Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

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Post29 Aug 2007

Gerry (pseudonym) wrote:I am an simple old man. I am not famous or a big wig. Yet already am seen as disloyal by BKs and so do not want to get persecuted, branded or banned by being publicly identified. I study PBK knowledge secretly whilst continuing to sustain and support BK family. I was not offended by Didi's remarks. It is all just a game.
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Post29 Aug 2007

He is reported to have said that BKs are not to think Destruction will be gradual, but that it will happen, "In the blink of an eye."

I havent seen this in any of the Bhog messages; do you know when this was said? As for the time of death, I've only seen the time of death on the email Nirwair Bhai sent which said 10.05 Indian time. Where did you get the information about the life support being switched off?
As regards the decision to offer Bhog for 12 days, it might be the decision of the BK Administration and not based on the Trance Message.

Arjun Bhai, I have not heard anything on the rosary or any other medium about this being requested in the BK family. What is your source of information? Maybe it's just happening in some Indian centres.

It seems to me that there is a lot of unneccesary muddying of waters going on here. Is it true that the PBKs in India were spreading a rumour that Dadi was already dead for the time she had had the stroke last week? I wonder who is really served by all the misinformation I see flying around here.

We are still waiting for either the Hindi or translated Bhog message from Monday to come through
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Post29 Aug 2007

yudhishtira wrote:It seems to me that there is a lot of unneccesary muddying of waters going on here. Is it true that the PBKs in India were spreading a rumour that Dadi was already dead for the time she had had the stroke last week? I wonder who is really served by all the misinformation I see flying around here.

What in particular is making you think it is PBKs spreading misinformation or anyone on the forum?
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Post29 Aug 2007

Sister Yudhishtira wrote:Arjun Bhai, I have not heard anything on the rosary or any other medium about this being requested in the BK family. What is your source of information? Maybe it's just happening in some Indian centres.

I heard this from a BK from Mount Abu. May be this is being followed only at Madhuban and some other Indian centers.
Is it true that the PBKs in India were spreading a rumour that Dadi was already dead for the time she had had the stroke last week? I wonder who is really served by all the misinformation I see flying around here. We are still waiting for either the Hindi or translated Bhog message from Monday to come through

No. PBKs are not spreading the rumour. But even the BKs did not have any information after she suffered stroke last week. In fact, when I first of all reported about Dadiji's deteriorated health (on the same day as you), I was informed by a senior BK that she had died but after a few hours he corrected the news saying that Dadiji was in coma. Had I wished to spread a rumour, I would have reported her demise first and then the correction. But I chose to wait for a few hours until it was confirmed from some other sources and only then did I report that Dadiji's health had deteriorated. It was you who gave the details.

Even when I reported Dadiji's demise, I did that after confirming from three different dependable sources from Mt. Abu and the information that I gave was confirmed by the news bulletins that other members produced. So, you can see that we have not spread any rumour, but gave factual information. And we do not have any vested interest in that. It was only for the benefit of the BKs/PBKs worldwide, who may have been interested in knowing the latest news.

By the way, it would be very nice of you if you could produce the English version of the trance message on this forum, whenever you receive it.

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abrahma kumar

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Dadi Prakashmani's mortal body consigned to flames

Post29 Aug 2007

Dadi Prakashmani's mortal body consigned to flames - Thousands of devotees & wellwishers from India and abroad witness last rites.

Abu Road, August 27: The mortal body of Chief of Brahmakumaris, Dr. Dadi Prakashmani melted and mingled into nature's five elements after being consigned to raging flames on the pyre of sandalwood sticks drenched in pure ghee and in the prayerful presence of thousands of devotees, well wishers and gentry from all over the world, in the garden of institution's Shantivan Complex, here today at 10:30 AM.

Amidst meditation songs and music, Rajyogini Dadi Janki, Additional & Overseas Chief of Brahmakumaris accompanied by Rajyogini Dadi Hridaymohini Joint Chief; Rajyogini Dadi Nirmal Shanta, Joint Chief; Rajyogi B. K. Nirwair, Secetary General and other senior Dadijis, Brothers and Sisters of the institution, lit the pyre kept on a specially designed & decorated platform in the garden opposite Diamond Hall inside the complex.

