Dadi Janki and the Janki Foundation

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BKWSU's big sticks

Post13 Oct 2006

sparkal wrote:All the souls here are talking from an honest heart whether they agree or not. Dadi Janki, whether she does or not, I am sure would like to. In the world in which we live, all is not what it seems, or is made out to be. It dictates to the likes of Dadi Janki and others, including ourselves. The world is such a lie, perpetrated by those who control it, it would certainly suit them for everyone to be at odds with each other.

I strongly agree with your last statement.

For me there is the "God" aspect of Gyan, and individuals are best to stick to it pure and simple; and then there is the family business, the acquisition of power and property which requires capital ... cash.

Unfortunately, the drive within the BKWSU to play the dirty game of climbing the greasy poles of power, politics and public opinion comes directly from the Sakar Murlis ... and sorry, old boy ... but that means Lekhraj Kirpalani to my mind, followed shortly after in the West by the Kirpalani Clan and their camp followers.

Sadly, what I have to report from my own witness, is that the fall out of all their behind the scenes games; the deals, the private meetings, the empty promises to get individuals in front of Dadi's killer Dhristi, the cloak and dagger, the spying and speculation the inner clan members of the BKWSU gets up too, creates an environment far from the "love, peace and understanding" they sell to the general public. It creates an atmosphere when soul distrusts soul, no one knows who they can turn or speak to, individuals are torn between conflicting loyalties, rumour rules. And, yes, I have witnessed it with my own ears and eyes; those seen as the most Seniors are often the first to accuse without examining the facts; usually condeming any rising change or contention as others Maya in the first place. They, being God's instruments, are unquestionable in running the family business.

Where do you get the cash in your bank account if you do not work for it? There is a lot of money is selling God and Godly services. It is a well established business model to tap into. 2,500 years of experience does not account for nothing. Wrap a little lady with character in white as a USP, talk God, and you are half way to the donation box already. Can we say the great guru donator Lekhraj Kirpalani was not aware of this when the Yagya coffers were running dry and the "End of the World" destination far off on the horizon?

In this light the impoverished PBKs with their more metaphorical understanding of Gyan, although they too do not claim perfection, come off in a much better light. That is to say the "Mahabharata War" of the "Pandavas versus the Kauravas" is not external to the BK family in the real world; but is internal to the BK family and about happenings inside the BK family.

I am starting to believe this. But am going to sit this battle out and watch it from the sidelines. My sympathies to those individuals who are at the receiving end of the BKWSU's big sticks. We have had 2,500 years of that too ...

But, believe me, I am not condemning. Merely stating facts and questioning every possibility on their basis.



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Post14 Oct 2006

Dear soul. Om Shanti. Drama is predestined and also perfect. So there is nothing wrong in drama.

Yes, you can say that!!!!!!

But the facts coming from all directions and are very upsetting.

I recently met with a BK Didi that told me how she herself and others like Dadi Janki, Dadi Kumarka, Dadi Gulzar and all the important administrators of Mount Abu meet in the early hours, behind heavy curtains and closed doors to watch and study the VCD* from Baba Virendra Dev Dixit about the Advanced Knowledge. And she said that this has been going on forever and since a very long time.

Now you, my forum friend, BKDimOk tell me about the sweet pre-destined drama and how wonderful it is. Oh, I feel sorry for you and for many other souls in the same position as you. :cry: :cry:




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Post14 Oct 2006

a BK Didi that told me how she herself and others like Dadi Janki, Dadi Kumarka, Dadi Gulzar and all the important administrators of Mount Abu meet in the early hours, behind heavy curtins and close doors to watch and study the VCD* from Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit about the Advanced Knowledge. And she said that this has been going on forever and since a very long time.

Yes, a likely possibility, otherwise how come bits of BK Murlis go missing after each edit. It is perturbing.
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Re: drama

Post14 Oct 2006

surya2037 wrote:I recently met with a BK Didi that told me how she herself and others like Dadi Janki, Dadi Kumarka, Dadi Gulzar and all the important administrators of Mount Abu meet in the early hours, behind heavy curtains and closed doors to watch and study the VCD* from Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit about the Advanced Knowledge. And she said that this has been going on forever and since a very long time.

This is amazing if it is true.

Especially, if you add it with the incidents of security BK Brothers beating up PBKs on the street, keeping them away from the rank and file BKs.

