BK concept of "Destruction"

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BK concept of "Destruction"

Post04 May 2006


This article is by far the most truthful I have come across in the public arena as to the BK beliefs. :idea: The writer Suma Varughese from http://www.lifepositive.com is a true credit to journalism. Most articles I have found have been full of fluff filled with BK PR material... this one is worth reading and is truly objective. :idea:

For the full article click on the link below: http://www.lifepositive.com/spirit/spir ... Kumari.asp

Life Positive, January 1998
The BKs believe that as the millennium approaches, and the calamities of Kaliyug assume more fearsome proportions, more and more will reach their doorstep, all of whom must be accommodated. So what horrors lie ahead of us and what will Satyug be like? The BKs have all the answers. The Kaliyug scenario is grim enough. America and much of Europe will be destroyed by a nuclear bomb, and Australia will become an island. Much of the earth's land mass will be submerged. India will suffer a civil war. Mumbai will return to the sea. As time goes on, grain will become inedible and there will be no drinking water. Money will be valueless.

In order to withstand those days and give succor to the suffering, the BKs are urged to develop themselves and become spiritually powerful. But cheer up. All this is necessary for the glorious dawning of Satyug. And the prognosis is good. Lakshmi and Narayan will be the ruling deities. Under them, all will live like a happy family, without regard for status and hierarchy. There will still be servants and masters, but the arrangements will be informal, as in a family. While some will be wealthier than others, all will be prosperous. There will be no courts, jails, judges or lawyers because there will be no criminals. Likewise, since all will be free of desires, there will be no accounting.

People give what they have and those who want take. The weather will be perpetual spring. Fruits of all flavors will ply year round, so that instead of cooking, all we will need is to use the juice of whatever flavored fruit we wish for. Cooking, if any, will be by solar power and planes, our main form of locomotion, will be sourced by atomic power. Birdsong will be as melodious as a musical instrument, and musical instruments themselves will play at a touch. Everyone will be an artist, and there will be an abundance of music, art and games.

Life spans will increase to 150 years on an average. Males will not have a beard. And yes, reproduction will transpire through yogic power and not sexual union. Now for the catch. Only 900,000 souls will make the grade. If you would like to be one of them, you know where to go and what to do.




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What is Destruction ?

Post16 May 2006

ex-l made a great post in another thread, a funny snippet is here:
There could be another answer, I am loathed to encourage would be BKs or anyone to consider it but it equally does not fill into BK Knowledge [tm] and that is that at the end of each Cycle the entire material universe has to disintegrate. Matter has to recycle in a some cosmic " Big Bang" kind of thing. But that does not fit in with their infantile pictures of Baby Krishna being born and lots of white engineers, nuclear scientist and cable engineers running around the Golden Age construction site.

• Can you really have a Golden Age when the ground under your feet is full or partly decomposed corpses and bones?
• Do the Advance Party magic away the nuclear waste?
• Filter the land and seas of toxic poisons with a wand?
• Oh, take the Kali Yuga litter down off Everest
• AND establish an entire balanced sympathetic ecosphere of plants and animals within 30 years or less?

From this I raise a seperate thread :

Is God really going to be cruel and let off 900,000 off the hook out of useless 6,000,000,000 souls, so that only 0.015% of the current souls in the world have any value to him ? OK, I am not worth so much, so that's one less to worry about :lol: , but why wait so long ? Why were we all not destroyed 2499 years ago (a year after the Copper Age begins) so that heaven remains forever ? A year's more than enough for rajo activity, let's party again. No dinosaurs to worry about, nor evolution, confluence ages, sicknesses, George Bushes, etc. No more forums :D

Do BKs REALLY want Destruction ? But what is actually "Destruction" ? Goes alongside with the term "inheritance", that you will get everything you want in the future so lets look forward to the Destruction, whilst in the meantime let's do some world renewal service for souls so they can be destroyed anyway:shock:

Or is it just only Bharat (India) that's going to be destroyed ? (By the way assuming 1.3 billion souls live in India and all BKs - from foreign lands too - come to live in safeheaven India during the time of Destruction, that is only 0.07% of that country's residents ? Sorry 99.93% of you just have to go into the "recycle bin", to join those already there from the rest of the World).
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Tears of blood

Post16 May 2006

bansy wrote:Do BKs REALLY want destruction ? But what is actually "destruction" ? <snip> is it just only Bharat (India) that's going to be destroyed ?

