Dadi Janki and the Janki Foundation

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Mr Green


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Post11 Oct 2006

I knew Mrs Janki very well, and interacted with her many times and she is a fierce old boot, who has a habit of flying off into one and very rare is the person who is willing to disagree with her or butt in when she does this ... i have and she usually respects you for this.

But as all people who have walked this planet for a long time she also has endearing qualities, and an experience of her type of life, I would say she is probably pretty good at meditating.

But you should meet my grandmother who is 85, now is she a dynamo ... woo.
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Post11 Oct 2006


It's not about being strict, but empowering themselves with their own bullsh**. For you to say everything was OK for you brings to mind: You must have a face that fits well. DJ is being extremely body conscious because of her selectivity on who she will get on with and approve of and who she wont.
then you will be able to hear what they are teaching you.

I have read some DJ lectures recently, to call it a 'teaching' is really stretching the definition of what teaching is.


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Post11 Oct 2006


I understand your point, but I feel an organisation is greater than just a few of its members.

Teaching does have several levels I feel. Teaching face to face, one to one, is what I mean. Teaching to the general masses is diluted. Maybe this is the problem BKWSU has in that most BKs do not have direct one to one with God, and closest they get is with Dadis.
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Post11 Oct 2006

Bansy wrote:but I feel an organisation is greater than just a few of its members.

Yes, I agree, but DJ is touted as a very important one ... a ... 'cough' ... 'Trimurti Dadi' no less.

Actually, I found all the other Dadis to be incredibly sweet.


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Post12 Oct 2006

John wrote:Actually, I found all the other Dadis to be incredibly sweet.

Dear soul. Om Shanti. When did you meet Janki last time? I met her in 2004 in St. Petersburg's center. It is a pretty big center with about 300 BKs in it. Of course there was only big classes for all the BKs. She stayed there for 5 days. Also there was a big program for all at a stadium. There was about 3500 people on it. So all my experience from this soul is love and full devotion to service. Also I have heard that one of the sanskar of Janki was her will for others to grow fast, to move fast, and to do a lot of efforts. It was until she realised point about drama.

I mean that everything in drama is predestined. After that she became sweeter and also loveful. Everyone is growing up until the end of that cycle. Dadis are not exeption. We may have a lot of to correct in ourselves. They may have one sanskar to correct in them. Everything what is happening in drama is needed. Every role, every sanskar, every action, every thought. So I wish you not to judge anybody, but be judges to yourselves.

With best wishes.
BK Dmitry.
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Post12 Oct 2006

BKDimOk wrote:So I wish you not to judge anybody, but be judges to yourselves.

So DJ can go around judging people, but if anyone should judge her back then it's wrong ... Yes, I know keep quiet ... Well, for many many years I kept quiet because I thought I would be the only one to think these things, but no, actually others are saying similar things. And yet the big PR machine rolls forward ... either we have nothing better to do than make things up or you're being a little niave ...
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Re: Dadi Janki

Post12 Oct 2006

BKDimOk wrote:Dear soul. Om Shanti. Do you indeed now all about Janki's youth. I mean exactly. What was she doing or what she was not doing? How many was sick?

Do you have this full information in order to make negative statements. Or you are doing them because of the habit? What is your true intention? ... Objective means that you have all the information and do not want to persuade somebody in something. Objective means truth.

I did not/don't have any personal issues with Janki. She never really affected me. So many used to be quite frightened of her. I don't feature in her world. I am not sure what the organization is really all about but I respect her part in building up a multi-million Pound empire from no where. That is not nothing. She could be personally invasive but may be she was right.

My personal opinion was that she was the yogi rather than an intellectual. I could not say I got proper answers to questions I asked. Fair enough, most Eastern mystics always criticise the Western mind for "thinking too much". She put on her show for the BKWSU and that was that. She was not infallible and could be very wrong. Few would and could challenge her. But you have to realise that there is a load of stuff going on that you do not get to see as a happy BK. What the Indian community gets is a little different than the Westerners and there is a whole load of internal stuff that rank and file BKs do not get to see. My advice is keep out of it and just be happy. Life is short enough.

My only person gripe with "King Janak" is that it was she that brought in the Brahma worship ... pictures of Lakhraj Kirpalani everywhere ... contrary to the Murlis. And by doing so brought in and sanctioned the Dadi worship too ... pictures of Dadis by bedside and all that ... And, as I said, the Dadi worship is not according to Gyan. It is idol worship. Gyan is being turned into personality cults.

I am asking you honestly DimOk for an answer, if "God" is saying one thing, day in day out in the Murli for 50 years, you lived with him personally for 10s of years ... and you keep going about doing the opposite ... what does make you and where else does the same principle lie?

