Why the Seniors 'buried" a whole bunch of Murlis

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Post27 Oct 2007

Omshanti. I had intimated a couple of times about an original Murli from early 1950s (probably 1951) which the BKs had published in December, 2005 (probably 31.12.05) in which they had published the actual original date on which that Murli was narrated. This proves that the five year collection of Murlis that the BKs revise after every 5 years could be a collection of Murlis from the 18 year period from 1951 to 1968/69.

Omshanti. Luckily, I have found the above mentioned revised Sakar Murli published by BKs in my record. The date of the above mentioned revised Sakar Murli is 30.12.05 and not 31.12.05 as I had guessed. And the original dates of the Murlis that the BKs have published are 4.1.1955 and 17.9.1955.

Reading the above Murlis, I found that although the word 'Shiv' has not been used directly, but it is clear that Brahma Baba and the BKs had become aware of the fact of the Supreme Soul using the body of Brahma to narrate the Murlis.

The words used for God in the above Murlis are Baba, Ishwar, Paramatma (Supreme Soul), Parampita (Supreme Father), God, Supreme Soul, Supreme light.

The incorporeal Baba (God) and the corporeal Baba (Brahma Baba/Prajapita Brahma) have been differentiated by using the words 'jaani jaananhaar Baba' (for the incorporeal Baba; it literally means 'Baba, who knows everything) and 'apney Sakar swaroop Baba' (for the corporeal Baba; it literally means 'His corporeal form Baba')

Both Murlis begin with the word 'omshanti', but I am not sure if this word was actually spoken by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba in 1955 or not. It can be verified only from the original copy/audio recording. The second Murli ends with the routine "meethey-meethey (sweet ... ) ... namaste." But, again, it is not sure if this has been added later on, or was part of the original Murli.

I will try to get the above Murli scanned and send to the Admin. for being uploaded on this site if required.

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Post28 Oct 2007

What about Om Radhe's diaries? They always told us she had a whole trunk of them, a couple of saris but no other belongings. Would the changes not be documented there? Given that she died much later, could they have thrown or edited them out too?

Oops, may be I should not say in public because BK Scissorhands of the Fahrenheit 451 Wing will be sent off scurrying to lose them all before I turn up demanding to have them translated.
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Post04 Nov 2007

They have buried the literature in Karachi due to the believe that in the Copper Age it will emerge and become basis for the creation of scriptures.

But, maybe, because here all are unlimited matters, then The Knowledge becomes buried in the mind and it is interesting that the one who becomes instrumental to lay the foundation for the path of knowledge in the CA, becomes instrumental for to lay the foundation of the path of devotion after CA. For him it is said that he is the first Brahmin - who becomes the first deity - who becomes the first warrior - who becomes the first merchant - who becomes the first Shudra, and becomes the first Brahmin.

It is just that the Path of Bhakti is like some kind of resonance to the Path of Knowledge. Like in the Path of Knowledge (in Golden Age and Silver Age) we are, we embody, we experience; and on the path of Bhakti we strive, we remember. Like also in a relationship, or everything else initially, there is the golden stage and everything is fine, then it degrades and we are sustained with the memory of the nice past. And the CA is totally unique.

Another paradox is that in the Gita that is a scripture it is written, "no one can attain me through scriptures".
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Post04 Nov 2007

andrey wrote:They have buried the literature in Karachi due to the believe that in the Copper Age it will emerge and become basis for the creation of scriptures.

I don't believe that for one second. You do not answer how the CA people dealt with documents in English then? Nor why they did not start by worshipping Prajapati God Brahma ... because there was no mention of Shiva nor Krishna?

Specifically, I am sure that answer came after the case. It was an invented response, half or completely joking, a fatherly answer to children later, and we have no evidence of where it came from. We cannot tell if it was Lekhraj Kirpalani, Jagdish Chander or someone else that tried it on offering another mental plug.

Then, logically, how deep did they bury them then?

I ask that because we know that our modern cities lie on top of ancient cities may be 10, 20 feet deep or more and the land, rivers and sea has changed. How can those cities and land be rebuilt if the 1949 buried papers are floating in the air above them where they were buried during the Confluence Age? Even from the Gyani point of view, how can something impure exist hidden through the first two ages ... (putting aside HOW they buried them in order that they might survive for that long).

Please ... it is so ridiculous, the proposition (not you) is insulting.


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Post04 Nov 2007

Omshanti. I had intimated a couple of times about an original Murli from early 1950s (probably 1951) which the BKs had published in December, 2005 (probably 31.12.05) in which they had published the actual original date on which that Murli was narrated. This proves that the five year collection of Murlis that the BKs revise after every 5 years could be a collection of Murlis from the 18 year period from 1951 to 1968/69.
arjun wrote:Omshanti. Luckily, I have found the above mentioned revised Sakar Murli published by BKs in my record.

This is very interesting Arjun. Thanks a lot!


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Post04 Nov 2007

andrey wrote:They have buried the literature in Karachi due to the believe that in the Copper Age it will emerge and become basis for the creation of scriptures.
ex-l wrote:I don't believe that for one second.

I never bought into that either, never heard or saw anything supporting that in the Murlis.

On Mama's day (24th of June), we usually get a Mama's Murli for morning class. I remember seeing one that was dated from the 1950s. So I am pretty sure they must have kept some of the old stuff.

I was originally told that we were being served only the last 5 years collection of the Sakar Murlis because befor that The Knowledge was not "complete". It seemed sensible but I now wonder if we can trust anything they say.
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Post04 Nov 2007

I suppose we could start by asking for a specific date and place on which they allegedly buried ... what ... or it all? In writing. From the Seniors. See if they will put their signatures to it.

Its about time that we all grew up and they treated us respectfully like intelligent adults.
arjun wrote:Omshanti. I had intimated a couple of times about an original Murli from early 1950s (probably 1951) which the BKs had published in December, 2005 (probably 31.12.05) in which they had published the actual original date on which that Murli was narrated. This proves that the five year collection of Murlis that the BKs revise after every 5 years could be a collection of Murlis from the 18 year period from 1951 to 1968/69.

That also de-bunks the "knowledge not complete" equation. They know the truth. It has to come out. What is the problem in just letting go of it all?

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