BKWSU Chief of MultiMedia and Global PublicRelations accuses

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BKWSU Chief of MultiMedia and Global PublicRelations accuses

Post21 Jul 2006

Thanks to an unnamed source for drawing this to our attention. It is with regret that we report the following ;

BKWSU Chief of MultiMedia and Global PublicRelations accuses BrahmaKumaris.Info of theft in public.

With all due respect, B.K. Karuna is at least 69 and must be given some leeway for his age. However, as "Chief of MultiMedia and Global PublicRelations" for the BKWSU, and self-proclaimed respresentative of God, to make such a prejudicial and unsubstantiated allegations in public to third parties has to be condemned. [see below]

For your information ;
    the registration of the domain name BrahmaKumaris.Info was purchased in entirely the normal manner.
    to our knowledge, it had never been pre-owned by the BKWSU, any of its satellite organisation or P.R. fronts.
    the use of the domain name BrahmaKumaris.Info falls entirely within clearly defined limits of "fair use".
    B.K. Karuna has been requested to substantiate his claims or withdraw them.
We must note our disappointment at what must to be interpreted as an aggressive attempt by a high level individual within the BKWSU to discredit our activities by making very public accusations that are plainly dishonest.

At BrahmaKumaris.Info, we offer and prioritize support via private forums to ex-BKs or 'Friends and Family of' that feel they have suffered from their experiences of the organisation. We wish to promote genuinely independent and open discussion between all parties, and provide honest documentation of the beliefs and activities of the BKWSU.

Without prejudice, and without any positive acknowledgement of their beliefs, we also extend that invitation to individual PBKs of whom we understand as an organisation have also suffered such allegations.

Unlike previous unrelated, third party forums discussing matters relating to the BKWSU, its beliefs and activities, within the reasonable grounds that they come to join in discussion rather than to just relate Murli points, we also welcome either individual or representative BKs to join this forum to put forward their point of view and experiences.

From :
MediaWiki software and site Admin list wrote:B. K. Karuna | 16 Jul 02:27

Dear respected sir,
Brahmakumaris is an international org in 112 countries.
We have more than 120 web sites in the name of brahmakumaris in all these countries.
One person stole one of our domine brahmakumaris.info trying to tarnish the image of our 70 years of solid
service to humanity. brahmaumaris.org is ngo in UN with 800,000 servers awarded seaven times for peace
work. He is using the wikimedia. Kindly look in to our request.
Chief of MultiMedia and Global PublicRelations.

On Godly Service,
http://www.brahmakumaris.com - for Humanity.
http://www.bkinfo.in - for God News.
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Post21 Jul 2006

Is it at all possible to steal a domain name?
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Post21 Jul 2006

John wrote:Is it at all possible to steal a domain name?

There have been a few high profile cases where individuals have faked up renewal or registration certificates, like sex.com, to "steal" a domain. Alternatively, there was the practise of "domain squatting" where someone would buy a domain with the intention to sell it back to a trademark holder at a great profit. But that was stopped in most countries too.

Sometimes, owners allow their domain name registrations to lapse and other companies come along and buy them. But that is the way it works; first come, first serve.

The issue the admins make here about " fair use " is the same as many fan sites suffer/experience/argue. There is no law to stop you owning any domain name as long as you put it to " fair use ", i.e. that are not trying to sell it back to the trademark owners at a profit or use it to make money by redirecting it to porno sites and the like.

As the site has many links back to the organization's own websites, is clearly 'about' Brahma Kumaris and is not-for-profit, I think that they are OK. The BKWSU would have to be absolutely daft to try attack and supress independent discussion and mutal support for ex-BKs.

What would that say about them?

It would also be daft of the BKWSU to try anything because all the admins have to do is move to another domain name anyway. It would be an endless game of cat and mouse. I don't even know if "Brahma Kumaris" is registered as a trademark and it would be sick if "God" had to go about registering his own trademarks.