I am sorry to ask, but do you promise us this is entirely true?

Why were they studying them?
    a) Because they are questioning if it is Shiva
    b) Because they accept it is Shiva and want to learn
    c) Because they don't accept it is Shiva and want to prepare more attacks on Virendra Dev Dixit.
    d) It is some sort of entertainment for them.
If what you say is true, that they have been doing so for some time, then it suggests they is some degree of acceptance. If they have faith, then the suppression, or double standards, are a terrible crime.



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the truth

Post14 Oct 2006

Unfortunately, this is true. There were more souls listening to her amazing story and in time they will report it too. I am not sure how much should be revealed here because of this Didi's security. She shocked us all that day.

Oh man! Those BKs mess around with peoples' lives! They definitely destroyed mine.

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Re: the truth

Post14 Oct 2006

surya2037 wrote:Unfortunately, this is true. There were more souls listening to her amazing story and in time they will report it too. I am not sure how much should be revealed here because of this Didi's security.

Let us say it is very fortunate. God bless her honesty and sincerity, protect her ... and damn the rest of them.
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Post16 Oct 2006

Given the conflict of understanding I have been involved in at "the centre", this may answer some questions or, contradictions. I think that it is time for the BK Seniors to make some clear if not revealing statements if they have knowledge which is not being revealed. It is every ones Father, every one's knowledge, and the aim and object is global transparency remember.

Of course, there has always been "secrets of the drama". Sadly, it would appear that, these Seniors leave it to Bap Dada to reveal things beyond the Murli. Well, we don't all get shown things in the way that, e.g. Brother Ram does. Someone who came and scanned our centre and was shown, but was also rather ignorant towards myself I felt, and revealed little of what he saw about OUR lives. It is like they assume that we get the same revealing visions from Baba. Same game? FEAR? I did have a vision but I am keeping it "SECRET" :lol:

Knowledge is power and the BKs know that by retaining it, they can have power. The equivalent of a shallow victory. So, the question remains, who are the BKs empowering with knowledge? Knowledge is for ALL, if it is not shared, there may be souls going around telling things which are just not so. The game becomes interesting when Baba starts to show the rest of us, or some, these revealing things.

Tolerance is a great virtue.



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Post16 Oct 2006

Given the conflict of understanding I have been involved in at "the centre", this may answer some questions or, contradictions.

Dear sparkal,

I can imagine how you feel by your statement. Let me tell you that there is a war going on inside me. A massive war. I also want to know at any cost what is going on.

I want the BKs to come clean, and come clean fast! If the Dadis are not in charge any longer and fear for their security so tell someone else and that one should revealed it to us.

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Post17 Oct 2006

I cannot edit that last post, so will make another as a continuum.

It is likely that Dadi Janki questioned her own ability to scan/ see with regards to others and the bigger picture, and so Brother Ram did a second take on things. This tells us much about the BKs and how they operate. As for Sindhi business men, they gave where other wealthy people don't. Mike George? We don't know how much of his wealth comes from BK sales/ promotion, or indeed how much of his wealth he donates to the BKs in turn. He may have made it out in the world as a writer anyway without BK help(?).

The fact that a Brother can scan and be shown what is, by Brahma Baba (?) lets us know that the likes of Dadi janki is not some lose cannon, nor the the likes of Brother Ram. It tells us that Madhuban is the centre of operations, and Dadi adheres to this. It tells us that it is Brahma Baba's operation and that the deeper goings on do not take place through the Murli, but through directions and signals through Yoga/ psychic means. Brother Ram revealed what he needed to, and Baba revealed, certainly to me, what, or, some of what was being revealed to Ram, out of respect for this soul I presume. Brahma Baba DOES care, and has much humility and respect for us all. It is those of us on this drama stage who can get a bit, well ...

Indeed, it is important that Dadi Janki does know what is going on in "the present" with regards to "the future" as she has/ may have an important role to play in key/pivotal moments in the drama regarding the lives of others and the drama itself. The wheel must continue to turn, even if our appetite is somewhat diminished. Some peoples lives may depend on the likes of Dadi knowing what is. All will be revealed later in time. Vague? Tell me about it.

