Women will rule the world

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Women will rule the world

Post14 Dec 2007

So, what qualities are required. It is a testosterone driven world and the male shark approach is not working. Indeed, it could be said that this forum is testosterone driven. This is not a thread for women, we have had enough of women ruled environments. It is time for equality (are you listening BKs?)

Authority and selfishness are a very ugly mix. Telling lies and slyness don't sit too well on the shoulders of a leader. The leader is exposed, in the limelight and gets away with very little. So how do we see women and the future. It would be nice to have some input from women, as in; "men with wombs".

This is an important subject as we move forward now.


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Post14 Dec 2007

Given the choice would you still rather come out from your mother's womb and be breastfed by her, or would you like to come out from one of your Father's orifices and be hairy-chestfed by him? :P
this forum is testosterone driven.

Sorry, could not resist this ... Village People - Macho Man. Sing along in Portuguese/Spanish?

Can you see the same bunch of SS doing the same?
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Women will rule the world in which boys will become men

Post14 Dec 2007

Hiya Sparkal, whatever we may imagine a world ruled by women to be like, I for one do hope that the soul's in male costume would still be inspired to sing In otherwords I hope that they will rule a soul-full world.
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Post14 Dec 2007

bansy wrote:Can you see the same bunch of SS doing the same?

Can you imagine the same bunch of SS doing a version of The Vaginal Monologues? (Its a serious play about women's experience that probably still does not go far enough, especially into the experience of the Asian/Oriental woman ...script here).

But would that be 'minds (man) with wombs', or 'wombs with minds', sparkal?
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Post14 Dec 2007

I love women, some more then others, of course. I am one of the cursed that does believe, however, that women: "cant live with 'em, cant live without 'em". :oops: I miss trin.

“Woman once made equal to man becomes his superior” - Socrates


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Post15 Dec 2007

Following the theme of my recent war homework,

"The General's wife is the General's general" (Douglas MacArthur 5 star General of the US Army).
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Post15 Dec 2007

Well, I dunno, the creatures baffle me :wink:.

Men are said to think through their groin yet, when I look closer at women, they are far more breeding/pro creation orientated and can accept that they may have more problems with these distractions on "the path".

Ruling the world is another matter. It is said that behind every good leader is a good woman, or something like that. So, will the back seat drivers jump in behind the steering wheel at some point?

The Sun Dynasty will probably herald a return to moon orientated things, living by the moon cycles, as we are reported to have done before the dinosaurs changed the calendar 2000 years ago to the current Roman nonsense. Male/sun ruled.

As for breast feeding, it is terrible, an embarrassment. It should not be allowed for the sake of innocent on lookers :roll:. Better to give your child half a brain to start life with. All these young WOMB-men destroying their bodies with alcohol and drugs, and they expect to give birth to and raise the next generation. The authorities fan the flames for maximum subdue-style politics. But, it is OK, just detach, everything is OK. Sure it is. I look forward to meeting the next generation of malnourished creatures.

I don't know much about vaginal bliss ex-l.


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Post15 Dec 2007

As for breast feeding, it is terrible, an embarrassment. It should not be allowed for the sake of innocent on lookers

Who is the one embarrassed ?

Have a look at documentaries on the way of life in some of the ethnics living in the jungles of the Amazon, Africa and other obscure parts of the world. No TV, no internet. Just a mud house and a bunch of chickens and goats. When you see one of the children wearing an old scrappy Nike Tshirt, you wonder who has infected them. Especially when their little bottie is sticking out and running around barefoot. Women and men alike totally naked except for a few leaves to cover the parts that hurt when sitting on rocks and timber.

The only reason that documentaries are being shot and how these peoples live is becoming more known due to deforestation and environmental thing like that and the cameras snooping into the lives of what was previously a peaceful life for these peoples.

These peoples may be living on less than a dollar a day, but I don't think they even know what a dollar is. So what really is poverty (another thread discussing this already).

There are still parts of the modern world that women still breastfeed in public. The clothes are designed where there is a small flap so all one has to do is undo the velcro. I've even seen it on trains and restuarants in some major cities. A mother with a hungry baby is not going to care if anyone is embarassed, that's the least of her problem.
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Post15 Dec 2007

Sister Bansy wrote:There are still parts of the modern world that women still breastfeed in public. The clothes are designed where there is a small flap so all one has to do is undo the velcro. I've even seen it on trains and restuarants in some major cities. A mother with a hungry baby is not going to care if anyone is embarassed, that's the least of her problem.

The common dress code for women in India, i.e. a saree is generally worn in such a way that an Indian woman could breastfeed her child in public in case a need arises. This can be seen in villages and small towns, but with the increase of body consciousness among souls in the cities, Indian women in big cities do not prefer to breastfeed in public.

I agree that a woman should not feel embarassed and should not care for the embarrassment of others when her baby is hungry. Those who feel embarrassed by such scenes are insulting their mother's milk.

