Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Mar 2012

Enigma wrote:There is not a single religion, school of thought, discipline or tradition that I know of that hasn’t been guilty of terrible crimes and abuses. Every day someone comes through my door having been wounded or damaged by their faiths ...

As you well know, the god spirit of the Brahma Kumaris tells its followers that they are going to inspire the scientists to use the nuclear bombs to eradicate a humanity it considers to be "impure". All 7 billion of them ... so the scale of the planned "crime" is rather greater than in the past. "The bombs have been made, they must be used", they say.

Perhaps you are not up to speed on the latest revelations about the Brahma Kumaris Easton. If ... big question mark* ... you have been out for 10 years then I am happy to assist you. I can assure you any balanced minded individual would be just as shocked as we were.

I am also aware that the process of exiting the BKWSU takes many years. It is easy to take the ex-BK out of the BKWSU but not so easy to take the BKWSU out of the ex-BK. Many people leave the BKWSU but them takes years, decades even, to unravel the mental conditioning they have undergone.

* I say "big question mark" because I find many of your answers disappointingly disingenuous. I expect to discover that whilst you have not gone to a BK morning class center you still go retreat centers or something. A lot of it feels like word play to me ... and we are too used to the games the BKs play.

If you don't want people to connect you to the Brahma Kumaris, don't connect to them. It is a simple as that.

Bright Spark

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Mar 2012

Your argument is gradually unravelling ex-l, its a bit worrying to read. You seem to be unravelling too.
* I say "big question mark" because I find many of your answers disappointingly disingenuous. I expect to discover that whilst you have not gone to a BK morning class center you still go retreat centers or something.

You do realise that quote is libellous don't you?


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Mar 2012


I wont be responding anymore ... as for my posts being emotionally manipulative, that certainly wasnt my intention,and its my sincere hope that they havnt and are not being recieved by others in the same way.

As for knowing better as a therapist' and ' drying out' well i choose not to respond to such comments ...

I speak of love, pain tragedy etc, because sadly they're all part of life and I believe a part of many people's lives who fall upon this site, and I believe the greatest kindness anyone can show another is that of compassion and understanding as I feel it's only then that a true mutual respect can be found.

I finish, no matter what comes back, with full support of reach and Easton's organisation.

They work within the BACP guidelines, with the utmost integrity, warmth, compassion and respect, and a very sincere selfless act and desire to help another.

If anyone should fall upon this site like I did, and your doubting Reach's or Easton's integrity, then all I can say is allow yourself the experience of working with them, as its only then you will know your own truth ...

(I speak from my own experience of the Reach Approach, in helping me with my own issues ... I, in no way reccommend anything else, that's for people to draw their own conclusions from their own experiences).

Love and respect to all.


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Mar 2012


1. Empty vessels truly do make the loudest noise and throughout this thread no one has shouted more or louder than you. You talk about disingenuousness but no one has been more disingenuous than you....claiming to want truth and justice and yet every time the questions are answered you move the goal posts. Because you’re not interested in the answers or a resolution, you’re so angry you can’t see beyond that. You are interested in control and those who don’t agree with your position must be defeated. I can assure you that I’ve endured abuse and bullying all my life and although I wish that were not so it has helped me to deal with your kind. Please do not address any further posts to me because no matter what you say I will not be responding.

I am sorry to say this but I find your posts emotionally manipulative and I am not moved by them. All this projection of "love", "pain" and "tragedy" ... it does not work on me and, as a therapist, you should know better.

Your attack on Paula is a disgrace. All the way through you have rubbished people’s feelings and experiences, and legitimized your cyber bullying by telling us that the BKWSU are this or that ... control freaks, liars, doomsday mongers etc. Your actions and behaviour completely discredit your arguments. You don’t seem to understand that two wrongs don’t make a right. Never have, never will. So to abuse someone to make your point is to make no point at all!!

