How to re-market yourself and the BKWSU

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Appreciative Inquiry

Post29 Aug 2006

jimbob wrote:She has also served prominently on the committees of international NGO projects. As one of the international coordinators of Global Cooperation for a Better World, a United Nations Peace Messenger Initiative (1988-1991), she was responsible for project design, training, and implementation of this program in 122 countries. Aspects of the training methodology were aligned to Appreciative Inquiry, a method for organizational transformation that Nikki now uses in some of her training.

Later while working as a researcher on a program for the BBC in London she came across women yogis who taught the ancient Raja Yoga of India. A meditation experience linked her back to the Light. A meditator with 27 years experience

From Sat Gurus to Business Gurus. OK. I think I found the "Appreciative Inquiry" connection to Raja Yoga which Nikki talks about and it may be another borderline manifestation or whatever. The Institute of Advanced Appreciative Inquiry was founded by David Cooperrider of Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management. Here it is as a "partner" on what I think is fair to say another BKWSU thing, Images and Voices of Hope and here.

"Images and Voices of Hope is an international conversation initiative convened by three partners; Visions of a Better World Foundation, The Brahma Kumaris, Institute for Advanced Appreciative Inquiry".

"The group then separated into smaller circles in order to bring the conversation to a more intimate level through a process called Appreciative Inquiry (AI) developed by David Cooperrider of Case Western Reserve University. With thought provoking questions and personal story telling, everyone was directed to turn inwards ... Sister Mohini, president of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization, a spiritual educator and journalist herself, then shared her thoughts ... In the case of the newsreader, she was compelled to send the reporter nurturing vibrations of peace ... Mohini also demonstrated a simple method to bring light into darkness."

I have no idea what a "international conversation initiative" but it sounds intelligent and impressive but, in truth, it might well mean is; BK, BK and BK - with a few non-BK VIPs that are unaware of it because some BKs wear white and some don't.

If we have a look here, we see Tom Munnecke saying;

"I too enjoyed the Brahma Kumaris presentation on Raja Yoga meditation. (I've been practicising this for 5 years, having been introduced to it by David Cooperrider - they hosted my visit to Mt. Abu in India where I had my 'Do Something Moment'". Writing of his interaction with non-BK children, he said, "She led me to the lunch area, where the children sat, patiently waiting in lines with their bowls. I had the honor of serving them each a ladle of milk. As I did, each of them looked up to thank me with their eyes in the Indian custom of drishti."
    Hmmn, I think he might have got the wrong idea there ... Drishti is pure BK Raja Yoga.
We were also looking at the connection to those folks over at Oxford Leadership and the big American corporation GE. May be the corp is big enough and there are plenty of doors in but this is interesting;
    Erik G. Larson. Account Consultant, General Electric Company is a technical consultant, teacher of Raja Yoga Meditation. "In these quiet pauses, I have a sensation of being out of time." Link here but you have to pay to read it.
He shared the stage with the two big guns at the July 11, 2004 World Parliament of Religions speaking on ;
    "The Wisdom of Listening to God: Ancient Raja Yoga of Brahma Kumaris: Erik Larson, Dadi Janki , Jayanti Kripalani"
Now, frankly, it is not entirely honest to state, as both parties do, that BK Raja Yoga is Ancient and that upsets me. There was Patanjali's Raja Yoga which dates back to BC 200 but BK Raja Yoga is entirely different and dates back to 1936 at the earliest. I always felt that it was wrong for the BKWSU to trade with that name at religious festival where obviously some folks would know of the original form. It would be trading under false pretenses in business terms and I am not sure how much big truth can be taught by little deceits. It seems to be a fixed service idea.
    70 year old Raja Yoga + Ancient = Good salespitch.
I understand the Gyani point of view. That BK Raja Yoga is the oldest religion and it was taught 5,000 years ago just like last Kalpa and next and all the gurus have to come back to the BKs to learn it etc ... but, honestly, that is yet unproven. What I am wondering is that if there is a business connections here because if so the BKWSU must have chucked out the Maryadas regarding professional connections and the family. In my time, the Maryadas strictly said NO BUSINESS BETWEEN BKs.