The sea of humanity on roof tops, corridor, roads and pyre ground in Shantivan remained unmoved in divine meditation and contemplative silence, amidst powerful OM Dhwani for almost two hours, braving the scorching sun, till completion of last rites. Addressing the divine gathering, Dadi Janki said that even though Dadi Prakashmani was no more with us, her words and deeds would always guide and lead us on the spiritual path of selfless service to society and mankind.

Rajyogi B. K. Nirwair said that Dadi Prakashmani had lovefully nurtured all the members of this divine institution not as followers but as friends and companions, while at the same time working incessantly for world peace, unity and brotherhood.

The gists of condolence messages from Mrs. Pratibha Patil, President of India; Dr. Abdul Kalam, former President of India, Mr. L. K. Advani, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha. Governors, Chief Ministers, Judges of different states of India, several religious leaders of different faith, editors and media heads, statesmen, ambassadors and industry CEOs of
several countries were also conveyed to the gathering. The whole programme was covered by a large number of regional and national media including live telecast of the event in Astha, Sanskar, Zee Jagran etc.

Special Bhog session was held in the Diamond hall in the presence of all devotees today. Rajyogini Dadi Hridaymohini acted as trance messenger and offered Bhog to Supreme Soul and also to Dadi Prakashmani in subtle realm. In her divine message, Dadi Hridaymohini said that the best way to remember and pay respectful homage to Dadi Prakashmani, was to follow her foot steps and the divine directions of Supreme Soul for world
welfare and benefaction.

- Narendra Modi addressed condolence meet -

Abu Road, August 27: Mr. Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat along with state assembly speaker, home minister, health minister of Gujarat and other VIPs paid respectful homage to Dr. Dadi Prakashmani, Chief of Brahmakumaris by placing flowers on her mortal body in the final condolence meeting held in institution's Diamond Hall at Shantivan, here today in the meditative and prayerful presence of thousands of devotees, well wishers and gentry from all over the world.

Addressing the august gathering, Mr. Modi said that Dadiji, in line with Adi Shankaracharya's philosophy had been able to end the mindset of mine and thine in her and other's lives and had gone beyond man made distinctions & discriminations of caste, creed, community, language, race and religion. Her invaluable contributions towards promotion of spirituality, human values and universal brotherhood and world peace, would always be cherished in our hearts, he said.

Talking to Press on this occasion, Mr. Modi said that spiritual values, ethos, faith and heritage were the true identity of India. Dadiji left no stone unturned in promoting spiritual wisdom, values and RajYoga Meditation among millions of people especially woman, across the globe throughout her life he stressed. He said that by taking inspiration from her examples, precepts and practices, we would be able to bring about true awakening and transformation in self and society.

Prominence among others to offered their respectful homage to Dadiji were Mahamandleshwar Swami Adhyatmnandji, Sivanad Ashram, Ahmedabad, Shri Arjun Devda, Rajasthan State Govt's Representative, many saints, sages, and many other prominent public figures from India and abroad.

B. K. Karuna
Media Spokesman
Brahmakumaris HQs

Apologies to one and all if this thread has moved way beyond the above quoted BKWSU communication - about which i would like to make a few comments (eventually) - mailed out on the 27th August regarding the funeral ceremony held for the late Dadi Prakashmani, may God rest her soul.
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Post29 Aug 2007

yudhishtira wrote:I wonder who is really served by all the misinformation I see flying around here.

How informed are you? How would you know what is and is not misinformation given the institution's economy with the truth, deep sanskar of revision and tendency to both cover up and gossip? The funniest thing I find are BKs who know all about this site ... that is to say, have been told to what to think ... as when you speak to them, they have not actually read it or checked the facts out. I'd say we have a higher than average batting record.

I am afraid the rosaries are already well down the filtering process and you need to get closer to the source. I have no PBK connections, only BKs, and so it would seem you are out of the loop. This sweet but romantic twaddle is from our man in Madhuban ... "Dadi as Baba's equal". That proves she must be "One of the Eight", then. A question, does Dadi Janki actually see the Subtle Regions or is this just imagining? I never thought she was a trance type.

To get to the truth, you have to be brave enough to share notes and explore deadends in case one ends up being the road out of here.
Heartfelt greetings from Shantivan.

I arrived around lunchtime on Friday 24th. The minute we arrived we went to Dadiji's cottage in Shantivan. As we walked in all the Dadi's, Senior Brothers were there and there was such a powerful atmosphere. Everyone met us with loving a significant drishti through the eyes. Dadiji was in a small room set up like a hospital room with all the machinery necessary to monitor a critical patient. She was in a deep coma and sitting silently beside was Dadi Gulzar and a few others.