I think this forum has valid reasons to exist (but this isn’t one of them) and so take your fight to BKWSU where it belongs... but the straw that broke the camel’s back for me is attacking someone (Paula), therapist or not, who has just had a tragic loss and is not coping with that as she rides the rollercoaster of grief.

So to cast your aspersions on some one so vulnerable who’s had the courage to speak her truth and not hide her identity, when you claim to protect the vulnerable (and hide your identity) really is the lowest of the low. This has been your most terrible work so far and you should note that I shall not rest until this thread is removed and/or you are revealed.

Perhaps you are not up to speed on the latest revelations about the Brahma Kumaris Easton. If ... big question mark* ... you have been out for 10 years then I am happy to assist you. I can assure you any balanced minded individual would be just as shocked as we were.

This was a laugh out loud moment! You assist me.... why would I seek any help from a mind that is so blinded by its own rhetoric it cannot see and refuses to listen? As for your ‘big question mark’, I don’t care what you believe or think. I’m interested in facts which you clearly are not. Please save your Derren Brown impressions for someone who’s interested. Unlike you I can provide evidence for what I’m saying, which I look forward to doing outside of this forum.

4. Those who want to keep repeating there have been no slanderous or defamatory remarks, you really need to re-read this thread because it’s littered with them. I have put together a portfolio of these, extracted from this thread and you, ex-l are without exception the star of this show. Individuals like Star Child and particularly Mr. Green have made their remarks in a far less derogatory way. In fact, Mr. Green has been the only one to say he wishes me well and that his beef is with the BKs (which I thank him for).

ex-l, the portfolio makes very interesting reading because as I said earlier every time a question has been asked and answered you come back with a revision on your position. And interestingly, as you obviously seem to know what’s going on in my own life better than me, you revise my position too. Re-read your threads and you’ll see what I mean.

I say "big question mark" because I find many of your answers disappointingly disingenuous. I expect to discover that whilst you have not gone to a BK morning class center you still go retreat centers or something. A lot of it feels like word play to me ... and we are too used to the games the BKs play.

FIRSTLY YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU THINK OR BELIEVE ... my posts are for those who are unfortunate enough to come across these lies and misrepresentations, so that they get the other point of view, which you’ve made clear you are not interested in. But here is another example of your pattern ... once the question that has been most pressed for was answered (which I only did for the sake of trying to achieve peace) you’ve now got a new position which is that I must go to retreat centres or something. This literally again made me laugh out loud.

You’re so glaringly desperate to find a reason to persecute me that if it wasn’t so serious it would read like a very good comedy sketch. What I find fascinating is that you know so much about my life and yet you don’t know I don’t believe in retreats. That doesn’t mean by the way that I’m anti them because as I said previously I don’t work at the anti end of the spectrum, and there are those who love and swear by retreats, and I respect their position and experience, but I don’t. As far as I’m concerned most retreats offer offer a temporary intoxication that is very rarely maintained. I am interested in sustainable solutions. And so for your information the last time I went on a retreat is over 15 years ago. But presumably you knew that and have just forgotten it! You’ve been doing a very interesting re-write of my life and this is the reason why such a solid case has been built against you within this forum.

6. Finally, for the undoubtedly reasonable people that frequent this space, I am very surprised, not that you’ve not come to my defense as I wouldn’t expect that, but I don’t understand why you haven’t been making a noise about the way ex-l has been making a defense of your position by beating up on an innocent person(s) and an organisation that supports NO PARTICULAR POINT OF VIEW. If the questions hadn’t been answered I might just be able to comprehend the silence but given that the questions have been answered, all ex-l is doing is weakening your legitimate arguments leading to a situation where you diminish your audience and end up only talking to on another ... Where's the value in that? Your message is being lost in what is his/her personal vendetta. No one else has quite taken his/her turn and the one example that I found that arguably went too far from someone defending me, there was an apology posted almost immediately. It's a pity that ex-l has not had the maturity and the presence of mind to do this. It’s left me wondering is he/she your leader, so you daren’t question the unreasonableness of his/her position?

