Spiritual growth & relationship with Baba/God after BK

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Spiritual growth & relationship with Baba/God after BK

Post21 Feb 2009


The great dilemma for me after leaving BK was my relationship with God and my fear that I wouldn't continue to grow spiritually. It even took me a while to stop considering myself a BK long after stopping going to the centre.

A big consideration for me was my love for God which was there before BK and then the relief of experiencing that my relationship with God continued after leaving. The fear is instilled in one that when you leave BK you are leaving Baba/God. Of course, we know now that that is a lie and one of the important reasons why so many are afraid to leave.

Even though I wasn't going to the centre every morning anymore, I was still speaking to God all the time like I had done while being a 'pukka' BK. A saving grace was that even though we had been advised not to read anything that was not from the BK, I had continued to read spiritual books because I felt that it was a limiting view of God to think that He would only teach through the BK. I know that He teaches and speaks to us in so many ways, through nature, our relationships, life experiences and the writings of other spiritual souls.

I wish that I had gone to a therapist when I left but had the same fears like so many I have read about on this forum. So it may have taken me longer to recover but, thankfully, after many years I believe that I am coping so much better now and continue to experience myself as a non-aligned spiritual child of a loving Father.

Visiting this website over the years has sustained me and helped me to feel that I am not alone. There have been many dark days and feelings of despair. Over the last few years I have watched as others I know, love and respect, have started on the journey of recovery of BK-ism. I am thankful for the honesty of those who contribute and for efforts of those who maintain this site. You do more than you will ever know in saving souls. I have been able to direct them to this website and we have been able to find a starting point for sharing discussion on what really happened to us while in BK, and how do we move on from there.

The conditioning is long and deep and was further ingrained by our desire to draw closer to Him and serve Him and His children.

Keep up this wonderful soul-saving and sustaining work! This website saved my life on more than one occassion so very heartfelt. Thank You!
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Re: Spiritual growth & relationship with Baba/God after BK

Post21 Feb 2009

Oh ... any chance, whilst you are feeling in such a sincerely grateful mood, that you might want to donate to the "Buy ex-BK a Nice Big Mansion House in the Country Charity". Or, if you are not that pure but still a millionaire, we have "The ex-BK Foundation" to pay for our dental work and, cough, wholistic healthcare? ;)

One of the super ideas we had was that if you sold your house, you could use the money you pointlessly spend on your own mortgage to pay off our mortgage instead. Its so simple!

Whereas I cannot promise you a gold encrusted kingdom in Sat Yug, I might be able to stretch as far as a room in a cottage if you surrender to weeding the roses for the rest of your life (... we are full up of chapati rollers right now and, frankly, don't need any more right now. Plumbers and builders would also be good as I am planning on having a couple of more wings added).

Oops ... Damn ... what happened there!?! :shock:

God, for a moment I think I was possessed by the spirit of Dadi Janki and started to spontaneously channel her ... and she is not even dead yet.

john morgan


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Re: Spiritual growth & relationship with Baba/God after BK

Post21 Feb 2009

A beautiful butterfly gently flaps its wings and ex-I becomes so eloquent.

Try it again butterfly, maybe you're on to something here.

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