There are about 5000-6000 BKs and in the evening there was an all night Yoga bhatti with 8 Sisters and Brothers leading meditation constantly. It felt as though Diamond Hall was immersed in deep silence. I joined again at Amrit Vela. Dadi Janki read the Murli and talked about sweet Dadiji with so much love and said she was like Baba. When you see Dadi you remember Baba and when you see Baba Dadi is there as an equal. After the Murli around 9am I met Nirwair Bhai and he said to go and see Dadiji. This time there were only a few in the room and I felt the body was connected to all the machines but the soul was dancing with Baba in the Subtle Regions.

At 9.30 I had planned to go to see Manvinder in the Global Hospital. I could not get a lift and then suddenly I noticed all the Dadi's coming quickly to Dadiji's cottage. Sheilu ben was there and she said quietly that Dadiji was in her final moments. Around 10.05am in the presence of Dadi Janki, Dadi Gulzar, Mohiniben. Munniben, Nirwair Bhai and other close jewels, Dadiji peacefully departed. I entered the room literally a minute after and I noticed all the machines registering Dadiji's blood pressure were on 0 ... i.e zero. There was such stillness in the room. There was an atmosphere of deep reverence and deep love in the room but also a feeling ..."has our Dadiji really gone". Her companions of 70 years were surrounding her and the feeling of their amazing bond was emanating.

For the next few hours, we stayed in Dadiji's cottage. The Seniors held a meeting literally a few minutes after the passing and Bro Nirwair announced to all the thousands waiting outside the cottage that Dadiji has left her body and to go and sit is Diamond Hall and soon the body will be brought there to lie "in state" so to speak. Within an hour of Dadiji's passing, they began to build the cremation place which is on the lawn outside Dadiji's meeting room in front of Diamond Hall in Shantivan. We all had a chance to view the body and Dadiji looked very peaceful. Soon they put the body under a glass box which is cooled to minus 2 degrees as it is very humid here. That evening Yoga went on all night.

The next day Sunday, Dadiji's body and all of us went on a pilgrimage to the Museum, Maduban where she went to the Tower of Peace, Baba's room, Baba's garden and Om Shanti Bhavan where hundreds of Abu residents both BK and towns people gave their respects to Dadiji. Dadiji then went to the Hospital and finally Gyan Sarovar. She came back to Diamond Hall and last night 1000's began to come from all parts of India and there was a constant procession going onto the stage to view Dadiji. They have been so generous to let every soul come and visit and take leave from Dadi.

The Yoga in Diamond Hall continued all night. BKs and a few VIPs including the chief minister of Gujerat kept pouring in for the cremation. After morning class we went out the front of Diamond Hall on the lawn where the funeral pyre was built. BKs were sitting all over the lawn and on every imaginable roof and building to get a good view. There was a large pile of wood and it was covered in sandalwood. It was covered by 5 of the main TV stations so most of India was watching. The heat was incredible and it must have been 100% humidity.

The Seniors gathered on the funeral pyre and Bro Nirwair spoke followed by most of the Seniors sharing very heartfelt feelings of what Dadiji meant to them. Then they began to pour ghee on Dadiji and the pyre and then they but more wood over the body. It was then lit. It became a raging fire and we sat and watched in silence. I sat right behind the Dadi's and could feel how touched they were by their life long fried going to Baba. I kept feeling that Dadiji must be with Baba watching all of this and observing this eternal scene being re-recorded in the drama. Dadiji's speciality was to make everyone feel they belonged and thus created so much unity. Even in her death she created so much unity as I felt and I think everyone felt so close to each other.

There are about 100 foreigners here but many of the bharatwassis are now going back to their places. Tonight Dadi Gulzar will bring a message from Baba but you may have already received that by the time you red this Dadiji has left a memorial of love in the heart of all Baba's children. Each one who has shared over the past few days of how much love they felt from Dadiji and how she loved all with our preference.

With special love from your Shantivan correspondent, in the remembrance of Baba and Dadiji.
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Post29 Aug 2007

Must be my wicked sense of humour but just loved this one so much it made me laugh out loud:
ex-I wrote:how touched they were by their life long fried going to Baba
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abrahma kumar

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My friends, do fries go with that shake?