Correspondence sent to her may have caused her to question certain things. Bro Ram's visit will have let her know that she was on track all along and that she was receiving conflicting information via correspondence. There may have been a trance message as a result. This would serve to clarify things for many people, so, everything can have purpose, even inaccurate information/ churning's. I am not entirely in the mood at the moment for this particular saying, but, "everything is good". Uhh. We may not agree with DJ's views/ methods and ways at times, or the culture from which she hails, but a big part of life is about accepting others and who and what they are. She works to an agenda.

Chaos is a thing of the world, and in the BKs at a more local level it can beggar belief even, and no doubt at the higher level also, but the teacher is there and in control, I would suggest that souls do not doubt this for a moment. Indeed, these local Centre-in-Charges provide a good smokescreen for it all to move forward, not to mention the even greater chaos out in the world. If we need to know something relevant, it will be shown to us, signalled. A Murli last season mention something of this nature perhaps(?) So we need to be open to this possibility.

It may suit the teachers agenda for us to think that they are gone and lame so that we adopt more self respect and become what they want us to be, which is like them. If they are not there, we may feel inspired to play the role ourselves kind of thing. It is we on the world stage who compete remember, and maybe the odd one or two beyond who shall remain nameless. The dead sea scrolls remember an opposing teacher known as "the man of lies" and "the wicked priest". Name that dude.

If the Dadi's are watching PBK material, it does not mean that it is in order to learn "advanced knowledge". They may be having a laugh at it for all we know. Cartoons. The drama is like a cartoon, extreme animation.

I wrote this one earlier, but am not so sure about anything anymore. The Dadi's NOT in charge any more? Well, I wonder who?

Every post I make here is my last one. I cant be bothered with it all any more. The real game is going on outwith the BKs I feel.

Lets put it this way, take the opposition leader out of the game, and ... I don't know if I want to go any farther into this, I have had a revealing insight into my future, and there is one nasty aspect looming. Still, it will get even nastier for those without an honest heart. Pig's body anyone?

I am disgusted with this world and what I see clearer going on around me more and more. I don't want to be here any more, what with all this genetic supremacy, it really makes you sick, very very sick. Something needs done about it. You cant sneak around in the way that they are. The uglier side still is that it seems to be bleeding into the spiritual family, or what is left of it. We need clarity on a number of things. We want to see the hands of those at the top; Shiva, Brahma, and the Seniors, or who is manipulating them. We want to see who has a clean pair of hands. Thank you for The Knowledge BKs, and good riddance.

Take care here Spiritual Brothers, get your own thing going if you are not happy. We don't need whatever is going on there. It just seems to be sounding worse all the time, the more I here, and I have not heard much.


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Post17 Oct 2006

Remember when you were a BK and heard: "you will hear things that you never dreamed about it ...", so this is it !! the time has come !! :wink:

Keep me posted, I am going crazy ... :shock:
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Facial hair and food fighting

Post20 Oct 2006


I apologize if this brings up personal issues for individuals but what is the issue Dadi Janki has with men with facial hair? We joked about this a lot. It is obviously true because the sources span an experience of may be 20 years or more. Did Mama tell the Sisters that men with facial hair were more lustful dogs or something? Or did she just have a bad experience with a razor blade once herself.

I can say too that it was not just facial hair, it at least used to be also with long hair (even just collar length), musicians (ex-BeeGees obviously forgiven) and a whole host of other little things that is starting to make me think, as someone else said, that she is really body-conscious.
Now, I can understand that from a PR point of view, she is a straight and she likes her boy's all squeaky clean. And if it is just from a PR point of view, why the heck did she not do anything about all the overweight Sisters and sick looking Indians? In the meanwhile, am I the only one to notice the striking resemblance to another notable world leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner?

And just out of interest, does anyone remember the "food Bhakti" fights that went in the Yagya as Westerners rebelled and wanted to eat decent food that did not turn their stomachs into hot swamps? That was another one the Seniors had a real down on. It was so "body-conscious" to want to be healthy ... and Bhakti to believe it could be achieved through diet rather than Yoga power. I believe that one was won by the Westerners.

