Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

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spartan ways

Post01 Nov 2007

Hi. When I look at the BK members in my mind, I could roughly divide them in two probably forever existing categories; some always enjoyed bhaktish practises, circuses going on on Madhubhan stage, etc ... and possibly wanting more. Some were constantly disturbed by them and were strongly attracted by the simplicity, the spartan yogi way of life and worship indicated by the teachings, some of which Arjunbhai and other posters briefly quoted.

The only problem is the dissonance between teachings and practises. SS are so arrogant that they can, like many priests, preach one thing and do the opposite. They never felt the need to justify why this or that is happening, or officially claim their right to do Bhakti and to consequently pull followers into it.
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Post01 Nov 2007

I was honestly quite shocked when I saw the Dadis walking through crowds slowly wearing beatific smiles and large malas, or being carried on gold and red umbrella shaded thrones high above BKs heads ... WHAT is the difference between that and what the big sanyasis get given!?! Nothing. Nothing at all. Do they not have greater responsibilities?
arjun wrote:Can anyone please reproduce the relevant pictures from youtube here (the one with Dadi K and Sister M wearing huge garlands and the one with Dadi K sitting atop a Chariot)???


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Post01 Nov 2007

Dear ex-l,

Thanks for reproducing the relevant pictures. I am sure that many BKs may be angry with me for quoting the relevant Murli points, but the Murli quotes and the pictures are for everyone of us to see the difference between the Murlis and our practical actions. Some among our Brahmin family may try to justify these Bhakti practices saying that these are indications of the final stages of revelation of ShivBaba to the world. But I am totally at loss how ShivBaba is going to get revealed through these huge garlands and decorated chariots? Such pictures remind me of the Sadhus of Kumbh melas. I think there is a thread on Kumbh melas with a similar video recording of the Kumbha fair. It would be a great help if you could reproduce pictures of sadhus/sanyasis in similar features (wearing garlands and riding chariots) and post them alongside these BK pictures.

Can we find any picture of Brahma Baba or Mama in such features? The same Brahmin souls who used to or may be still narrate stories of Baba and Mama refusing to accept garlands and bouquets now feel elated in accepting these things.

Time to ponder!!!

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Post02 Nov 2007

Maybe it's their "mukti", liberation. Anything goes!
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Post02 Nov 2007

Or maybe. Perhaps its the 'students' and followers themselves trying to outdo the other and therefore getting more 'attention' (fortune) from the mummy dears ... One look from their divine eye and you've achieved a Kalpa load of fortune don't forget ...
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Post02 Nov 2007

paulkershaw wrote:Or maybe. perhaps its the 'students' and followers themselves trying to outdo the other and therefore getting more 'attention' (fortune) from the mummy dears ... one look from their divine eye and you've achieved a Kalpa load of fortune don't forget ...

There is a large population in India that has this devotional fervor. Many of these simple souls (in BK speak) are to be found among the BKs as well.
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Post02 Nov 2007

All that talk about "our devotees recognizing us at the end". Or may be they are just testing us :| ...
    (I don't believe that for one moment, it is just if something happens that does not fit into the mould, the standard response is that Baba/Drama/Dadi is "testing us").
Wasn't it the purpose of BK Raja Yoga to uplift those "simple souls" through thoughts, words and actions?
paulkershaw wrote:One look from their divine eye and you've achieved a Kalpa load of fortune don't forget ...

Yes, I never understood that and they (Janki etc) could never answer my questions about it. How can one human being give good karma to other human being? File amongst the query, "what does donation Yoga mean?" and count me amongst the number that thinks we are unconsciously entering the realms of occult practises with all this.
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Another Dadi left the body

Post03 Nov 2007

Here's a news from BKWSU. Another Dadi left the body. Note that she probably contributed to the myth of the BK philosophy during her delivery of divine trance messages in her time. Is she part of the Golden Circle?

Will she get that attention they offered to Dadi K? Will she be in the Bhog messages that pop up every now and then?

Read on ...
BKWSU news wrote:Rajyogini Dadi Sandeshi is No More

Abu Road, Nov.1: One of the leading lights of the Brahma Kumaris spiritual movement Rajyogini Brahma Kumari Dadi Sandeshi breathed her last in Bhubaneshwar today at 2.20 pm.

She was instrumental in spearheading and spreading Institution’s socio-spiritual services in Eastern India specifically in Bihar and Orissa for over last four decades. After heading Muzzafarpur and Patna Centres of the Institution, Dadiji became the In-Charge and forerunner of Godly services of the institution’s Bhubaneshwar sub-zone since 1976 till date. She was 83 years old when she left her mortal body. Her last rites will be performed tomorrow evening at Bhubaneshwar.