Post29 Aug 2007

ex-I wrote:how touched they were by their life long fried going to Baba
pilatus wrote:Must be my wicked sense of humour but just loved this one so much it made me laugh out loud:

Pilatus! Your wicked sense of humour had me lol too 8) There is a part of a song in which Mr. George Clinton asks a question of the soul taking his food order: Do fries go with that shake Forum friends may be able to catch the words from the clip.

P.S. For those who may not know it 'fries' are a form of fast-food (typically they are length-wise cuts of potato deep fried in cooking oil) served by multi-national food outlets the world over. Lest i forget 2 other important bits of information: Fries aka chips are also served as a special treat for double-foreign guests during Madhuban season - fried in ghee no doubt 8) and a shake is a drink of milk provided to humans by nervous cows 8).

p.s. do not believe everything you read. Now I return to listening to the Vishnu Party video clip about The Knowledge of 3 bodies ...
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Post29 Aug 2007

I would say it was more of a barbecue than a fry up in the end ... Someone should have thrown in a few potatoes in silver paper to eat later. I hope they planted a few sandalwood trees to make up for the one they burnt.

But, seriously, why don't they bury their dead? Would not it be more environmental? The Parsees certainly win on that count ... leaving their dead out as bird food.
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Post29 Aug 2007

yudhishtira wrote:We are still waiting for either the Hindi or translated Bhog message from Monday to come through

To be watered down and doctored
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Post29 Aug 2007

BKKaruna wrote:Amidst meditation songs and music, Rajyogini Dadi Janki, Additional & Overseas Chief of Brahmakumaris accompanied by Rajyogini Dadi Hridaymohini Joint Chief; Rajyogini Dadi Nirmal Shanta, Joint Chief; Rajyogi B. K. Nirwair, Secetary General and other senior Dadijis, Brothers and Sisters of the institution, lit the pyre kept on a specially designed & decorated platform in the garden opposite Diamond Hall inside the complex.

Omshanti. I had, in this thread quoted a BK source saying that Dadi Nirmalshanta paid her tributes to Dadiji and left a day before the funeral. But the above official statement of BK Karuna Bhai contradicts my statement. So, I am sorry for providing the wrong information. But throughout the live telecast of the funeral ceremony on TV, I could not find Dadi Nirmalshanta anywhere nor was her name uttered even once during the commentary. May be it was a fault of my eyes and ears. But Dadi Nirmalshanta's Brother, i.e. Narayan Dada (probably a non-BK) was prominently visible in the main enclosure throughout the telecast.

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Post29 Aug 2007

Where can we get in touch with Narayan Dada?
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Post29 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Where can we get in touch with Narayan Dada?

He's the dude that gave the class I heard about Lekhraj going off the rails and staying with him for long periods with Mama during the early days.
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Post29 Aug 2007

Which is why someone would like to speak him (and let the BKs know they do). He has a piece of the puzzle and I think so does that "going off the rails" stuff.

What is their relationship with the BKs? Do you think they keep "close" to keep that stuff quiet?


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Post30 Aug 2007

Om Shanti 27/08/07 Madhuban

Special Bhog offering for Dadiji and divine message from the Subtle Region (Dadi Gulzar)

I reached the Subtle Region carrying everyone's love and lots of remembrance from the heart What did I see today? Our sweetest Dadi was with Baba and both of them were giving me drishti. Dadi appeared to be in a very powerful form. I came closer and then Baba said: Come, child, the one seated on My heart-throne, come! Dadi was just smiling. Baba stretched out His right hand and it was as though Dadi came into His arms and on the other side, I came into Baba's arms. Then, Baba took both of us with Him to Baba's roo~ and we then sat down on the gaddi. Then Baba said: Child, you have brought everyone's love and remembrance! Then Dadi said: Today, there would be love and remembrance for me also, would there not! I said: Dadi, everyone has sent multi-multimillion fold love and remembrance for you.

Everyone is asking: Where is our Dadi, where is Dadi? Then Baba said: Look, for a long time, the heart's desire of the child was to experience the stage of being equal to Baba. Just as Brahma Baba went away having become Avyakt, free from the bondage of the body, and is now doing so much service through the Avyakt form, in the same way, my part should also be equal to that of Brahma. So, according to the time, Baba fulfilled the desire that the child had. I then said: Baba, we don't feel that Dadi should become Avyakt now. All of us wanted to serve through the Avyakt form with Dadi, while being in the vyakt (corporeal) form. Dadi was just smiling and did not say anything. Baba said: This was Dadi's desire - just as Baba willed us physical wealth, in the same way, he should will the experience of the stage of being equal to Father Brahma.

