you’d have given this project up some time ago, because I have no interest in an alliance with the BKs or anyone else for that matter. In fact, worse than that, as it has become clear that no connection whatsoever exists, you’ve then in an attempt to keep the argument alive, gone and found the most puny and spurious bits of information to try and persuade the audience that a case still exists. Your last posting about the blog was a brilliant example... if you'd really read some of the earlier postings properly you would see that this was only verifying a position I had cited earlier... but I am not going to waste time explaining it to you. My focus and energy are now concerned with seeing that truth and justice is done and I will not waver until it is!

As for the latest reference from Mike26, as he clearly knows more about my life than me, he will no doubt be happy to join you in what has now become a legal matter. I am not interested in proving anything here to you or anyone else, as I have no case to answer. And now I know from your past track record that you're only interested in increasing the readership of this forum, this going backwards and forwards suits your agenda very nicely indeed. This is why you’re enjoying the drama and theatre of this process. You see you're not the only one who can do research but I spend time getting the facts not selectively quoting and misrepresenting information. Facts and information are two entirely different things.... You deal in information - I am interested in facts.

The facts are:

1. You are the one who is not to be trusted and has a hidden agenda, which I am prepared to expose.

2. As I’ve said, you use this forum as your own kingdom, which you rule over – and your past track record bears witness to. I've been given some evidence of your past actions in this arena. It does not make pretty reading. Your cyber bullying is clearly a pattern that has worked well for you over the years but although I despise conflict I cannot turn my back on injustice and you have used your anonymity to perpetuate a number of these undeserved attacks on me and Reach and I will not allow this to continue!

3. Although this forum does some very good work there are those amongst your number who know what I say is true but sadly they’ve fallen into another trap... they're either afraid to challenge you or maybe because of what good work does get done they’re happy to pay the price for your arrogance and condescending approach. Whichever it is they know in their hearts that what is documented here is in fact the truth... especially those who’ve been around long enough to observe your methods.

4. I have, since my last posting, now found that I can also bring a case against you and this forum for harassment as it meets all the criteria. This is what I meant earlier by saying, how you treat people really counts because I’ve now had three lawyers who’ve looked at this thread independently for me and they’ve all given me the same advice. And as ex-clients who’ve benefited from Reach they’re all willing at no charge to take up this case because they know of the integrity of our organization and want to protect it’s reputation and independent agenda and spirit. You see you've not only been libelous but you've contravened many aspects of harassment legislation. I am not going to waste time going through it with you here - you can go and take a look at it for yourself or get your solicitors to explain it to you.

5. What I will say is that I've been advised if the thread is not removed today (11.03.2012) to take my harassment claim against you and this forum to the police (on the 12.03.2012) As this is a victim-centred crime they are by law bound to investigate you and this forum. As you have been the main protagonist they will look into your part in all this and anyone else who cares to stand with you. Your identity and those who have consistently joined you in this defamation will, if my case is proven, be revealed and the work of your forum called into question. I can tell you not only based on my thread but on the information provided to me from three different sources, that your pattern and reputation have helped me form a very strong case for harassment which I will be pursuing if my request is not met.

6. You have made matters worse because you’ve distressed and alarmed many who have come across this thread and in one case particularly the person has got much worse as a result of your actions. This is a very important part of harassment legislation because where one has created fear or impacted on vulnerable clients, the police have a duty of care. They must pursue such cases and your actions have certainly been injurous in more than one instance. This was the straw that broke the camel's back for me and is why I’m now forced into this action. I should point out that my case for harassment (which will be handled by the police) is a separate matter to the libel case, about which I will be meeting one of the afore-mentioned lawyers on Thursday to pursue if the thread is not removed.