What I also find interesting is the evolution of the types of VIPs the BK are seeking out or presenting as "mikes" and how service has developed. But this guy Erik is inhouse. So same question as the Royal Society of Shrinks,
    Is there Raja Yoga in Appreciative Inquiry?
    Are these folks getting the full 7 Days of Gyan?
    Is there a chance that there are doing BK Raja Yoga and not actually realising what is going on?
I mean, if you could do what you want, travel around the world, not worry about Destruction or Sisters-in-Charge, and sit down now and again and do some sort of no effort, warm and fuzzy meditation; life would be quite nice.

Honest question to BKs and recent ex-BKs. What is BK culture like now?

Without any doubts these are intelligent folks and they are doing or capable of doing real good and addressing real issues ... but what's the SS agenda?
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Relax Kids

Post30 Aug 2006

Relax Kids; numerous co-promoted BKWSU business - and links - selling 'Raja Yoga Lite' in amongst an otherwise great product into which lots of energy has been put. I have no idea how the cash is split, what the ethics are or whether the Institution gets a commission but it is nice to see the Seniors encourage all the BKs to work together to make a successful business community out of the Brahmin family. The sort of co-operation that we have not seen since we all left the Sind last birth. Like Oxford Leadership, the company runs seminars for Relax Kids at BKWSU Global Retreat Centre. So what is free and what is a loss leader for one's business when one has the use of such a grand venue? I do not know. Look out for those BK buzz words "values-based".

Although it reads more like classic Raja Yoga to me ... perhaps the start of a mid-period BK Jayanti / Diane Raja Yoga meditiation on the World Drama ... From Relax Kids Parent site: it says, "You can try this Free Meditation from international best selling author Mike George ("
Sit comfortably...
Be aware of yourself...
Be aware of the world around you - the room, the house, the town, the world...
You are aware of frenetic change and yet you are in the middle of it all as it happens around you...
You are at the centre of the universe - your own universe...
But now you are the observer...
Simply be the witness, as if you are watching a grand movie...
See the world as a huge unlimited movie...
A motion picture with a million subplots unfolding in their own time and space exactly as they should...
Each and every human being is an actor playing his or her unique part exactly according to the script...
You are in the audience simply watching - observing everything happening exactly as it should be...
Don't assess or judge...
Try not to allow your attention to alight on any specific scene...
Continue to hold this awareness of the whole, big picture...
See the drama of life as it is at this moment...
It's OK - it's the way it is meant to be...
Now expand your awareness a little more to hold all of time - the past, the future and the present...
All that has unfolded and is unfolding has and is ...exactly as it should be... What is meant to be will be...
You are just a being who is simple being, as everything just is, as it was and is meant to be...

Is that international best selling author Mike George, any relationship to international best selling author Ken O'Donell? Oh, yes! They work with celebrated international speaker ... Oh, God. Please folks, be honest. And if Baba's Shrimat has changed regarding business, let us read about it. Give us the Murli points - does anyone know? See also professional endorsements from, and link to, other BK stuff, e.g.
Here are a few of our favourite web sites [n.b added "BKmark" ] ...

[BK] - : listen to their 100 thousand angels song
[BK] - : a great resource for stressed out parents
[BK] - : fantastic meditation retreats for adults
[BK] - bringing values-based education into schools
[BK] - free meditation for adults

"Relax Kids is Ultimately protected by the Law of Karma." [Indeed, so we hope].

File under "one for the PBKs to sort out" ... May be it is the test of true humility to allow other BKs to make titles and praise each other and Baba had it all wrong in the Sakar Murlis and this is how the BKWSU are alleviating poverty. For the lucky talented few at least ... does this get to happen in BK India?
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Post02 Sep 2006

Here is another one of them ...

"Sheetal worked for 4 years as a full-time trainer with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU), and continues to volunteer her services to the BKWSU".

