Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post29 May 2008

sakaash wrote:All sorts were discussed and perhaps I wasn't in the right group, but issues on bullying/favouritism/equal opps etc all came up - the facilitators were accompanied by a note taking BK who wrote everything down ... I think they did a good job considering that many peole were new to the whole idea of looking at the organisation with a critical eye.
bkti-pit wrote:We had our first meeting too. It was sweet talk about our spiritual principles. We have been told that we do not want criticism here but only constructive ideas...

It is a positive sign and if anyone from the forum could present the issues being discussed on the forum in one of those meetings, it would be interesting to know their official response.
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post30 May 2008

One set of the most recent Global Functioning Workbook 2008-4-11 documents are available at; Downloads: BK Internal Reform. If any other center or zone has a different set, please forward.

No official request or acknowledgement of this forum's involvement has been made. Note also the following contact address;

Office of the Secretariat for Global Functioning

    Phone: 1 718 565-5133
    VOIP: 1064

    Address: 41-30 Forely Street, Elmurst, New York 11373, USA

Secretariat Administration:

    Sister Gayatri
    Sister Judy
    Bro. Ken
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post30 May 2008

Hmmn, more food for the barracudas? If someone wishes to type out the lot, please post. I made some notes here.

Its targeted as "overseas team" and not Indian and so I wonder what service India gets? (... second class or cattle truck, madam?)

Gayatri Naraine, the Brahma Kumaris’ representative to the United Nations, Oxford Leadership Academy alumni Ken O'Donnell and Judy Rodgers, the Case Western Reserve University - The Appreciative Inquiry Commons - Visions of a Better World Foundation - Images and Voices of Hope - Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit - Weatherhead School of Management - Communication Architecture Group - and sometimes BKUN Representative (... file under "overachiever").

They mention the "Divine Constitution and other foundation documents". We have not see any of those yet.

center-in-charges are "encouraged" to limit Regular students input to contribute to only three of the seven topics mention at the beginning of this topic, the rest being done behind closed doors. We seem to be missing one, there are only 6 topics mentioned above. But those three are;

    a) Upholding our spiritual principles (Topic One)
    b) Caring for our (the BK) family (Topic Two)
    c) Providing mechanism for Reconciliation (Topic Four)
I understand the last one to mean lessen the changes of negative impact through public disclosures such as this, is that fair to say?

On Page 5 they want to make sure conversation stays on constructive note ... not problems of the past. It is kind of hard to discuss issues without discussing issues, is not it? Does that mean any past "crimes" or indiscretions are just going to be waived?
page 19 "Can and should we say more about our core understanding regarding how the drama is drawing to a close, and God's act of re-creation?

So the Brahma-kumaris question whether to drop the bomb on non-BKs re "Destruction". Remember just a few months ago where Global Media Chief Karuna Shetty denied Destruction to the reporter from Pravda saying that it had been removed out of the teachings?

Judy Rodgers, I mentioned before.
Education/Professional Experience:

Judy Rodgers is a consultant and communication strategist who has worked extensively with thought leaders to produce transformation and to support social innovation. The emphasis in her work is on the power of narrative for individual, community-wide and system-wide change.

For the past twenty years she has worked with thought leaders such as Tom Peters, Peter Senge, and Walter Cronkite, as well as with organizations and networks as various as Appreciative Inquiry Consulting, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and a grass-roots citizens group in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

For over 15 years she developed and executive produced educational programming for the broadcast and corporate non-broadcast television markets. During the 1980's she worked at Twentieth Century Fox Video and at CBS/Fox Video. During her tenure with CBS/Fox she produced a number of award-winning programs, most with best selling authors. She also was a stockholder and executive vice president of Video Publishing House, Inc., where she developed many programs such as the seminal "The Massey Triad' and others with Tom Peters, some of which aired on PBS. Subsequently in the 1990's she joined New World Knowledge, as executive vice president. New World Knowledge was a division of New World Entertainment.

She produced and shared a writing credit on Presentation Excellence with Walter Cronkite which won a Grand Award at the International Film and Television Festival of New York as well as a Golden Eagle Award at the CINE competition. Other producer credits while at CBS/Fox include: “What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School” with Mark McCormack; “Megatrends” with John Naisbitt and “The One Minute Manager” series with Ken Blanchard.

In 1997 she founded the Communication Architecture Group as a vehicle for a range of related work: organizational consulting, conversational design and facilitation, management of communication projects, coaching, and editorial consulting. She currently serves as director for Images and Voices of Hope, an international conversation initiative with the media that seeks to strengthen the ways that media can be an agent of benefit to society. She is a founding co-owner in Appreciative Inquiry Consulting.

Interesting to watch the "value programming" and what was happening in the 80s, 2 and 3 and where the influences into the BKWSU are coming from and ask how much further forward we are now? This guy makes me smile. He may not be god or a BK Brahmin but he is not wrong either.