7. This allegedly began as a thread concerned about my alliance to the BKs. As I’ve repeatedly proved no such alliance exists, it has now become about my actual beliefs, which is actually no one’s business but my own. I’m accredited by several bodies and it’s interesting to note that whether I’m Christian, Hindu or Buddhist etc, is of no interest to these professional bodies. Their only concern is whether one is adhering to the code of ethics, which I can assure you I always have. And yet here my reputation is being tarnished in order to pursue your own agenda. So if Mike26 or Alanna want to contact me directly about the person alleged to have behaved outside of these ethics, then as I have said on several occasions, I will deal with it directly, both internally and externally. With every organisation there are going to be mistakes but just as in life, we are not defined by our mistakes, we are defined by what we do about them. So if Alanna or Mike26 want to contact me directly here is my email address: and they can do that anonymously and they can be assured that their contact with me will be handled in the strictest of confidence.

There you have it... you either remove this thread today (thanks for the name change but it just is not enough) or I take my harassment complaint to the police tomorrow morning and hand over to them the complete contents of this thread which I've now copied should you try to change or edit its contents, along with the other bits of information I have been sent to corroborate my complaint. I’d be very careful what you do next because it will have long-term consequences not just for you but for this forum. If you really care about this work and both truth and justice are your real agendas you have now been advised what you need to do. I will be making no more postings. Subject to what you do, the next contact you will be in receipt of pertaining to this matter will be from the police followed by my lawyer.

A special thank you goes to all those who have had the courage to support me. Thank you for your on-going faith in me and the work of Reach. To all of you my heart says thanks. But as you can now see this was always a propaganda issue dressed up to expose me for an alliance that doesn't even exist and has never existed. And what has been unveiled today is that ex-l/Admin or whatever other aliases s/he operates under, has never been interested in the truth. This has been about power, publicity and ego. The reason s/he's accused you and I of duplicity is because s/he is the one who is guilty of that. No wonder s/he’s doubted your motives. I am sorry for those of you who have been hurt and I will do my very best to see justice is done as I will not allow this forum to tarnish our good work any more. PLEASE STOP POSTING NOW... it's pointless. If the thread does exist after tomorrow it will be handed over to the proper authorities. Thank you again from the heart.

Finally, to the reasonable members of this forum.... I am really saddened that you stood by and watched the injustice served up against me when I've only offered reasonable and honest explanations (where I owe you none). Worse than this each time I've answered the questions, new information, generally irrelevant at that, continues to be brought into the discussion to further the debate. You need to know this episode has not been good for your message and has been a pointless distraction. Furthermore, a number of people have been harmed in the process. This is why I am taking the action I have clearly stated in this document. So if any of you have any influence in this arena I encourage you to use it because I will not rest until this matter is justly resolved. You also need to know that I have no desire to disrupt the work of this forum because I believe it serves a purpose.

Easton Hamilton

Bright Spark

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post11 Mar 2012

Just to point out Easton, ex-l has started posting about the Reach Approach on other even more tenuously linked threads within this forum now. I think the matter has escalated somewhat. I wish you well in your actions against him/her and hope the matter is resolved quickly.

Sorry for my somewhat obvious anger in previous posts, it has been difficult to sit back and watch Reach be attacked in this way without taking it to heart.

I will withdraw from all this now, only to say that Reach will always have my faith and support.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post11 Mar 2012

I wrote my response here: 'Another BK Suicide', Easton.

As soon as you are willing to discuss your past experiences of the BKWSU and their practises, and your reasons for leaving, in a nice and rational manner ... then I am more than willing to do so.

Hopefully you will also go as far as offering positive suggestions which they could adopt to avoid situations such as the above and join us in encouraging them to do so.

You've never denied a historic connection with the Brahma Kumaris and your website still contains recommendations to them. That is enough for us to discuss fairly.

I am left wondering if "the information provided to me from three different sources" are also Brahma Kumari related sources which would, of course, confirm our observation.


The Brahma Kumaris Casa Sangum retreat ... note no mention that it is run by the Brahma Kumaris, that the "practises of silence" carried out there are BK Raja Yoga meditation, nor that the purpose of it is to promote Brahma Kumarism.