As an aside, at the time I discovered BK Raja Yoga, I was reading a lot of the emerging " end of the world " philosophies whether from the environmentalist point of view or from the " traditional knowledge " / New Age point of view, e.g. Hopi Nation, Maya calendar etc which also believed in Cycles and Destruction. So, hearing again talk of cycles and destructions led me inwards because I was expecting to do so.

Millenarianism, as it is known, is a very common theme within zealous or reformative religious movements. The " End of the World " technique is a very useful mental tool to manipulate human beings with - or Chicken Littles worried that the sky is going to fall in its head. Both having a similar level of consciousness.

The fundimental view was that all the rest of the world was going to be destroyed EXCEPT for India which was to survive with it pre-partition borders floating in the middle of a global ocean. Then folks from London and Australia came, so the image had to be enlarged to include picnic spot island destinations for the Golden Age dieties to fly to in their nuclear powered space ships. Hmmn ...

You might ask why " God " feels the need to tie spirituality to National pride and prejudices BUT you realise that the BKs are very proud Hindus. Having done so on the Hindus, presumably he thought he had better make something up to hold the Londoners and Aussie in ... and so the myth grew.

You know they say there is going to be a nuclear World War III between Russia and America. I guess he was too political sensitive to pick China and India as enemies or consider North Korea or Islam. And then he made his " Rivers of Blood " speech about what was going to happen in India to finish off all the dirty untouchable shudras. But no talk about Bharat going under. Chuck in a few natural disasters to wipe out Europe, the USA and SE Asia. No mention of Africa, there were no black BKs then.

You can see an oft repeated trend to tell frightening stories in quite vivid details, see the BKWSU India website and compare its history with the one on the International BKWSU for a perfect example of whitewasing. Again, as with Millenarianism, it is a common technique for leaders to tell stories big and frightening enough to traumatise followers into submission. So, can anyone add any other BK Destruction stories either fundimentalist ones or stuff they were told by Seniors?

Oh yes, add in the much wailing and grinding of teeth of ex-BKs that did not make enough efforts and the " tears of blood " we were going to cry - as one Sister wrote to me when I stopped going to the centre. That was my favourite.
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Re: Tears of blood

Post16 May 2006

ex-l wrote: the " tears of blood " we were going to cry - as one Sister wrote to me when I stopped going to the centre.

ex-l have you written anything about your departure? I would like to hear if you would like to tell. Maybe another thread. :grin:


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Post17 May 2006

Touching upon the "History and Geography" mentioned in Murlis. Presumably Brahma Baba and the Yagya (many whom were uneducated) had less information of the world.

Would like to hear the views on Destruction from PBKs, now that news and information is widely available to Baba.
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Post18 May 2006

Dear Sister Bansy,

Omshanti. As regards the theories about destruction in the Advanced Knowledge given to PBKs, as far as I know, Baba has said that the destruction through natural calamities (earthquake, floods, cyclones, famines, etc.) would increase slowly as we are witnessing in the past few years; there could be a fourth world war in which a large population would die. Then finally atomic war would take place. Atomic explosions would lead to rise in the temperature of the atmosphere. Rise in temperature would result in the melting of the glaciers accumulated on the north pole and south pole leading to floods. Rise in temperature would also lead to large scale vaporisation of the surface water of oceans.

When all that water vapour gets collected in the atmosphere, it would lead to formation of clouds, precipitation and torrential rains for many many days. Much of the waste of the world gets cleared through earthquakes and the remaining waste would get washed away to the oceans by torrential rains. Most of the continents are expected to get submerged in water. The torrential rains for many days would also lead to a steep fall in temperature and formation of ice. The four and a half lakh human beings (except probably the topmost eight souls) who would survive the destruction would get buried in the ice for varying periods. Their bodies would remain safe in the ice. They would emerge from the ice numberwise with rejuvenated bodies. Such rejuvenated souls or deities would then give birth to deity children.

You may ask how these four and a half lakh souls would survive the world war and atomic destruction while the remaining billions would die?
For this Baba has mentioned that during the process of RajYoga, these souls would learn to control their inhalation and exhalation process to such an extent that they would save their bodies from the toxic atmosphere.

Since there is a possibility of errors in my views, I would seek Baba's approval for the above views and intimate changes if any. The above theory is only a broad outline and it is possible that The Knowledge gets refined day by day because ShivBaba is practically present to guide us.

With regards,
On Godly service,


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Post18 May 2006

Dear Arjunbhai

Thanks for your explanation. At times, feel we cannot wait. With all the suffering. There is always a right time for the right moment (as per drama).

