How to start a cult - anyone seen this video?

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How to start a cult - anyone seen this video?

Post25 May 2009

I don't know who is behind this website but it has an excellent video posted on youtube. It resonates loudly with the experience of being enculted by the BKs.

World peace organization appears to be doomsday cult.


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Re: How to start a cult - anyone seen this video?

Post16 Dec 2009

The Cult Test: Dishonesty, Deceit, Denial, Falsification, and Rewriting History.
The cult has no respect for the historical truth. Like a Communist country that changes the history books every time a new dictator takes over, cults revise their history whenever it suits them. The cult won't allow mere facts to hinder it in its pursuit of wealth and power.

All cults have different levels of truth. "Outsider doctrine" refers to information and "truths" which are told to the general public. Complementary to this "outsider doctrine" is "insider doctrine" which is revealed to members alone and then usually only gradually as they attain status.

The reason for this separation of doctrine in cults is that it would be impossible to recruit if people knew what the organization really was about.
The elder cult members believe that prospects and new converts are incapable of exercising good judgement ...

Since newcomers cannot make good decisions, the cult must do the thinking for the newcomers, for their own good.
The Cult Implants Phobias.

Members are made to fear that terrible things will happen to them if they leave the cult, or fail to follow the orders of the guru, or even question the cult's teachings.

Fears are part of the cult member's belief system, and the cultish mind-set contains numerous fears to keep it imprisoned.


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Re: How to start a cult - anyone seen this video?

Post26 Jan 2010

Is Brahma Kumaris a dangerous doomsday cult? HOW TO DETERMINE IF A GROUP IS A DESTRUCTIVE CULT.

Can we get a poll on this?
Common Properties of Potentially Destructive and Dangerous Cults

The cult is authoritarian in its power structure. The leader is regarded as the supreme authority.
The cult's leaders tend to be charismatic, determined, and domineering. They persuade followers to drop their families, jobs, careers, and friends to follow them. They then take over control of their followers' possessions, money, lives.
The cult's leaders are self-appointed, messianic persons who claim to have a special mission in life.
The cult's leaders center the veneration of members upon themselves.
The cult tends to be totalitarian in its control of the behavior of its members.
The cult tends to have a double set of ethics.
The cult has basically only two purposes, recruiting new members and fund-raising.
The cult appears to be innovative and exclusive.

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