Casa Sangum, named after "Sangum Yuga", the only age BKs believe they can meet God. It is somewhat more contentious than most BK retreats because it is/was a private business owned by some wealth BK contacts that used poor BKs are free workers and it appears it reaps revenue from holding BK events. See discussion elsewhere.

Reach Approach wrote:HEALING HABITS

Casa Sangam - Italy

Casa Sangam Retreat Centre is a restored 1300 year old stone farmhouse, made with natural materials. Most of the energy used in the house for electricity and hot water are derived from solar sources. It is part of the estate "Tenuta di Fassia", and from it's hillside offers a marvellous view of Gubbio, only 6 kilometres away. Meals are vegetarian, prepared by yogis - students and teachers who practice a form of Raja Yoga and who prepare the food in a meditative frame of mind. This fills the food with positive and beneficial energy, which is good for the upliftment of both body and mind.

Guests are asked to refrain from smoking in the house and garden. There are three lakes on the estate and acres of woodland for walking, with a wide variety of fauna and flora. An ideal place for learning, relaxing and experiencing peace and well-being.

The estate "Tenuta di Fassia" offers holidays at the farm where one can rent apartments catering for from two to six people. It is possible to live in these apartments and be completely self sufficient and attend the courses at Casa Sangam on meditation and positive thinking if you wish which are offered in either English or Italian throughout the year.

Casa Sangam charges no fees for it's courses. However they are happy to accept voluntary donations towards meals and expenses from those who participate in their courses and other activities.

Various retreats are run at Casa Sangam. These include workshops combining art, meditation and creativity. Participants explore 'the self' facilitated by experienced, spiritual practitioners, using gentle, deep meditative processes, in which one examines personal values through a step by step process - exploring/enquiring, clearing/releasing, healing and celebrating. There are also silent retreats for those wishing to explore in solitude

BKWSU Casa Sangum on Reach Approach


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post11 Mar 2012

Thank you Bright Spark, for continuously going out on a limb and as I don’t know who you are I’m having to reluctantly respond to you in this way. Thanks for pointing out that the poison has spread to other areas of the forum. I will add this to the harassment case and the issue of libel if this is not addressed also... this is obviously worse than I thought. I completely understand your anger and the righteousness of it. It has come from a place I deeply respect i.e. the defence of Reach and myself. Thanks for your support and friendship. Let’s see if humility and conscience can prevail....



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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post11 Mar 2012

Very clever ex-l

The ‘sources’ come from amongst your number actually, but do you think I’d be stupid enough to reveal them to you? My discussions will be with those who can do something about your deception. Anyway what could the BKs tell me about you? Is there something else you’re not disclosing?

Anyway, I now have my answer. You’ve ignored my request and your most recent posting is outrageous. You have no scruples whatsoever. All suicide is tragic and given that I’m in the business of preventing such events, trying to pull me in on an issue I don’t even have any knowledge about is further harassment ... I will be going to the police tomorrow as previously stated if this thread is not removed ...

Easton Hamilton


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post11 Mar 2012

I am sorry Easton, out of respect to you, I wont be posting again ... but, ex-l, how can you use another BK suicide as a reason for what your doing? People commit suicide for all kinds of reasons, no matter what there beliefs are, be it Christian, Catholic, Buddhist whatever and, just for the record, you can see someone every day, or even know them intimately, and they can still feel like they cannot talk to you ... sadly, when someone becomes so desperate, they're unable to reach out to anyone or let anyone in to help ... that's how they reach a point of throwing themselves of a building ... and to use this lady's tragic death as a way to pressure Easton into talking about his own PERSONAL experiences is, well, there are no words ...

If you really cared, you'd see the damage you're doing. As for positive suggestions, no matter who you are or what your beliefs are, a simple word of kindness can sometimes be enough to pull someone back from the edge, the same as an unkind or thoughtless word can be enough to push them over ...

Easton I am so sorry, I hope you understand why I needed to respond to that. To use someone's death like that just sickens me. I know how much Reach has helped me and I am truly grateful. I respect your wishes and wont post again.

Love and respect

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