Why the Seniors 'buried" a whole bunch of Murlis

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Why the Seniors 'buried" a whole bunch of Murlis

Post25 Oct 2007

Let's hypothesize that this premise is true. The first question that came in mind is, did they intentionally leave those documents (which were not relatively that heavy), so it might get buried for good? If they could bring to Abu other heavy stuffs like pots, utensils, etc, and their personal belongings like saree, underwears, etc, why couldn't they bring copies of Murlis with them?

Truthfully and frankly speaking, I still have the collections of my letters and love letters of friends and girl friends I have had since high school, college, and even the time I was already working. I have been moving to different places almost ten times already, and still had kept these documents with me, some were being kept by my mother, like my pictures, slam books, etc.

I know some friends destroyed pictures and letters of their girlfriends when things did not work out. It symbolizes ending a relationship to forget the bad experience.

Now, if Seniors intentionally buried the Murlis, did they get frustrated with Lekhraj Kirpalani or his teachings?

If "all Seniors" accidentally left the Murlis behind, and not a single one of them remembered to bring them to Abu, are they telling us, this is how much they were "in love" with their God? This is how much they preserve and keep His "love letters".

Or did they get ****** and frustrated with Lekhraj Kirpalani or his teachings, to commit such sinful act. Is it a sin of Commission or a sin of Omission?

I tell you, this "theory of Murli got buried ..." doesn't stand the test of reason, test of loveful feelings for the One, and test of pure living of people who claim they were with God for many, many years of their lives.
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Post26 Oct 2007

Is there not a photo of a car being loaded onto the ship?

Were the Murlis and Divine Decrees heavier and less precious than a car?

Why was the car not even filled to the brim with the documents?

Are we really suggesting that Lekhraj Kirpalani had the money to send a car and buy an old palace but not send some papers which could have easily gone over land? Papers which were God speaking?

Personally, I go for the metaphorically "buried" theory. In the same way as politicians talk about "burying bad news". The Prajapati God Brahma and failed predictions were bad news, hiding away in Rajasthan gave them a chance to reinvent themselves ... which they had already done once in Karachi according to non-BK historians.
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Post26 Oct 2007

Dear tinydot,

Omshanti. The reason put forward by BKs, which has been discussed on this forum is that they will exhume these documents in the Copper Age to script scriptures. Another reason put forward by them is that they buried them to safeguard them from the onslaught of Muslims during the partition of India.

But as ex-l has aptly pointed out, when they could transport a car, why couldn't they transport one or more than one trunkfull of Murlis/literature?

I suggest this thread can be merged with the sticky thread on Murlis.

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Post26 Oct 2007

arjun wrote:The reason put forward by BKs, which has been discussed on this forum is that they will exhume these documents in the Copper Age to script scriptures.

Did they speak English at the start of the Copper Age? The Divine Decrees and many of the other materials are in English.

There were no English and no one speaking English at the start of the Copper Age!
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Post26 Oct 2007

Dear ex-l,

The mention of English language has reminded me of the use of the word 'exhume' in my above post. I think this word is used mostly for digging out of buried bodies for scientific/medical examination.

But we have been hearing all through the BK life that Godly knowledge is a 'living' entity. So, I suppose I should have used the word 'digging out' instead of 'exhume'.

I think BKWSO corporation will be in a better position to reveal whether they buried a 'living entity' or a 'non-living entity', which would be 'exhumed' or 'dug-out' in the Copper Age!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post26 Oct 2007

Surely if you want to bury important documents, you will bury copies or at least make copies.

It just doesn't figure.
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Post26 Oct 2007

And why bury them? If they are worthless, or incriminating, burn them.

Perhaps it was just something that someone said once and it has stuck. Does anyone want to ask the BKWSU for its official position on all this now?
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Post26 Oct 2007

I have always wondered why there only 5 years worth!!!!!!!!
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Post27 Oct 2007

Another BK Urban Legend then? How easily satisfied we were.

Some senior comes out with an off the cuff answer and it is carved in stone as an eternal truth.

It was all done to hide the re-write ... and I still want to know who, how, when and why they introduced Shiva.
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Post27 Oct 2007

Does anyone know what the earliest Murli available or known is?
It is said the 5 year cycle is 1964-1969, but what about earlier ones, has anyone seen one?

Surely , if we could get just one from the earlier period and translated into English that would be an interesting starting point to see how they compare to the 'modern' Sakar Murli versions.
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Post27 Oct 2007

John wrote:Does anyone know what the earliest Murli available or known is?
It is said the 5 year cycle is 1964-1969, but what about earlier ones, has anyone seen one?

Omshanti. I had intimated a couple of times about an original Murli from early 1950s (probably 1951) which the BKs had published in December, 2005 (probably 31.12.05) in which they had published the actual original date on which that Murli was narrated. This proves that the five year collection of Murlis that the BKs revise after every 5 years could be a collection of Murlis from the 18 year period from 1951 to 1968/69.

Today I was reading a revised Sakar Murli dated 28.9.07, which was very short, but along with it the BKs have published a copy of hand written letter of BapDada (I suppose they meant ShivBaba through Brahma Baba). But they have not mentioned the actual date of the letter.

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Post27 Oct 2007

arjun wrote:Omshanti. I had intimated a couple of times about an original Murli from early 1950s (probably 1951) which the BKs had published in December, 2005 (probably 31.12.05) in which they had published the actual original date on which that Murli was narrated. This proves that the five year collection of Murlis that the BKs revise after every 5 years could be a collection of Murlis from the 18 year period from 1951 to 1968/69.

How do we know if they did not doctor the original date? If they can re-write the Murli, surely they can re-write the original date.
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Post27 Oct 2007

arjun wrote:Omshanti. I had intimated a couple of times about an original Murli from early 1950s (probably 1951) which the BKs had published in December, 2005 (probably 31.12.05) in which they had published the actual original date on which that Murli was narrated.

Is the copy in English or just Hindi?

Why did they publish just one from that period, was there any reason, did it have something in it they wanted to get across?
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Post27 Oct 2007

john wrote:Why did they publish just one from that period, was there any reason, did it have something in it they wanted to get across?

Either they found it at the bottom of an old toli box or they have more that they are keeping the lid on. Murlis, not toli that is!

I reckon they have a lot more (no evidence to suggest that ... just suspicion of their MO).
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Post27 Oct 2007

John wrote:Is the copy in English or just Hindi? Why did they publish just one from that period, was there any reason, did it have something in it they wanted to get across?

May be the BKs had very few copies of original Sakar Murlis from 1950s and hence decided to give the original date. Most of the revised Sakar Murlis published by BKs that we read were originally narrated in the latter half of the 1960s. During this period (when Brahma Baba was alive but Mama had left her body) the BKs had began cyclostyling Murlis and sending copies to BKs by post.


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