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made powerless

Post18 Aug 2007

abek wrote:Maybe Baba needs to be liberated from the BKWSU

I like what you wrote, Abek, and it's mutual, I think. As I said months ago "only God can lead us safely and smoothly out of the BKs!" Canopy of protection, waking up the Kumbakarna, from the haystack ablaze, becoming mics ... We can liberally apply this to ourselves, cannot we? :wink: We were once BKs too, so some reverse psychology or twisting things around at one's own convenience. We should have learnt a bit of that art!
Bob Dylan wrote:With God on our side

In a many dark hour
I've been thinkin' about this
That Jesus Christ
Was betrayed by a kiss
But I cannot think for you
You'll have to decide
Whether Judas Iscariot
Had God on his side.
Sparkal wrote:ANYONE! speaking out. Now, what about the rest of you. The ones who read and say nothing.

Sparkal, I wonder why it is so difficult for people to do that: speak out! If I judge such behaviour superficially I can just say, "well the world is full of Pontius Pilates!" or "one hand washes the other".

But since I've also been there, with a slightly deeper analysis and sincerity, I must take into account the effect of brainwashing on souls. The BK turned us in an army of zombies and made us believe we were the "ShivShakti" elected army. In fact, we were made powerless. So, I feel mercy for all those who are still sleeping beauties.

Every day and moment, I try to get rid of past negative influences and conditioning like a cat carefully grooms itself or a monkey picks lice out of its fur. And you are all helping me in the process. Thanks.

Rita Marley said, "If Jah Jah prays for us, who can be against us??"
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Post18 Aug 2007

sparkal wrote:Dadi was warned of the "Scots" and that they would be coming or something. She will also know the likely outcome.

The Highlander Wing of the BKWSU prepare
to engage in a bit of "light diplomacy" ...

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Post18 Aug 2007

BK-Ti-pit wrote:Of course too, Baba doesn't promote rebellion. He teaches us to have respect for the Seniors and listen to their advice, etc. He also tells us never to say no straight away. He says we should first say, "yes" with respect and then, if something is not clear or doesn't seem right, we can add "but ..."

So, I used to give careful consideration to their advice but would always consider it under the light of Gyan, the light of Shrimat. Baba says to follow Shrimat, not manmat nor parmat. So I would check out with my conscience. Because the bottom line for me is my conscience.

"Even the direction received from the Brahma Kumaris must be judged (with the Murlis) whether the direction is right or wrong." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 31.1.70, end of pg .2, published by BKs and translated by a PBK).

"You children also must never believe in hearsay. ... the deceitful ones (dhootiyan) perform such bad acts that speak lies and hurt others." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 18.8.70, beginning of pg.3, published by BKs and translated by a PBK)

"The Indians have undergone degradation only by listening to hearsay." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 30.1.71, published by BKs and translated by a PBK)

The word 'dhootiyaan' refers to some of the surrendered Sisters during the time of Brahma Baba, who brought bad name to the Yagya.
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Post18 Aug 2007

Always good to have some pure, undiluted Shrimat on this site arjun.

Question to the BKWSU leadership ...
    The Janki Foundation is being advertised as a beneficiary of some "business" to sell to 1,000,000 badges for £1 each. I posted about it here. It strikes me that the charities involved are being used to make a 50% profit from the sale. (It is hard to imagine what anyone would buy a badge if it was not for a charity).
Is Dadi Janki and the BKWSU really going along with and encouraging this sort of money raising now and is it according to Shrimat?

Elsewhere on the internet, another for for mr green and others ... "Lift up your spirits, with a little spot of soul" By Tijn Touber
Tijn Touber wrote:In India I met Dadi Janki, a yogini and head of the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University. I know few people who are as present in the here and now as she.

Her secret: Dadi rounds off each day before she begins a new one. Every evening she asks herself how her day was. Did she hurt anyone? Does she need to make amends? Is there something she needs to say or someone she needs to forgive? Before she closes her eyes she makes her amends - sometimes personally and sometimes by sending an apology, thanks or love in her thoughts. When she wakes up in the morning, everything is clean and new

Anyone ever had Dadi Janki send them a personal apology or know of one? Does this count for historical inaccuracies too?
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Post19 Aug 2007

Is Dadi Janki and the BKWSU really going along with and encouraging this sort of money raising now and is it according to Shrimat?

Selling badges is not according to Shrimat and certainly not for £1 each to make profits.
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Post19 Aug 2007

This is how and why DJ and the rest became corrupted by materialism. Many other gurus drove Cadillacs, so ... wouldn't it be serviceable if we also made some compromise and give in to temptations?
Janis Joplin - Mercedes Benz

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
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Re: amends?

Post19 Aug 2007

alladin wrote:Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?