I suppose that you could even argue that this site is about "Brahma Kumaris" in particular and not the BKWSU as a body, so what is it to do with them? The BKWSU would be shooting themselves in the foot if they do anything about it.

I will get the bandages and liniment out ...
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Re: BKWSU Chief of MultiMedia and Global PublicRelations acc

Post21 Jul 2006

From :
MediaWiki software and site Admin list wrote:B. K. Karuna | 16 Jul 02:27

Dear respected sir,
Brahmakumaris is an international org in 112 countries.
We have more than 120 web sites in the name of brahmakumaris in all these countries.
One person stole one of our domine brahmakumaris.info trying to tarnish the image of our 70 years of solid
service to humanity. brahmaumaris.org is ngo in UN with 800,000 servers awarded seaven times for peace
work. He is using the wikimedia. Kindly look in to our request.
Chief of MultiMedia and Global PublicRelations.

I suspect that it is not a case of dishonesty but rather that the BK Chief of MultiMedia and Global Public Relations doesn't understand how domain names work and thinks that permission is needed from God or his representative to use the name 'Brahma Kumaris'.

By the way I happen to know that in the year 2000, the domain http://www.ShivBaba.com was a a PBK site but some time later it became (and is now) an orthodox BK site. It would be interesting to know how this happened, but I guess it would require a PBK techie.
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Post21 Jul 2006

By the way I happen to know that in the year 2000, the domain http://www.ShivBaba.com was a a PBK site but some time later it became (and is now) an orthodox BK site. It would be interesting to know how this happened, but I guess it would require a PBK techie.

As far as I have gathered all PBK sites are run independently by loyal followers. I don't think there is a central body, which runs official websites. I am sure a PBK veteran like Arjun would have some knowledge of what happened.
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Re: BKWSU Chief of MultiMedia and Global PublicRelations acc

Post21 Jul 2006

Uddhava wrote:I suspect that it is not a case of dishonesty but rather that the BK Chief of MultiMedia and Global Public Relations doesn't understand how domain names work

May I add, " ... and does not understand how good P.R works either." !?!. I don't know, I agree with the Admin. Why say "stole" if you don't mean or think it?

If that is as good as your darna gets after, what, 40 - 50 years of BK Raja Yoga; then we did the right thing to bail out and go independent. I would not accuse someone of "stealing" even a pencil from me unless I was absolutely sure of it. I am afraid it does reveal the mentality of these people.
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Post24 Jul 2006

The primary mentality must be one of fear of dissent...especially if they are still trotting out old chestnuts like this one>>brahmaumaris.org is ngo in UN with 800,000 servers awarded seaven times for peace work

All this denotes is an organisation fearful for is future proselytising 'capacity' IMO...and deeply worried about any views which don't stick to the unthinking BK-orthodoxy and which may cause others to....doubt :shock:

Using wikimedia??? uh. Pot calling the kettle black :P
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Post24 Jul 2006

zhuk wrote:The primary mentality must be one of fear of dissent ... All this denotes is an organisation fearful for is future proselytising 'capacity' IMO ... and deeply worried about any views which don't stick to the unthinking BK-orthodoxy and which may cause others to ... doubt :shock:

Yes - fear, fear, fear, worry, worry - they are throwing a lot of energy into preventing information being published about the Brahma Kumaris.

They clearly want to control all public information about the Brahma Kumaris in a totalitarian control freak way. I guess this is not surprising as they have told so very many lies over the years about their true nature and mission, and have so much to hide.

It is all so pointless too - they cannot keep plugging the dam with their little fingers. This is the internet they are trying to stifle! The dam will burst and they are going to get very wet. If they don't start practising what they preach (e.g. virtue, honesty, simplicity, clarity), then they deserve to drown.

A spiritual university run on fear and paranoia? :P :lol:
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Post24 Jul 2006

Edited away. It's not worth it, but let's just say, I know of certain BKs dishonesty ... :lol:.
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Post24 Jul 2006

Uddhava wrote:By the way I happen to know that in the year 2000, the domain http://www.ShivBaba.com was a a PBK site but some time later it became (and is now) an orthodox BK site. It would be interesting to know how this happened, but I guess it would require a PBK techie.

