BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post20 Sep 2008

Are those mistakes all in that same translation? Please be honest.

Note that in the history, here, it is clearly list as "Translated by PBK Madhavimata" and not an official translation. I am just glad we have 99.99% of the original and the Hindi present and correct.

Just as well as the original correct Hindi is there. Will you provide us with the original or correct it? Does the BKWSU offer the service of providing original Murlis for adherents to compare? I cant read Hindi ...

Gosh, it must have taken you such a long time to find any Murli with such an error. Probably the only one. I think you are struggling to discredit the amazing effort which has been put in to supply all those Murlis in a printable, searchable form rather than just fix it yourself. We can only correct those which are pointed out. I went there immediate and fixed what you pointed out, here. That is how serious and serviceable we are, sir.

I think all the other 250 or so are taken directly from copies of the BKWSU English translations. We could host Hindi too if that is what you can give.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post20 Sep 2008

ex-l wrote:1) Are those mistakes all in that same translation? Please be honest.
2) Gosh, it must have taken you such a long time *to find any Murli with such an error. Probably the only one.
2a) That is how serious and serviceable we are, sir.
3) I think all the other 250 or so are taken directly from copies of the BKWSU English translations. We could host Hindi too if that is what you can give.

1) In the same Murli, in 31st para (first line), there is a small mistake. Instead of pan, it is written as ban. The other mistake/s are from some other Murlis (most probably in year 2003) which I do not remember. But those Murlis are just in English. No need of Hindi there. I will be honest. Usually I am not bothered these things. Because I am very weak in English and slow in computer. I have lots of things to do. And I am alone having no support from anybody (for my work).
2) The Murli was first in the list of Sakar Murlis. So there was no need of much time to see it. But if you suspect me, what should I do?* Sometimes I feel you are good/neutral, but sometimes I don't understand what you are. God knows.
2a) Then why don't you correct spelling mistakes? If you do not know Hindi, what about other members?
3) I have already mentioned my present situation. When I give, it would be in Hindi (photocopy). You do whatever you want.

* I waited till today for somebody to post so that my two posts will not be adjacent. My new post on sept 14th was merged with that of Aug. 11th in "ShivaBaba and Prajapita" thread. So that post did not appear in the new posts. I wished the same thing does not happen here. [Explaining these small things make me tired, because there is lot of wastage of thoughts].
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post20 Sep 2008

Is this it correct now? You could have done it yourself but I have done it for you, see; spelling correction.

This is not your auntie's house. There is no one to spoonfeed you here, no one raking in money from VIPs to provide services, nor an army of free laborers.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post20 Sep 2008

ex-l wrote:but I have done it for you

FOR ME! Really Great.

I found another, peeda instead of beeda. I corrected it. For whom? Perhaps for Nobody. Why do you say I, I, I?
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post20 Sep 2008

Well done.

So, now you know how to use the software ... you can upload some more perfectly correct Murlis from your own private collection.

Just remember to categories them at the bottom by adding;
Code: Select all
[[Category:Avyakt Murli]] or [[Category:Sakar Murli]]

You might even consider starting new categories for Hindi ones;
Code: Select all
[[Category:Avyakt Murli Hindi]] or [[Category:Sakar Murli Hindi]]
mbbhat wrote:Why do you say I, I, I?

Because, no other god except for me did it. I can assure you, there is no other god in here but me. I am 100% god-proof and god-forsaken. I am not the Chariot of any other god nor is any god working through me mysteriously ... and if there is, he sure as hell is not doing enough housework nor paying his share of the rent.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post21 Sep 2008

Thank You. But I would like to draw your attention to your comments.
ex-l wrote: Blame the BKWSU Murli team.
... it is clearly list as "Translated by PBK Madhavimata" and not an official translation

Should BKWSU be blamed for others' mistake? It is left to you dear soul.
... and if there is, he sure as hell is not doing enough housework nor paying his share of the rent.

There is spirit in BKs while doing service. They put their money, time and energy. But even if result is not as expected, they do not get tired. They do not consider their effort as waste.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post21 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:Should BKWSU be blamed for others' mistake? It is left to you dear soul.

A "non sequitur" I am afraid (means, it does not follow logically).

I am afraid that you have sunk down to the level "points scoring" to try and elevate your status on one hand, or discredit me or this website on the other. You will lose if you do that. You made a big thing of the Murlis here being faulted in some way and dismissed them all, not appreciating and being grateful for all the work others had put in ... as many incognito BKs that download them do. In truth, there was no big issue at all.

Unfortunately, we have heard BKs attempting to frighten others BK followers away from this website by saying exactly the same thing, that there is something wrong with the Murlis we have here. Of course, it is dishonest rubbish. They are as perfect as it is humanly possible (and human and computers sometimes make small errors than need checked by edits). To be honest, I did not even know there was a non-BKWSU translated one from 1966 up there but congratulate the user for doing so. How valuable.

For a short period of time, I was in the Murli team and so I know about it. Because of the repetitive nature of them, and the length back then (may be twice as long before "revision"), it was tough and boring service requiring may be 4 or 5 people to handle one Murlis before computers were invented; translated live on the guddhi from Hindu to English, taped, written out from tape, type out, copied and sent out (this is in the West).

In the beginning, the quality of translation depended on your luck of which Sister was translating it. Sometimes they would just paraphrase part, make lots of mistake or added their own thoughts. It is a wonder that the rest of the local centers got anything at all. Now I wonder why, back then, Madhuban used to send out Murli bundles once a week ... why did they just not supply main centers with entire collections for reference? there was always this issue of "control".

Sometimes did they not arrive which meant morning class a "repeat" chosen by the center-in-charge instead. There seems to have been some Bhakti about whoever chose which Murli to read on which day as if it was God choosing. It was silly and not true.

This all adds up to why I say all BKs, everyone in fact, have the right to all the Murlis in their complete and unedited format in order that they can make up their own mind about the intellect and personality of BapDada.

I just feel the BKWSU leadership does not want their followers to make up their own minds.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post21 Sep 2008

ex-l wrote:I am afraid that you have sunk down to the level "points scoring" to try and elevate your status on one hand, or discredit me or this website on the other. You will lose if you do that. You made a big thing of the Murlis here being faulted in some way and dismissed them all, not appreciating and being grateful for all the work others had put in ... as many incognito BKs that download them do. In truth, there was no big issue at all.

I do not mind losing anything in my life. I am bothered just how many minutes and seconds I remember Baba, Paramdham, Sukhdham. That is all. Rest are silly to me. I have not made this an issue. I had already said that that I have no complaints. But the way Tom reacted (even when I spoke/wrote truth) was silly. So, I just pointed out. I am not bothered about any status. I wish all those who love me also forget me and remember Baba, since the aim is to forget the self.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post31 Oct 2008

could someone let me know how to upload mp3 format Murlis that were spoken by Shiv through Brahma Baba
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post31 Oct 2008

bindi wrote:could someone let me know how to upload mp3 format Murlis that were spoken by Shiv through Brahma Baba

Dear Sister (guessing from your username :D ),
Welcome to the forum and congratulations for coming forward to upload the MP3 format of Sakar Murlis spoken through BB. I hope this will inspire other BKs to share their treasures with other souls of the world. I think Admin. will be in a better position to intimate whether this site can support the upload of MP3 files or not.

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