BK Food issues

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Post16 Aug 2007

"Kayee bachchey poochtey hain ham military may service kartey hain. Vahaan ka bhojan khana padtaa hai. Baba kahtey hain kar hee kya saktey hain. Baap say mat lee toh responsible Baba hai. Bahut poochtey hain Baba vilaayat may jana hai, party may baithnaa padtaa hai. Bhal vegetarian miltaa hai, parantu hain toh vikaari na. Tum koi bhi bahaanaa kar saktey ho. Achha chaay pee letey hain." (Brahmakumariyon dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli, dinaank 24.04.07, pg 3)

"Many children ask - I work in military. We have to eat food offered by them. Baba says - what can you do. If you have taken the opinion of the Father, then Baba is responsible. Many ask - Baba, I have to go abroad, I have to sit in a party. Although one gets vegetarian food, but they are vicious, aren't they? You can give any excuse. OK, we will take tea." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 24.04.07, pg 3 published by BKs in Hindi, translated by a PBK, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba)
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Post23 Oct 2007

Only for the purpose of record:

"Is Brahma bhojan may bahut taakat hai. Aagey chal bhojan yogi log banaayengey. Abhi toh purushaarthi hain. Jitnaa ho saktaa hai ShivBaba kee Yaad may rahney kee koshish kartey hain. Bachhey toh hain na. Khaaney vaaley bachhey pakkey hotey jaayengey toh banaaney vaaley bhi pakkey nikaltey rahengey." (Brahmakumariyon dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli, dinaank 01.09.07, pg 2)

"There is a lot of power in this Brahma Bhojan. In future yogis would cook food. Now they are effort makers. As much as possible they try to remain in ShivBaba’s remembrance. They are children, aren’t they? When the children who eat go on becoming pakka (firm), then such cooks would also start emerging, who are pakka." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 01.09.07, pg 2 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba, translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning)
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Post19 Dec 2007

A question arose in my mind and I wanted to revive this topic.
in some other topic, Arjun wrote:Someone said: I am selling vegetables. Onions also cause harm (in the path of knowledge). So, I sell onions as well, Baba?
Baba (Virendra Dev Dixit) said: Do you consume onion (pyaaz) yourselves? You don't eat garlic (lehsun) and radish (mooli) yourself, do you? Then it is all right ... You sell onions. Those who want to buy, buy. Go on explaining knowledge to them.

Moolis ... radish ... I never knew that was against Shrimat/the Maryadas.

Is there a definitive list?

I am sure we all know the basics everyone is told, e.g.
    in theory BK eat lacto-vegetarian food,
    cooked by self or other BKs only and "offered"
    no onions and garlic, including spring onions
    no tobacco, drugs and alcohol
But I notice many variations.
    No moolis ... is that ALL radishes? Why?
    • I remember from Vaishnavite Bhakti (some) Indians did not eat mushrooms but Western BKs did. I understood the mushroom thing to be that mushrooms grew in animal droppings, grew at night, therefore "dark" energy (and could add from a Macrobiotic point of view, that they were very Yin to an already very Yin diet).
    • I saw some Western BKs eat leeks and others not. Leeks are of the onion family.
    • More and more, even in Abu, "machine made" non-BK food is being introduced and said to be acceptable.
    • Most to all Western BKs would give their food long (or was that longing) dhritsi before eating it to "purify it", some, would eat non-BK cooked food, e.g. worldly family or work produced and do similarly.
Is there a single definitive instruction? I offer some observations to date;
    Of course, a healthy body was never much of a concern, despite it appearing in the Murlis. Fat is par for the course. Sweets and diary can be over eaten. The Indian BK's curry was too hot despite the "No curry, no worry" ditty many of the loved. In the 80s there were lot of tensions, undercurrent and Indian prejudices to resolve before Westerners could get half-way healthy food. (The Food Bahkti Wars, I call it).

    It seemed crazy and hurtful ... I ask now whether it was 'designed to be hurtful and damaging' to one's lokik relationships to cut off their food supply. In retrospect, it looks crazy that one could not eat the food from one's loving and celibate grandmother or parents BUT one was encouraged to eat the food off a demented, arrogant senior or center-in-charge who was about to leave Gyan anyway ...

    It was encouraged to eat food from entirely uneducated or unintelligent BKWSU centric individuals (the BK servant caste) whilst to avoid it from seriously intelligent, compassionate or holy non-BKs ... because they were still more impure.

    The Royal Family (the SS) appear to have their own private cooks/food thing going on and, I have seen with my own eyes, wont eat food of "lower" BKs.

    Women had all sorts of extra rules regarding menstruation.

    Centers had all sort of extra rules regarding cleanliness, toileting and clothes changing and "purity" of individuals allowed into the kitchen.

    The BKWSU uses vegetarian food cooking classes as one way of pulling folk into their circle of influence in its usually deceptive manner and, in some cases, laces it with stuff that is frankly racist and bananas, e.g. Mexicans and North Indians being more violent because they eat onions and garlic.

