Official Contact with Sister Jayanti BKWSU (UK) - legal

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Post06 Aug 2007

how serious are you would only be taking the money off some poor

Thanks for the votes of confidence ex-l and Andrey, but frankly I wouldn't waste my own or anyone's time or money, which could be spent more wisely.

You can judge from the briefness of the emails that Sister Jayanti is really only talking to Admin and the rest of us are sidelined.
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Post07 Aug 2007

It was only a suggestion, because it is not practical and it is difficult to correspond, to talk to, to reply to many people at a time. Furthermore they have one and the same or similar issues. Just from the point of making it easy and possible.

I meant personal letters (e-mails), like correspondence, which does not incur any expenses and not a lot of effort. I believe Sister Bansy is the best, because she is mother (it would be more appropriate some mother or Sister communicating) then she embodies the issues that are being discussed and has her own, personal, voice to voice them. Plus other things.


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Post07 Aug 2007

Again Andrey Bhai, I would like to stress that this is only a forum as it seems to the BKs.

This thread is really is a simple matter resolved. Join the forum or not join the forum.

Speak to the entire group, not just one or two. Any intermediary, whether myself or Admin or anyone else, is simply a unnecesary filter. If anyone wishes to contact me personally. Then I would keep this correspondence to myself, I do not have any extra rights or rank to this forum as any other member. This forum speaks for itself. I appreciate the support but feel no requirement to put this forum vehicle in manual when it is already on automatic mode.

Again, it really is a simple situation ... if a non-BK can join such as Di, if a youth such as Seva can also do so, a Vishnu Party member join and even get converted (congrats new world/new knowledge), have "not sure" members joining etc, then does a senior BK not have the ability, or is there special concessions? ShivBaba (Virendra Dev Dixit) has recognised this forum, I am sure the Vishnu Party has also done too. Progress has been made with these groups. Not joining the forum is simply dismissing it.

Let's wait.
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Post07 Aug 2007

I promise that I will play nice, andrey. That must be your worst worry. I appreciate that such an involvement would valuable.

Sadly, I do not see it happening because she will not want to go down in a public record. For me, I just want definitive answers to the historical and Murli revisionism. I think they would find it hard to argue with the criticism of "closed door meetings".

I go along with others' concerns but I am not bothered about changing the BKWSU. I am more bothered about helping like minded souls find their own paths outside of BKWSU control and untangling the connection between the BKWSU and the real world. And, sure, if the PBKs do not wish to raise the issue of stopping the physical violence, I would independently. I think that is all too challenging for the BKs.
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Post07 Aug 2007

Reply sent
07 Aug 2007


It would assist communications greatly if Sister Jayanti was to;

    a) set out the position of the BKWSU,
    b) provide for us an agenda of the issues she wishes to raise, and
    c) clarify what her, or the BKWSU's, objectives were.
By return we will provide you with a summary of the issues forum members would like to raise.

Thank you
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Post07 Aug 2007


Hope we get a reply and soon!



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Post08 Aug 2007

Here is my suggestion. First of all we are all scattered around the world, so a face to face meeting is only possible with say the London members of this forum.

Just to be safe though, I suggest that somebody copies the salient points of this forum and posts it on another or even several other web sites. In this way the points can never be buried or censored.

My own feelings are that Jayanti wishes to meet with the Admin people of this forum to basically give them a good old fashioned BK bollocking!
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no democracy

Post08 Aug 2007

I appreciate Bansy's and others' posts in which it is stated clearly that the Forum is a community in which everyone has equal rights etc ...

Since we all have lenghty experience with the BKs, we all know that they do not approve of democracy. In fact, they spit on it. So, we are dealing with the representatives of a dictatorial regime, like Franco's, Pinochet, Apartheid, Mussolini's. We are still wearing scars from it, so we should keep that in mind.


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Post08 Aug 2007

Forum is a community in which every one has equal rights

Not so it seems. There's a scrap in the Splinter Group subforum regarding protocol. Even Admin has to shut up. This forum is becoming a farce.
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Post08 Aug 2007

bansy wrote:Forum is a community in which every one has equal rights

Let's be kind on the forum and efforts of all sincere coontributors. Rather say it is serious but documenting and illustrating farce.

Alladin, you are becoming awfully colorful in your old, I hope it is not the color of our company. You will scare the Good Sister away.
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Post08 Aug 2007

Bansy the forum is not farcical only the behaviour of some of the contributors.
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Post08 Aug 2007

And some non-contributors ...


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Post09 Aug 2007

First I want to thank the administrator for having informed me of this topic being posted on this forum. I am just sorry that I did not know about it earlier.

Did Sister Jayanti ever mentioned why she wanted to meet? Why would anyone meet with her if we don't know what the meeting is about?

I would not assume that she wants to give open, honest and truthful answers to questions about the secrecy of the Yagya, the remakes of the Murlis and the history of the Yagya. It seems quite obvious to me that they are ****** off with the truth being disclosed here and would like to neutralize that. That they would think they can achieve this baffles me.

God is about Truth but I see a lot in the policies of this Yagya that is more about manipulating truth. We all know that, ultimately, Truth will prevail.
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Does truth prevail?

Post09 Aug 2007

BKTi-Pit wrote:We all know that, ultimately, Truth will prevail.

Do you have any evidence for this? Power generally prevails. Knowledge can bring power. The highest levels of spiritual evolution, however are not especially closely connected to political, economic and military power, which are a trinity (three as one) and tend to ally with religious fanaticism and doctrinism, and other extreme movements.

I am just completing my first read of IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black. In this work we see how the new statistical and list-making abilities conferred by IBM's Hollerith punch-card tabulating machines--the computers of that day--were the enabling technology for the entire Nazi regime.

Only in France, where leading statistical authorities, particularly one man Rene Carmille, anticipated the consequences of such mechanized census processes and sabotaged the Nazi census effort, limiting the death of Jews to a much smaller proportion of the total population compared to those murdered and systematically worked to death by Nazis in other conquered nations.


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Post09 Aug 2007

I guess I should not have said that. Let me rephrase and say that I have unshakable faith in Truth and that ultimately Truth will prevail. I don't think I can prove that any more than I can prove that I am a soul but I have no doubt about it.

I think that my experience of God is good enough to be able by now (after almost 25 years in Gyan) to be able to see quite clearly the difference between the Truth that emanates from God in terms of pure feelings and the lies and deception of the BK's public image building, VIP chasing and greed for personal status and position. I was assuming that most of the members of this forum can easily see the same.

So who is winning your heart? Anyone of those inflated ego holding a high position within this Yagya or the simple, humble, honest ones? So who is winning ultimately, truth or deception?

Honestly, I feel I am a winner. I have a major role as a full time surrendered soul in a big center, not a role as a policy or decision maker nor do I give class or preach anyone. I am one of those who get the physical task done, those who clean and carry stuff around, a simple one.

Whilst the political elite of the Yagya is meeting behind closed doors struggling for power, I meet with the most beautiful generous hearted ones, those who don't mind sweating and putting there hands in the dirt. I witness a lot of scenes of love and cooperation, solidarity and laughter, and I have countless real friends. Those who struggle for power, they may have countless bhagats but how many real friends? So who wins? is not this forum a winner?

Okay! Another thing I want to say is that after I submitted my last post yesterday, I realized that Jayanti did say that she wanted to meet with the senior administrator for their mutual benefit. Well! It would be nice to know what she means. What benefit is she expecting and what benefit does she think we would get from it?

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