Raja Yoga (What is it?)

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Re: Raja Yoga (What is it?)

Post24 Sep 2008

ex-l wrote:If you read Hindi, perhaps you could tell us ... 1942 Preordained War Hindi.

I could speak Hindi my previous life but now I've forgotten most of it. Anyway I am looking at the 1943 one in English. Amazing find :shock:. Just remind me the first Murli was when?
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Re: Raja Yoga (What is it?)

Post25 Sep 2008

ex-l wrote:There is no where specifically that Om Mandli is described as Advaitist. I based that on reading the old documents from between 1937 and 1949 with all the talk of faith in Brahm as the Divine Light and 'Aham Braham Asmi'. There being no personal "God" ... apart from Lekhraj Kirpalani. I suppose you could argue that as they thought Lekhraj Kirpalani was Krishna, they were following a Vaishnavite path too.

It may be worth clarifying there, did they think Lekhraj Kirpalani was "God" or did they think he was "Krishna"? They say God now but back then they probably thought Krishna was God ... but in what manner? As an avatar?

The 1943 book seems fairly clear that it is Krishna who incarnates as Dada Lekhraj:
"Yada Yada, that is to say after every Kalpa at such a time of the end of Kali-Yuga, when the Divine Knowledge of 'Aham Brahm Asmi' or 'Aham Chaturbhuj' vanishes from the entire World and when numerous irreligious prevail everywhere causing extreme Decay of Righteousness, then I, that Viceless, Fully Accomplished Abider of BRAHM-PURI or Vaikunth, Dwarkanath Kalgidhar SREE Krishna of Sat-Yuga, complete with Sixteen Divine Attributes (through whom this Divine Knowledge actually circulates among the Suryavanshi Sovereigns in the beginning of the Kalpa), having taken birth in Bharat with a different name in a human form, spontaneously regain faith in 'Aham Brahm Asmi', organise the most Supreme Yagya of Imperishable Divine Wisdom and create Divine Ones (Brahmins and Kshetriyas) through My Oral Orifice ..."


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Re: Raja Yoga (What is it?)

Post22 Aug 2012

What do BKs have with hatha Yoga? Anyone? I saw on some website the had a hatha Yoga group.
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Re: Raja Yoga (What is it?)

Post22 Aug 2012

Nothing. I remember one center in the USA offering Hatha Yoga lessons which is a good idea but probably just because one BK used to do it and as a way of getting people into the center to meditation.

It is a shame I cannot believe they are sincere about anything ... but, basically, anything is of use if it gets people in to "experience Baba" or try the meditation because that is what will hook them.

Perhaps others have followed the example as a "service yukti"?

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