Although the above statement is true, I don't have authentic information about this episode. It would be better if I put the correct facts after verification from the concerned sources.
John wrote:As far as I have gathered all PBK sites are run independently by loyal followers. I don't think there is a central body, which runs official websites.

Yes, it is true.

With regards,



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Post28 Jul 2006

Was this definitely posted by Karuna? It's just that i suspect his English (grammar and spelling) is much better than this. I know his spoken English is very good.

Besides recently Dadi Gulzar was sent to meet Baba in the Subtle Region to ask him what they should do about all the (perceived) anti-BK websites that are out there (i don’t know if this site counts as such) and the answer that came back was pretty much that you cannot do anything about them so send them good wishes.

Well, what a surprising answer that is! They should have asked me and i could have given them the same answer!
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Post29 Jul 2006

amaranthine wrote: besides recently Dadi Gulzar was sent to meet Baba in the Subtle Region to ask him what they should do about all the (perceived) anti BK websites that are out there (i don’t know if this site counts as such) and the answer that came back was pretty much that you cannot do anything about them so send them good wishes.

I wonder if this would be a technical conversation between Dadi Gulzar and Brahma Baba about how domain names work etc. Brahma Baba departed this world before the internet arrived so I guess he would need to learn from somewhere about what it is, how it works etc.



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Post29 Jul 2006

Uddhava wrote:I wonder if this would be a technical conversation between Dadi Gulzar and Brahma Baba about how domain names work etc. Brahma Baba departed this world before the internet arrived so I guess he would need to learn from somewhere about what it is, how it works etc.

I think the converstaion was pretty much along the lines of Dadi Gulzar asking if they should respond to negative internet opinion and BapDada saying, no, just keep on giving good wishes. This is why i find it hard to believe that this was posted by Karuna, that and the poor English, of course.
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Post31 Jul 2006

amaranthine wrote:This is why I find it hard to believe that this was posted by Karuna, that and the poor English of course.

This is a very good point to raise which was addressed before posting. BK Karuna was contacted directly via the [at]gmail email address given on both the Brahmakumaris.com and Om ShantiHelpline websites to confirm this. In the first place, he responded by merely block quoting comments made by BK Simon B regarding the BKWSU Wikipedia topic, confusing the issue between the website and the Wikipedia as he does on the mailing list.

In the second place, whilst avoiding any constructive response, the reply received suggests that he, incorrectly, considers this site to be PBK run and in bad faith, writing that we should stick to;
"other domain names like http://www.creator-creation.com/ or http://ShivBaba.ca/ or any one you prefer ".

http://brahmakumaris.info has no connection with the PBKs whatsoever, other than offering them the same and equal opportunity to discuss and express themselves as the other voices within the Brahmin diaspora.

Speaking personally, which in the role as Admin of the BrahmaKumaris.Info Forum I would prefer not to as it would seem to prejudice a position that requires impartiality, like most Western BKs I knew nothing of the politics between the two groups nor the history of the division. The PBKs or "Shankar Party" were never discussed. I had no awareness of their philosophies at all and what I understand has been gained mostly from this forum.

I have been made aware of the strength of feelings the senior Indian BKs reserve for the PBK. Indeed, we witnessed it in BK Karuna's first attack on the BKWSU Wikipedia topic and further responses.

This strength of feeling displayed has in the past prohibited enquiring BKs from pursuing the matter further and suggests unresolved issues. Without validating the PBK position, it does appear that they hold key elements to a more complete history of the BK Brahmin religion.
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Post31 Jul 2006

In the second place, whilst avoiding any constructive response, the reply received suggests that he, incorrectly, considers this site to be PBK run and in bad faith, writing that we should stick to;

Maybe BKs simply don't have the time or inclination to get to the truth of things anymore.

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