In away it is another indication of the difference between this lot in power and Brahma Baba because at least BB used to take the girls out marching and played sports. Does anyone remember BKs ever doing any co-ordinated physical activities? I can remember when doing anything that was not direct BKSWU service or Yoga with your free time was condemned. Has this changed? Bah ... Bhakti ... body-conscious ... !
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Business as usual - The Janki Foundation and

Post22 Oct 2006

The website for "President" Janki Kripalani's foundation has had a make over by the same people that did BK Brian Bacon's Oxford Leadership Academy by the looks of it. UN credibility factor pops up but a prize to anyone that can find mention of the BKs, BKWSU or BK Raja Yoga related to BK Janki or any of the other "stealth" BKs on the board, e.g. Drs Hansa Raval and Sarah Eagger etc ... Not even in the "Supporting Organisations" Section. I am sure they are doing some good but either they are ashamed of the BK connection or these guys really are a operating like Secret Service! *

BUT ... they are slipping in meditations to initiate patients of doctors into a psychic relationship to Shiva (also known as BK Raja Yoga Meditation) without clearly labelling as such. Top billing Dadi Janki along side trendy quotes from the likes of Louise L. Hay and the Buddha (who let's face it usually gets short-changed in the BK world) we find the following, see below;
For a relaxing experience, these creative meditations offer a range of guided reflections and visualisations, which can be used to support self-care. They were produced by a group of health professionals committed to an understanding that positive thoughts and feelings can encourage positive health. They can be spoken out loud to patients*, in a hospital, clinic or hospice setting, in groups or for individual care. A CD of meditations, with accompanying music, will be available soon.

*will not be suitable for patients with severe mental illness or in confusional states

"Imagine the source of unlimited peace to be like a bright star ... or like the sun in the sky, sending you silent waves of love and comfort ... It is like a benevolent friend of light, who knows you very well and trusts you completely ... ... And now in the depths of your quietened heart, you invite the source of peace itself to come and sit with you ... ... You let go of all resistance and come closer to the loving source ... " etc.

Now, that is Shiva initiation. Pure and simple BK Raja Yoga. Inviting Shiva into a direct connection your being. That is nice. Some gets so sick they are confined to bed in a hospital and cant escape, then they are hooked up into BK Raja Yoga without knowing. And all the well meaning professions, sucked in by the change of labels, on the outside of the jar are helping promote it for them.

Oh, and they ask for donations here and it costs to buy the materials here ...
The cost of the Values in Healthcare pack is £150.00 plus postage and packaging. If you would like to purchase the pack, please complete the Values in Healthcare Purchase Order Form and return to us by post with your payment.

So, does anyone know, did the BKs sit down and say to themselves, "let's go out and dupe people for the sake of service by making this foundation in Dadi's name rather than under the BK Raja Yoga label because folks wont come if they think it is BK Raja Yoga that we are making them do?" or is it just understood that is the name of the game? I would say in my experience it certain was when I was around. I would call it "Business as Usual".
Dadi Janki wrote:"If you have honestly realised your mistake, but your mind continues to go over and over it to no avail, consider this a sign that you are now in need of forgiving yourself", from Wings of Soul

Interestingly though, in the Supporting Organisations section is other BK front; India Care which works out of the same address as the Berlin Raja Yoga Center. A trust to promote charitable projects in India, it mentions BK front names; "The World Renewable Spiritual Trust" and "Academy of a Better World" in Mt. Abu", lots of white saris and Godly aprons but not the Name of The Beast itself.

Interestingly though, IndiaCare does actually look as if it is doing some good - do I sound suprised ... ? - rather than just BK service under a different guise. Is this the vehicle through which the German government co-sponsored the renewable energy projects in Abu? I hope that the good does go directly to the poor, and not just the BKWSU, without any terms and conditions applied. More research required. Any one have any impression of the Global Hospital?

Global Hospital & Research Centre Trust, a Mumbai registered public charitable trust, also lists its BK backbone under the usual habit of listing them as anything but BKWSU representatives, e.g.
Chief Patrons

• Dadi Prakashmani, Administrative Head, Brahma Kumaris, Mount Abu
• Dadi Janki, President, The Janki Foundation For Global Health Care, London, U.K.


• Dr. Hansa Rawal, Texas, U.S.A. and others

* The SS/SS ... The Senior Sister's Secret Service
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Post23 Oct 2006

They are not so much ashamed, as wanting to distance themselves from the BKs. That is the ones who are bonafide medical professionals would like to see this.

They have become a rather split group, as I understand it.
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DJ has a realisation

Post13 Dec 2006

Dadi once had a conversation with Baba:
Baba said “You have so much courage and it is this that has helped you move
so much. You also have a lot of zeal and enthusiasm.” Dadi replied,
“Baba I encourage people and so there is a small complaint about me that
I am a little pushy.”
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Post13 Dec 2006


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