Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

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Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post25 Feb 2008

Om Shanti,

this is very important topic. I have read that there existed mind-reading technology from the second world war until now. It now uses brain or skull finger-printing to track individual and tell something directly to his brain or reads what he is thinking. I have read "the interview with Gulzar Dadi", she hinted about something related to this.

So have they read who the person is BapDada, thinks as ShivaBaba and tracks that person secretly? Or is that technology affecting Gulzar Dadi?
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post26 Feb 2008

raj wrote:I have read "the interview with Gulzar Dadi", she hinted about something related to this.

No. And she did not hint at this. Most likely she has no understanding or knowledge of it at all.

What is your understanding of what is going on in the BKWSU?
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post26 Feb 2008

Om Shanti,

Virendra Dev Dixit has given them (BKWSU) warning if they don't believe him as ShivaBaba, he will take control over Mt Abu. There is a news article in this website about President of India's meeting with Gulzar Dadi send by political leader Balasaheb Thakery of Maharashtra, India (follower of King Shivaji).

The entire fight is to take control of the world, by various ways viz politics, mind reading (major one) in which people believing in either Gulzar Dadi, other person other than Virendra Dev Dixit as ShivaBaba are made to believe that he is ShivaBaba. By first capturing the minds of people, afffecting or influencing other people, e.g Indian televison stars, college heads, people with high respect in soceity etc by this mind technology.

With fear induced in their minds, no person will speak out about what is happening and eventually leaving that entire situation with no trace or proof.

In India BKWSU, Gulzar Dadi, ordinary man/women etc all affected by it and won't tell anybody directly. Without directly advertising it as ShivaBaba, they have devised a new way, through film star "Amitabh Baachan" to indirectly publicize him (Virendra Dev Dixit). You can see many films of "Amitabh Baachan" having name "Viru" or starting with V for virendra from 1970's.

Thus situation in the BKWSU or ordinary India is NOW nearly same. The only difference is presence of "Gulzar Dadi" in BKWSU. That is why the BKWSU takes so much care of gular Dadi. This is what going on in BKWSU.

(Just check the Wikipedia website for information about who "Amitabh Bachan", etc are.
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post26 Feb 2008

And who are the "They" that are doing all this?
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post26 Feb 2008

i have not understood, what you want to ask.
Veerendra Dev Dixit has given them (BKWSU) warning if they don't believe him as ShivaBaba, he will take control over Mt Abu. There is a news article in this website about President of India's meeting with Gulzar Dadi send by political leader Balasaheb Thakery of Maharashtra, India (follower of King Shivaji).

They, above, refers to BKWSU members.

If you are asking who is doing all this, my answer is most probably Virendra Dev Dixit.
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post26 Feb 2008

Virendra Dev Dixit has given them (BKWSU) warning if they don't believe him as ShivaBaba, he will take control over Mt Abu ... Without directly advertising it as ShivaBaba, PBK's devised a new way, through film star "Amitabh Baachan" to indirectly publicize him (Virendra Dev Dixit). You can see many films of "Amitabh Baachan" having name "Viru" or starting with V for virendra from 1970's.

Dear raj,

Omshanti. Are these lines from your imagination or do you have any proof for the same?
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post26 Feb 2008

Raj, you are suggesting that 'someone' is sending mind control frequencies at the BKWSU and AIVV, 'someone' is tracking skulls worldwide etc with WWII technology.

Who are they?
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post26 Feb 2008

I think this is a very interesting subject. I think it may be safe to assume that "they" are farther ahead with technology than "they" would ever let on about. And so we simply may not know.

There is an areal which has started growing out of my head, any ideas anyone? I keep saying Om Shanti all the time. This "V" thing emerges here and there. Hmm, hang on, I have someone on the soul phone ...


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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post26 Feb 2008


I have been sending mind control vibrations and frequencies for the last two years, so it finally hits ... hmmm India is far away ... it takes some time to get there.

Soul phone ... good one!!!!
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post26 Feb 2008

Om Shanti arjun,

as far as taking control over mt. abu headquarters of BKWSU is concernerd it is told in many casettes of Virendra Dev Dixit.

for amitabh bachaan also Virendra Dev Dixit has told in his old cassettes that "if bap comes in amitabh baachan then everyone would recognize him". people (many of my friends, relatives etc) say that "don (old)", "amar akbar anthony", etc etc where made on Virendra Dev Dixit, secretly.

i have edited my quote about PBK's you can now have look at it again, i know it too that PBK's don't know anything else what ordinary man knowns about this technology and amitabh baachan.

my questions,

1) i want to know whether or not is Virendra Dev Dixit giving directions through this technology to amitabh baachan right from 1970's?
2) does Virendra Dev Dixit know about this mind reading technology?
3) is he using this technology to tell something about somebody directly in their minds, so that they believe Virendra Dev Dixit is "ShivaBaba"?
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post26 Feb 2008

Om Shanti jannisder,
I have been sending mind control vibrations and frequencies for the last two years, so it finally hits ... hmmm India is far away ... it takes some time to get there.

I want to know how could you send mind control vibrations and frequencies through this technology. Do you have some device at home?


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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post26 Feb 2008

Just have to plug it in!! Some sort of soul phone.

Can we not ALL send good wishes?? ... What kind of technology is that??
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post27 Feb 2008

Om Shanti jannisder,

I want to know where did you got this technology, is it available in market? How did you came to know about it?
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post27 Feb 2008

Who is pulling whose leg here? Who is discrediting who!?!

Come on guys, get serious. Conspiracy Theory meets Hinduism is not a concoction that I am willing to stomach yet.
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post27 Feb 2008

raj wrote:as far as taking control over mt. abu headquarters of BKWSU is concernerd it is told in many casettes of Veerendra Dev Dixit.

It has been said by ShivBaba in the clarification Murlis (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) that the revelation of the Father would take place at Mt. Abu and that all the true children of the Father would gather there and create a Paramdham-like atmosphere there. That would happen when the entire Brahmin family unites under the control of one Father. But he has not said that BKs would hand over the control of the Yagya to him.
for amitabh bachaan also Veerendra Dev Dixit has told in his old cassettes that "if bap comes in amitabh baachan then everyone would recognize him". people (many of my friends, relatives etc) say that "don (old)", "amar akbar anthony", etc etc where made on Veerendra Dev Dixit, secretly.
1) i want to know whether or not is Veerendra Dev Dixit giving directions through this technology to amitabh baachan right from 1970's?
2) does Veerendra Dev Dixit know about this mind reading technology?
3) is he using this technology to tell something about somebody directly in their minds, so that they believe Veerendra Dev Dixit is "ShivaBaba"?

While discussing the subject of some Hindi film songs that help in meditation or in increasing the zeal/enthusiasm of Brahmin souls, it has been said by ShivBaba in the Murlis (through Brahma Baba and through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) that He inspires the lyricists to write such songs. But Baba Virendra Dev Dixit has not given any directions directly to any of the film personalities. I think you are listening to many of the clarification Murlis in a literal sense.

As regards, mind reading technology, ShivBaba (through Brahma Baba and Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has said several times that He is antaryami (thought reader) but the corporeal medium cannot read anybody's mind and therefore everything should be reported to ShivBaba through him.

Even though ShivBaba can read thoughts He does not tell anyone like a magician.


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