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post30 May 2008

The 7 topics are listed on the first page of the Global Functioning Workbook in the Download Section:

    Topic 1: Upholding Our Spiritual Principles
    Topic 2: Creating a Culture of Care
    Topic 3: Managing Resources
    Topic 4: Providing Mechanisms for Reconciliation
    Topic 5: Newness in Learning (Training)
    Topic 6: Decision-making and Communication
    Topic 7: BK Information
It had never been communicated to me before that only three topics were open for discussion with all regular students. I wonder, since the BKWSO has no member but only students, who will be part of the discussions on the other topics!!!

From what was shared in class by people who were present at the National Coordinators meeting in February in Madhuban, I think you are right ex-l that the Reconciliation topic has to do with what is happening here.
ex-l wrote:Its targeted as "overseas team" and not Indian and so I wonder what service India gets?

If you look at the list of chairs and co-chairs for each of the 7 working groups as listed in the first post of this thread, you will see that although it is called Global there are no representative from India where the vast majority of BKs are located. It doesn't seem to have been designed for them. So what are we really trying to accomplish with this?

On page 2 of the workbook, BKWSU wrote:

According to the time, we want to assure that we have credible processes in place for applying our principles in the accurate running of the global organization in alignment with the laws and human rights convention of the 21st century world and with our own Divine Constitution and other foundation documents. We are considering ways in which our guiding principles need to be updated to meet the demands of these changing times and of the expanded family.

Does that mean that we want to make sure we are covered if someone tries to take us to court? Anyways, this was not mention to us before our first meeting on Topic 1 (Upholding our Spiritual Principles).

And of course, as you noted ex-l:
ex-l wrote:On Page 5 they want to make sure conversation stays on constructive note ... not problems of the past. It is kind of hard to discuss issues without discussing issues, is not it? Does that mean any past "crimes" or indiscretions are just going to be waived?

Aren't we supposed not to think anyway and just take Shrimat at every step? So what is happening that the future emperors of the world have to get advice from the subjects? :mrgreen:
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post30 May 2008

BKWSU wrote: According to the time, we want to assure that we have credible processes in place for applying our principles in the accurate running of the global organization in alignment with the laws and human rights convention of the 21st century world and with our own Divine Constitution and other foundation documents. We are considering ways in which our guiding principles need to be updated to meet the demands of these changing times and of the expanded family.
bkti-pit wrote:Does that mean that we want to make sure we are covered if someone tries to take us to court?

The way I read that was, given this is called 'Global Functioning Workbook 2008' and not Global Internal Reform Workbook,

    "the next time we try and take someone to court, we will not screw up like we did the last time with Colonel Hansa and BrahmaKumaris.Info".
I amuse myself thinking that the mere fact a section was called 'Brahma Kumaris Information' was a backhanded reference to us.

I find this "no criticism, no talk of the past" a ridiculous restraint. How else can one discuss issues? For me, there is an element of, "OK, we will keep whatever we have gotten to date and no questioning that" typical of "The Establishments" (not just BKs but any colonial, Imperial power).

I see no grievances processes, no duty of care, no attention to historical revision and false histories, no issues of accountability. Essentially ... I expect nothing of any substance but another glossy mag to roll out to VIPs and the United Nations I suspect. We will see.

if anyone finds a copy of the BKWSU's "Divine Constitution", please let us see it. They must be kept lock away in a safe where no "no-you-are-not-a member-of-the-family-you-are-a-donor" BK follower can see it.

Where are the center-in-charge center guidelines too? How can responsible BKs comment in issues where they do not even know what is it already place? (And, yes, what about India?).


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post30 May 2008

ex-l wrote:I see no grievances processes, no duty of care, no attention to historical revision and false histories, no issues of accountability.

What do you expect? That everyone should be informed about the lies we have been subjected to for decades? Certainly not from the leaders of an organization priding itself about revealing the Ultimate Truth to the world!!!
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post30 May 2008

ex-l wrote:I amuse myself thinking that the mere fact a section was called 'Brahma Kumaris Information' was a backhanded reference to us.

Of course. What else should it be? Just like in February 2008, Brahma Kumaris Info will be discussed again in October 2008 behind closed doors in several meetings of center-in-charges, National Coordinators, RCs and Seniors. No Shudras.
I find this "no criticism, no talk of the past" a ridiculous restraint. How else can one discuss issues? For me, there is an element of, "OK, we will keep whatever we have gotten to date and no questioning that" typical of "The Establishments" (not just BKs but any colonial, Imperial power).

All mistakes of BKWSU are buried in earth for eternity, never allowed to talk about.
if anyone finds a copy of the BKWSU's "Divine Constitution", please let us see it. They must be kept lock away in a safe where no "no-you-are-not-a member-of-the-family-you-are-a-donor" BK follower can see it.

I have never heard about any such Constitution. We considered the Murlis to be our Divine Constitution. Is it what they are talking about "Brahma Kumaris World Renewal Trust Deed" about which i learned here
Where are the center-in-charge center guidelines too? How can responsible BKs comment in issues where they do not even know what is it already place? (And, yes, what about India?).

I have never seen or heard about any center-in-charge guidelines. Whattodos and whatnottodos are told to the center-in-charges every year in Madhuban in the meetings with the Seniors verbally, or warnings through phone calls.



