Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

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Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

Post04 Nov 2008

From a link post by Jannisder, BKWSU leader Jayanti Kirplani gets in on the buzz created by 'The Secret' teaching abundance at a luxury business hotel in the Philippines ... a bit like the luxury business hotel in the Middle East they were at only a few ago. "Teaching is the joy of her life" ... The Secret Laws of Abundance. Is that, how to get a high status in the Golden Age by surrendering everything to the Brahma Kumaris?
Kirplani is visiting the Philippines for the fifth time this week to speak on “The Secret Laws of Abundance” in a public program to be held on Nov. 10, 7 p.m., at the ballroom of the Mandarin Hotel in Makati.

The Mandarin Oriental Manila is a business class hotel boasting "442 sumptuously appointed rooms and 18 exquisite suites". "The lavish but tasteful Ballroom at Mandarin Oriental, Manila has played host to numerous diplomatic functions and major corporate events. It is the venue of choice for ambassadors to hold their National Day celebrations and cultural events."

    About 40% of Filipinos, or more than 30 million people, live in abject poverty. The BKWSU (UK) is a charity founded amongst other things "to alleviate poverty". I wonder how many of them are invited to the event ... but, oh sorry, I forgot ... its their karma if they are not allowed in.

    Although the God of the BKs is "the Lord of the Poor", and it is the poor that have got him where he is today, the rich and powerful need to be served equally in surroundings that do not distract them and pull them into body-consciousness. Its just practical. Download the corporate brochure, here and decide for yourself.
Note the re-labeling of the Brahma Kumaris center to "Center for Spiritual Learning". Needless to say, journalists Marge Enriquez is a Brahma Kumari follower that brought across Brahma Kumari Rajni from New Delhi to the Philippines 35 years ago. Nice to have inhouse people writing the news for you.

sister jayanti.GIF
sister jayanti.GIF (39.99 KiB) Viewed 16777 times

As a teacher, how do you decide that someone is ready for such an introverted practice?

Jayanti: If a person is ready for meditation, when an invitation is extended, he will accept it. If he is not ready for such an introverted practice, he will be distracted sooner or later by external influences. I find that there is always an automatic filter that operates.

What have you learned from your students in return?

Jayanti: From my students I have learned that I need to be very clear at all times, not only in terms of my words ... my actions have to send out the same message. Also, I have learned aspects of different religions that have been very helpful for my own understanding and for teaching others.

She speaks about considering a "career in medicine" but actually she dropped out of a degree in pharmacy and never qualified. Well, I suppose "pharmacy" is in "medicine" ...
BK follower Marge C. Enriquez wrote:Garden of spiritual learning by Marge C. Enriquez - Philippine Daily Inquirer

This is the experience of any visitor to the Center for Spiritual Learning (CSL) in Tagaytay City, the retreat place of the Brahma Kumaris, an international NGO dedicated to values education. “The University’s teachings are founded on the premise that there is innate goodness in all human beings, regardless of race, color and creed,” says the brochure.

As soon as they enter the Center, the visitor catches a whiff of camia, and with it, the subtle vibrations of purity. This is enhanced by the warmth of the CSL residents who make every guest feel at home. The garden is nature tamed by human creativity, conceived as intimate space encircled by lush plantings. The focal point, the vine-covered gazebo is a place for spiritual chitchat, meditation and a lookout onto the garden. It is adjacent to the meditation dome surrounded by shrubs, ti plants, yellow trumpet bells and benches made from knotty wood.

Paver stones form little curving paths and steps around the perimeter of the dome. Natural moss rocks and pebbles of various textures, shapes and sizes are placed on the side for aesthetic balance. A small massing of mango, jackfruit, camachile and rambutan trees provides a shade, creating an outdoor room. Bold foliage in various colors takes shape into a tall tropical background. During summer haliconias are abloom, then go dormant in the wet season only to return in full glory. Free flowering perennials such as star clusters, santan, bandera española are layered in flower beds. From the office window, one enjoys the sight of the angels’ wings, evocative of the character of the place.

Mounds give the garden a natural look. The plants thrive in fresh soil. Boulders add dimension. An herbal garden is within reach from the kitchen, offering taheebo, oregano, tarragon, spearmint and peppermint infused in the teas. At night, uplighters illuminate the garden path and enhance the perimeter around the meditation dome, creating a warm landscape one can view from the inside. At night, the fragrance of the damas de noche and ylang-ylang enhances the meditative silence at the dome.