Yes, one will need stable and cool. In times of crisis, there is always something good that comes from it. So I guess with what seems a dramatic action for the current modern material world, one has to approach destruction in a "positive way", and understand the meaning of death as well as birth.

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Post18 May 2006

The above theory is only a broad outline and it is possible that The Knowledge gets refined day by day becaue ShivBaba is practically present to guide us.

Arjun if this is the PBK view can you explain to me who's theory it is? Is Shiva refining his own theory or is it the churnings of PBKs that are being refined?
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Post18 May 2006

I do not want to kill the conversation on this topic but ...
arjun wrote:Then finally atomic war would take place. Atomic explosions would lead to rise in the temperature of the atmosphere ... Much of the waste of the world gets cleared through earthquakes and the remaining waste would get washed away to the oceans by torrential rains ... The four and a half lakh human beings (except probably the top most eight souls) who would survive the destruction would get buried in the ice for varying periods. Their bodies would remain safe in the ice ... For this Baba has mentioned that during the process of RajYoga, these souls would learn to control their inhalation and exhalation process to such an extent that they would save their bodies from the toxic atmosphere.

I do not want to upset you Arjun because I have respect for you and one's faith in an important and personal issue. The Cycle and Destruction are the cornerstone of BK faith. It seems to me that either one is able to suspend one's disbelief sufficiently and accept The Cycle without question, be uninformed enough about basic science and material realities to accept whatever is told or one hits The Cycle and it breaks whatever faith one had that this could be the God or a reliable God.

Looking at the Destruction theory, does it not appear to you to be a little weak and fantastical? Additionally, what timescales are the PBKs putting on all this to happen? We know that there is much criticism levelled at the BKWSU because they taught 50 years for Destruction and 50 years for Creation, and it is now 70 years later. By that measure, it all has to happen now within 30 years.

It is generally understood that nuclear war would bring about a " Nuclear Winter " because of all the dust entering into the atmosphere would block the sun. Big bangs, and in fact most nuclear war heads are now fairly localised would not add significantly to warming and the 30 year limit would not address the demise of radiation. Just look back to Chernobyl.

Rain does not wash away millions of corpses, look at the mass graves of Iraq or Pol Pots reign. 30 years - given that Destruction was tomorrow - does not allow for complete decomposition of the flesh in all places never mind bones and where do all the flys and invertebrates necessary to break flesh down come and go to. And how do they cope with the billions of animal corpses. How do the Kali Yuga species die out, especially all the insects many of which can survive heat and cold, and how are they replaced with Golden Aged species. Ditto bacteria. Is the Golden Age full of bugs and bacteria?

Neither does a few days rain wash away concrete and metal built civilisations. Earthquakes happen along geological faultlines and not all Kali Yugi cities are on them. Presumably Shiva throws in a few volcanos going pop which would add to the global cooling, actually an Ice Age would preserve the dead and whatever is trapped underneath it. See the 1,000 year old corpses found in high mountains entirely preserved.

You can see the theme I am taking. It does not add up. Are the deities trundling along in their Golden Age tip toeing over mass graves, ignoring desserted cities and Kali Yugi corpses. How do you unpick the old powerlines and pipelines that run all over the world now, the millions of distant villages? Gyan will not have reached every soul in the world.

For me, it is a common technique. A guru, soul or spirit guide being chanelled picks ideas that are too big and too frightening for llittle human beings to consider and traumatises them sufficiently with the fear of them in order to get those human beings to follow its wishes.

In this situation, whether BK or PBK, we are put in a situation where we cannot really ask that spirit guide [ which I say because it is all that I can accept Shiva to be ] to explain himself in a cohert manner and be accountable in the way that a scientist would have to be with their theory. One might ask a senior, one is unable to ask the God of the BKs now, but one is then run around with endless half-baked answers and then given the old " do more Yoga, spin The Cycle, remember God, impure intellects cannot understand " put offs. That is, " we do not know and we cannot tell you and we do not want to question ourselves ".

OK, in this situation, God Shiva has stepped outside of his expertise of moral, consciousness and karma theory and is chosing to enter into physics, geology, biology and climatology. Let him answer specific questions. experience generally shows that asking spirit guides such questions just ends up leading to endless runaround because they do not like to be tied down. The spirit guide can always give an answer to satisfy the mind at that point but whenone stops to think about it later one is left unsatisified.

Why did he teach 50 years for Destruction and 50 years for Creation? He lied to us. We made decisions about our lives on the basis of that " Truth " and he was wrong. It finishes his credibility.

