BKWSO lose legal action against BrahmaKumaris.Info

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Post02 Nov 2007

tinydot wrote:... in a muddy woman wrestling ring.

If BKWSO wants to put Hansa in the ring, I would choose Jannnisder to be the match. If Jan would agree, I would be her personal coach, and will do the medic and massage for her when the bell rings for break. I guess this fight would go at least 10 rounds.

Well, if we are going to have Jannisder in the mud ring for us, I too would like to offer my services as an executive consultant in 'Slime Management Leadership' and 'Piece of Mud' throwing techniques.


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Post04 Nov 2007

"Make love not war"!

Very funny, but a fight shall not be necessary. The fight is already won!

Do you really think that when they claim this name, downfall for them will be less?? It will be worse!!

Because then they agree that they have much to hide!!

Love, Jan
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Post05 Nov 2007

As of today, the BKWSO of San Antonio have submitted their "Additional Statement in Accordance with the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and the National Arbitration Forum Supplemental Rules" at a cost of $400.

We now have 5 days to submit our Additional Statement by response.
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Post05 Nov 2007


I wish you and all those who are directly or indirectly helping you to save this site all the best in the quest for truth.

With regards,
On Godly Service,
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Post08 Nov 2007

From the excellent joyoftech.com proving that God is omnipresent in His influence ... and works in mysterious ways.

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Post08 Nov 2007

Anyone require any more proof that it is not god?
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Post08 Nov 2007

mr green wrote:anyone require any more proof that it is not god?

Glad to see that you are using the word god. As you know God with a capital G is a trade mark of Jehovah Inc. :lol:.
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Post08 Nov 2007

BK Dr.Hansa Rawal wrote:“... In this manner, Dadiji became the first instrument soul to sow the seed of Godly service in America and this soul (the writer) had the fortune of becoming the first child of Baba. In the same year Dadiji enabled the opening of a center there. Now I have retired from the post of Doctor Colonel of Army and I am instrumental in taking care of three centers of Texas.”

Dear spiritual Sister,

Omshanti. I am sure you go through the discussions taking place on this site on a regular basis and I hope you will spare some of your valuable time to read this post as well.

I appreciate the use of the words "this soul (the writer)" in the article to describe yourself. Your words reminded me to practice soul consciousness. You also reminded me of doing service as an instrument (nimitt).

Just as you are practicing soul consciousness through the usage of above words, in the same way, many souls of the world (which include the BKs, PBKs, ex-BKs, ex-PBKs, non-BKs, etc.) are also getting benefitted from this site in various ways. There is all kind of information available on this site. There is a lot of material (like Murlis/Avyakt Vanis/Trance messages/extracts of Godly versions/extracts of BK literature/good experiences of BKs or ex-BKs) which definitely benefits all the BK souls who come to this forum. There is also some material (including personal views) which may appear non-beneficial/negative to the BKs. But it may be of benefit/interest to many others. On the whole this site will continue to benefit many souls of this world with or without this domain name.

I may be junior to you in the path of (BK) knowledge and hence I am not competent to advice/suggest you anything about your reactions to this site. I do not know how much benefit BKWSU will accrue by taking away this domain name from the members of this site, but I am sure it will give a chance to the people of the world to question the spiritual credentials of BKWSU, of which you are one of the seniormost members.

By allowing this site to continue to exist with the present domain name BKWSU may not lose much, but if it decides to do so at the present juncture of the Confluence Age (Purushottam Sangamyug) it will definitely get the good wishes and blessings of all the souls who have been directly or indirectly associated with this forum/site.

This post of mine has come as a spontaneous afterthought of reading your article and it is my spontaneous humble assumption that if you decide to allow this site to continue to exist with the present domain name, BKWSU will gain more than it has lost through this site. If this happens, I don't think the Admin. of this site will have any objection in mentioning prominently on the main page of the site/forum that this site is not an official website of BKWSU, but only a meeting point for the past and present members of BKWSU to share their experiences before, during and after their association with BKWSU. Besides, the offcial website of BKWSU can also be displayed prominently on the main page. I hope this will serve the purpose of directing any soul which has inadvertently stepped into this site to go to the official site of BKWSU.

