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Post02 Nov 2007

Pretty much by every account, the Brahma Kumaris expect (and teach) that this world and 6,000,000,000 + human beings will be destroyed and the Golden Age for 900,000 of their faithful and most surrendered followers will start in around 2036.

Can I lay the gauntlet down?
    Is it not about time that the BKWSU were willing to put their bank accounts where they mouths are and, like Lekhraj Kirpalani in his own time, make some deal that if the Golden Age does not start in 2036 (give or take a year or two) they will donate all their wealth, property, share holdings, insurance policies etc to good causes.
Can any BK tell me why this should not happen? Thank you.


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Post02 Nov 2007

Om Shanti. There won't be any banks in 2036. Destruction will take place 20-25 years before Golden Age will start. And, of course, all money will be spent before Destruction. I give you a garantee.

With regards, Shankar
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Post02 Nov 2007

bkdimok wrote:I give you a garantee.

I will take a post-dated cheque ... but I want the lot.
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Post03 Nov 2007

I don't believe in the BK model of the Concept of Destruction and Golden Age (as in Golden Palaces). OK, how about the PBK model, i.e. Mother Nature will nurture the gopes and the gopis. Well, will Mother Nature nurture also the likes of deceptive BKs who would surive the catastrophe? If Madhuban will survive, how will Mother Nature handle the minds of those BK liars and those lustful and horny Brothers (or Sisters) living in it or within the vicinity of the headquarters??? Let's face the facts, Madhuban has some impure souls up to now!

Assume all SS die off and carried all the lies with them in their grave before 2036. But how about the likes of the current BK Deputies like those assistants to the current SS and Dadis, those BK IT "little" manipulators, and those in the money making business, how would Mother Nature handle these kind of people assuming they survive?

Don't tell me that all their bad habits will simply get wiped out in the their memory bank in this lifetime.

We have witnessed how people survived in all types of catastrophe. Some die, some live and some thrive in the ever worst kind of condition and gradually get back up. AND THEY ARE NOT ALL ENTIRELY "PURE" SOULS. This I believe is the correct model of regeneration.

Sometimes, I think this world cannot be completely spritually purified simply because you cannot separate the flies from the sh*t lying on the farmland!

OK, asume deities don't have assholes, so there is no sh*t going to be made in the Virgin Forests. But how about the animals? Perhaps, they also don't have assholes in the Golden Age. Therefore, no flies or bugs around. Or if animals do sh*t, perhaps it can be used by deities as perfumes or mix in some vegetarian food as a kick.

We already heard so much from BKWSU. It's time to draft the business contract and assign beneficiaries in case this Destruction thing won't happen.

But you know what the problem with this "deal of donating their wealth", they will start eating the "honey" come few years before the due date.


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Post03 Nov 2007

ex-l wrote:I want the lot.

Om Shanti. The only lot which you can get here is the lot of happines and peace. As for material lot, you can get it in the Golden Age if you are making efforts now. I hope you are.

With regards, Shankar
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Post03 Nov 2007

I don't think any dates are mentioned in the Murlis, yet 2036 is the accepted date for the start of the Golden Age and this has come from the idea of 100 years confluence aged, which was supposed to have started on 1936.

As The Knowledge is redefined, re-interpreted and re-written, we should know what to expect. If the 2036 date comes and passes with no real change in the world. PBKs will re-interpret it with a subtle meaning and BKs will just cut it out of any Murlis :lol:.
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Post03 Nov 2007

tinydot wrote:Well, will Mother Nature nurture also the likes of deceptive BKs who would surive the catastrophe? If Madhuban will survive, how will Mother Nature handle the minds of those BK liars and those lustful and horny Brothers (or Sisters) living in it or within the vicinity of the headquarters??? Let's face the facts, Madhuban has some impure souls up to now!

Omshanti. Deceptive souls (BKs/PBKs/others) will not survive after Destruction. They will keep on leaving for the Soul World before the Destruction one by one. Only those who belong to the Deity religion (Sun Dynasty) will survive. All others will come late by one or more births.

