[Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

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Post18 May 2007

Sister Sweetsajani,

This Murli quote is for your mother,

"Satsang ka time bhi subah aur shaam ko hota hai. Mataon ko ghar ka bandhan rahta hai toh unho kay liye fir din ka time rakha jata hai. Subah ka time sabsey achha hai, fresh mind rahta hai."

"The time for spiritual gathering (satsang) is also in the mornings and in the evenings. Mothers have the bondage of (looking after) home, so, for them the afternoon time is fixed. Morning time is best, the mind remains fresh." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 26.04.07, pg.2, published by the BKs and narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK)

I hope the local BK center incharge also notes the above Murli point.

With warm wishes,
On Godly service,


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Post18 May 2007

Thank you arjun ... i will show that to my mom soon.


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Post26 Jun 2007

You guys ... I overheard my mom talking on the phone with that Naina lady ... and my mom was telling her how me and her had a fight and shyt ...

Well, Naina lady was like, "it doesn't matter ... you still want to surrender, right?" ... and my mom hesitated and then said, "Yes ..." !!!!!

By the way, they found out I think I am writing on this forum ... It made me so happy! Either that or my e-mail that I sent everywhere ...

My mom told my Dad and my Dad said, "Good ... that's my girl!"
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abrahma kumar

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Post26 Jun 2007

sweetsajani wrote:By the way, they found out I think I am writing on this forum ... It made me so happy! Either that or my e-mail that I sent everywhere ... My mom told my Dad and my Dad said, "Good ... that's my girl!" :)

Welcome back and continue to take care. You are a bright spark.


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Post27 Jun 2007

Thanks for the welcome back ...
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Post27 Jun 2007

sweetsajani wrote:Well, Naina lady was like, "it doesn't matter ... you still want to surrender, right?" ... and my mom hesitated and then said, "Yes ..." !!!

Did the BK center-in-charge ask,
    " ... you still want to surrender, right?"

    Or, " you still are still going to bring the money, right?" ;-)
I would be careful because we have seen that some BK Sisters seem to work together to give legal advice and even letters to women to help in their court cases against their husbands, even if those BK followers do not or have not followed Shrimat.

It is interesting to note the hestitation ... and then the speaking of the correct response that the individual knew, or were programmed to know, that they should give. I believe it is this well-meaning programming, or even pre-programming from Bhakti, that the BKWSU exploits. I remember even myself doing it.

One is shy or even stunned by an outright question or demand, often uncomfortably put in the spot in front of a whole group of BKs ... of course, simple social pressures come into place. We have often written about how some of the Seniors are good at using these even to pull in finances.
By the way, they found out I think I am writing on this forum ... It made me so happy!

Yippee-yi-yay! Yes, it is very likely sweetie. Tampa appears to be a hothead of BK fanaticism and their IT activists. I know one is basically cyber-stalking me and so if they come to find me, they will read and find you too.
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Post27 Jun 2007

Yes, some here and their roles are under scrutiny.

Come and get me :lol: :lol:.


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Post05 Jul 2007

Yeah, she definitely hesitated ... so i really think she is still confused about whether she wants to do it or not ... by the way ... two weeks ago, i was eating her favorite ice cream and she ate it and then afterwards asked me if there's egg in it ... and i said yes even though i didnt check ... but I am sure it does ... and she said, "oh, OK, thats OK ...". So i really think she's so confused but these people at the BK center forcing her or threatening her or some other crap. I am not sure.


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Post27 Jul 2007

Hello Sweet Sajani!

Woohooooo!!! Keep at it!!!! Go get them!!! Fight with your 20 nails!!!

I understand you! I have a Brother in Gyan, if I had to lose him like you're scared of losing your mother, I'd be busting the wall off!!! This is wrong! Absolutely wrong! You have the right to defend yourself! Don't give up now! you can win!!!

I have never heard of centers demanding (ordering) members to brings donations. The Center is supposed to be financed by the one who opens it. If there are donations, they must be documented (I used to get receipts for mine, I don't give if I don't get that!). You get receipts for anything you buy at the center! My Brother gets a recognition for the hours he spends at the center! Everything has to be transparent and documented! Absolutely everything! Even toli!!!