The vast majority of BKs do not have even an intelligent child's understanding of these subjects and don't care because they are in a " drugged up " intoxicated state due to the meditation. They would frankly believe in anything told to them as long as they have something to chew like bubble gum in their mind.

For me, the future does not look good, suffering will increase but The Cycle is just a mental or spiritual technique to help make others make efforts that if they believed the world was going to go for ever, or 100s of years, they would not make. It is a kind of mental straight jacket that distorts the self to do what one would naturally not. And it has been used in Religion from the time of Moses or Christ to achieve just such an effect amongst followers.


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Post18 May 2006

ex-l wrote:It is generally understood that nuclear war would bring about a " Nuclear Winter " because of all the dust entering into the atmosphere would block the sun. Big bangs, and in fact most nuclear war heads are now fairly localised would not add significantly to warming
I mentioned a secret society called Illuminati in another thread, where the members have secretly planted nuclear bomb suitcases around the world in hidden sites, to be detonated simultaneously. The secret society have a terror cause that has expanded over many centuries, and participants have included Da Vinci, Hitler, Roosevelt (who put the log of the society on a 1USDollar bill now in current use), plus other prominent and usually senior power people and intellectuals. Even Einstein is/was suspicious, and cardinals in the Vatican close to the Pope. The methods the members use is by extortion and mental trapping such high profile people, that the moment they try to expose the society, they will be killed. Not only them, but those close and dear to them. A lot of suicides are covered up. Thus people are unable to reveal the secret society, and it is hard to break it down. Sounds a bit like Ram and Ravan playing a game of nuclear chess.
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Post18 May 2006

Also there was a discussion on ex-BK chat about destruction dates and it was noted by one member that PBKs gave destruction dates that are now in the past.

It was also noted that the same website had different mirror sites with different destruction and event dates. Can this be explained?


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Post18 May 2006

One thing about Destruction is that it probably doesn't matter how or if it happens, we're all gone, left the body, buried somewhere, turned to cinders, floating like ghosts etc. It's part of the concept of time. Maybe time just stops. :shock:

1 second past midnight on 31.12.5000 then everything is frozen still, time for special cleaners (Advance Party bunch :D ) to come in with magic wands to clean up the mess, have a few techtonic earth movements for some mountain ranges and cause big water waves to wash away the bits, filter the air, plant a few shrubs, trees, make up and put in a few dinosaur bones here and there for future folks to have fun with, hang Earth in front of the sun to dry out a bit, then when all is well, press the remote control to get the clock ticking and the earth spinning again, and call up everyone from the Soul World, all waiting anxiously in line, to start the new rave party. No barging please.

Just a bit of fun. Destruction sounds so awful, maybe it's not that bad.
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Way off topic

Post18 May 2006

bansy wrote:I mentioned a secret society called Illuminati in another thread, where the members have secretly planted nuclear bomb suitcases around the world in hidden sites, to be detonated simultaneously.

I think that for the sake of your own - and the forum's - credibility that you ought to qualify what you write with , " allegedly ", or "some people believe ", " they say " or something. You report it as if it is known to be true, but you do not know at all.

You had best raise your BS filters to the highest if you are going to stray into David Icke's-ville and Conspiracy Theory. I think we need a " Way off topic " forum really badly. On topic went that way --->
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Re: Way off topic

Post18 May 2006

ex-l wrote:I think that for the sake of your own - and the forum's - credibility that you ought to qualify what you write with , " allegedly ", or "some people believe ", " they say " or something.On topic went that way --->

But, but ... surveys show that 31% of those surveyed believe in secret societies such as the Illuminati or Skull and Bones or Jewish Bankers controlling society. And that is some two billion people!!!

That many people cannot be wrong.

My personal opinion is that it is not a secret society that controls the world, it is a cancerous parasitic growth called 'government'. I frankly admit, however, that the decision-making processes of said governments are as opaque and subvertible and subversive as anything dreamed of by those who believe in a secret shadow-government, and is fully capable of realizing the deepest fears of said believers.
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Re: Way off topic

Post18 May 2006

joel wrote:But, but... surveys show that 31% of those surveyed believe in secret societies such as the Illuminati or Skull and Bones or Jewish Bankers controlling society. And that is some two billion people!!! That many people cannot be wrong.

Which smiley is the heavily ironic one? Please. Joel don't.

Anyone that believes in the power and ability of secret societies to influence the world ought to try organising an internet forum for a few weeks!

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