Why is God powerful?

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Post04 Aug 2007

Without wishing to be pedantic, surely they are still thoughts?

It is also said that deities are without thoughts. Maybe it does not mean that they don't speak or act. It is said that they act on signals, and there is very little language needed. Maybe it is something like when speaking or talking one maintains the awareness who it is that is speaking and talking through the body. That it is "me, the soul" that speaks and acts and if this stage is constant then it is as if mind does not wonder anymore.

Maybe God is powerful because he has never had body-consciousness.
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Post04 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:I think that you are right. Not only is it our little ball of rock, it is a little skin of a few hundred feet high around that little ball of rock ... how noisy it is with all this thought and debate. Gods fighting over our minds to control us. I am starting to believe that we are going to discover that we are not at the top of the foodchain as we thought and that another species of psychic predators lives off the minds of human beings. Come back David Icke, all is forgiven ...

Hey ex-l, you should come and meet some of my friends, they just about fit your description :lol:.
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Post04 Aug 2007

arjun wrote:Omshanti. I think I have answered this question in detail in some other thread possiby in the PBK section long ago.

Apologies ArjunBhai, as you say there are so many threads that it does get hard to keep track.
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Post04 Aug 2007

Dear John Bhai,

Omshanti. There is no need for an apology. It is very natural for members to ask questions on topics they have not read. Like me it is equally difficult for everyone to keep track of various topics here. Someone has rightly uploaded a picture of Admin entangled in a mesh of wires in the Admin Section. :roll: I can imagine how difficult it might be for him. :?

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Post14 Aug 2007

VCD* No.697, Cassette No.1183, dated 11.06.07, at Bhilai Gitapathshala
Clarification of Murli dated 12.10.67

"... Some souls become so sorrowful. What is the main reason? Beat the animals, bull, buffalo, cow with a stick. It would feel (the pain) just when it is beaten with the stick. Later on, it would not remember throughout the life. And what about the human beings? Leave the matter about sticks, if a human being is just told a harsh word, he would remember it throughout the life. It proves that ? the eleventh organ, i.e. the mind, which is very subtle. It is a power of the soul itself. The more powerful the mind of a soul, the more it experiences pleasures and pains. Well, is that mind present in the Supreme Soul or not? In the Supreme Father? The one, who possesses mind, would think, churn. The one who does not have mind, would not think and churn. And that is alright. The one who takes birth and dies, would think and churn as well. The one, who does not take birth and die at all, does not require thinking or churning at all. He is asochtaa (the one who does not think). What? He is abhokta. He neither experiences pleasures nor pain ..."
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abrahma kumar

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Why ask: Why is God powerful?

Post14 Aug 2007

Is there really GOD?
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Re: Why ask: Why is God powerful?

Post14 Aug 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Is there really GOD?

Yes, but he is an underachiever. :D
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abrahma kumar

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Why ask: Why is God powerful? because there is contrary evidence

Post15 Aug 2007

joel wrote:Yes, but he is an underachiever. :D

Maybe you have added the very happy emoticon as a form of irony joel, but you just may have hit upon something rather telling about the G-O-D figure. One the one hand G-O-D is meant to be all powerful blah, blah, blah; while on the other He/She/It does not evidence much accomplishment. A sort of legendary figure of unknown provenance? I like it: God, the underachiever. Never quite able to measure up to human needs. Apologies for mangling your concept but thanks for raising it as a thinking point.
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Re: Why ask: Why is God powerful? because there is contrary

Post15 Aug 2007

I think we can thank Woody Allen for that insight.
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abrahma kumar

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Why ask: Why is God powerful?

Post15 Aug 2007

joel wrote:I think we can thank Woody Allen for that insight.

He's Jewish right? One of God's own specially chosen people :D.
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Almighty Authority

Post15 Aug 2007

I don't undst exactly what is meant by "underachiever", something like a "******"? In the Murlis it is said that God is also bound to Drama. He cannot change that. Neither the automatic results of our actions, due to karma law.

So, for sure he's not that Almighty after all. But usually he can be a good, elevated, quality, inspiring, empowering, altruistic companion. Unless I start to think that this subtle companion is just my Higher Self and my subtle conversations with the Great Spirit were just internal talks, like a mad person too shy or too tired to talk aloud to herself! :lol:
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abrahma kumar

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Almighty Authority

Post15 Aug 2007

alladin wrote:I don't undst exactly what is meant by "underachiever", something like a "******"?

un·der·a·chiev·er – noun
    1. a student who performs less well in school than would be expected on the basis of abilities indicated by intelligence and aptitude tests, etc.
    2. a person or thing that performs below expectations.
I took the second meaning into to consideration when replying to joel's comments; however the first is equally applicable, i think.
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human needs

Post15 Aug 2007

It seems as if in Gyan, God does not need to measure up to our-humans' needs. Rather, we have to become equal to him; incorporeal, egoless and viceless (and desireless).

So, the ancient diatribe comes up; Baba, we are in the body, we need companionship from humans in flesh and bones. In fact as BKs we are not even allowed to keep pets, only sprouts and lettuce! No cats to purr and jump on your laps, no dogs to happily spring on you when you walk through the door, no men to snug with in the bed. All of that is "impurity", better to just sleep with Baba's light on, in case!

Oh, but if you make the right effort, you will need no more of that. You will feel in such an Avyakt state. I will pull you into my dimension, you will only depend on me for company, and you will get rid of all those bad guys in the human species that gave you so much sorrow from the beginnining through middle and end, and be free from such silly desires and dependencies!

Sounded like a good deal!!! It is said that we can have all relationships with Baba as visualize him like that, to fulfill our needs. So, was I to confess that I need a furry cat, would that sound acceptable to the SS?

Baba as a marmalade cat, next day a black one with green eyes, like a panther ... so sweet and innocent, no hidden motives, just please open that can, or else I start walking on your keyboard!!! :wink:
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Re: human needs

Post15 Aug 2007

How about a compromise? You can have cats, but only outdoor. You promise not to delight in their antics, nor to provoke such activities with bits of string, nor to take comfort in mutual exchange of cuddly furry affection.
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Re: human needs

Post15 Aug 2007

alladin wrote:It seems as if in Gyan, God does not need to measure up to our-humans' needs. Rather, we have to become equal to him; incorporeal, egoless and viceless (and desireless).

Do you we know that they are desireless? They seem Supremely Ambitious social climbers to me. BK World Domination, Inc ... get us more VIPs now!

[code="OFF TOPIC WARNING"] Cats' diet is not sattvic. They are not vegetarians. So they are off the list ... bad karma. Worse karma for the birds. Joking apart, domestic cats are causing a serious environment problem by killing off millions of wild birds every year.

Human should give up its addictions and indlulgences. Little old ladies should sit and stroke each other (massage ... reiki), young people stop have furry child replacement poop machines. I suppose rabbits (vegetarians) or ferrets (good rat killers) are fairly ethical options ... ;-). But really ... do we need to enslave other species by way of psychological crutches?[/code]

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