Now, I did not know the BKWSU employed executive trainers, so does she mean Raja Yoga teacher, sister-in-charge ... ? Is the organization offering re-training for those BKs that want to quit?
Based in Nairobi, Kenya, Sheetal Shah is a dynamic and creative trainer, coach, and facilitator whose passion and work are rooted in personal and professional development. She is an inspiring speaker on leadership, communication, stress management, team work, emotional intelligence, and self-management; and is a meditation teacher and personal development coach. Sheetal also produces the motivational "Food for the Soul," which is distributed by email to people throughout the world.

Sheetal is connected to the Ivy Sea and the Global Village through the Cyber-Highway, and shares a passion with other Ivy Sea Collaborators for unlocking her client's highest potential and dynamism. She is a special correspondent to Ivy Sea Online, producing a monthly "tip of the month" or feature article for our Wisdom and Mastery Portal.

Building on a base of over 10 years of personal research and experience in the field of self-mastery and creative meditation, Sheetal creates a space in which people can realize their own potential. She uses the art of stories and participation-centered exercises to create a learning environment. Her training with international trainers has given her a deeper understanding of the problems that hamper leadership, teamwork and communication in large organizations.

Sheetal is also an experienced youth facilitator, and regularly conducts workshops for young adults. Her focus in these workshops is to tackle issues such as peer pressure, values, personal responsibility and sexual behavior. She has a unique way of building trust and rapport with young people that allows her to influence and create positive, purposeful dialogue.

She is also a qualified Dale Carnegie Instructor. Participants leave her workshops feeling empowered and inspired. She understands team dynamics well and is easily able to bring participants together and create cooperation. Her passion in life is working with people and inspiring change from the inside out.

Sheetal worked for 4 years as a full-time trainer with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU), and continues to volunteer her services to the BKWSU. Between 1995 and 1999, she traveled extensively throughout Africa, teaching meditation and running personal-development workshops. She has worked closely with the World Business Academy and is a Master Trainer in the Self-Managing Leadership Programme. She has worked with community groups, schools, and religious organizations, and has trained the staff of several organizations, including the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Infotech, Stanbic Bank, ILRI, Software Technology, Interbyte, Reef Hotel, Mombasa Hospital, and the National Bank of Kenya.

So which were doing service and which were invoiceable ... ?
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Post02 Sep 2006

Robert Shubow Ph.D was one of the great minds of the first generation Western BKs. Most will only know him for his Voyagers booklet published by the German BK centers ... but it looks like he is still in the family business; "Sat Yuga Foundation"

Horizontes Nature Tours, Costa Rica ... llness.htm

Facilitator for these special retreats is Robert Shubow, Ph.D. , who spent many years meditating and studying Yoga philosophy in India. He also earned a doctorate in psychology, and has explored the deeper dimensions of our being in a successful private practice in California. He founded the Sat Yuga Foundation, a Costa Rican non-profit organization for inner transformation, in order to use his insights to help humanity on a wider scale.

A few notes from past participants

"Our two-week meditation retreat was a fascinating journey into the depths of ourselves. Thank you Robert for your loving being, filled with wisdom and willingness to share it. "

Just goes to prove, you can have your Inheritance and eat it too ... or else all that stuff was just not true after all.
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Post02 Sep 2006

This stuff makes me laugh keep it up :lol:
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Post02 Sep 2006

I suppose that if they think that they were Emperors and Empresses in the Golden Age, and have taken 84 birth in India which, of course, some of them must have been as Rajput, Mogul and even British Empire rulers then may be they think that they have ever right and ability to teach the Emperors of a stinky old Iron Age like today. They ought to put that on their CVs too!

File under "Looking after Business".

So, have you turfed up the East India company or something here? You know, I am not sure I could stomach being around all that, perhaps it is accurate that some of us are out here and others in there. I don't think I would be very good at what they do, or them what I do and I think they know it. I have had a fair bit of opposition from a BK locally who is ex military / secret society and who is favoured over others. In my humble opinion, the centre is not a light easy place with rigid militaristic bullying. Souls feel that they do not fit in, in general, and as for the word family ...