So, Baba doesn't just call this child His child, but the child who is seated on the three thrones. She is a child even greater than guru-bhai (next in line of the guru), an equal child. This is why Baba fulfilled the heart's desire of the child. I said: Baba, everyone's complaint is that at least Dadi should have said something. Dadi smiled and said: Did Brahma Baba ask before he left? Just as Brahma Baba came here, I also came here in the same way. I said: Dadi, do you think that all of us will leave you? Dadi smiled. Baba knows and I know, but now, I am with Baba. Dadi was saying this with great intoxication. After that Baba asked me the news:. I replied: Baba, the news is that remembrance of Dadi is merged in every corner of Bharat. Dadi is in the minds of the Brahmin family anyway, but the souls who Dadi has served have so much love in their hearts for Dadi. We are all seeing that now. Whether they were VIPs or anyone else, they say "Dadi" in such a way as though Dadi is their Dadi.

Baba then said: This is the fruit of Dadi staying in this stage from childhood - being free from obstacles, free from sinful thoughts and always having pure speech. Each child is seeing in a practical way what the subtle effort is. The incognito effort that the child made from her heart, the love that she has given everyone from her heart, has also given a message; and so today, all the souls who have received the message and the love are remembering Dadi as being equal to Father Brahma. After saying this, I said: At the very least, Dadi should have opened her eyes. Dadi just left while she was lying on the bed. Baba said: She was not on the bed. She was in Baba's Subtle Region. She was not a patient, but through her form, she was teaching everyone patience.

Baba said: Did you all note. that whilst having so much illness, there was not the slightest sign, even in her thoughts of any type of sorrow? I said: All of us were seeing this wonder. We were feeling that Dadi must be going through some difficulty, but when we used to ask Dadi: Dadi, do you feel anything? Dadi used to reply: Not at all! Baba said: Dadi was giving this lesson of what it means to be in a state of having patience whilst being a patient. There was no wave of sorrow even in her dreams, because from childhood, from the time that Dadi came, from her birth, she never missed out in making effort of any type. Just as your Mama used to say: Baba would say something and I would do it instantly. In the same way, Dadi remained an equal and cooperative soul. I said: Baba, such souls are needed in the physical form, are they not? Baba replied: Now see, child, on the one hand you are saying this, and on the other hand, Dadi only had the chant of wanting to attain the karmateet stage.

So, would Baba fulfil the heart's desire of the co-operative and equal child or the desire of all of you? I said: There are so many of us and Dadi is just one. So, Baba, You should fulfil the desire of many, should You not? Dadi said: I made one request to Baba. I asked Baba to keep me in the Subtle Region for a few days. Just as after Brahma Baba is giving a lot of co-operation in world service even after he left his body, in the same way, I also want to experience what service through the Avyakt form means. Then Baba said: It is not possible that I do not fulfil the request of the specially beloved children.

First is the child, because this child has always remained an image that is free from obstacles, always maintained her own self-respect and given regard to everyone else. She has never been influenced by any obstacle. She has always remained victorious and made others victorious. This is why Baba is giving this child a gift and will keep her in the Subtle Region for 12 days. I asked: What will happen after that? Baba said: Do you want to see that? Just then, I saw that 10 - 12 main instruments of the Advance Party became emerged there, all the special souls who have gone - Didi, Mama, Dada Vishwa Kishor etc. They clung to Dadi in a way that someone held Dadi's hand, someone held another part of Dadi, etc. They all began to say: Dadi is ours! Dadi is ours! I felt that they were saying this loudly. They said: Dadi has stayed with you for so long, now she is ours too. Baba has called Dadi for a special task.

Dadi said: I am enjoying myself so much in the Subtle Region. I am seeing everything. Wherever I want to go, whichever centre I wish to go to, I can reach there in a second. Baba is showing me everyone's chart. I can see what wave there is in each one. Baba is also showing me how the devotees that are remembering me as a goddess are making spiritual endeavour to that goddess. Baba is also showing me the scientists, how the scientists are trying to understand our power of silence. Ultimately, what is the power that is making the body function? Baba is also showing me how the political parties are moving along. Dadi said: I am really enjoying myself here. I replied: But we are not enjoying ourselves. When we go to Dadi's room, it feels empty. The place that had so much splendour and sparkle now feels empty. Dadi smiled.

