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About Karma

Post02 Apr 2009

Respected Sir/Madam,

I have question about Karma, who maintains the account of Karma?



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Re: About Karma

Post02 Apr 2009



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question about karma & soul

Post11 Apr 2009

Respected Madam/Sir,

I have one question about Karma & Drama. One side we say that this Drama is fix and other side we say, "as you sow, so shall you reap".

Kindly explain. Thanks.

With regards,

Om Shanti
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Re: Karma

Post13 Apr 2009

The BK exist at the level of offering and applying "yuktis" (methods) or simplistic mental plugs to either stop people thinking, or try and make them do some good.

Here you have two separate yuktis, or mental plugs, that conflict and oppose each other. Both work well enough if used separately but contradict each other if used together. This is a classic BK philosophical dilemma that troubles most BKs at some point or another.

But ... it is all worthless bothering yourself about because there is no such thing as a preordained "Drama". The confusion only works for the BKs because they believe in an identical 5,000 Year Cycle. But, given all the failures of Lekhraj Kirpalani or Shiva Baba's predictions, do you really want to gamble the rest of your life on such a ridiculous idea and following the people that push it? There is no point.

Much better questions would be ... why are the Brahma Kumaris important to you ... why do you want to become one or follow them?

As for Karma, after 17 page of talk, no one has come up with an explanation about how karma works. It is fine social theory. It is a great if you want to control individuals' actions. It is an even better one if you want to encourage them into giving you free money, properties, services and labour on the basis of some "magic" future return ... but after 70 years of BKWSU, no one knows how or if it really works/exists or can explain it.

Perhaps you should start by realising that the Brahma Kumari philosophy is just a mishmash of disconnected little yuktis. Most have been taken from elsewhere and stuck together randomly. They either confuse or hypnotise the mind in order that the Brahma Kumaris, or the spirit entity that guides them, can gain control of you, your life and your money.

Its not real philosophy and they are not real yogis. They are just spiritualists. Mediums. Another wave of gypsies spreading out of Rajasthan taking people's money by putting on a good show.


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Re: Karma

Post13 Apr 2009

Well, if karma is ..."what comes around, goes around". I would say ... "Easy come, easy go!!!!".

But I know that is not true ones involved with this cult, it should be though ...

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