Official Contact with Sister Jayanti BKWSU (UK) - legal

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Post23 Aug 2007

23 Aug 2007


we wrote to Sister Jayanti via you on the 17th Aug 2007 and as yet have received neither a reply nor an acknowledgement.

Could you inform us whether we are to expect one?

Thank you


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Post23 Aug 2007

primal.logic wrote:I have no interest in revenge or antagonism. I have zero interest in Dadi, Jayanti or any other member of the BK Central Commitee. If the BK Seniors and their cronies were not creating such a tragic outcome, I would not be here. I am here for all the future victims of this cult. Because if we don't help, who will? There has been no one there for any of us!

Om Shanti. So please read Criticism topic in the Commonroom.

BK Dmitry
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Post23 Aug 2007

BKdimok wrote:Om Shanti. So please read Criticism topic in the Commonroom.

Dmitry, please try to read the forum without thinking you are the Almighty, you are not.

What Primal has written here is VERY constructive and positive, and not even critical ... it is the truth!!!!!!!!

This forum has helped me vastly to come to terms with being ex BK, and it certainly is the case that no-one especially ANY BK has attempted on any level to help people like me ... in fact, we have been slandered and judged by them (BKs).


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Post23 Aug 2007

mr green wrote:What Primal has written here is VERY constructive and positive, and not even critical ... it is the truth!!!!!!!!

You did not understand why i asked Primal logic to read topic Criticism. Don't think that I think that he also criticises others. There is no shadow of criticism in his words. I asked him to read that topic because there i offered some way for those who wants to make something. Don't judge so fast please.

With regards, BK Dmitry.
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Post25 Aug 2007

BKdimok wrote:I asked him to read that topic because there I offered some way for those who wants to make something. Don't judge so fast please.

Dimitry ... we are already engaging with the BKWSU leadership and doing something ... If you want to do something as a BK, please contact them from within and find out what is happening.

I posted this in another thread on the Trust Deed where it said;
(I) interest on securities,
(ii) dividends,
(iii) interest other that 'income by way of interest on securities', and,
(iv) income in respect of units of a Mutual Fund specified under section 10(23D) or of the Unit Trust of India may be paid to the Mission without deduction of income-tax at source.

We seem to be talking here are interest on investment funds, stocks and shares etc.

It would be interesting to find out how much they have in investment funds and what they are investing in. Any offers of assistance or can we put it on the list of things to ask about?
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Post26 Aug 2007

Aimee wrote another open letter to Jayanti in the PBK forum and asks for individuals NOT to respond there but to leave it open for an official response; Open letter to Sister Jayanti.
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Post26 Aug 2007

I agree with Aimee 100% that her Open Letter Topic is reserved for her and Sister Jayanti.

Let's give her and Sister Jayanti a chance to post there. It is now Sister Jayanti's turn to reply there, Open letter to Sister Jayanti. Say, maximum ten days of waiting for Sister Jayanti to respond, if not Aimee can post another follow-up.
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Post27 Aug 2007

OK, here's the deal.

Put the money in a satchel, and put the satchel in the litter bin at the end of Pound (funny things memorials :roll: ) Lane.

If we see any cops, the deal is off and the Bhog dishes get it.
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Post30 Aug 2007

30 Aug 2007


we wrote to Sister Jayanti via you on the 17th Aug 2007 and 23 Aug 2007.

As yet have received neither a reply nor an acknowledgement.

Could you please do us the courtesy of informing us whether we are to expect a reply and if so an estimate of when, or whether the BKWSU now considers the correspondence to be closed?

Thank you.
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Post31 Aug 2007

Not making excuses for 'them'', but with Dadiji just passing away I think they all might be a little preoccupied. They will be busy with deifying her, capitalising on the opportunity her memorial services will provide to glorify the BKs, and to drag in ''lost souls'' to whom it should now be evident that ''time is close''.

Excuse me if I sound cynical, but they are so predictable. So predictable in fact, that we would not expect a response under normal circumstances. Jayanti, future Empress of the World, is not going to demean herself by responding to the ''accusations'' of the cremators of the new world.