I read in Times of India recently about an incident where a pregnant woman was denied admisson by a Government hospital after conducting some tests on her and advising her to go to another hospital. Since the pregnancy was in an advanced stage, the poor woman had to deliver in the parking lot of the hospital. The issue raised a furore and I believe some of the hospital staff were suspended for gross negligence on their part in asking the pregnant woman to go to another hospital without providing her any vehicle or medical assistants to accompany her. It shows the condition of women even in modern days.

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Post16 Dec 2007

bansy wrote:Who is the one embarrassed ?

I am pretty sure sparkal was making satire of those that criticise or condemn such women that breastfeed openly but the point is well raised. Ridiculous as it is a universal and essential practise 1,000s of years old.

In India, I understand it was the British that imported such impractical opinion which was then adopted by those higher caste Indians that thought Western ideas were better and it became fashionable to ape the white man. Correct my history if I am wrong but as you point out Bansy, those attitudes have been exported the developing world over ... by whom?

"By whom?" is an interesting question to ask. A misogynistic, and often sexually repressed, homosexual clergy and a misogynistic, and often sexually repressed, homosexual (male) upper class who became Imperial rulers and overseers. To understand this, one needs an understanding or experience of the British Class and Public School system (i.e. exclusive, paid for education) as, generally, both these groups were the product of it.

Often denied their mother breast and tender love, natural symbols of femininity such as hips, things and breasts became so highly eroticised and sexually charged that even something as natural as the bearing of breasts to feed or quiet an infant became taboos. A taboo the women of their classes were happy to promote as it served their interests too. An equivalent female denial of what it meant to be a woman.

It has largely gone but the attitudes it gave birth too linger, perhaps even more amongst the elites of developing nations who have not moved on so quickly.

Can we relate this model to the BKWSU as its leaderships attitudes, too, were formed as a response to another age and then largely frozen as time moved on ... although, perhaps it is more of a "man" (not male) hating/distrusting environment etc in which women promulgate the will of the male spirit/s guiding them, (e.g. Lekhraj Kirpalani).

Amongst the misogynistic Imperialist it was the breast that had been denied ... and then unnaturally fetishized; amidst the Kumaris, it is the penis (and secondary symptoms of sexual maturity) that has been denied ... and then unnaturally fetishized.
    Do such women rule or are they the male ruling by proxy through the women?
    Are such women "women" or female at all, or are we deceived by our body-conscious vision of them?
    Are their spirits still humanly female?


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Post16 Dec 2007

Yes, I think Sparkal has raised an interesting thread.

One ponders this. Whether in lokik or alokik worlds ... if the mother and the Father (either lokik or alokik) says something that seems right, then it is okay. If the Father says something wrong, your shirk the shoulders and call him a fool. If the mother says something wrong, how does one feel and what do you call her?

People in the audience like to act foolishly in front of TV video cameras and shout "Hello Mum" but anyone ever hear of "Hello Dad"?

In other words, whatever class sytems (British, Indian, Chinese, Arabic etc) the male species have always had to prove itself worthy of being the breadwinner and head of the family, where physical strength is part of his cause. The female species have always had the choice of having and raising a child, and even more so now in modern times together with the ability to work and thus stepping into the man's working environment. When the man becomes a breadloser, that saps his physical strength. But about physical strength you pick up a cub from the lion's den, you had better watch out for mum, dad is usually wandering around still looking for food.

I wouldn't go into whether one class system differs from another, but when a women becomes a leader (which in history has usually by default, e.g. Queen Elizabeths sperated by several hundred years) the world shudders at her feet. Victoria and Thatcher in the UK. Canada, NZ etc. Female leaders are becoming more prominent in the developing world too.

What pleases me is to see in India the many women who carry the rocks and stones in baskets on their heads whilst still wearing saris. When a women has a child to feed, most mothers will do as much to keep the family supported. Many men walk out. This is only my observation in general across societies. It takes 3 men to look after a baby (as per movie).

It is funny how a simple lady (or so she seemed) like Mary Magdelene can do to the entire Christian belief system. In some ways, this is what the BKWSU is doing to the Hindu belief system. But the weakness the BKWSU has it that is it run by single Sisters. How many people would like a Sister to breastfeed them, or would they prefer to listen to a mother?

I'll leave out Father for the moment (as everyone else is still trying to out-prove each other who and which soul in other threads :P). Thus in this matter of mothers, the PBKs are one-nil up on the BKs. In the lokik world, having a male President or Prime Minister who is either single or maried with no children seems to be accepted, but a female President or Prime Minister is usually a married mother with children. Otherwise usually a woman is made a ruler by default (in lineage).

There are minor exceptions I am sure in history, but I am only giving a general and broad view.
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Post17 Dec 2007

Yes, I was being sarcastic again, about the breast feeding.