The Family plc? Yes, let us float the family on the stock exchange. Would you like to buy shares in the spiritual family? Now is the time ... uh, what do you mean "the time for accumulating is over"? Who gave God the right to announce this in 2006. The inheritance is a head job, end of story. If your inheritance includes hanging out with the Adams family then, well ... I am expected to simply accept everything as being drama. How does GREEDY drama sound. Or what about - My head is disappearing up my corporate soul drama. Shutting others out drama, well, it is their birth rite to do this you know, is not it?

Another Murli this season was referring to souls doing service in Africa (Australians? Sorry if wrong). To me, it sounded like Baba was accusing them of kingdom grabbing by telling them that they must sustain what they have started kind of thing. Empire building already and the Gold Age is not out of its rompers.

I may be going too far, but we see the likes of Gates prowling around poor African children, sometimes with G Bush Senior, can we expect to find these BK goons by their side in years to come? Giving money to large drug companies, your own no doubt then claiming that it is some sort of donation to those you keep in extreme poverty and illness. Do the BKs realise that every war on the planet seems to be where the opium, coke or hash are grown? (Do they have to know?) Colonising darkest Africa and the likes is over, isn' t it?

Another viewpoint may be that, there are places such as Iraq etc where certain knowledge may never get the chance to do the rounds due to intense religious belief and so Shiva may find other ways of opening these places up to other viewpoints, or, "serve them". Bank of Shivalaya, yes, sounds good, just what we need. And, don't mind guys, we don' t mind if you wear cowboy outfits if the fancy takes, the oxford cowboy outfit ... and we take credit cards.

And, what does the "LEADERSHIP" aspect of this mean? Are they proposing to teach others how to lead others? How to lead others up the garden path? How to shut others out? How to turn colonialism into a Godly art and not feel guilty? It is for service after all, the service of my wallet. We should perhaps be careful about speculating about who played what role in past lives until we are sure. Drama can have some funny twists.
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Post09 Sep 2006

I am used to talking to myself, don't worry, it is marginally more sane than talking to brick walls. (No one is obliged to listen to anyone). The subject of capitalising upon our BK existence has been covered very well and I commend those for the information that has been uncovered. Perspective is also important.

I don't grudge my spiritual Brothers earing some cash, if they are making some sort of effort spiritually. There are souls in this world who are on the take in ways which make this stuff look like a microcosm (whatever that is). It is our attitude towards filthy lucre which matters. If a soul is poor, I don't grudge them it. If a soul is fairly well heeled and accepting money, they obviously need to be healed, or back-heeled out of the door, e.g. because someone is a known author, it does not mean that they are rolling in it. On the other hand, I can only assume that the likes of Brian Bacon is not in it for the money, power is what souls want from money beyond a certain point and from spirituality when it becomes twisted.

Raja Yoga can do powerful things and change individuals. You may have experiences which money cannot buy, or the family which you are born into cannot provide. What would these mic/I.P. types give to sit on Shiva's heart throne, let alone have Shiva and Brahma sitting in THEIR lap as spiritual children? It is important to get our values in balance. I don't know what the likes of Brian Bacon experiences. (Never met him) Just enough and no more according to the role like the rest of us I guess.

These souls cannot answer for themselves, so it seems only fair to put another side to it.(There I go again, thinking that all souls are good, it's a bad habit).
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more BK Lite

Post10 Sep 2006

sparkal wrote:I don't grudge my spiritual Brothers earing some cash ... These souls cannot answer for themselves, so it seems only fair to put another side to it.

I wish that they would but I guess we are too impure for them. For those that have or do live under more repressive BK Regimes, or in stricter days, this stuff must be quite a revelation. I would genuinely like to know what the conscientious changes have been and who has made them. My guess, that the "Hounds of God" are just too business on the VIP stuff and comfortable in their centrally heated Bhavans to concern themselves over the flock straying any more. The Old Time Religion was not working. The 900,000 nearly complete and mostly obedient Bharatwasis. What the hell ... a few dashing Double Foreigner cavalry riders, doing what they want, if they pull in the seminar invites and ready stream of dispensable yet transfixed VIP "mic souls" that draw the crowds in are OK.

