A witch hunt

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: A witch hunt

Post25 Mar 2008

Andrey, you are free to suspect that Tom is a shadow of ex-l, but it feels like a wasteful thought and I don't see the point of sharing such doubts by posting them. This practise is just diverting people's attention from topics and draining energy. As long as there are no proofs, seeds of mistrust one should cultivate them privately, if they enjoy doing that, I think!

If there are bogus users it is of the benefit of everyone to know them, for to not lose time and energy communicating with them.

If Tom is a real person, still the comments I have made are valid for a real person too.

Diverting people's attention from the topic and draining energy is done intentionally, for once a thing is clear it is time to move.
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Re: new game in fashion: who is who

Post25 Mar 2008

Hi to all,
alladin wrote:Should we engage some private investigator or secret services to find out who is who, or move on constructively contributing in the innumerable ways we can choose to this Forum?

:D Thank you Alladin for your common sense. I have just send a PM to Andrey, but don't know if it helps him to understand that I am a real forum member, an ex-BK. 'Maya is a very powerful cat!' Does not matter.

For months I have been reading the posts and trying to understand my feelings and experiences from my BK years until now. During this time I got great help from my private messaging with Admin and ex-l (seperately!). Sarah's nice posts have helped me also very much to understand my position. I cannot say, that i have the shock phase from my BK life behind me. I still need some time contemplating.

I find it is very essential to hold on to the basic principles of the guidelines of the forum. This is the proof of respect which we owe to all forum members. It starts with not trying to investigate the identity of the forum members. We all know the reasons. Don't we?

It would be funny to continue the "I am really real" threads. But these little waste thoughts cannot shadow this forums incredible services in saving lives, nor put it into a 'tamoguni' stage as Andrey started to think.
Alladin wrote:Can we take a peep into negativity's hat trick and see what will be next???

Thank you Alladin again for your wise advices.

with best wishes
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Re: A witch hunt

Post25 Mar 2008

I have been listening to and being influenced by useless matters that had made me suspicious and had made unnecessary conclusion.

I apologise to Tom. It is embarassing to have to claim "I am real".
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Re: A witch hunt

Post25 Mar 2008

I'd like to officially claim to be entirely unreal.
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providing visibility to serial killers

Post25 Mar 2008

Some time ago, when the court case was being prepared, a very active Forum member pulled my ears in public and pms, asking me to back up with evidence some allegations I had made about the BKs. If I recall, my posts were only describing things I felt due to attitudes of sisters-in-charge, the atmosphere at centers and similar stuff, for which no evidence such as recorded tapes, phone calls or documents could be produced. I just thought that other people might add comments, confirming that they had been victims of similar treatments, found themselves in similar situations that caused similar suffering, and that sharing could help us overcome that pain/confusion. I got upset about having been censored by a Forum member, and even told what type of contribution I should have provided instead! What about my "specialities"? Did he want to play again a sister in charge role with me???

Anyway, I claimed my space and learnt the lesson that evidence, to a certain degree must be shown. Andrey, if you can perceive the difference, one thing is expressing concern - and I also few times felt like adopting a palladin role engaging in a Crusade to liberate the Holy Land of the Forum from trouble makers. Another thing is affirming that a poster is undercover when you have no proof of that. A post is a post, at the end of the day, regardless of the signature. Teasers and troublemakers want attention and in my humble opinion, although replying to certain kinds of posts is our right and can be an eye opener for others, in case they haven't realized that some game has been played with negative purposes; refusing to feed them, means starving them to death.

Even criminologists and sociologists often say that media's instigate delinquents to commit further crimes, by granting them much visibility, since publicity is exactly what they want. Many serial killers are mythomaniacs. :roll: If you receive obscene phone calls, best is to remain detached and not let it affect you, and you certainly do not volunteer to make it into a long toll free erotic phone call!!

Good vibes to all. :)
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Re: A witch hunt

Post25 Mar 2008

I understand. We should not expect others as perfect and dream for fail proof life. We do desire this but Maya's duty is to come; we fall sometimes, sometimes we don't. It is just a part of the game. I, myself, would like there to be such a world with no troubles and no trouble makers. When there is a problem one tends to pop there, to see what's wrong and put everything right, but maybe it is not so sensible. We better protect ourself and care for our own good and somehow everything turns well.