This is my personal opinion and I do not know if other members of this forum agree with me or not. But Sister I sincerely hope you will consider my suggestion earnestly before deciding to pursue the dispute with this forum any further. Omshanti.

With regards,
On Godly Service,
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Re: TM

Post08 Nov 2007

arjun wrote:mentioning prominently on the main page of the site/forum that this site is not an official website of BKWSU

It already does.
proy wrote:As you know God with a capital G is a trade mark of Jehovah Inc. :lol:.

Just as an aside, does everyone know that Jehovah was invented by an Englishman?

William Tyndale in the 1500s. He also Tyndale introduced another new word into the English language:
    "atonement" (at + one + ment, which goes beyond mere "reconciliation" to mean "to unite") and
    "scapegoat" (the goat that bears the sins and iniquities of the people).
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Post09 Nov 2007

For the kind attention of BKWSU:

Following lines produced by bk-tipit in another thread:

Avyakt Vani dated 13.6.82 wrote:You yourself can understand that in the task of transformation, establishment cannot take place without destruction taking place. Their desire is this too. Regard their feelings and give them this good news. However, the method you have to tell them is that peace can only be established by the Ocean of Peace. We are all one. On what basis will the feeling of brotherhood be created, so that they neither have such thoughts nor do they have to labor? Even the thoughts of whether they should use the weapons or not should come to an end and there should be brotherhood. When it becomes a brotherhood, the Father is there in any case. Tell them everything in the form of good news. They will have to learn the lesson of peace

Hindi version of the above lines as pubished by BKs in Hindi as part of the AV dated 13.6.82, pg.418, first edition:

"Yah aap swayam samajhtey ho ki parivartan may vinaash kay sivaay sthaapnaa hogi nahee. Lekin bhaavnaa toh unho kee bhi vahee hai na! Unho kee bhaavnaa ko lekar yah khushkhabri unho ko sunaao. Toh vidhi yahee sunayengey ki shaanti kay saagar dwara hee shanti hogi. Ham sab ek hain. Yah brotherhood kee bhaavnaa kis aadhaar say ban saktee? Jis say yah sankalp hee na uthay, mehnat nahee karnee padey. Kabhi hathiyaar use karein, kabhi nahee karein. Lekin yah sankalp hee samaapt ho jaaye, brotherhood ho jaaye, yah hai vidhi. Brotherhood aa gayaa toh Baap toh hai hee. Aisee khushkhabree kay roop say sunaao. Shaanti ka path padhnaa padega." (Brahmakumariyon dwara prakaashit Avyakt Vani, dinaank 13.06.82, pg 418, pratham sanskaran)

Brotherly yours,
On Godly service,
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Post13 Nov 2007

This just in on http://www.mweb.co.za home page which seems quite relevant to the current proceedings experienced:-

For clarity and openess the full URL address is: http://www.24.com/news/?p=tsa&i=749925 but I am including the whole article for ease of reading and also due to the nature of the article ...
Questions over US internet rule 2007-11-13 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

US control over how internet addresses are assigned - defining how people around the world access e-mail and websites - dominated discussions as a major UN conference on the internet opened on Monday.

While few participants at the internet Governance Forum attacked the US directly, most were well aware of the role Americans play in crafting domain name policies, including whether and how to assign suffixes in languages besides English. "The internet is transnational. It cannot be under the authority of one country," said Brazil's Culture Minister Gilberto Gil. "The internet should be the territory of everyone." The forum, an annual conference to discuss issues including spam and cheaper web access, has no decision-making powers. At most, those seeking change can use the conference to pressure the US to step back.

At issue is control over domain names like "com" and "org," which computers need to find websites and route e-mail. By controlling the core systems, the US indirectly influences much of what appears online.