As visitors explore the greenery, they take time to be aware of the dew drops that glisten on the carpet of carabao and blue grass, the bromeliads in their stunning colors, the bougainvilleas, san franciscos, the changing tones of green, the irregular surfaces underfoot, the surprise views that unfold and the originality of the tropical design. These encounters combine to a full sensory delight, while bestowing a tranquil chance for the meditative play of the spirit with nature. For instance, the red palm tree becomes a symbol of patience and strength, the bamboo of pliancy and the peace lily of purity. The rocky path is akin to the challenges in life leading to the destination, the dome of peace. The shady clumps of tumbergias could allude to the pervading power of spiritual energy.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

Post04 Nov 2008

This is just sick.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

Post06 Nov 2008

Well, many of us considered a lot of the BK ornaments, stage decorations, Bhog gear, frills and costumes as embarassingly "tacky". Some people indulge in such things because it just suits their personalities, usually coinciding with those of nouveaux riches, aka parvenues. I suppose if you want something more stylish or classy, which includes incognito and not ostentatious, you have to look elsewhere for it!

Once they found out that masses are into glitter and not simplicity, they went for that which gains them quantity, rather than quality, that can impress "subjects" and financial supporters.

Some of the BK teachings may improve one's life in some ways, I think, but obedience and interaction with the BKWSO can often cause grief and discomfort to followers and even to "cooperative souls". So, they focussed more and more on providing material comfort, like parents that neglect or abuse their children but spoil them on the material level.

No thanks!
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Re: Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

Post06 Nov 2008

IMO - the need for money from outside the organisation shows a distinct lack on integrity in many cases, especially of the center-in-charge who may have established the centre and also of the regular students not wanting to contribute fully to their centre's financial requirements. It often details an situation that develops where the center-in-charge wants to surrender and not do any outside work to obtain an income in order to support the centre and therefore will rely on others to support her. It's 'poverty consciousness' (not abundance) at play and they don't even realise it.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

Post06 Nov 2008

In May 2006, Brahma Kumari Jayanti Kripalani was also special guest speaker at the 'International Conference on Ethical Aspects of Management in Theory and Practice promoted as the European Director of the "university".

I don't know ... perhaps she was doing a satirical piece? Her CV is; here. It says she has "worked tirelessly to promote positive, human, spiritual values to all sectors of society". Elsewhere, in the BKWSU's best PR language, Jayanti Kirpalani is pitched all over the internet as having "trained for more than 40 years with some of the world’s most remarkable yogis". Sounds wonderful and inspiring ...

It means simply and entirely other Brahma Kumaris who, to the Brahma Kumaris, are the world’s most remarkable yogis.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

Post10 Nov 2008

ex-l wrote:Kirplani is visiting the Philippines for the fifth time this week to speak on “The Secret Laws of Abundance” in a public program to be held on Nov. 10, 7 p.m., at the ballroom of the Mandarin Hotel in Makati.

Good grief! Visiting the Philippines for the "fifth time" this week!
mr green wrote:This is just sick.

Oh, Mr. Green, somehow, your comment made me laugh. Thank you. I know it is not a funny matter but in a way it is so unbelievable that it turns into tragedy and comedy. I guess I was being detached as I read your comment.
Paulkershaw wrote:It's 'poverty consciousness' (not abundance) at play and they don't even realise it.

Bull's-eye. They are just beggars ... moochers.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

Post10 Nov 2008

The irony of this is, they continuosly suck up the resources of these poor BKs and contact souls from these THIRD world countries only to accumulate more money for the Indian headquarters and for BK CEOs.

Bansy mentioned the BK Wall street and BK Main street somewhere here. In my opinion, the fundamental economy of BKWSU is far from collapsing because they can still suck a lot of resources from their followers. As long as the "mantra" is working, the BK economy is fundamentally strong.

    BK Wall Street = "Dadis, SS, BK Trustess (like Ramesh, etc.)"
    BK Main Street = "BK business poople who manage to make profit out of Gyan"
As of now, the two STREETS are "in harmony economically" making profits from the "THIRD world poor BK followers".
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Re: Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

Post10 Nov 2008

ex-l wrote:Kirplani is visiting the Philippines for the fifth time this week to speak on “The Secret Laws of Abundance” in a public program to be held on Nov. 10, 7 p.m., at the ballroom of the Mandarin Hotel in Makati.
driedexbk wrote:Good grief! Visiting the Philippines for the "fifth time" this week!

Dear ex-l,

I wish to know if you mean these words in physical sense or in a metaphorical sense! ;). If it is true, I think visiting Philippines has become as easy as going to a maternal aunt's house (as mentioned in the Murlis) for her :D.

