Bro Neo and his inspirations

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Post29 Nov 2007

Amen! :shock:
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Post29 Nov 2007

bro neo wrote:I am the Donald Trump of the spiritual world ... fear me.

What does that mean!?! You have a really bad hairdo or a relatively hot daughter who has a thing for small dogs?

Either way, I think we are heading off topic here. Sorry to the little prick to puncture your balloon ... but my guess 849,950 BKs do not even know you exist. You are going to have to flex your ex-status before more of them do. I can give you some suggestions if you like :wink:.
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Post29 Nov 2007

ex-l wrote:but my guess 849,950 BKs do not even know you exist.

... and an equal number probably does not know that BKWSO had tried to close this site through a retired Colonel BKHR.
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Post29 Nov 2007

bro neo wrote:BrahmaKumaris.Info might be the New World Spiritual University.

To pick up on what you propose, I would suggest we incorporate in our own right, e.g.;
    Brahma Kumaris for Truth, Inc ...
Or the one 'honest' BK religion that admits it IS a religion ...
    The Church of the Last Went Fast BKs ... The Temple of Ascended BK Masters ...
I am trying to think of some daft sounding new religion ... The World Even-More-Spiritual University, plc? Print up some T-Shirts and sell them on We brainstormed some lyrics onanother topic, we just need a logo.
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Post29 Nov 2007

When those who count the money have more authority than yogi souls, then "the game is up the pole". At which point, it has surely lost its way. Indeed, when the administrators are calling the shots over Yogi souls, something has gone fundamentally wrong.

Anyway, what has music got to do with the money thread? :lol:

It would be nice to think that there can be some co-operation on music and other artistic projects in future. Whether money will have any value by then ... ? Some twisted minds see making money as some kind of art form. I would say, "get a life".
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button slammer


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The wonder of it all, baby....

Post30 Nov 2007

bro neo wrote:We are all here on in this world in our bodies for a limited amount of time. Within the allocated amount of time we have many opportunities to express and experience different things. What we do. IMO, is up to our own free will, that is the beautiful, miracle and horror of being born on earth. We are not born with a bible on how to live life, nor do we intuitively - instinctively know how to be successful humans. Some animals seem to just know who they are and how to be, such as birds. They are born, their parents care for them to a designated age and then they naturally know how to feed, fly, mate, build a home, join flocks and fly south in the winter. Humans don't have this natural ability prevalently dominate within our conscious or subconscious mind and behavior. Our instincts sometimes can be our worst enemy.

Perhaps animals/birds/creatures of the 'natural' world 'remember' what they did the previous Kalpa? 'Previous Kalpa' simply referring to self realisation of the totality of one's existence and all things related to it. This would explain their natural/instinctive behaviour. Many animals seem to me to be reminders of the deities, i.e. living in harmony with their environment, and I am sure some creatures exhibit joy and pleasure in their lives, everything is provided by nature.

Mmmmm ... apprehension and appreciation of the primordial beauty of the universe/self in a non-intellectual/pre-conceived way of being ...
Bro Neo wrote:Humans don't have this natural ability prevalently dominant within our conscious, or subconscious, mind and behavior. Our instincts sometimes can be our worst enemy.
PaulKershaw wrote:When one is in the Illumined State or Self-Realized, there ceases to be any more inner or outer drama. The personal ego-self has surrendered fully and willingly into the loving embrace of the Soul.

Wonderful thoughts ... :).
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bro neo


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Post30 Nov 2007

Yeah! ex-l! 8). Thing is, were going to have to, like meet and stuff before we can start saving the world from Destruction.

Thanks button slammer 8). I've got a problem though, I forgot what Kalpa means. :)
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Links and networking

Post30 Nov 2007

I don't see why people cannot have a link to their personal web site etc where their music sits. It is both obvious and inevitable sooner or later perhaps. Destruction? Am I not already destroyed? What was left out? A number one hit? :lol: The drama will swing things if it is meant to be.

Things will happen fast, according to a little bird who whispered in my ear not long ago.
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Post30 Nov 2007

bro neo wrote:Thanks button slammer 8). I've got a problem though, I forgot what Kalpa means. :)

Yes, of course. In the 'Bird Brain Stage' nothing is remembered. There is only 'knowing' :).
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Post01 Dec 2007

button slammer wrote:'Bird Brain Stage'

Interesting :).
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Post01 Dec 2007

Can a birdbrain be washed??
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Post01 Dec 2007

I want to be washed in honey, trin :).
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Post01 Dec 2007

No problem ... :shock:.
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milk and honey

Post01 Dec 2007

Dear Trinity and bro Neo, and any one else who may be interested. If things become too sticky after the honey dip try bathing in Ass milk. See links below. Feel like a real Queen.

Cleopatra Donkey Milk Cream :wink:

Milk Baths
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Post01 Dec 2007


You mean to say that deities were beautiful because they used to bathe in rivers of ghee and milk :D? But I suppose there would not be any donkeys in heaven!!!!! :P BKWSO would be happy to see the link on Cleopatra's donkey milk cream to prove their theory of rivers of ghee and milk :).

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