The answer is now irrelevant to me because the legal advice I’ve had so far is that at the very least the name of this thread needs to be changed because in the portfolio I’ve gathered it is clear every question has been answered even though I owe you no answers. So the idea that this is a front for the BKs has been discredited.

And so ex-l do your worst; I’m going to continue to do my best and ensure that this cyber bullying does not continue.

The way I’m not taking legal action because of what you say about BKWSU. That’s between you and them and I have no interest in defending their corner. The action I’m taking is to stop you perpetuating mythology and lies.

Easton Hamilton

p.s. my final post will be to Admin’s response to my request for the removal of the thread and I’ll post this later once I’ve taken advice. So please don’t waste your time responding to me ex-l because I have no interest in what you have to say and certainly will not be responding to your pseudo questions.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Mar 2012

Bright Spark wrote:You do realise that quote is libellous don't you?

Not at all. It is my opinion. What does disingenuous mean?

    "Pretending that one knows less about something than one really does".

To be honest, Bright, from the beginning of your involvement in this topic I do not think you have helped Easton at all, nor been a very good example. Easton knows BK, what it is all about, and can speak the same language as we do. I'd just like a straight, uninterrupted discussion with him about it all, pro and con.

We know what happens within the BKWSU, with exiting-BKs, and people trapped between the two worlds ... e.g. individuals that exist in a sort of outer circle around the BKs and the yuktis they use to keep them "cooperative" (BKs have specific meaning for such word, you might not get at first).

Do I believe Mike26 and Alanna's testimonies? Of course. They come off as the utterly genuine. I could well accept that such practises have stopped ... but I'd feel a whole lot more secure if it was put in writing on his website somewhere, and he did not still recommend the Brahma Kumaris on his website.

Bright Spark

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Mar 2012

I expect to discover that whilst you have not gone to a BK morning class center you still go retreat centers or something.

That part is libellous ex-l. Enigma has repeatedly and clearly stated that he is not active, associated or related to the BKs. Therefore, you have called someone a liar. If you do this orally in public it is slander, if you write it down in public it is libel.
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Re: Is the Reach Approach a BK related con?

Post09 Mar 2012

That is just all word play. No, what Easton said is Reach Approach is "not affiliated with the BKWSU". Which I know ... if one defined "affiliation" in the legal manner. If one defines it in a casual manner, it is fair to say that Easton has many loose affiliations to the BK world.

There are recommendations to the Brahma Kumaris all over his website and many links to what I would call the outer circles of the BK world, or demi-BKs, which lead back into the BK world. Like I said Bright, you know nothing about the BKs and how they work and you are not helping him nor his reputation at all.
Enigma wrote:Your attack on Paula is a disgrace.

Do you mean telling her the truth about what the BKs teach?

I take it, that while you still recommend the Brahma Kumaris on your website, you have not told Paula that the Brahma Kumaris believe everything repeats identically every 5,000 years ... and so she will have to go through this time and time again for eternity?

So who is coordinating all these Reach people, who know nothing about the BKWSU, and yet have all "magically" joined at the same time?

If we can have someone to talk to us, can we not speak to some of the 2, 3, or 4 people within Reach who have been in the BKs in the past and know what we are talking about, please? Someone that would like to discuss the issues in a serious, adult manner?
the BKWSU are ... control freaks, liars, doomsday mongers etc.

At last, something we agree on. Yes, that is all factually true.

I am sorry Easton, it is just all too exaggerated and one big distraction. Whether it is the threats and accusations on one side or the over-sentimentalised testimonies on the other, is not that what they call "acting out" in psychology?

* Click to link ... the Brahma Kumaris call themselves the "Unknown Warriors"

Bright Spark

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Mar 2012

So who is coordinating all these Reach people, who know nothing about the BKWSU, and yet have all "magically" joined at the same time?