It has always been party policy to not respond to accusations, and especially not engage in public debate. We are not going to get a public response from Jayanti, even after they have smoked Dadiji.
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Post31 Aug 2007

Following on from the Dadi Prakashmani thread, perhaps we should ask them who "The Family" is when it comes to making profound decisions such as the appointment of administrators.

As noted, most BKs did not even know that such a decision was being made, were not consulted and would have preferred it to have come from the top. It would appear that "The Family" does not mean "The Family", as we know it, to "The Family" ... if you follow me.

Oh ... Good Heavens! What was I thinking ... how could rank and file BKs possible be able to make such decisions and how silly of me to suggest any Kaliyugi, impure democratic validation of their status. I am sorry but it is so sanctimoniously patronizing. Especially to those that pay for their keep (... unless, of course, the property portfolio and trust funds have secured their positions now).

Brian Ferry sang not wrote:I am in with the "In" crowd

(Check link above or if you are a purist, try Dobie Grey's version).

I'm in with the "In" crow
I go where the "In" crowd goes
I am in with the "In" crowd
And I know what the "In" crowd knows (How to have fun!)
Any time of the year, don't you hear? (How to have fun!)
Dressin' fine, makin' time
We breeze up and down the street
We get respect from people we meet
They make way day or night
They know the "In" crowd is out of sight

I am in with the "In" crowd
I know every latest dance
When you're in with "In" crowd
It's easy to find romance (And we work out!)
At a spot where the beat's really hot (And we work out!)
If it's square we ain't there
We make every minute count
Our share is always the biggest amount
Other guys imitate us
But the original's still the greatest

We got our own way of walkin
We got our way of talkin' (Gotta have fun!)
Any time of the year, don't you hear (Gotta have fun!)
Spendin' cash, talkin' trash
Girl, I'll show you a real good time
Come on with me and leave your troubles behind
I don't care where you've been
You ain't been nowhere till you been in with "In" crowd
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Post10 Sep 2007

10 Sept 2007


we have written to you on the 17th Aug 2007, 23 Aug 2007 and 30 Aug 2007.

As yet have received neither a reply nor an acknowledgement.

Could you please do us the courtesy of informing us whether we are to expect a reply and if so an estimate of when, or whether the BKWSU now considers the correspondence to be closed?

Thank you.
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Post11 Sep 2007

Given that the BKWSU have made their position clear yesterday by commencing some kind of hostile legal action in preference to dialogue, we feel duty bound to enter into the public record copies of previous emails sent by the BKWSU team handling these matters.

We appreciate that this is controversial and would not have chosen to do so had circumstances not developed as they have done. We do this with the intent that all members of the BK family can be equally informed and engage in the process that is being carried out in their name if they so choose.

Personal email removed, the team consists of;

    Alka Patel - assistant
    Jayanti Kirpalani - European Director
    Veronica "Waddy" McHugh - Flordia, USA
    Maureen Goodman - UK co-ordinator
    Simon Blandford - IT Team
    Vasanti Patel -
    Neville Hodgkinson - author
    Judy Rodgers - Center of Business As Agent of World Benefit, Founding Director of Images and Voices of Hope
    Gayatri Naraine - BK United Nations representative, New York
Alka Patel wrote:28 July 2007

Yes, we are receiving your emails now. Please accept apologies from the IT team that your previous emails to me were blocked.

Thanks and regards,
Alka Patel

Jayanti Kirpalani wrote: 07 August 2007

Dear All,

Greetings and much love!

Please see the message from ex-l/bkwsuwatch.

Sorry to load you up with papers but at this point I think we need help.
Interesting to see 25 pages of pages of comments about this individual
called Jayanti......

In Baba's Yaad,

Sister Jayanti

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 07 August 2007 17:06
To: Alka Patel
Subject: [BULK] Re: For the attention of ex-l/bkwsuwatch
Importance: Low


It would assist communications greatly if Sister Jayanti was to;

a) set out the position of the BKWSU,
b) provide for us an agenda of the issues she wishes to raise, and
c) clarify what her, or the BKWSU's, objectives were.

By return we will provide you with a summary of the issues forum members
like to raise.

Thank you

Simon Blandford wrote:07 August 2007

Om Shanti,

For those on this list that haven't seen the 25 pages I have pasted them below.

It's amazing what these folks can make of a simple friendly invitation!