Born in Hyderabad Sind (now in Pakistan) to a prosperous Sindhi businessman, Dadiji in her early childhood joined the institution during its inception years in 1936-37 along with her parents, kith and kin.

After undergoing spiritual penance in the practices of spiritual wisdom, values, lifestyle and meditation for over fourteen years, she initially served as divine trance messenger for receiving and disseminating the deeper intricacies of holy knowledge and transcendental meditation before institution’s corporeal founder Pitashri Prajapita Brahma.
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Re: Another Dadi left the body

Post03 Nov 2007

tinydot wrote:After undergoing spiritual penance in the practices of spiritual wisdom, values, lifestyle and meditation for over fourteen years, she initially served as divine trance messenger for receiving and disseminating the deeper intricacies of holy knowledge and transcendental meditation before institution’s corporeal founder Pitashri Prajapita Brahma.

Well spotted, tinydot.

It does seem like a golden circle candidate, yet it is an odd statement in that how could she 'receive and disseminate' knowledge before the founder? Does it mean before he founded the institution, or before he 'received and disseminated' knowledge?

Also it is saying this knowledge came from Divine trance, not Murli.

It leads me more and more to think they were carving out an understanding of knowledge from Brahma Baba's divine visions and trance messages, rather than any Murli classes as we know of them today (1965-69 period).
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Post03 Nov 2007

John wrote:It does seem like a Golden Circle candidate, yet it is an odd statement in that how could she 'receive and disseminate' knowledge before the founder? Does it mean before he founded the institution, or before he 'received and disseminated' knowledge?

May be here 'before' means 'in front of' Brahma Baba.
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Post03 Nov 2007

Arjun wrote:May be here 'before' means 'in front of' Brahma Baba.

Yes, that could be so. Maybe the Hindu version has a clearer indication of the intent of the phrase?
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Post03 Nov 2007

I don't know the answer. 1936 to 1950 is 14 years. We are looking at around 1950 for the coming (or invention) of Shiva through Lekhraj Kirpalani. By "divine trance messenger", they mean a "medium".

I thought that the Golden Circle split, left or were chucked out of Gyan. Perhaps some stayed on ... More details please.
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Post03 Nov 2007

Trance messaged dated 27.09.07 wrote: For a full half an hour I was in a completely karmateet stage and a conqueror of attachment. While in life, I was experience the stage of liberation-in-life. I saw that I did not have attachment to anyone. There was no attraction to anything in me. At that time I was completely beyond any feeling of the body too. That was a very good experience. I am sharing this experience so that all of you also make the same effort so that you leave your body in such a karmateet stage.
Arjun wrote:But Baba has never given an aim to the Brahmin souls to leave their bodies. In fact there are several Murlis which say that you would witness heaven through these eyes. Just as children were entertained in the beginning by Mama and Baba, the Brahmin children would be entertained in the end. He has also said that only the fortunate ones and the brave ones would be able to witness the scenes of the end. The original picture of Lakshmi Narayan says that the inheritance of heaven is your Godly birth right. If the inheritance is to be achieved in the next birth, then how can it be birth right? Moreover Baba says our aim is to get transformed from a man to Narayan and from a woman to Lakshmi and not from a man to Prince or Princess.

" Aisey toh nahee sochtey ham bhi sharer chod Avyakt ban jaavein. Ismay follow nahee karnaa. Brahma Baap farishta banaa hee isliye ki Avyakt roop ka example dekh follow sahaj kar sako." (Brahmakumariyon dwara prakaashit Avyakt Vani, dinaank 13.03.81, pg 43).

"Do you think that we should also leave the body and become Avyakt? Do not follow in this matter. Father Brahma became Avyakt so that you could see the example of Avyakt form and follow easily." (Avyakt Vani dated 13.03.81, pg 43 published by BKs in Hindi, translated by a PBK, narrated by Avyakt BapDada through Dadi Gulzar).

Thanks to tinydot for taking us back to 1981/82.



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Post08 Nov 2007

arjun wrote:Can anyone please reproduce the relevant pictures from youtube here (the one with Dadi K and Sister M wearing huge garlands and the one with Dadi K sitting atop a Chariot)???

For those who like having garlands around their necks, here's an appropriate link: BBC News story.

Something spooky about the 3rd picture but I'll leave it all to your own imaginations.

Can someone produce one of these photos on this thread ?
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Post08 Nov 2007

bansy wrote:For those who like having garlands around their necks, here's an appropriate link

Dog Shiva. Dogs know 10,000 times more about loyalty, altruism and unconditional love than human beings. So much so that I am wondering if dogs (and animals in general) are naturally soul-conscious. But that is topic for another discussion thread.


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