The scent of the BKWSU

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The scent of the BKWSU

Post16 Nov 2009

From Money, money, money...
cranuta wrote:Can anyone let me know. What are procedures/ways of BK leaders in getting money from their loyal members? Is it mandatory? ... After some time, she was also asked to buy very expensive electronic gadgets, mostly branded/high-end stuff. She bought everything as requested and as per the specifications given to her. One funny thing is, their leaders also demanded to buy them branded perfumes.
ex-l wrote:Cranuta, can you name the leader who wanted the perfume and what brand it was, please?

I don't doubt you, I just want to know who it was and what their tastes are.

Send them Egoiste by Chanel.
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Re: Money, Money, Money

Post16 Nov 2009

Ha! ... A response like that reminds me of some of the jokes we used to have in the old days. They are so famous now, they should demand a new perfume made just for them ... 'Chanel No. 8', of course. I was thinking more of 1980s style 'power' women it would have to be ... 'Christian Dior's 'Poison' but the truth would be something closer to 'Eau de Ganges', or 'Esprit de Karachi Street Market'.

So which one of the 8 Dadis is 'Number 5'? Didi Manohar, Dadi Kumarka, Dadi Gulzar, Dadi Janki ...

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Re: Money, Money, Money

Post16 Nov 2009

We can invent one too: Eau d'Hypocrite. Terrible but sadly true.
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Re: The scent of the BKWSU

Post17 Nov 2009

It can be a persistent scent, no doubt. On some skins more than others, depends also in which form and concentration you use it. Some keep on going for more, it is their favourite. Some get fed up to the point that smelling it from even a distance makes them sick.

Usually the sample version is very different from the product for sale. I do not want it for Christmas, it's too cheap ;).


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Re: The scent of the BKWSU

Post21 Nov 2009

It's an old perfume ... Christian Dior - Dune ... for their Highest God, Her Highness Dadi Janki, and some of the big Sisters in Mt. Abu.

72022651[1].jpg (2.9 KiB) Viewed 13182 times

This die hard BK is now complete broke. Aside from suffering financial problems, I think she is also having some mental problems :shock:. She dedicated her time, demonstrated extreme loyalty and generously donated her wealth to this evil cult. Such a pitiful lady!

Their gods are simply enjoying the fruits of her; labor big van, jewelries, high end electronic gadgets (laptops, projectors, ipods, stereos, digital clocks, recorders and a lot more, branded pefurmes. And she is alone, suffering, broke no one to turn to. Banks are calling her for her huge credit cards due payments and loans :oops:. I heard that she has been experiencing a severe depression.

Do you think Dadi Janki and big Sisters can help her at this time? I do not think so! They got what they wanted from her and her role is over and let her suffer alone.
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Chamade, the call

Post21 Nov 2009

What about "Chamade", by Guerlain?
The "call" she must have heard and "inspired her to become a "donor".

Do you have any way to contact her asap, before her depression becomes more severe, and invite her here? We can lend some shoulder to cry on and even make her laugh at times!
p.s.: How did you guys manage to upload pictures, I am useless , and wasn't able to?


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Re: The scent of the BKWSU

Post22 Nov 2009

you simply click the upload attachment then attached the image by clicking browse. I tried to copy and paste it did not work. :D


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Re: The scent of the BKWSU

Post22 Nov 2009

Their gods are simply enjoying the fruits of her labor: big van, jewelries, high end electronic gadgets (laptops, projectors, ipods, stereos, digital clocks, recorders and a lot more, branded pefurmes.

Which seems to me to be clearly against the Shrimat given in the Murlis.

I do not remember anything specific about perfume but it is often mentioned in the Murlis not to wear fancy clothes, or use powder and make-up, or have fancy hair cuts. Many times also BapDada underlined in the Avyakt Murlis not to depend so much on all the material facilities.



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Re: The scent of the BKWSU

Post22 Nov 2009

What is so bad about wearing nice clothes, or having a good haircut. Oh, I forgot, we would be trying to attract others to us. And that would be inciting lust maybe?

It's nearly like a one track mind. Perhaps there should be a little more concentration on the old greed and ego aspects.
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Re: The scent of the BKWSU

Post22 Nov 2009

Doesn't it all depend on the role and position, whether you should wear a suit or overalls? As it is in the lokik world, same rules apply in the BK corp. A cleaner doesn't need to appear fashionable and neat as a PR person or a salesman.

I observed that, gradually, the Yagya in the West has became more tolerant about "body conscious" looks. As long as it is "service". If your job is a manual one, and your role is sitting in the center teaching courses to non-VIPs or ordinary students, you will not get away with make-up and high heels.

Some roles require being more "normal" and incognito, or even trendy, in order to reach certain customers and not freak them out with nun-like shabby looks. By the way, those Jehovah Witnesses or Mormons that do door to door proselytism, all look very "normal" and manicured in their well ironed suits ...

I wonder if this is a trait common to all sects, trying to look harmless, like skillful con-men that sneak into old ladies' homes disguised and rip off their savings.

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