No, they are on record for saying people have offered her big cars to use and they have refused them. There is truth to that. You've got to keep your accusations accurate and not just be a wishful, general smeer conforming to an imagine of ex-BK-ism.

If you do not, you risk de-valuing what is uncovered on this forum, or any adroit criticism, and you give the BKs an excuse to say, "look ... they said this and it is not true" to their followers and third parties.

I have seen how they work. I imagine there is someone following these posting, writing down "bad things" and making them into a list to circulate to other to give a bad impression. Ignoring all the rest, or the context. If you don't know it and you have nothing to support it; do not say it.

First class air travel ... now that is true. Does the person that flies with Dadi also get it?
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God the provider of facilities

Post20 Aug 2007

True, ex-l. I understand your points. Especailly the fact that anything on the Forum can be used to defame and criticize the Forum itself. I'll try in the future not to be carried away by my desire to "tease" an organization that's gone materialistic over the years. So, it's really teasing, this is why I did it through some lyrics.

I hope it did not sound as if I was making allegations. It was satirical. Powerful one's end up being object of satire thrown at them by the less mighty, maybe it's a meager compensation. I just wanted to underline how grotesque it is that one actually gets objects from God because donations not extortions, of course, are made in the name of God in favour of an organization that claims to be created directly by God.

How would the Lord let them be without luxurious buildings, facilities or cars? No way, he's the Almighty, he has to provide ... through people! He gives them "touchings" to do that and donators gain their fortune, a place in Paradise in exchange. Nothing new, in religions.

Some sales and courses generate income and other material things just fall off from the sky. Too bad not all of us learnt how to invoke properly, maybe depends on Yoga power or our interpretation of Murlis. As Arjun reminded, the basic, original idea was - and we were trained accordingly, so who derailed??? - that we are overflowing on the spiritual plan, do not need to charge for anything and that dirty dollar should not be mixed with spirituality.

The question to SS is when, why and how did things change? We were not offically informed, or were we in the shower whilst the info was being passed on? As far as cars, I remember not so many years ago, the Dadis travelling in total simplicity in the hot season from Mount Abu to Ammedabad in a car which in place of aircon, had a thick coconut mat soaked in water, placed on top of the roof.

That Gandhian type of simplicity moved me, and certainly never stimulated my desire to mock them. It had some strength and was consistent with the ideals of any traditional Indian Yoga school and fulfilled better the expectations of double foreigner students. Maybe now it's anachronistic but this aspect is being discussed elsewhere in the "remarketing" topic.
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Post20 Aug 2007

Surely it costs enough to support someone financially through life even without big flash cars.

I mean how many actually live their lives through the Yagya money?
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Post20 Aug 2007

john wrote:how many actually live their lives through the Yagya money?

And how many would be utterly unemployable outside of the Yagya?

Thanks alladin. You need to appreciate the lengths some of these BKs will go to discredit what we are doing here, frighten off lesser BKs from us, prejudice the organization against us ... and be cautious. You can be outrageous if you know something is true. There is enough outrageous stuff. No need to make things up.

Personally, I am far more concerned about issues like followers strung up by End of the World predictions being encouraged to take on mortgages to give cash to the organization, incidents of big donations being taken away from small centers and sucked up by senior Sisters are large centers, poor followers being told to give gold and women being helped or encouraged through divorce proceedings and likewise encouraged to benefit the personality cult at the heart of the organization that never has worked for its own upkeep.

The organization is so shrouded, cellular and malleable that the biggest difficulty is in actually identifying what is policy, Shrimat or just "wheels within wheels"*. I think your analogy of a mafia, each "family" with its own territory, "one hand washing the other" is one of the best I have heard so far. They are obviously talking to each other in their language but not telling us what they say in ours.

The thing to do is not make things up, not over-react, not jump hastily to presumptions ... but just sit patiently and keep documenting incident and incident until an overall picture emerges of its own, e.g. this mortgage "scam". I call it a scam because we have incidents in more than one country arising where the organization "owns" the building (or franchises the operation out to anyone dumb or ambitious enough to take it on) but a follower pays the mortgage.

Donations to Baba are used to pay that mortgage ... which in essence are actually gifts to the payee of the mortgage ... and at the end, if Destruction does not come again, who will own the building? If the BK dies, it is clear who will own the property because the Brahma Kumaris have written the individuals Will out entirely in favor of themselves. And we have a number of incidents like mr greens where someone is landed with the burden of mortgage even if they want to leave or cannot afford it.

I have no idea what goes on in India but that Brother that committed suicide was said to have paid one quarter of a building. How many BKs have any idea about all this stuff and how many BKs are just kept stupified to it all? They probably even have the centers insured so if Destruction comes in a piecemeal fashion, at least they can pull the cash out!!!
* The phrase "wheels within wheels" is of ancient origin and has generally come to mean something that is not easily understood; that there is more to the situation than may appear on the surface. The quotation above, from the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel, is part of a mystifying biblical passage.