Today's edition of Times of India says "The global financial turmoil has hit Britain's queen Elizabeth II, with the royal losing an estimated 25 million Pounds of her personal fortunes in the credit crunch ... Like homeowners across Britain, the Queen has faced escalating prices for fuel, food and home repairs which have seen the costs of carrying out her duties double."

But it seems as if British-based 'queen' of BKWSU has not at all been affected by the global financial turmoil. ;).
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Re: Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

Post10 Nov 2008

I can imagine they will be the last to be effected by financial turmoil and the begging bowl will be held out by strong, well-practised arms until the very end of their reign.

With £3,000,000 in the bank already, and who knows what "private" funds, they have a nice financial buffer between them and reality. There will always be some rich sucker to bail them out, fly them around, put them up in some palace or country house in order to gain favour, be graced by their presence and seen as a savour. The BK leaders play up to them and offer them "special services", like Madame Jehan Sadat, after the assasination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat or Robin Gibb after the death of his Brother and so on. It happens at all level of the organization but works the same.

I do not think that quote is "5 times in one week", I think it means the fifth time in total.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

Post11 Nov 2008

ex-l wrote:I can imagine they will be the last to be effected by financial turmoil and the begging bowl will be held out by strong, well-practised arms until the very end of their reign.

I had long ago intimated on this forum that generally Baba Virendra Dev Dixit travels all over India almost throughout the year mostly by train and sometimes by plane (between the metro cities to save time). Even those plane tickets used to be booked under discount schemes offered by some cheap domestic Airlines and used to cost very less. I have come to know that ever since the current economic crisis which has affected the aviation industry in India as well, Baba Virendra Dev Dixit has reduced travelling by air. Although travel by train is more arduous, he is undertaking most of the journeys by train.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

Post11 Nov 2008

arjun wrote:I have come to know that ever since the current economic crisis which has affected the aviation industry in India as well, Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit has reduced travelling by air. Although travel by train is more arduous, he is undertaking most of the journeys by train.

Dear Arjun, with respect I am understanding that you are a faithful follower of Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit and use every opportunity to promote his path. Do you believe traveling economically can be a proof that Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit is the real medium of God ?

The filthy treasure store of BKs cannot be compared with the PBKs' humble conditions. We all know how the first BK Kumaris sent to service after 1950 traveled by 3rd class train and a little pot.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

Post11 Nov 2008

tom wrote:We all know how the first BK Kumaris sent to service after 1950 traveled by 3rd class train and a little pot.

Ah, but you see ... the miracle is that the efforts of the Brahma Kumaris have been so great, and their spiritual stages so powerful, that now they can travel by business class flights, be driven in Mercedes, live in aircondition residencies AND attend 4 Star hotels but still NOT suffer from body-consciousness like we would.

Believe me it is the most difficult test they are facing. Mere mortals like you or I could never understand. Nor could we be tested as they are being tested yet be victorious over the subtle temptations of all that Maya they must suffer for our "Global" benefit.

Yes, the hunger, deprivation, relentless manual labour and lack of clean water and sanitary facilities that most Indian's suffer are harsh but, believe me, they are no comparison to the trials those the Senior Sister face hobnobbing with VIPs, travelling to exotic retreat centers and being worshipped.

    Rather them than me, those merciful mahavir souls.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris teach "Secret to Abundance" in Luxury Hotels

Post11 Nov 2008

tom wrote:Dear Arjun, with respect I am understanding that you are a faithful follower of Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit and use every opportunity to promote his path. Do you believe traveling economically can be a proof that Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit is the real medium of God ?

The filthy treasure store of BKs cannot be compared with the PBKs' humble conditions. We all know how the first BK Kumaris sent to service after 1950 traveled by 3rd class train and a little pot.

Dear tom,
I did not give the above information to promote Baba Virendra Dev Dixit as the real medium of God. I am just comparing the two groups. It is not that Baba Virendra Dev Dixit does not have money to travel by luxury class. Even if he does not like to spend Yagya money, there are many PBKs who may be ready to spend for his luxury, but he neither wastes Yagya money nor allows other PBKs to waste their own money for his luxury. I have travelled with him on a few occasions and have had a first hand experience of how he tries to save Yagya money.

And it is not that the PBKs are just at the beginning of the process of establishment of their institution. It has been in existence since 1976 and I have personally been associated with AIVV for more than a decade and as far as expenditure and lifestyle of PBKs/Baba is concerned, it has hardly changed although the number of mini-Madhubans has increased.

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