My "intention", my wish, my desire, my service ... is to the make the BKWSU have to be honest and stop hiding behind all the deceit. And as I know they read this, I hope they understand that. The BKWSU, which I separate from Gyan and even the Babas has lost itself in a mire of half-truths to outright lies. I do not believe that God can be revealled to the world through tricky PR Yuktis. This is another typical expample. Better, in my opinion, just to be simple and honest. Tell Gyan as it is. And keep the money out of it.

Objectively, on this book cover, Janki Kripalani is portrayed as some sweet Mother Theresa character. She was not. She is a tough little Kingdom-making cookie. It seemed to be her job to pull the money in, as she was not afraid to push the issue. My guess is it is/was her job to work the Hindi/Sindi community too. Again, honestly, do BKs "pray for sick people?" So how does that make the BKWSU look and is it not confusing people?

I have sat at their knees and heard them say clearly, "BKs do not do social work ... Godly service only" etc. No ministering to the sick. We know what they are referring to. It was in the sick bay during the days in Retreat before they had to go out into the World looking for money to support the Yagya. The rest of the world does not. In my opinion, it is unfair for the rest of the world to be duped, fooled by clever advertizing. How many people out of 300 were sick at any one time? Was it as hard as working as child labor in a sweatshop that m illions suffer today? Unfortunately, generations of young Brahmins grow up being fed lies by the BKWSU, e.g. re-edited Murlis, and believe them.

As much as the early period of life in Gyan is a Honeymoon and the middle-period is an exciting status grabbing adventure for some and backseat ride for others, the later part of Gyan is a sort of sickness when one wakes up to what is going on, and with a hangover from all the stupid things you did and were encouraged to do ... and starts to face the ugly side of yourself and the organization. May be this is what the PBKs call the Iron Age of Gyan.

I just call it facing human reality. I hope that helps.
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Post12 Oct 2006

bansy wrote:It could be the other way round.

The BKs are playing a very cagey game. If there is one thing I dislike it is hiding behind cloaks and veils. Dadi can celebrate her own role and importance while others feel obliged to sneak around and hide their true identity due to circumstances of the drama. Don't patronise me by saying I have no experiences with God, please.

I have had so little communication with Dadi that I just don't know what to think, but I do know that she has had far more time to give to Sindhi business men than to the likes of me who travel 400 miles to visit London. Could it be that one also hopes to have their mushed up twisted life clarified while they are visiting? Is that a lot to ask? Obviously. There are many many others who are more in need of her time, but not wealthy business men. I may take that one back of course.

If you have a male body, expect cold discompassionate behaviour from DJ. "It could be the other way round". Yes, you are right, it is HER who fears me, fears what I could do to the whole damn lot of them with one stroke of a keyboard text. The Sindhi dudes should get ready to receive their cash back, it has destroyed the family, a bad idea in the first place.

We need clarification as to the spiritual status of Shiva for a start. I don't have the access that they do to ask Bap Dada. Dadi seems to be in touch yoga-wise, but not worldly experienced. Her one to one relationship management leaves much to be desired. As was said, she is B.C. in her outlook. It may be a lack of confidence but people don't see or believe it possible in such a Goddess. Their problem, not Sister J's.

It is assumed that the Advance Party have nothing to do with the BKs. Rubbish! I want nothing from Sister Janki and cetainly cant be bothered debating how wonderful she is or how many weaknesses she has. And she does have them, or you are kidding yourself. Dealing with 300 new Russian BKs is not the same as dealing with a soul of 25 years, in this life.


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Post12 Oct 2006

Brother Sparkal,

My apologies if my comment provoked you, my meaning is that in any relationship it takes both parties, i.e. two to tango. Thus DJ not contacting you can equally be a loss for her as it is a gain to you, so one should not feel bitter about it.

how wonderful she is or how many weaknesses she has. And she does have them,

The best thing you have over many is at least you're not going to be trapped and sucked into worshipping her, as many BKs seemingly do.


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Re: Dadi Janki

Post12 Oct 2006

ex-l wrote:1)I did not/don't have any personal issues with Janki.
2)My personal opinion was that she was the yogi rather than an intellectual.
3)My only person gripe with "King Janak" is that it was she that brought in the Brahma worship ... pictures of Lakhraj Kirpalani everywhere ... contrary to the Murlis. And by doing so brought in and sanctioned the Dadi worship too ... pictures of Dadis by bedside and all that ... And, as I said, the Dadi worship is not according to Gyan. It is idol worship. Gyan is being turned into personality cults.