Anyway, I came to apologize to souls with female bodies as I may have been sexist. Instead of using the term "men", I should perhaps have used the term, men WITHOUT wombs if I was being politically correct.(should that not be politically right? I wish they would make up their minds)

Of course, it is all about money again is not it. Getting rid of tons of powdered milk no doubt. Send it to third world countries and accept lower profit no doubt. Education can change a lot, let us not under estimate how much so.

We are hear on the basis of an organisation which gives knowledge/ education. Sometimes it is the down to earth simple functions of life that are important and not just the rehearsing to be a king or queen.
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Post18 Dec 2007

Women running the world??

Only problem with that is, as it stands today our civilisation is constructed as a patriachal system ... so only those women able to succeed in that system can possibly get into power anyway. Nothing would change.

All I need to say = Maggie Thatcher :lol:
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why are we waiting?

Post21 Dec 2007

Why are we waiting? Who are we waiting on? I want change. May the world as we know it be destroyed. Who are we waiting on? Is it those with wombs who refuse to let go of all which orbits around having a womb?

How do I look? How am I going to fill the insecure void which wants a big strong man? How am I going to give up fear and accept what is going on around me? Why do I fear change? Why are we waiting. Who are we waiting on? I want change. May the world ...
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Spiritual maturity

Post31 Dec 2007

So, souls fought hard to attain authority and power. Great, well done. Those winners are actually losers. Consider the term 'we fought and won' and how contradictory it is.

So, you have power and authority, what now? Or do you just fight to attain it then put your feet up? All you may have done in that case is shut others out who may have used the hard fought for authority in a more worthwhile way.

So, what next? What are you souls going to do with your hard fought for, WON authority and influence? You don't think that it ends here do you? There is no point having authority and influence if you are too scared to use it.

It requires wisdom. If we are not wise with power, we can do more harm than good.
So, the next step is to actually use your authority, not on others, but on the self, or is that unthinkable?

Meanwhile, poverty is rife and God and Brahma, and other would be rulers, are doing nothing. Indeed, it seems that it is getting worse. All this Yoga, all this abstinence from life, the world, from doing anything about it. Detached, thats it, we are being detached, it is spiritual maturity.

Let's talk about spiritual maturity. Fighting to win authority over an organisation in a world which is going to be destroyed, that is real spiritual maturity. So what next, now that Destruction is delayed or not coming at all? It was supposed to come and dig you out of this hole, but the hole seems to be getting deeper.

So, what about those elevated beings beyond who like to interfere in the minds and lives of others. I would stay well away from me if you have any sense. There will come a time ...
and so, the grand committee beyond these usual suspects, is there such a thing? I have informed them that they will take birth into poverty stricken families. If they ask why, I will have to give them the answer they gave me, 'it has to be this way'. There will come a time, and it will have to be this way.

I am talking about those who use money and science for military purposes for instance. They are also messing around with psychic warfare in a big way. BKs? PBKs? and any other army who claim to be benevolent, we are not colonising. Next I expect you all to start confiscating The Knowledge from the various cultures of the world. Hold on, it has been taken already. Well, why don't you give it back? Then you will be able to take it away again. Sounds like typical BK thinking to me. There will come a time ...

So, what are these big shots doing about those who cause poverty and suffering? I don't see it. In fact, I suspect that they may even be behind it all. Satan calls the shots to these Global hoodlums, who is Satan? I want an answer. Satan? there will come a time ... Grand Committee (if you exist)? There will come a time ...

And, exactly how possessive and attached is Leckraj/ Brahma to the BK centres and those who live in them? Once while in a BK centre in subtle form, I was grabbed from behind and ejected upwards very fast. I did not see the face. Around the same time, a voice expressed some serious attachment and possessiveness towards the centres and those in them. Is it time to find out more about the activities of the worship worthy Brahma I wonder? And what about the would be leader Dixit? Where did HE come from, and what is he up to, or they up to? How many are there in there again? Which one should we hold responsible? Messy.

Hey, I am in a bad mood here by the way, and I don't give a ...

If I were a Sister, I would probably shower with my clothes on. I have had a voice in my head telling me to always wear underwear, I live alone. There are those who lurk and mess with the lives of others, and there will come a time ...

So, spiritual maturity? What are we doing with our hard fought for authority? Are we being sucked by spiritual vampires? What about the souls of the world? They don't seem to matter much in all this competing for authority and kingdoms.

I am disgusted by what I have seen so far. I would like to renounce any inheritance. Share anything due to me among the poor people of this world, the victims of those who compete and win. I want you all out of my life. I want those beyond out of my life and out of my head. There will come a time ...

Anyway, to those with an honest heart, happy new year, may you blossom. To the corrupt greedy violent totalitarian types with dishonest hearts, may you fall very very soon. There will come a time ...

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