Explanation Required

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Re: Explanation Required.

Post10 Aug 2008

Dear Arjun Bhai,
mbbhat wrote:Why do you say it has not been said directly? DO YOU WANT TO ARGUE AGAINST Murli?
*As for as my knowledge, PBKs believe
1) The impure body becomes pure.
2) There are 3 or 4 Brahmas.
3) In Satyug, there would be no buildings.
4) Deities wear no dress, they will be nude.
5) Baba says beggar to prince. But PBKs say directly from nar se Narayan. Is there any point of Sangamyugi Lakshmi Narayan, Sangamyugi Radha Krishna in Murli? Can you quote Murli points which say all these above DIRECTLY?

Arjun Bhai, I have great respect for your kind personality and am very thankful to you for your consistence efforts.

But this style of mbbhat makes me really sick. Addressing with "soul", knowing everything without going to the center. First he was saying that he went few years to the center, now he is telling he has been 20 years every morning to the center. Fabrication of history does not cost anything. He is self-appointed Zone-in-charge for India. He becomes more and more arrogant and rude. Does not have any insight, never hears any signals coming from us, always points out to the others, never looks at himself. And even life says today that this is a waste of time with mbbhat.

Is not it possible for you just to ignore him? Or only thanking him but not answering him like - Bansy did.

Your prompt answers are provoking him. And he is born to fight, a lustful pundit, he in return provokes you with silly questions like above. So you answer him with patience to the point, which empowers his low self-esteem that a real wise and knowledge full person with avatar Arjun is spending his days and nights to answer him. He feels himself important, becomes more arrogant and rude.

Please have mercy with us. My stomach gets upside down when I see his post even when I don't read him. From the reactions of others, I understand that for most of the members it is the same. But as far as I can see, it is now in your hands to calm down this with anger and ego burning pundit. Please ignore him.

Regards and thanks.



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Re: Explanation Required

Post11 Aug 2008

tom wrote:1) But this style of mbbhat makes me really sick. Addressing with "soul", knowing everything without going to the center. 2) First he was saying that he went few years to the center, now he is telling he has been 20 years every morning to the center.Is not it possible for you just to ignore him? Or only thanking him but not answering him like - Bansy did. 3) Please have mercy with us. My stomach gets upside down when I see his post even when I don't read him. 4) From the reactions of others, I understand that for most of the members it is the same. But as far as I can see, it is now in your hands to calm down this with anger and ego burning pundit. 5) Please ignore him.

Dear Tom soul,

1) If possible, remember your reply to my quote in ACCUARATE Yaad'. You have written "I don't want to miss your posts any more. Reading your salmons and answers I am laughing now whole day. But now you are feeling sick!"
2) You have not read properly.
3) Thanks and you are so poor and weak! This is your mental stability!
4) So, you are bothered about just members of this forum, not the whole humanity
5) That is very good.
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Re: Explanation Required

Post11 Aug 2008

What ever happened to "taking the pulse" and hints from drama? Lacing your superior knowledge with cutting insults is hardly a wining equation.

Until the BKWSU resolves a few of the major issues it has, anyone that alerts humanity to it ways is doing good karma.



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Re: Explanation Required

Post11 Aug 2008

Dear ex-l soul,

Realize the situation. There are lots of sinners in this world who cheat, corrupt, exploit, force people. Small children, poor people are raped, murdered. Population is increasing. There is war everywhere. Do you think BKs (who have negative qualities or incapable of answering your questions at present) are more sinners than those people? If yes, then OK, you are right, your karma is good.

* If No, then you should try to warn and help people from other dangers which are more severe than this.

* How many people have become victims due to improper management or mistakes of BKs? Was there no mistakes or weaknesses from them?

If you are really bothered about humanity, then you should give first preference to the worst disease (or major problems) in this world. But you are trying to disclose just mistakes and weaknesses of BKs. How silly is this?

I am not at all insulting anybody here and do not hate anybody here. All of you can forget the past and communicate with me in the normal way. I will be always smooth to you. Do not treat me as your enemy. But-

In this world, BKs are the only one who at least say to the world to sacrifice sin. Who has the capacity to preach, "Kaam mahaashatru hai"? I agree some BKs may be weak in this. But by pointing just mistakes of BKs and amplifying this, what are you doing? Are all the 600 crore people better than BKs for you?

Hence I support BKs. Even God himself supports BKs (OK, may be according to BK philosophy). Do you have at least this confidence in your work? [God supports you or what you are doing is right?]

You will need some more time to understand me till I post new topics. At present I have not done that. Because whenever I say something, there is negative response from many sides. And also, I have to restrict my length. So, I will move slowly.

* Suppose say, in a lokik College (say X), there are 50 teachers. 10 of them are bad. All the other are good or OK. Rest of all the colleges are worse than X. Now, when a person wants to seek admission in college X, if you inform him about those 10 people and try to divert him, do you call this as good karma? It is actually biggest sin!

* I would like to write two topics, "Blaming BKs - Great Sin" and "BK should not complain anybody even if he is blamed". There is lesson to all, BKs, and ex-Bks or agyaanis.
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Re: Explanation Required

Post11 Aug 2008

My reply would be that we do not need ANYONE standing between them and God, least of all someone that is not yogyukt. That is to say we don't need another explanation, another proof, another clever class. It does not work.

That is why I say, trust the people. Give them the original, unedited Murlis and real history of the Yugya ... and let them work it for themselves. When we need help, we will find someone that is the embodiment of the teachings.