    There are all sorts of issues or yukti about when exactly to tell your new BK student what they have to stop eating in order to be accepted. It should be noted that a minority of Western BKs are actually vegetarian before Gyan. Is it the same for Indians now, or do the BKs mostly attract Bhakti types that are already vegetarian?

    It was common or OK to overeat to compensate for other aspects of one's going wrong, like sexual impulses, depression, low self-esteem, unhappiness at the center etc.
Now, a lot of this obviously comes from the Hindu influences, e.g. the pretty, expensive cloths, dishes and rituals of offering. Some of it is BKWSU's own Bhakti.

The original BKs were NOT high caste nor Brahmins and so it could be seen as aping or aspiring up to higher caste Hindi lifestyles. Some of them, and many Indian BKs, do come from a background where they would have cooks ... are those cooks unemployed or do they employ lower caste BKs to cook for them? (Note some "landlord type" male BK center owners).

OK, in additional to the simple mooli/radish question, what is the bottomline on onions and garlic? I heard that
    a) it is not "Royal" to smell and they make your skin and breath smell (this is true)
    b) some chemicals in them were meant to interfere with brain functions and this was why meditators did not eat them (which sounds like desperate Western BKs scrabbling around to find some pseudo-scientific reason to impress themselves and non-BKs.
What is the bottomline to BK food? Does the BKWSU produce a "bottomline" guidance or is it all hidden and open to interpretation?

Oh, and how can the BKs offer food to God if they don't know who or where God is ... why are they offering food to Avyakt Brahma/pictures of Brahma?
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Post19 Dec 2007

ex-l wrote:• No moolis ... is that ALL radishes? Why?

I suppose it it the white radishes, which are bigger and longer than carrots in shape and when consumed raw it leaves a bad odour in the mouth. But there is a pink/mehroon bulb shaped radish, which is used for salad and also to prepare halwa (like the carrot halwa).

The white raddish is not eaten by Vaishnavite Brahmins among Hindus. I don't know if other vegetarian Hindus (like other Brahmins and Vaishyas) eat Mooli or not. It is not used either in BK centers or in PBK centers. But the pink bulb-shaped radish is definitely used by both BKs and PBKs.

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Post19 Dec 2007

Sent to me by a friend through email:


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Post19 Dec 2007

arjun wrote:I suppose it it the white radishes, which are bigger and longer than carrots in shape and when consumed raw it leaves a bad odour in the mouth. But there is a pink/mehroon bulb shaped radish, which is used for salad and also to prepare halwa (like the carrot halwa).

The white raddish is not eaten by Vaishnavite Brahmins among Hindus. I don't know if other vegetarian Hindus (like other Brahmins and Vaishyas) eat Mooli or not. It is not used either in BK centers or in PBK centers. But the pink bulb-shaped radish is definitely used by both BKs and PBKs.

Interesting. We were never told that. Daikon they are known elsewhere.

Good for cleanses the blood, promotes energy circulation and increasing the metabolic rate. They contains diuretics, decongestants and, in terms of phytochemicals, the digestive enzymes diastase, amylase and esterase and make a primary ingredient in a great variety of home remedies. Shame. But, yes, you can burp them up afterwards.

I wonder when, how and why that all started? Is it written down in one place anywhere?
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cutting the mustard

Post19 Dec 2007

Doesn't surprise me, they are hot/nippy. Anything hot may/could be considered a stimulant.

Know anything about Mustard anyone?
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Post19 Dec 2007

ex-l wrote:Is it written down in one place anywhere?

I do not remember having heard about mooli (radish) in the Murlis. But it may be mentioned in one of the Hindu scriptures as a taamsik food.
sparkal wrote:know anything about Mustard anyone?

Are you talking about the mustard seeds (raai)? If it is the seeds that you are talking about, then it is extensively used for cooking purposes in every Indian home. Before preparing curries, these seeds are fried in oil along with cumin seeds (jeera) and turmeric powder (haldi) before adding any other content like vegetables/pulses to it.

I am not aware of the medicinal/nutritional value of mustard seeds.

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perpetuating disservice

Post19 Dec 2007

ex-l wrote:It seemed crazy and hurtful ... I ask now whether it was 'designed to be hurtful and damaging' to one's lokik relationships to cut off their food supply. In retrospect, it looks crazy that one could not eat the food from one's loving and celibate grandmother or parents BUT one was encouraged to eat the food off a demented, arrogant senior or center-in-charge who was about to leave Gyan anyway ...

So true! If we were to put together all the sorrow we gave and BKs give to relatives by refusing their food, instigated by their teachers (BTW, is it casual or part of a plan??), this would create a tall mountain we should all be ashamed of. The same teachers never spend much time in suggesting newcomers some "yuktiyukt" way to inform relatives about our rules and changes in food habits, so that we could respect the rules without causing pain or insulting others. Most neophytes pass through such phases of intoxication and extremism; experiencing fear of contaminating themselves with impure food and vibes, when they just find God and a holy clan of perfect souls to belong to, and which they do not want to disappoint!