It is normal if there is a situation with pain or a person that one reacts, because it is as if something is spoiling the game. We all want to play a game where there is fun. If someone says, "I don't want to play" or is unhappy about it, then we have to devote time to see what's wrong, "come on", "what's wrong?". The game stops for some time but them again continues. I do believe that our natural state is not to be miserable, but to be happy, so i find it odd if there are problems. It is like some mutation. But it is not always the best to help for sometimes people don't need and instead of helping you make things worse. Who are you after all, that you can help others etc.

That's why i like this knowledge, because it says we should look at ourselves. One can see this egoistic, but no. It is only the first reaction of a person with trouble that if you appear with a happy face in front of him he say, "hey, are you laughing at me". Later he starts laughing too. But there are some margins one has to observe, for one cannot laugh at a funeral where everyone is serious. I find tact as big challenge.
I'd like to officially claim to be entirely unreal.

Nothing happens through claiming. There has to be proofs. Teleport yourself and we may believe.
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Re: A witch hunt

Post25 Mar 2008

Oh. Although it is actually no one's business, I have also PM-ed both tom and sarah ( ... and, no, "PM-ing" is not some kind of se***al perversion either) and am entirely convinced that I am not talking to myself in either case. And I am not andrey either.

    BUT ... I am Spartacus!



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Post25 Mar 2008

OK, I've just temporarily ditched my Brahmin costume, my angel costume, my deity costume, my worship-worthy costume and my a-pack-of-roasted-peanuts-as-prize-for-anyone-who-can-remember-the-last-of-the-five-forms costume and have put on my newly Jermyn Street tailored tweed Sherlock Holmes outfit, monocle and pipe included, but no smoke since it would be deemed environmentally unhealthy. There were no skirts, so a kilt has to do. Need to wear thick woolen stockings since tweed is itchy.

Anyway, now together with my 'Dummies Guide to Forensics and Cake Making', I have uncovered that the unreal ex-l is Andrey on a cloudy day and Bansy on a hazy day, and that Arjun is actually shivsena when it rains except when the moon is out and becomes alladin, who in turn is actually john morgan except when he gets hay fever and transforms into Mr Green when he feels blue. And when the wind changes Primal is actually button slammer but yog108 butts into aimee and morphs into Sanvean which is an homonyn-acronym for bbysops when in the subtle plane, who after one second comes crashing down as eromain, and ...

... oh sorry folks, got to halt this infestication (which is the correct spelling after a few whiskies), as me black cat is scratching the door as it is Lottery Hour. She also so good at scratching lottery tickets, got to go and claim my earthly inheritance, hopefully this week can get at claim the first number. But feel feel to continue with the infestication while I go off to spend on a lavish donor kebab with my soon to be gotten lost but now found earnings (the meat goes to the cat of course) ... (drifts off into the sunset on a Nimbus-Firebolt 2008) ...

So, the next time you see my black cat cross your path, walk under the nearest ladder so as to cancel out your karma. Two negatives makes a positive, right?

So there you go. One post about the theory of karma, incriminations, time wasting, witches, a bit of Gyan, meditation techniques, and I've managed to insult almost everyone on this forum. Hee Hee. :mrgreen:
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Re: A witch hunt

Post25 Mar 2008

I don't know about anyone else but that does not read like the bansy we know and love. Does anyone else think her account has been taken over by someone else?

At least we know now where it all started on the path of Bhakti.


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Re: A witch hunt

Post25 Mar 2008

At least we know now where it all started on the path of Bhakti.

But it is not said that those souls who have done most Bhakti understands The Knowledge most ? :wink:
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Re: A witch hunt

Post26 Mar 2008

andrey wrote:I have been listening to and being influenced by useless matters that had made me suspicious and had made unnecessary conclusion.

You said elsewhere that the forum had entered its tamopradhan stage and, although I hoped not, you may not be far wrong, andrey.