Why do we have to be coordinated by someone ex-l? Is it because we are all out to get you? You have a strange definition of magic, the internet was all I needed to find this font of bile, I am sure others followed a similar path. To paraphrase a certain unloved politician, "Calm down, dear", you see patterns where there are none.
That is just all word play. No, what Easton said is Reach Approach is "not affiliated with the BKWSU"

No it's not, and no he did not - he said this ...

What you have said is libellous.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Mar 2012

We only deal with stars here, not fan clubs.

Bright Spark

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Re: Is the Reach Approach a BK related con?

Post09 Mar 2012

We only deal with stars here, not fan clubs.

Sticks and stones ex-l. Refute the challenge or shut up.
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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Mar 2012

ex-l wrote:We only deal with stars here, not fan clubs.

It is a BK joke ... you see, you did not get it.

The Brahma Kumaris teach that, "You are a star ... an infinitesimal point of light in the middle of the brain ... not the body but just pure light" etc etc etc. According to them, your real problem is that you are too "body conscious" and only by becoming "soul conscious" can you become pure and cure yourself.

    Would you like to do The Seven Day Course or attended a free retreat? Perhaps you already have done so?

You don't understand the way the Brahma Kumaris and their outer circles work. The evidence of connections are all over the Reach web presence.

And we still have not addressed who exactly was teaching Brahma Kumaris' philosophy and practises in the Reach therapy rooms.

It is even more against the BKs' rules (Shrimat) for a non-adhering BK to be teaching BK Raja Yoga ... for exactly the reasons emerging here.

BKWSU "free" Global Retreat Centre on Reach Approach
reach-retreats-BKWSU.jpg (42.18 KiB) Viewed 19364 times

Bright Spark

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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Mar 2012

It is a BK joke ... you see, you did not get it.

Hysterical, I am sure the long winter nights must fly by. Yet again, you manage to be passive aggressive, patronising and chippy in the space of a few sentences. What YOU don't appear to get is that your cavalier attitude to the truth, to integrity and someone's well being and professional reputation is threatening the existence of your whole forum. You are becoming so blinkered and desperate, ignoring people's comments and cherry picking things which you think back up your argument, you really are starting to come across as being slightly unhinged.
Would you like to do The Seven Day Course or attended a free retreat? Perhaps you already have done so?

Is this a genuine question, or are you just taking the p*ss out of the thick electrician again, I know you consider tradespeople incapable of 'higher thought'. If it is genuine, then, hmmm, let me consider it for a nanosecond.


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Mar 2012

Admin wrote:The site is contacting all parties involved for their comments on the events. The offer still stands to change the title to something more acceptable.

Given the clear evidence of there being continued connections, if no other alternatives are proposed, a neutral title such as "The Reach Approach and the BKWSU" will be used.

Dear Admin,

I am totally staggered at your response mainly because it completely ignores everything that I have said throughout and particularly in my last posting and demonstrates that this forum is not interested in the facts! There is no ‘evidence’ of continued connections because no connections have ever existed, how many times does this need to be said before it is heard!!

It is now obvious as I have increasingly suspected that this is not about truth and justice at all, because this was the perfect opportunity for this matter to be amicably resolved. But it is clear that you are also not interested in a resolution, so I will not be wasting my time repeating myself because apart from those who have been defending me, no one here is actually listening! So as I said previously, I will now be taking whatever action is necessary within the Law to get these lies and mis-representations removed. I had hoped this wouldn’t be necessary and that you would be sufficiently impartial to facilitate that outcome. Clearly you are not impartial otherwise the conclusion you have come to could never have been drawn. WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE THAT YOU REFER TO?

I will not be posting any further comments so those who wish to pose further questions can continue the debate amongst themselves, because they clearly know me and my intentions better than I do, which is interesting given that no one making these accusations here even has a relationship with me!!

Since making my earlier post I have taken legal advice and it has become clear that many of the postings here are in fact libellous because I continue to be called a liar in public which is both offensive to me and is undermining the good work I am busy performing. Everything that was alleged has been clearly refuted and the repeated reference to transgressions of others has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with me. I offered a solution to that and I’ve been presented with no names, so that I could pursue those allegations ... you’re clearly not interested in this, so if this is mentioned again in connection to me I will not be hesitating to take the action allowed to me within the law against those who continue to spread their lies.