To me, I am not sure that anyone is actually being taught Raja Yoga any more and there are one or two generations of individuals that thinks they are BKs - in the way anyone can be a "Buddhist" - that have never actually discovered what BK is or "did" the lifestyle. Am I right or wrong? Has anyone seen the Teacher Training Course that has gone up in the Encyclopedia? It is 13 or more lessons long and split between basic, intermediate and advanced. It seems to be dated mid-90s. When did the 7 Day Course die? How it is taught now? When and how does one evolve beyond the "Positive Thinking" stuff?
Mr Green wrote:this stuff makes me laugh keep it up :lol:

Here is another interesting one ... more executive coaching stuff [ cue: cah-ching of the cash registers, but I am afraid this is becoming a bit like the massage therapy boom where there were more teachers of courses than actually practionners with work ].

Gulp! You are making it difficult for me. I am still waiting for our Bhai on the inside to call me back ... but we are following a tip regarding Gabriella of Gulp Time! and Soul Tonic [TM]wait for, an executive coach! Gabriella, who also counts bosses in FTSE100 companies among her clients, does a 7 Day Crash Course and is also a graduate of the Full English Breakfast's, Oxford Leadership Academy. With speaking engagements listed at the The Brahma Kumaris and top billing in their Prison service campaign, as does her master. Associate coaches Shaun Todd also states that "Once I have learnt to generate my own inner happiness and peace there is nothing I cannot handle” – credited to the mysteriously anonymous "BK" ... could we have another sleeper here?
Gabriella Goddard is an international speaker, executive coach and the author of the exciting new personal development book titled Gulp! : 7 Day Crash Course to Master Fear & Break Through Any Challenge.

What with a big bump on her blog for ;
Mark 17th September in your diaries. It is going to be a day to remember as the Just A Minute (j-a-m) campaign is launched globally with a big event being held in Wembley Arena. just-a-minute (j-a-m) is a gowing movement for people who feel the need to pause and reflect in the midst of a frenetic modern lifestyle. The concept is simple - it's about experiencing the power of a peaceful and still mind starting with just one minute at a time.

Mentioned on the OLA website but eats fish and chips so cannot be that BK. May be just BK Lite?

What is interesting is to ask is why Oxford Leadership [and otherwise trained] executive coaches are teaching BKs? May be it is a new way of doing service ... don't ask others to listen to you lecture them. Just ask them to lecture you and give 'em Dristi like hell! Does the OL group get to use BKs as training grounds? Is the OLA the BKWSU? Does it even suggest that the BKs, or the BKWSU, therefore indeed do have something to learn from others, even non-Brahmin souls? That is a revelation. Shudras teaching Brahmins!

Don't get me wrong. It is all good, positive stuff, and much better than internet porn. But I would just like it all to be a little bit more transparent. And to know the changes in Shrimat that have happened to allow it all to happen because I missed out. I wish PBK Andrey would pick on them rather than me. Where have the shades of grey entered? Where does BK start and stop now? I mean, in the old days, BK meant 'ha-ji-BK' and they expected - nay you were told - to surrender; mind, body, soul and facial hair. Are executive talents worth much more now?

Seriously, I also think that there is a danger of a generation, a caste, of demi-BKs arising. A sort of "BK Lite" without the full Knowledge, awareness and Dharna. People that think they are in, and are actually out, but act all defensive over their spiritual masters. A supporters club that enjoys the spiritual status by association. I better go Trade Mark "BK Lite". Its a good idea. Then I can cut my commission in too.

On the other hand, may be this is truth and all we were swallowing was the bullsh**.
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Re: more BK Lite - "Contact Souls"

Post10 Sep 2006

ex-l wrote:eats fish and chips so cannot be that BK. May be just BK Lite? ...

Seriously, I also think that there is a danger of a generation, a caste, of demi-BKs arising. A sort of "BK Lite" without the full Knowledge, awareness and Dharna. People that think they are in, and are actually out, but act all defensive over their spiritual masters. A supporters club that enjoys the spiritual status by association.