The reason that you are receiving such negative response is surely your karma, the vibration you are putting out ... no? So ask why ... what is your own failing?

No one needs any more time to understand you. We understand you perfectly well. We have been there and done that and are immune to that level of indoctrination. Besides, it does not work without darna aspect. So we reject that part of you. Who needs a teacher that does not and cannot follow the "Supreme Teacher"? Its a contradiction in terms. So, instead, let us help you.

For a lokik to sin, that is nothing. For a knowledgeful BK to go against Shrimat; that is 1,000 times worse, is it not? (Cue Murli point). I suspect what we are rejecting is that you are all 'head bound' like a pundit but there is nothing down here in the heart. You are trying on all sort of intellectual devices but there is no feeling to it. Its like a paper, two dimensional BK with no heart.

It does not feel real. So, put it all aside and just be normal. We don't need saving and you are not the saviour of the BKWSU either.



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Re: Explanation Required

Post11 Aug 2008

ex-l wrote:1) we don't need another explanation, another proof, another clever class. It does not work. 2) No one needs any more time to understand you. We understand you perfectly well. So, instead, let us help you. 3) Its like a paper, two dimensional BK with no heart. 4) It does not feel real. So, put it all aside and just be normal. 5) We don't need saving and 6) you are not the saviour of the BKWSU either.

Dear ex-l soul,

1) Then why do you ask questions?
2) That is very good of you.
3) Give me any number of titles. Master sarvashaktimaan will have no feelings- this is Murli point. I also wish to have no heart that fluctuates
4) I agree that I am a purusharthi. Are you normal? If so, CONGRATULATIONS.
5) How many are there in this we? Why do you have questions if you do not need savings?
6) I have never said I am the saviour. (But why do you think so? Are you dreaming?) In fact I have said clearly, who am I to do .. etc ...?

I had said you in the beginning, first is Baba, second Brahma Baba, then I (numberwise). And also, Drama is in the beginning.

All the best.
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Re: Explanation Required

Post11 Aug 2008

mbbhat wrote:Then why do you ask questions?

Its my seva. It has two profitably functions.

    a) it shows the world what typical BKs are like and what BK thought is
    b) truth might actually make you look at yourself and think.
Why do you wriggle away without answering the questions? (That is a rhetorical question that does not need answered).
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Re: Explanation Required

Post11 Aug 2008

tom wrote:Is not it possible for you just to ignore him? Or only thanking him but not answering him like - Bansy did.

I will try. In fact I have tried doing that in many threads. But he keeps repeating that PBKs don't have answers for his questions. And may be he gets some private emails from some souls congratulating him on his feats, which encourages him to write all over the forum.

mbbhat wrote:Why do you say it has not been said directly? DO YOU WANT TO ARGUE AGAINST Murli?
*As for as my knowledge, PBKs believe
1) The impure body becomes pure.
2) There are 3 or 4 Brahmas.
3) In Satyug, there would be no buildings.
4) Deities wear no dress, they will be nude.
5) Baba says beggar to prince. But PBKs say directly from nar se Narayan. Is there any point of Sangamyugi Lakshmi Narayan, Sangamyugi Radha Krishna in Murli? Can you quote Murli points which say all these above DIRECTLY?

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. In view of the views expressed by other members, I request you to post your questions for the PBKs only in the PBK Section of this forum. I will not be able to reply to your posts in other Sections.
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Mr Green


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Re: Explanation Required

Post12 Aug 2008

mbbhat wrote:Realize the situation. There are lots of sinners in this world who cheat, corrupt, exploit, force people. Small children, poor people are raped, murdered. Population is increasing. There is war everywhere. Do you think BKs (who have negative qualities or incapable of answering your questions at present) are more sinners than those people? If yes, then OK, you are right, your karma is good.

I say, no. Most people are decent law abiding and cheerful folk. They are not vice ridden devils constantly raping and killing. This is just religious-based arrogance, you're not better than anyone ... everyone has virtue and everyone has sin, learn to live with it and grow up ... The BKs have done NO good for the world whatsoever and neither do they intend to. They want to impose their ideals onto others using any method possible and the most used method seems to be deception.

I do see them as good people. Just deluded the same as I was, same you are.



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Re: Explanation Required

Post12 Aug 2008

mr green wrote:I do see them as good people, just deluded same I was, same you are.

Dear Green soul,

That's the spirit of an actor. Yes, let us proceed.

Dear ex-l soul,

Actually, I meant why do you have questions when you have declared in the forum that you had "ACHIEVED GOD'S SEARCH BY YOUR OWN EFFORT".

Dear Arjun soul,

I have not put questions to anybody by myself in this forum. But ex- BKs and also YOU have put questions to me first(not me to you). So, I had to respond. In future, I will put questions in PBK forum. But the threads which are already is running, what to do?

Please note that I had not responded to your quotes in accurate thread. Today, I have responded to them in PBK forum.
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Re: Explanation Required

Post12 Aug 2008

mbbhat wrote:Dear ex-l soul,

Actually, I meant why do you have questions when you have declared in the forum that you had "ACHIEVED GOD'S SEARCH BY YOUR OWN EFFORT".

I never did. Its so typical of you, and masculine BKs generally, to manipulate others in such a way and base their arguments on logical fallacies.



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Re: Explanation Required

Post12 Aug 2008

If you are correct, be happy, Congratulations.

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