As regards Madhuban (Mt. Abu), it will survive up to the last stages of Destruction, but in the final Destruction even the mountains of Abu would get destroyed/transformed.

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Post03 Nov 2007

john wrote:If the 2036 date comes and passes with no real change in the world. PBKs will re-interpret it with a subtle meaning and BKs will just cut it out of any Murlis :lol:.

Naughty, john, but I think your predictions are more sound that those of Shiva Baba!

This is a serious proposal.

The reason the BKs have always given for the failed predictions of Destruction was that Baba was testing/encouraging the children.
    Well ... what could be more encouraging than to know that at a given date everything, all the money, all the property, all the stocks and shares etc will be given away and nothing will be left? Literally, absolutely nothing?
Surely, either that would be a huge encouragement to the children ... or it would be an admittance that a) it was not true and b) it all did not work? What is their Plan B?

Of course, such a suggestion will be conveniently dismissed because it came from a mere impure human being ... but it makes one think.


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Post03 Nov 2007

Personally I think it is about time that the BK org started doing what they preach.
i.e. no money, no material assets, give it all away now. How else are they supposed to have pure souls if they continue to amass wealth by open and deceptive means? Not to mention take over bids of domains and control of free speech. If that is not power hungry attainment by any means, I don't know what is.

Yes, BK heads and followers, stop waiting for the excuse of Destruction and do what you say you are supposed to do. Shed all of your worldly, or should I say lokik, attainments, purify yourselves and get rid of it all. NOW. Give it back to the people you stole it from. If you don't ... there wont be any Golden Age for you in 2036, or any other time. This organization is more power and money hungry than the US and Australian government combined. At least my government doesn't profess openly it wants to control the world.

I mean, this is serious stuff we are talking. Not a game or joke, this is your soul and your position in the next age. If the heads of the BK organization started now to distrubute their millions of wealth they have accumulated, they will have gotten rid of it by the next forcast Destruction date. And if that date just doesn't happen to be it, and they need more money to eat and get a warm jacket maybe, don't worry, because Shiva will provide it.

I mean STOLE. You can start by paying me loss of income from my loss of husband, so I don't work the equivalent of 2 full time jobs shiftworking to feed and house my children.

To those that say you're pure. Start proving it. Stop being so attached to money and power. Now that is the devil's work, so why do you BK organization continue to do it? So much for a peace loving society. Hansa's supporters openly threaten with their contacts in the US military. Yeah, real pure. Tsk tsk, Destruction time wont be pretty when it does come for those that still have all their gold bullion stashed away whilst those lokiks they deprived it from suffer in poverty and work hard by honest means to do the right things.

Have a good hard look and tell me who honestly has earned their place in the Golden Age, and a hint is - its not the ones who are richer and boast the most how pure they are and how they got to that state by turning their backs and rejecting the other souls around them. Anti-social narcissism suffering psychotic delusions would be a more honest description instead of one of the 108 top souls, but whose counting.

So, I agree ex-l. If God is testing the children, then they had want to start getting serious about passing with flying colours. Give away the money and finances and stop trying to control the world. If they do not then that is proof that it is nothing but a religious cult founded by a psychotic old Indian and run by power-hungry, dysfunctional, sick people preying on unhappy, lonely individuals looking for meaning and answers in their lives (Or an easy way out of responsibilities).

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Post04 Nov 2007

According to my personal opinion, the old Kalpa will not completely end in the year 2036. It may be a possibility that after completion of 100 years of the Confluence Age, i.e. in 2036 (or whatever may be the year in your mind), that episode of the World Drama played on the stae of the corporeal world, will end & then the next episode of the World Drama will commence on the stage of the Subtle Region, then on the stage of the casual world step by step.

Why the multi-phase, multi-dimentional
Unlimited World Drama should be restricted to the limited stage of the corporeal world??