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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post30 May 2008

The Global Funtioning workbook starts off with an introduction passage, page 2 :
Dear Centre Coordinators ... we have begun a careful process of reviewing the needs of the Brahma Kumaris worldwide to assure that, with the expansion of the family and the growing complexity ...

But how much more will the family expand? is not 900,000 the max? At the last count at least a year or two ago (someone can correct here when the last official notice was given of number of Brahmins), it was well over 800,000.

So maybe this 900,000 figure has now been reduced to a metaphorical "finger in the air" estimate ? :shock:

Unless there have been LOTS of folks leaving since the last count !


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post30 May 2008

bansy wrote:But how much more will the family expand ? is not 900,000 the max ? At the last count at least a year or two ago (someone can correct here when the last official notice was given of number of Brahmins), it was well over 800,000. So maybe this 900,000 figure has now been reduced to a metaphorical "finger in the air" estimate ? :shock:

Last I heard is 1 million but I do not know if it is an official count.

How do you count anyway? Who is counted in and who is not? It seems that standards are pretty different between the West and India and even in the West between Indians and non Indians.

I have never relied on God for accuracy in numbers anyway ...


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post30 May 2008

bk-pit wrote:Last I heard is 1 million but I do not know if it is official count. How do you count anyway? Who is counted in and who is not? It seems that standards are pretty different between the West and India and even in the West between Indians and non-Indians. I have never relied on God for accuracy in numbers anyway ...

Well, a Brahmin is a Brahmin. That's it. These numbers are gathered by centres and totaled up. How much or how pure a Brahmin studies does not disqualify him or her not to be considered a Brahmin. Thus the word "numberwise" comes into play.

And if the 900,000 figure comes in Murlis or Vanis, well, is that God speaking or not about numbers? Otherwise it will also make a farce of who is the number one soul.
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post30 May 2008

There is no Divine Constitution!!!!!!! If there is, it has been written recently. There certainly has never been such a thing in the past. Yes, the Murli was supposed to be the rulebook.

What a complete and utter farce. Nothing can be changed without consent of NCO or RCO!!!!!??? This is just business as usual, also those with 'a lower status' can only discuss the topics they are allowed. I am so glad I am out of there.
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post31 May 2008

mr green wrote:There is no Divine Constitution!!!!

Mr Green, I understand that you used to be a surrendered Brother directly involved in the running of a center for many years ... and yet you never heard about a "Divine Constitution"? Interesting. And you too, Tom.

    Is there anyone that has heard of or seen the BKWSU constitution?

    Perhaps they mean, "Avyakt Constitution", as in it only exists in the Subtle Regions
    ... and you have to ask an approved trance messenger to go and read it for you!?!
Perhaps it is a secret document that only a certain caste of BK Brahmin gets to see, like some Masonic secret order! After all, they don't want their actions being checked up by lower caste BKs against a formal document, do they?

I am concerned about this "language control". My memory of being a young BK was one of being tongue tied most of the time because of having to learn all the specific language, how to say things and being censored on the way I said or did things. To add another hoop to jump through and hardly promoting free speech.


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post31 May 2008

bk-pit wrote:Last I heard is 1 million but I do not know if it is official count. How do you count anyway? Who is counted in and who is not? It seems that standards are pretty different between the West and India and even in the West between Indians and non-Indians.

This is a frightening thought that if you are currently a "practising BK" that you would be expected to be counted as one of the rosary of at least 900,000 (let alone 16,000 or 108 or 8), but to find out that you may not be in any of them at all and rejected outside so-called Godly family.

So the next time you sit in the room with your fellow Brothers and Sisters, be sure to look at them with envy, rather than love, as they COULD be clipping your wings and taking your place in paradise. :shock:
Perhaps it is a secret document that only a certain caste of BK Brahmin gets to see, like some Masonic secret order! After all, they don't want their actions being checked up by lower caste BKs against a formal document, do they?

It doesn't matter about whether there are castes or not because, as with the above, these Sisters and Brothers of the supposedly higher castes (i.e. rosaries of 8 and 108 and 16,000) are only looking at each other with envy because they know anyone one of them can be clipping their wings. Such a document helps them to make it clearer whose wings will flap and whose wings will be Kentucky Fried. :mrgreen:


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post06 Jun 2008

Well, Wednesday was disappointing - there were some good points that my group made re: helping the elderly and starting an open BK forum - but it did not feel like these suggestions would go far - I was hushed up a bit and given the "look" when I mentioned things like having a culture of inclusion etc etc - and as for free access to Murlis, I don't think this will happen. I am going to wait to see what happens when all these talks are done.
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post06 Jun 2008

If the given figures of 1 million people are correct then it could reveal another 'lie' opened up by BKWSU teachings ...

Does anyone remember the figures given (in Murli and in classes) as to the total number of BK 'members' needed before the big Destruction of this impure world would happen?

If memory serves correctly it was 1 million being given as the figure but its a bit hazy now, but I do remember working out the percentages of BKs against the other members of the human race and it was a very low percentage of 'pure' people. HA. I wonder if that percentage has had to increase now considering the world's population is 1 billion more than in BKWSU teachings.


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