Don't stop documenting! Invite people at home, so that they can witness! Surely your mother had friends? Don't stay isolated in your misery, expose it. It's hard, it's difficult, but you'll see, it has its uses!

I don't understand why they want your mother to do the cooking. It's an absolute law in all centers; food served at the center must be cooked in a "clean" environment, meaning an oven and instruments that have never been used to cook meat (fish, garlic onions, etc.). Cook as much as you can, so that their food tastes like hambugers!!! Salmon pot pie does the trick! Garlic bread is also efficient.

Hope I was able to make you smile a little. Don't let them walk over your family in pursuit of glory. You're not a doormat.




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Post28 Jul 2007

Haha machiel thanks!!! ... Well, my mom invited them over about two-three weeks ago, and they asked my mom to "balance her life out" and my dad was like, "no balancing ... either she chooses home or she chooses the BKs".

We told them all about the lady who's in their group that's corrupting her and they said that the lady stopped attending the place now ... so, God knows ... but we're still trying! Now we're trying to take our mom out as much as possible during the hours of her meditation and we keep her up late at night to watch movies and stuff so she wakes up later than her 3 am timing.

I don't know, but they ask my mom to come early in the morning over there to cook and sometimes they ask her to cook at home like Indian sweets.
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Post28 Jul 2007

sweetsajani wrote:they asked my mom to "balance her life out".

Your Dad is right but its a losing battle until she works it out for herself.

Its the usual, typical BS sajani. Its means the same as the last time. They want her to keep quiet for now to get what they want tater.
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Post01 Aug 2007

malachiel wrote:I have never heard of centers demanding (ordering) members to brings donations. The Center is supposed to be financed by the one who opens it. If there are donations, they must be documented (I used to get receipts for mine, I don't give if I don't get that!). You get receipts for anything you buy at the center! My Brother gets a recognition for the hours he spends at the center! Everything has to be transparent and documented! Absolutely everything! Even toli!!!

In the Book 'Is this Justice' on Page No.viii Mama, alias Om Radhe wrote:

"For acquiring Brahm Gyan and attaining self-realization one has not to desert his home, nor has he to change his garb, nor has he to spend anything. With Brahm Gyan one will be ever-happy."

With regards,
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Post02 Aug 2007

Sometimes there are a lot of obstacles put that the only reason that can be seen is some stubbornness. Why should the mother watch TV if she does not like? Why should she have to suffer these tricks, made up against her? What is the harm if she wakes up early does she produce some noise to disturm the sleep of others?

It is also that many posts here are also as if an expression of stubbornness, opportunism.
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Post02 Aug 2007

andrey wrote:What is the harm if she wakes up early does she produce some noise to disturb the sleep of others?

If you followed this and other similar discussion from the beginning, you would realise that there is more to it than just getting up early quietly.

The BKWSU is infesting society like a parasite. It breaks up relationships and families and eats of their fat. It does not want to take resonsibility for individuals but it wants the benefits that belong with the immediate families and community.

This has been its history from the beginning. Its greatest myth is that it "gives". It takes.

This woman has also and is also being manipulated by human beings outside of her family, so it is fair game if her husband and daughter fight back. Being a mother and a wife is a lifelong committment that many just want to throw away.

I agree with the Father, if the mother wants to go and support herself, do what she wants then fine. Why should the family support her when she selfishly distrupts their activities? Why should they support her when she is taking resources out of the family and putting them into the BKWSU, e.g. family money and her time. Did you not read how the daughter had to look after the other children when she was studying whilst the mother ran about playing at being a BK?

Of course, now BK women are not happy to just leave. They want to take the family money and property with them too, which the good Sisters are happy to accept.
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abrahma kumar

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Ought the little children to suffer, really...?

Post02 Aug 2007

andrey wrote:Sometimes there are a lot of obstacles put that the only reason that can be seen is some stubbornness. Why should the mother watch TV if she does not like? Why should she have to suffer these tricks, made up against her? What is the harm if she wakes up early does she produce some noise to disturb the sleep of others? It is also that many posts here are also as if an expression of stubbornness, opportunism.

Ah andrey, if only you knew! How luxurious it is to be able to see those who raise their voices querying BKWSU goings-on as tricksters and constructers of obstacles!

In the bible I think it is written:
Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them

I'd love andrey to share with us any churnings he may have on the above selective quote from the bible.


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