I've added the last few posts since yesterday (it's a hot topic).


Alka Patel wrote:

Dear All,

Greetings and much love!

Please see the message from ex-l/bkwsuwatch.

Sorry to load you up with papers but at this point I think we need help.
Interesting to see 25 pages of pages of comments about this individual
called Jayanti......

In Baba's Yaad,

Sister Jayanti

Simon Blandford then included with his email to us copies of 25 posts from this "Official BKWSU Contact" thread. What is interesting to note is that he browses this website using a webproxy called "" to disguise his connection.
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Post11 Sep 2007

Simon Blandford wrote:Om Shanti,

Just some thoughts.

We did not ask to discuss issues. We requested a personal meeting. If
they are unable to oblige then they will have to pass on the invitation
because we are not requesting anything else.

It might be helpful to clarify Alka's role since it seems to be an area
of confusion amongst them.

Perhaps we can state that we would be happy to discuss an agenda for a
personal meeting once a personal meeting is confirmed, but not before.


Alka Patel wrote:
> Dear All,
> Greetings and much love!
> Please see the message from ex-l/bkwsuwatch.
> Sorry to load you up with papers but at this point I think we need help.
> Interesting to see 25 pages of pages of comments about this individual
> called Jayanti......
> In Baba's Yaad,
> Sister Jayanti

Vasanti Patel wrote:Om Shanti,

Agree with Simon, but also one other major things is to do with talking to someone who is anonymous. In most places any complaints made by anonymous people are ignored - they have no real value and so we want to make thing real and work with real people.

But even putting this aside, our next response, if there is going to be one, has to make it clear that we are not interested in anything else except a personal meeting. As we can see on the forum they are having masses of discussion about this. They want us to continue with emails if not forum - but we cannot play ball with that one I don’t think.

Anyway, just some thoughts from me.
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Post11 Sep 2007

Neville Hodgkinson wrote:8 August 2007

Good thoughts, Simon. The olive branch extended in the request for a personal meeting has been interpreted as weakness and trumpeted as such on the website. Perhaps JB could respond quite toughly along the lines of:

"I offered a personal meeting in the belief that it would help to improve relationships. Beyond this, I do not have an agenda of issues I wish to raise.

Your website contains a variety of viewpoints, all deeply felt, and some of them constructive, but others a modern equivalent of poisoned pen letters. In these circumstances I do not wish to enter into correspondence on the site.

Our organization is constantly changing in response to changing needs and times. I would be happy to meet you, or a group, to explain more about our perspectives and current approaches, and in the hope of improving mutual understanding.

As I recall there is only one mention of Alka and it was not hostile. Better not to bring that up, I would have thought.

- Neville

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Blandford
Sent: 07 August 2007 19:03
Subject: Re: [BULK] Re: For the attention of ex-l/bkwsuwatch

Om Shanti,

Just some thoughts.

We did not ask to discuss issues. We requested a personal meeting. If they are unable to oblige then they will have to pass on the invitation because we are not requesting anything else.

It might be helpful to clarify Alka's role since it seems to be an area of confusion amongst them.

Perhaps we can state that we would be happy to discuss an agenda for a personal meeting once a personal meeting is confirmed, but not before.


Simon Blandford wrote:8 August 2007

Hi Neville,

Excellent response! Strongly agree.


Neville Hodgkinson wrote:
> Good thoughts, Simon. The olive branch extended in the request for a
> personal meeting has been interpreted as weakness and trumpeted as such on
> the website. Perhaps JB could respond quite toughly along the lines of
Veronica McHugh wrote:Hello Nev,

No doubt it will incite another onslaught of postings. The image that came is that of a little crumb in the form of the invitation being dropped into the pond and in a heartbeat all the barracudas lunged at it.

It is very brave of Sr Jayanti to put herself out there and I think your choice of words (with whatever tweaking Jayanti bhen feels is required) are quite fitting to finish off this attempt to meet.

> Good thoughts, Simon. The olive branch extended in the request for a
> personal meeting has been interpreted as weakness and trumpeted as such on
> the website. Perhaps JB could respond quite toughly along the lines of:

> "I offered a personal meeting in the belief that it would help to improve
> relationships. Beyond this, I do not have an agenda of issues I wish to
> raise.

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