The World Drama is multi-stage drama & it may be a possibility that in 2036 we (as actors in the World Drama) will complete our roles on the lowest quality stage of the corporeal world & then we will be promoted to the Subtle Region - a higher quality stage of the World Drama, so that we could play higher quality of roles. Thus the year 2036 cannot be considered the year of Destruction, i.e, end of the Kalpa; but it may be the year of the end of our corporeal roles in the World Drama.

This is my personal opinion which has Vishnu Party knowledge background, so I'll will not discuss here about it in details. After discussion with Vishnu Party authorities, I'll write about this topic in 'Vishnu Party' thread.
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abrahma kumar

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Post05 Nov 2007

According to the legend pertaining to Golden Age deity lifespan, in 2036 i will be just about approaching both middle age and the loss of my virginity. I cannot quite make my mind up about which of the 2 prospects fills me with the most awe.
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Re: 2036

Post06 Nov 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:According to the legend pertaining to Golden Age deity lifespan, in 2036 I will be just about approaching both middle age and the loss of my virginity. I cannot quite make my mind up about which of the 2 prospects fills me with the most awe.

Oh, really, come now ABek - you lost your virginity when you became a BK, did not you?, simply by being sc**ed over ... :lol:.

So, you're only option is middle-aged deitism now, oh well - try and carry that heavy can with a bit of good music and a solid stride, k?
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... another perfect day just like yesterday.

Post06 Nov 2007

paulkershaw wrote:So, your only option is middle-aged deitism now, oh well

Ha! Definition of "mid-life crisis" in the Golden Age ...
Krishna wrote:Hit 75, did not know what to do with my life. All that flute play ... I seemed to be tired of dancing ... I ever got the latest model Vimana ... its thought controlled and swan shaped ... but there is no where new to go in my flying machine ... I don't know ... may be it is time for me to settle down with Radhe and have a couple of kids ... will speak to Dad about taking over the family business and becoming Narayan for a while ... he could do with a break ... another perfect day just like yesterday

Radhe wrote:I wonder what is wrong with me ... doesn't Krisha love me ... we have been together since childhood ... I am sure he has not seen anyone else ... wont we ever get married? ... I am 75 now and I am afraid it will be too late for me if he does not ask ... All I want to do is settle down and live in a golden, jewel-encrusted palace powered by nuclear energy with 16,000 servants ... it is not as if I am asking too much ... we look so similar, I think we are meant for each other but all he does is dance around with other gopis and play his flute all day, why cant he grow up? ... there is nothing wrong with me ... I am not even conscious of my bum being too big in this sari ... another perfect day just like yesterday

OK. Come on. But let's play nice for the sensitive BK souls and be honest.

Would not it make a good test and encouragement for the souls of the Yagya if we were to "put a fullstop to all this?" ... or do I just not understand the practicalities of it all? Otherwise, are we just not kidding ourselves, making half efforts and allowing things to go on forever.
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abrahma kumar

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Post06 Nov 2007

Thanks as always to paulkershaw form "bringing the sunshine out for me" in the form of a smile via his posts. And, yes, ex-l there was also a serious side to my feedback which your post "tickles".

I wonder if the BKs are looking on at the advances in the various branches of reproductive medicine - including reproductive cloning - as bringing their 'visions of the future' into the realms of reality? A watching brief for the Janki Foundation? Perhaps not, based on the various messages regarding Avyakt Dadiji. Which would leave us with our all too human mid-life crises.
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Post06 Nov 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:I wonder if the BKs are looking on at the advances in the various branches of reproductive medicine - including reproductive cloning - as bringing their 'visions of the future' into the realms of reality?

I s'pose thats one way of creating one million BKs before the year zit implodes on us ... may they all look beautiful and alike - but I wonder what the clones barcode will read?

BK10000001? BK1000002? or DJ Model 2007 up to JK Model 2036 ...? and which BKs DNA would they model the clone on ... the mind shudders ... :roll:

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