So, like in every dysfunctional family that deserves such title, a behaviour is passed on from one generation to the next. Hardly any teacher will wisely advise a student about how to avoid certain situations that can break people's hearts and severe relationships forever. "I made my mistakes, you can also make yours". No prevention, at least, not officially practised. It is not unusual that, becoming sensitive and even paranoid about vibes, BKs start refusing Brahma Bojan or tolis made by a particular person. It's a good test to our discrimination power, and a good step forward, I think, seeing someone in a position "higher that yours", for what she/he really is in her dharna and vibes, deciding that it is not safe to eat the food she/he made - even if offered to Baba - and having the courage to turn it down or don't show up at Satguruwar in order to avoid embarrassing situations.

Arjun thank you for the recipe! You are right, Yangizing the food, frying the spices first, guarantees full flavour to come out. I usually just add some curry power to my - steaming - veggies, and that's why they are so bland!! Daikon? An alternative doctor described it to me as an excellent vegetable. Not always easy to find, though!!
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Re: perpetuating disservice

Post20 Dec 2007

alladin wrote:Most neophytes pass through such phases of intoxication and extremism; experiencing fear of contaminating themselves with impure food and vibes, when they just find God and a holy clan of perfect souls to belong to, and which they do not want to disappoint.

So, the questions I am asking are; where is this all written down and clarified? Surely it exists in one place? Do the BKs have a "manual" of dos and don'ts these days?

Secondly, how much difference does it really all make? Can we say that after 70 years it has created super human beings? What percentage more impure is, for example, eating your grandmother's vegetable soup - who has been celibate for may be 30 or 40 years - versus eating some BKs cooking who has may be only been celibate for 3 or 4 months, used to take drugs and is still having massive Maya attacks?

Or, what if your grandmother was old fashioned, never lied, worked and always paid her taxes, looked after the whole family ... what percentage more impure is eating her food in comparison to food prepared by senior BKs who have been falsifying their history and re-writing God's word, living off center's money all their lives that "play loose" with donation and taxes?

Even if, say, your grandmother put a small onion in the soup ... which would be the more impure?
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Post20 Dec 2007

ex-l wrote: What percentage more impure is, for example, eating your grandmother's vegetable soup - who has been celibate for may be 30 or 40 years - versus eating some BKs cooking who has may be only been celibate for 3 or 4 months, used to take drugs and is still having massive Maya attacks?

Grandmother's vegetable soup scores over all others :D.
Or, what if your grandmother was old fashioned, never lied, worked and always paid her taxes, looked after the whole family ... what percentage more impure is eating her food in comparison to food prepared by senior BKs who have been falsifying their history and re-writing God's word, living off center's money all their lives that "play loose" with donation and taxes?

Grandmother wins again, but I think such a lovely grandma won't mind preparing a soup without onion for a grandson like me :P :lol:.

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Post20 Dec 2007

How can you be sure that your granny has been celibate for 30 - 40 years?

I agree that "BK" kitchens can be among the most hostile places on the planet at times at least. Of course, there is also the pressure on those in the centre to be considered. Perhaps they should phone grandma when a storm of Maya comes and get her into the kitchen to deal with the onion layers of Maya.

Cooking the scriptures? :roll:
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Post21 Dec 2007

There is a difference from soul- to bodyconciousness and food prepared in both states.

When one does not know The Knowledge about the soul, e.g. grandma cooks soup for the grandson, she does not think about him as a soul, but as the body that has come out of the body of the body that has come out of my body; so it feeds the body.
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Post22 Dec 2007

Andrey, why are you so willfully incapable of understanding, or willfully capable of ignoring, the actually point being made in any question? I have to believe it is deliberate action because you are not stupid.

So ... let's be direct. Can lies be told in soul-consciousness? Can taxes be fiddled in soul-consciousness? Can histories and Murlis be re-written in soul-consciousness?

Is someone that calls themselves a BK or PBK automatically "soul-consciousness" and, therefore, infinitely superior to someone that practises simple human goodness like a grandmother?

Is so, on what day or hour does the BK or PBK become automatically soul-consciousness and superior, and what of BKs or PBK that are about to leave Gyan? Are they still superior and even "leaving Gyan" in soul-consciousness?
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Brahmin priests

Post22 Dec 2007

ex-l, you rightly said "automatically". Because here we encounter the concept of "birthright", castes and "elected race". So, of course these imply "superiority". It is a superficial and body-conscious concept that has nothing to do with the actual state of mind, purity of thoughts and actions of the person in question. So, eat and shut up! It is Brahma Bojan, "the food has been offered", and you have the honour of eating from the Bhandara where Brahmin priests cook.

What else do you want? So ungrateful ...

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