So the position is clear, I am again respectfully asking that this thread be removed or I will be pursuing legal action. Your concession, Admin, to change the title of this thread does not go far enough. It is interesting Admin how you are happy to break your own rules by allowing this slander to continue when your own policy clearly states:
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “Brahma Kumaris Info - the Truth about the BKWSU” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that “Brahma Kumaris Info - the Truth about the BKWSU” have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit.

Why are you ignoring your own rules? Sadly, I can’t do anything about that but I can do something about the repeated attempts to discredit my truthful accounts as the remarks posted here have now strayed from opinion into libel because they have been presented time and time again in a derogatory fashion and simply aren’t true!!!

So the decision is yours. If you choose to continue down this path you will need to furnish me with your personal details or the details of your solicitor. I will wait until Monday the 12th of March to see if my request has been honoured, otherwise I will begin proceedings against this forum and those guilty of the repeated assassination of me and my work. If you decide to ignore my reasonable request, please send your solicitor’s details to so the legal process can begin.

Finally, I want to thank those who have been both kind and brave enough to come to my defence, such as Maria44, Orbit, Smiley50, Deniese Wilson. I want to say I’m very sorry Paula that you were courageous enough to share your experience and were so badly treated in a public space, especially one that says it is interested in protecting the vulnerable. Know that the reasonable amongst us are wishing you well ... please don’t lose faith. A special thanks also goes to Bright Spark as you were the first to come to my defence and you’ve endured quite a lot of abuse and criticism of your own in the defence of mine and Reach’s reputation. I’m truly grateful to you for your kind, honest and unwavering comments ...

Thank you all!!

Easton Hamilton


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post10 Mar 2012

From: (4/15/2010):
Lucinda Drayton wrote:I’ve been back in the Brahma Kumaris world too. The retreat centre outside San Francisco and a small centre in Sacramento. Both experiences were just beautiful. A feeling of coming home, some refreshment and then ready to go again. The BKs really do things with such love. They give such experiences and then cook food for everyone and give blessings, all for free. I’ve not found that elsewhere in the States.

I am now at Peggy Dylan's house in Sonora. The drive here was incredible, miles and miles of amazing grassland, trees lakes and gently winding roads. It is stunning here. In the quiet time I enjoyed reflecting on the California trip. What an adventure it’s been. I've especially enjoyed sharing the basic naming process with groups as taught by The Reach Approach. It’s so simple and so profound. People keep asking me ... why don’t psychiatrists know this stuff ... why didn’t I get to this depth in therapy? My answer to that is ... I have no idea. I am not sure why it's so effective. I just know it is. I'll have to have a chat with the founder Easton Hamilton as to the answers to these questions. I have an idea about interviewing him. (He doesn’t know yet).


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Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

Post10 Mar 2012

Dear Jann

I felt compelled to respond to your post because it had no comment from you but sought to quote Lucinda Drayton, which I found very odd because what Lucinda has to say has nothing to do with this discussion (I use the term loosely). So I’m not sure if it’s been posted to somehow show my ‘back door connection’ to her and therefore to the BKs but I needed to comment because it feels like a distraction from what has been said so far. Lucinda Drayton is a friend of mine but what has that go to do with anything? We share some ideas and philosophies and are not in alignment on others. And that’s absolutely fine in my world. I’ve already made the point I’m not ‘anti’ anything. So popping in an ‘incomplete quote’ about something she said 2 years ago, what’s that got to do with me or The Reach Approach? Just for the record, the interview she referred to never happened because I didn’t want to do it ... those who know me, know I’m not interested in publicising myself. I’ve had many opportunities to do that and not taken any of them. My message is, ‘remember the message, not the messenger’. So I felt the need to comment because this post feels like a distraction from the real issue and also from my last post to Admin, to which I await a reply.

Easton Hamilton

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