Baba said: Child, the time now has to be brought close. Sorrow and corruption are now going into the extreme. And the children are even now still playing doll's-play in trivial matters. They are taking their time in trivial matters. Even now, they are thinking about bringing their form of power in a practical form, but are unable to do so. I said: Baba, everyone is trying. Baba said: They are trying. I too cannot bear to see the children labouring. What did Didi do then? Didi took hold of Dadi's hand and said: Dadi, you are our friend, are you not? So, you will accompany us, will you not? Mama was giving such sweet drishti to Dadi - you can imagine how those who are of an equal level meet one another - Mama was giving Dadi such sweet drishti. This scene was then merged.

Then Baba said: Child, you just saw an example. An example of what? Baba is now repeatedly telling you children: Suddenly and to be ever-ready. You saw Dadi's speciality in both these things. You saw the one example of Dadi. Did she remember anything? Did she remember any situation? She was even detached from her body, and then suddenly, Dadi went away. So, this too is an example of Dadi in the drama in that Baba had said that things would happen suddenly, and you also have to remain ever-ready. So Dadi taught everyone this lesson.

If everyone loves Dadi, then everyone has to be ever-ready, that is, become equal to the Father. Be beyond the consciousness of the body, that is, become karmateet - while performing action, remain loving and detached. Dadi also said: Just as Brahma Baba says: Give a response to all the teachings and sustenance that you have received from the Father through your physical stage. Give a response through your thoughts, give a response through your words, and give a response through your karma-yogi stage. So, on my behalf, tell all my Sisters and Brothers, if you love me, then I want to see this sign of love. Just as Brahma Baba says: The sign of love is to become equal to the Father. In the same way, if all of you are saying that you love Dadi a lot, then Dadi also wants to say a couple of words. Dadi said: I followed Baba and maintained my own self-respect and gave regard to young and old, and received their blessings.

Today, Baba is giving me a prize of blessings. So, all of you should also not forget these two words, even in your dreams: I have to maintain my self-respect and give respect to all, young and old, transform myself and also transform others. Give this message on my behalf to all my friends, my Brothers and Sisters. Now, a lot of time has gone by. Now, we have to return home. Didi then spoke in between and said: You said what I used to say. I used to remember the home a lot. This used to be my song: We now have to return home. So, all those of the Advance Party said: All of us are telling you that we are all waiting for you. The gates to the land of liberation are also waiting for all of you. This is why you should, claim blessings, make this easy effort and quickly come to the Subtle Region. Everyone gave their remembrance in this way.

Then Baba said: Do you know what happened when Dadi came here? Baba told Dadi to tell me what happened. Dadi said: Baba, You tell her. Baba said: When Dadi reached the Subtle Region, the five forms of nature, through their subtle form, welcomed Dadiji, and Dadi came and sat on Baba's heart-throne. Baba said: Why did nature welcome her? Because Dadi's final stage was of being a conqueror of matter and a conqueror of Maya. So, nature welcomed Dadi and Baba also welcomed Dadi with His eyes.

Then, all those from the Advance Party became merged. Then Baba made Dadi Janki, Mohiniben, Munniben and some senior Brothers emerge. Dadi gave everyone sweet drishti. It was filled with love and power. It felt as though through her drishti, Dadi was giving everyone a blessing of light and might. Dadi's eyes were open, and rays of light were emerging through Dadi's eyes. These rays from Dadi's eyes were reaching all those who were emerged there. Everyone celebrated an Avyakt meeting with Dadi. Saying this, Baba said: Child, now Dadi is with me. All of you can also continue to meet Dadi in the Subtle Region through your Avyakt form. However, you can only meet if you come in the Avyakt form. If you love Dadi, you can meet Dadi everyday through your Avyakt form. Here, however many want to come, can come. Dadi also gave remembrance in this way and said: Remember these two words of mine. Self-respect and regard for others. Saying this, Baba gave me leave.

I said: Dadi, Mohiniben and Munniben are sending you lots of love and remembrances and their eyes are filled with tears. Dadi said: Tell them, they can come and meet me in the Subtle Region every day. Saying this, Dadi gave drishti to everyone and said: Give everyone lots of blessings from me, for becoming equal. Then I came back to the Subtle Region.

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