US regulator

The US government, which funded much of the internet's early development, delegated domain-name policies to a Marina del Rey, California-based non-profit, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, over which the US retains veto power. Many countries complained US influence wasn't discussed enough during the first internet Governance Forum last year in Athens, and preceded this year's conference with panel devoted to "critical internet resources". That meeting was supposed to cover everything from telecommunications links to technical standards, but the main focus has been on the administration of domain names by ICANN and the US government.

Critics fear that putting ICANN under the management of a broad organisation like the UN would allow governments to further politicise the web and more easily impose censorship. By changing just a few database entries, for instance, all websites for a specific country - such as ".mm" in Myanmar - could instantly disappear. Paul Twomey, ICANN's Australian president and CEO insisted the organisation is "international," noting only three of its 15 board members are from the US "high politics" are fuelling the debate over American influence at the regulator, he said. "The discussion of the role of ICANN has gone on for some time, but there's no consensus for change," Twomey said, adding that the debate distracts from more important issues, like increasing internet access for the world's poor. Just one billion, or 17% of the world's 6 billion people, have access the internet, Twomey said.

The four-day forum, attended by more than 1 000 government, business and civil society representatives, will also address network security, child pornography, language diversity, access costs, privacy and human rights issues.

- AP
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Post14 Nov 2007


I would have to agree with Paul Twomey, ICANN's Australian president as to the committee's position and service. I doubt that the Egyptian bloggers would have been able to get the information about the police brutality out in the open if each country had direct control of the internet. Free access to information is the way to maintain a Free Society, or strive for one, without question.


Now, a little Ole Bird dropped this on us to let us know of the irony of life: BK Information! Oh my God ... they have links there too! But none to redirect traffic to the "Official" BK site? For all your Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Information! Yup! BK Information ...

This should serve as an "Official Notice" that they are not an Other BK Splinter Group. We support their use of their domain name and acknowledge that they are actively using it for information and services.

May they live long and prosper. :wink:
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Post14 Nov 2007

They missed this once. I am so confused. I went there looking for God and peace and all I was offered was a side order of fries ... www.BK.com.

I thought may be BK Brian was finished saving McDonalds and moved on to the Burger King account. "Have it Your Way", they said ... its "BK Worldwide" and on the menu today is 'The King's Home Cooking ... a Bacon Double Homestyle Melt with Honey Butter ... only at BK®'.

Ha! BK® is a registered Burger King trademark!

BK is also trademarked for furniture and B.K. for bags. I sure think there were a lot of old bags around the center I went to.

In fact, if you go to the Trademark office, there is a ton of BK marks.
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Post20 Nov 2007

More details to follow as time allows.

The arbitrators of National Arbitration Forum have returned their decision and the BKWSO has been been unanimously denied the transfer of this domain name to their ownership.

This means that, thanks to all of those that made efforts and sacrifices to defend it, the website will remain the only independent and ecumenical forum for open discussion and raising issues within the wider Brahma Kumari Movement.

The Panel concluded that the BKWSO did not meet its burden of establishing that this domain was registered and being used in bad faith.

Colonel Hansa Raval, the BKWSO of San Antonio or the BKWSU now has a short period to decide whether they wish to appeal this decision through court proceedings before we will know if we are entirely clear of this attempt at suppressing our collective voice. Considerable discussion having been provoked within the BKWSU about the timing of and manner in which these proceedings were brought about, hopefully commonsense will now prevail and we will be able to put this unsavory episode behind us.
NAF wrote:The Panel concludes that Complainant [BKWSO of San Antonio] has not met its burden of establishing that the domain name was registered and is being used in bad faith.

The Panel finds that the disputed domain name [BrahmaKumaris.Info] is not being used primarily to disrupt Complainant's charitable work. Rather, as noted above, the Panel determines that the challenged domain name is being used primarily in connection with a site that includes both commentary and criticism of Complainant and that such use is protected under the Policy.

Finally, given the Panel’s finding that Respondent is using the domain name in a noncommercial manner, the Panel rejects Complainant's argument.


Having failed to establish all three elements required under the ICANN Policy, the Panel concludes that [claim] shall be DENIED.
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Post20 Nov 2007

Yeah ... cool ... freedom ... love ... harmony ...

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