Dear soul. Om Shanti. Those who are worshiping somebody will be this persons subjects in Golden Age or in Silver Age or in Confluence Age or even in Iron Age accordingly to the time worshiped one is coming to the Drama. But if you are looking only on ShivBaba you will become king in Golden Age. It is a guarantee. Then you are thinking, speaking, remembering somebody it also means what you worshiping that person. But if you are thinking of God, speaking with God, remembering God it means that you are claiming your inheritance of kingship at this moment.
So what do you want to be a worshiper or to receive inheritance from your True Father? And also I wish you to be honest with yourself and also to be honest with your True Father.
ex-l wrote:I am asking you honestly DimOk for an answer, if "God" is saying one thing, day in day out in the Murli for 50 years, you lived with him personally for 10s of years ... and you keep going about doing the opposite ... what does make you and where else does the same principle lie?

Dear soul. Only One Soul knows exactly what is happening in drama, what was happening and what will happen. And only God know every souls karma. And only God can change that soul. But first of all that soul must have a will to change itself. Only after that Father will do His job. When we change - world changes. It means that I must start from changing myself not from changing somebody. Even if I want to change somebody what does it mean? It means that I want something from somebody. So, do you want something from somebody or you want everything from God? So ask honestly this question to yourself and give an honest answer. Because God is waiting this answer from you. Don't make your Loveful Father to wait for your answer.

With best wishes.
BK Dmitry.
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Mr Green


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Post12 Oct 2006

Dear bkdim, may be according to drama plan your wrong? :wink:
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Post12 Oct 2006

BKDimOK wrote:Because God is waiting this answer from you. Don't make your Loveful Father to wait for your answer.

You talk as if you know God, but actually it is just the definition presented by Dadis/BK org, that you know of. What I mean to say is that I believe it is their view you are buying into, not what is presented by Murli.
    • Have you read all 5 years of Sakar Murli?
    • Do you at least have your own balanced view of Gyan?
    • Do you know what is the difference between Sakar Murli and Avyakt Vani?
    • There are Murli points which indicate that Shiva does not incarnate as BapDada in Dadi Gulzar, yet you won't be able to find them because they are written out of the Murlis ... by whom?
If Shiva has indeed had to leave the Dadis/BK org, what does it say about the state it has now gotten into ...


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Post13 Oct 2006

John wrote:What I mean to say is that I believe it is their view you are buying into, not what is presented by Murli ... Have you read all 5 years of Sakar Murli? Do you at least have your own balanced view of Gyan?Do you know what is the difference between Sakar Murli and Avyakt Vani?There are Murli points which indicate that Shiva does not incarnate as BapDada in Dadi Gulzar, yet you won't be able to find them because they are written out of the Murlis ... by whom? If Shiva has indeed had to leave the Dadis/BK org, what does it say about the state it has now gotten into ...

Dear soul. Om Shanti. I have read Murli. It's not necessary to believe. It is necessary to know. If I don't know something I don't believe that. All I know is that God has come to purify souls and that souls will be purified in any case. The difference is in their will to cooperate with Father. If they have it, they will receive not only peace but also happiness. God gives such a guarantee to all. So If you want you may follow Fathers directions. But God won't make you to follow. It is you who is making choice. God offers you all. If you want something from all, you may take it, if you want all you may take all.

Baba is also The Obedient. He follows His children's will. What children wants they receive. If child want to be impure he will be impure, if he want to be pure he will be pure. However everyone will receive peace at the end. But someone can receive peace now and also happiness. So I wish you to decide what you want to receive and tell it to God.
Mr Green wrote:maybe according to drama plan your wrong? :wink:

Dear soul. Om Shanti. Drama is predestined and also perfect. So there is nothing wrong in drama.

With regards.
BK Dmitry
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Post13 Oct 2006

All the souls here are talking from an honest heart whether they agree or not. Dadi Janki, whether she does or not, I am sure would like to. In the world in which we live, all is not what it seems, or is made out to be. It dictates to the likes of Dadi Janki and others, including ourselves. The world is such a lie, perpetrated by those who control it, it would certainly suit them for everyone to be at odds with each other.

When these souls and their ugly false regime fall, I expect that the likes of DJ and co. will relax and open up. I am sure that they want to talk openly and honestly as we do. But everything is so intense due to, well, we cant talk about why can we. Well, it is about time the world started doing so, and quick. Then we can understand the likes of DJ and Shiva, and what is Brahma Baba doing about this mess we are all in, what does he do up there all day and night? We want action. What a mess.
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Mr Green


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Post13 Oct 2006

BKDimOk wrote:Dear soul. Om Shanti. Drama is predestined and also perfect. So there is nothing wrong in drama.

You sweet soul.

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