If you believe in The Knowledge, then this forum plays an undeniably notable part in the World Cycle ... and therefore in creating the new Cycle. In a sense, the current schism is a bit like the shooting period of the splitting up of the PBKs to PBKs, Vishnu Party and PPPBKs etc. Its just like the spat between Vishnu Party attacking Virendra Dev Dixit and others who stuck by him.

a respected member of the family, who benefited from the forum, liked what they saw and wanted their own kingdom rather than working with the whole ... even though they were offered the highest position ... they take a load of followers with them ... amongst them are much more skillful individuals who have used the family for business sake or to find relationships etc ... and others with personal problems (some untold history) ... who then seek to use the new less disciplined group and less experienced leader ... to attack the main family.

The BKs become involved to stir things up as they have only to benefit from drawing attention away from their own shenanigans and point fingers at others ... false accusations without evidence fly back and forth ... confuse reigns ... innocent mothers are hurt, feel attacked and have to leave ...
until eventually the dust settles and we all see what was really going on. Divide and rule, divide and rule ...

As this is all happening within what I suggest is the Christian element of the Brahmin family, we must expect a Judas, or even a Delilah, to come forward in order to set the precedent. Bro neo also left to start his own forum and left a link on the old chat for others to follow him. Its not possible for me to find it because when you do a Google all it comes up with is pornography ... but I think it has one other member from this forum.

Many deep and accurate things are written on this forum and many deep events play themselves out. I love it because it portrays to the whole world aspects of the Family (dare I say reality of the Family), that they should be aware of and which REALLY must be resolved. It would be comic if it were not so sad and damaging. I mean, what a welcome for a newcomer.

This, sarah, is a very good introduction to BK life and what you would be getting involved with at this time. Very much the same things happens throughout zones and center.

Personally, even though I make no claims to being pukka, I always warn against the use of intoxicants; drink and especially drugs. Its not from a moral or even legal point of view, its just that they dull intellects and open up individuals to psychic influences beyond their control, and of which they are unaware. They are literally not in control of their own mind and hence bodies. It takes years, may be even never, to clear out such influences from one's psychic body.

Of course, we all struggle with Mayas ... but the basic idea is to exclude, minimise and quarantine the gross Maya's as much as possible.
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Post26 Mar 2008

bansy wrote:...have put on my newly Jermyn Street tailored tweed Sherlock Holmes outfit, monocle and pipe included, but no smoke since it would be deemed environmentally unhealthy.

:wink: My hero is Inspector Maigret, who also smokes a pipe. A happily married honest man with character, whose ambition is not catching the criminals, but observing, knowing, puzzling out human nature. He never judges or executes. Believes in facts which can not be quoted. And never loses his self control. In the most difficult cases his approach to the murderer is not with hate or anger but with disgust.

I would like to see again a Jean Gabin playing Maigret.
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Re: A witch hunt

Post26 Mar 2008

If you would like to know the unlimited meaning of smoking cigarettes it is drinking bad thoughts. In Hindi, it is said "drinking" cigarettes, so maybe in English we should say, "smoking bad thoughts". What about the pipe case? Maybe it could be some chronic case, some obsession for one fills one and the same pipe again and again. The cigarette you smoke and throw. It is only my suggestion about the pipe, but the unlimited meaning of smoking cigarettes is suggested by Baba (in Virendra Dev Dixit).
Anyway, now together with my 'Dummies Guide to Forensics and Cake Making', I have uncovered that the unreal ex-l is Andrey on a cloudy day and Bansy on a hazy day, and that Arjun is actually shivsena when it rains except when the moon is out and becomes alladin, who in turn is actually john morgan except when he gets hay fever and transforms into Mr Green when he feels blue. And when the wind changes Primal is actually button slammer but yog108 butts into aimee and morphs into Sanvean which is an homonyn-acronym for bbysops when in the subtle plane, who after one second comes crashing down as eromain, and ...

It becomes obvious that Sister bansy's deep knowledge on the subtle aspects of humans' individuality is according to the weather. I will have to see the weather forecast for tomorrow for to know who will i be.

I was just thinking that someone who is unhappy, is not genuine.
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Re: A witch hunt

Post27 Mar 2008

All we need is a little love.

By the way, I am Count Dracula, I am 900 years old and I can cure you from mortality ... at a price.

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