The phrase denotes complexity, that one must look past the superficial to see deeper into a problem or situation. Like the Russian matryoshka dolls, we open one only to find another, and inside that yet another, etc.

The phrase can also have a more sinister connotation, that there are ulterior motives behind seemingly innocuous actions - all part of a larger and less obvious plan.
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Official Contact with Sister Jayanti (BKWSU)

Post20 Aug 2007

Testing, testing 1-2-3
is the BKWSU clocking
the above?
Testing, testing 1-2-3
roger, wilko & out.

Well said,
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Post20 Aug 2007

Cue ominous silence ...

In thee meanwhile, I'd like to humbly point the BKWSU Core Internet PR Team and general readership to Dadi Janki - Shantivan Teacher's Bhatti in the 'Janki Dadi's class from Mount Abu' topic.
The Do's and Don't of a surrendered life:

* Don't do anything secretly and don't hide anything. No privacy. If someone speaks or writes to me secretly – something wrong. No one can talk/write to me like that. I cannot talk/write to anyone like that. Baba doesn't like it. It's against the principles. If you do one sinful action secretly, it becomes a habit
* You can never get angry at anyone
* Don't look at someone with a feeling of dislike or hatred
* Be completely truthful, honest and trustworthy. There shouldn't be even 1% truth lacking.

Dada Vishwa Ratan used to say: no one should have waste thoughts because of me. A true yogi is one who pays attention to this.

Which should have them scrabbling for their Murlis to find a contradictory point ...
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Post21 Aug 2007

Greetings all. I've not posted for quite a while but have been participating from the un-subtle regions :-). We have seen nothing from Jayanti or any of her comic relief. Why I am not surprised? Well its easy to think that her only reason for contact with bkinfo - which she described as for ''our mutual benefit" (I am still amused at her naive use of old cliche - she'll be hitting us with ''win/win'' soon) - was damage control.

She wants to reassure us that our forums are unnecessary. That the she really and truly is a responsible and caring person, and that our claims are unfounded - we are just trapped in the proverbial Maya and are enslaved to Ravan.

Actually, Jayanti would not have contacted us if she were not being encouraged by Brian Bacon and Mike George. It is their commercial interests and professional lives that are at stake here. Along with a lot of other profiteers and hangers on.

But I have to say that I feel that everyone will gain more if we focus on the future. It is very easy to disturb the BKs. This was shown at the Sydney JAM event when the VIP guests were emailed prior to the program and advised of the true beliefs of the BKs. The emails were not defamatory, but simply asked the question ''do you know what the BKs truly believe?" Of course they did not and were not happy to discover that they had been deceived into association with a cult, only to be used as a publicity stooge.

Now there is a new threat - a website that will expose the ''yukti'' (or deception as the rest of us understand it) the BKs use to achieve their objectives. It will also expose the likes of Brian and Mike (sorry guys, but your web presence has already been downloaded for inclusion, along with Oxford Leadership Academy, Relax7 etc etc - ie: too late!) Even Nikki gets a mention!

So the stakes are raised. But all we are asking for is a comprehensive, coherent and REAL program of Duty of Care. All we want is for the BKs to wake up to themselves and, at least privately, admit that they have a responsibility for their members and ex-members that extends beyond ''have Yoga and it will all be okay".

It has been said before, and I will say it again - if you are going to influence people to adopt your belief system and live your lifestyle (i.e. to surrender) then you have to accept responsibility for the outcome. It is as simple as that. But no, the BKs have consistently ignored the outcome they have created - a lot of devastated people.

And if they don't believe that there are a lot of devastated people (members and ex-members) what do they think this website is about? And this website is just the tip of the iceberg. I know a lot of ex-members who have, by degrees, been traumatised by their association with the BKWSU, but who will not participate in a forum because they don't see it as part of their healing process - unfortunately. Because many of them are walking open wounds.



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Post21 Aug 2007

The Do's and Don't of a surrendered life:

* Don't do anything secretly and don't hide anything. No privacy. If someone speaks or writes to me secretly – something wrong. No one can talk/write to me like that. I cannot talk/write to anyone like that. Baba doesn't like it. It's against the principles. If you do one sinful action secretly, it becomes a habit
* You can never get angry at anyone
* Don't look at someone with a feeling of dislike or hatred
* Be completely truthful, honest and trustworthy. There shouldn't be even 1% truth lacking.

Can put my signature under this.

BK Dmitry
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Post21 Aug 2007

BKdimok wrote:Can put my signature under this.

BK Dmitry,

Can a non-surrendered BK partly run the Yagya? If so, can he/she have privacy if he/she is not surrendered to BKWSU but surrendered to God? And what do you mean by being surrendered?

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