I assume these are the "contact souls" that are not recognised as BKs by the BKs, but are supportive and tend to turn up for public programmes ... and get the occasional trip to Madhuban outwith the BK season? I also suspect that BK Lite is quite all right so long as you have money or political power or name and fame, or something else on the material level that the BKWSU can make use of ... I don't think the BKs will actually listen to anything they have to say - this is no Shudras teaching Brahmins scenario - and I don't think we are talking about a BK laity here... it is still IN or OUT and these guys are OUT...
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More coaches

Post22 Sep 2006

I tell you, these BKWSU have more coaches in their midst than Victoria Bus Station during a drivers' strike. Here we go again;
Brahma Kumaris Hounslow. Contact: BKWSU teacher Carol Lipthorpe, Centre Co-ordinator 216 Bath Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW4 7DE

Purpose of organisation: We offer self-development courses, talks and seminars on topics such as self-esteem, positive thinking, stress management, meditation classes. All offered free of charge.

So, no mention of the 5,000 Year Cycle, quick change from Heaven to then Hellish dinosaurs 2,500 years ago, Destruction in 1976 or God channelling in little old Indian ladies?

Could this be the same Carol Lipthorpe, life-coach and well placed for BKWSU service, secretary of Hounslow Friends of Faith?
Following 12 years of experience in developing potential within organisations and with individuals, Carol has developed two powerful one-on-one coaching programmes;

Hmmn, does the 12 years equate to her years in Gyan? [note, the dates here are all approx because they came off current and old websites]
Do you want to create a truly authentic life?
Do you want to live your passions and love the work you do?
Do you need to find meaning, purpose and direction?

When we discover our true purpose in life, energy flows and we come alive. Work and relationships take on new meaning. It seems that there’s no limit to what we can achieve! Happiness, satisfaction and success become the natural order of things.

However sometimes life can seem like a treadmill. We lack motivation and direction. We are not in harmony with our work, and we need to make changes. We know that we are living at a fraction of our potential.

FlyingFree personal development offers;

• Personal coaching for clarity, achievement and success
• Coaching programmes to help you find your ideal work
• Talks and workshops to inspire and motivate you

Carol Lipthorpe is director of FlyingFree, She works with a network of talented coaches and facilitators who share the same values of integrity and service. Click here to find out more about Carol.

Ditto, does the "network of talented coaches and facilitators who share the same values of integrity" mean the BKWSU or just all the life and executive coaches within the BKWSU!?!

On her coaching website, it does not mention that;
Carol Lipthorpe has been teaching and practising meditation with the Brahma Kumaris for the last 15 years. She draws on a rich and varied life experience, having worked as a design manager in industry for many years, and more recently with an organisation developing social inclusion projects. Carol enables others to engage with spiritualwisdom in a practical and balanced way

Just stuff like the Mind, Body and Spirit blurb;
Within each of us is the potential for complete fulfilment. The power of coaching enables you to dive deep into your inner resources, focuses on the best in you and creates the positive energy for change. In this workshop you will find out just how powerful coaching can be and how it can help you to know yourself better, clarify your purpose and direction, overcome internal barriers and develop practical strategies for change.

Until 1998 Carol worked as a senior manager in industry. For the last fourteen years she has had a passion for spiritual and personal development, and for the last six years has worked in the area of personal and organisational change. Carol is an accredited Life Coach and member of the UK College of Life Coaching. She runs her own life coaching practice ‘Flyingfree’ which also offers workshops in self-management, overcoming stress, and creating self-esteem and confidence.

This "personal and organisational change" seems to be the buzz words on these cross-over BKs. I see the meritorious Jim Ryan is now also being touted as a coach and remember how much the BKs like calling teachers "Educationalist".
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life service

Post22 Sep 2006

I presume that they are all getting down to the likes of Brixton and Hackney to teach the "lower classes" while promoting their marketed self.

One idea may be to send them all on a junket to Darfur for 6 months to teach "life skills" there. "World service" for the needy.
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Re: life service

Post22 Sep 2006

sparkal wrote:I presume that they are all getting down to the likes of Brixton and Hackney to teach the "lower classes" while promoting their marketed self.

One idea may be to send them all on a junket to Darfur for 6 months to teach "life skills" there. "World service" for the needy.

No chance of mixing their spiritual genes with the poor and needy lower orders, mate. They will come in their millions when Destruction draws near. Were you never invited to service meetings? It is rich, famous Microphone souls they want.

There all off to the leafly green of the Cotswolds, West Country, Blue Ridge and Pocono Mountains, Tuscany and the likes.

These souls have class ... and come to think of it, they have never done Raja Yoga courses down in Butlins have they? :wink:


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Post22 Sep 2006

Teachers and the Alike:

It is often mentioned in Murlis, as a warning to teachers especially, that those students who leave (the BK family /Gyan) means their teachers get severe punishment. A teacher thus has/had to look after her/his students which means, in the case of Raja Yoga, for basically the entire birth of that student. But many teachers just ignore, look for more students (so-called "service") to recruit, and thus more students get to leave ... and so on. Plenty of pulses to check, but fresher pulses are more throbbing.

It is odd to find so many BKs wishing to teach (yes, maybe some had been "coerced" into doing so) with only having very limited knowledge and experience. It took at least those in the original Yagya 14 years or so before they were let loose with a certain level of purity at a relatively young age. Yet in the centres and in all the other "BK workshop and facilities" that ex-l has made huge unravelings of, these so-called teachers can do so and offer their kind services for free, as their purity allows them jutisfiably so. But no, it hasn't been free, because the cost of life is not measurable and unaccountable.

The Murlis say you can be a teacher after a day in Gyan, because all you needed to introduce was the Soul, and you were even better if you also taught about the Supreme Soul (I think in India, in general the basic course is done in a different order, Supreme Soul first, then Soul). I am sure many BKs who have done any sort of teaching, whether after 1 day or after 10 years Gyan, must have had plenty of student souls leaving the Yagya thereafter. Oh yes, they'll hang on to the fact that "once a BK, always a BK" so that student must have taken benefit, but in reality, they may have just accumulated a lot of punishment, because that student SHOULD not leave if this is the true Gyan. These departed students souls, though seemingly supposed, will be their subjects in the Golden Age/Silver Age.
So who does not understand fully what is the Soul and Supreme Soul, the teacher or the ex-student ?

It takes a lot of guts to be a teacher, because you may be left without any.
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Judith Pemell

Post14 Nov 2006

Soul Illuminated by Judith Pemell.

Judith Pemell is a Sydney-based counsellor and educator in inner development, with a professional background in chemical dependency and other addictions. Her work in this field has been presented to the World Health Organization in Geneva by special invitation, and she conducts seminars and workshops internationally. Since becoming a practitioner of Raja Yoga meditation in 1984, she has spent a great deal of time in India studying Eastern spirituality.

It is interesting, they always say that you should not go and do BK Raja Yoga is you suffer from mental problems but then go teach it to druggies and alcoholics or depressives? She seems to be teaching Raja Yoga at the half-way house called Lucinda House. is not alcoholism a mental disease? I don't suppose she tells the bosses about the 5,000 years Cycle and all that.

They do meditation based on the style of Raja Yoga and when they are finished they come to her as their Art Therapist. "Raja Yoga meditation nurtures in me the ability to monitor and assess myself constantly, to find my own answers by understanding life in an unlimited way and to be completely self responsible." p.p.18. Not so good for compulsive obsessives then, do you think as a therapist it is wholly ethical to use that position to introduce clients to Raja Yoga?

I suppose "educator in inner development" is a posh way of saying BK Raja Yoga teacher and "time in India studying Eastern spirituality" means going to the BKWSU HQ in Madhuban?.

Someone needs to decode all this stuff to give others a chance to understand it. I am sure PR spin is a sin. Give me good old fashioned, tell it how it is Gyan any day ...
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Post24 Mar 2007

Hi, hope this is the right topic to fit these comments in.

Anyway, it connects with all the recent documented revelations about BB, Mama and so on we had on the forum. Chameleon is the animal that was coming into my mind today. I never looked at the Yagya in this way but really I had the chance to discover the incredible qualities of this org and SS heads, to transform and revise everything. If we follow them, instead of becoming angels, we'll become ... cute chameleons!

The memorial of this revered intriguing reptile, is created now. :P

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