7 day ex-BK course

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bro neo


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Post26 Jul 2007

I think a better topic for lesson 7 would be: Sorting the wheat from the chaff; inventorying the facts from theory and bologna.


not sure

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Post26 Jul 2007

    Lesson 8: Manipulation: Criticism over service.

    Lesson 9: Regarding the shame, guilt, anger, punishment and deception, and addressing the suicide issue.

    Lesson 10: Redefining you relationship with the Divine
By the way, the Secret dvd has plenty of rosicrucian and hermetic elements, some of them linking directly to Satanism (images of the movie showing you spiritual objects).

Though I agree with the principles depicted in the movie (you get what you give), I disagree with sending people out into yet another pitfall ... Spiritual or otherwise ... The movie is good, not what comes with it.
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abrahma kumar

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7 day ex-BK course

Post26 Jul 2007

    LESSON 11: Now that all 3 of your eyes have been opened don't go nodding off in class again aka How to Experience Real & Practical Benefit from Meditation Practice.
NOTE: The classroom extends beyond any BKWSU Centre and encompasses the whole wide world that I live (and post) in.
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bro neo


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Post02 Aug 2007

The Secret does seem to be more propaganda and profit orientated than centered in fact and sound evidence, this being said after mulling over it for a while. It does point to the immense importance of how emotions affect physical matter though.
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Post02 Aug 2007

bro neo wrote:The Secret does seem to be more propaganda and profit orientated than centered in fact and sound evidence

Why not just say, "Its American" ...
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bro neo


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Post08 Aug 2007

OK, it’s American.

These are all topics worthy of discussion as they are the core beliefs the BKWSU implants into its BKs. It will be interesting to see where we all stand now as ex-BKs. So without further ado ...
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Post09 Aug 2007

I know that The Secret rattled over the BK grapevine. It seems to me that they love the window dressing of "wise quotes from ancient sages and scientist" even more now and from a 5% illicit non-Murli spice, it is become 90% of the form and concept at least in the West. I noted them adopting to stuff like "The Law of Attraction". They have a tendency to do so I have also noted over the years.

Ultimately, I wish I had faith but it is all unproven and awkward. I cannot connect the Yankee prosperity cults and a world of finite resources. To me, it seems like an opiate religion for gun-toting, Humvee driving, secure encampment living elite and all those that aspire to that lifestyle. God on 8 miles to the gallon with no conception of the connection to the Middle East crises.

There is a history to the Positive Thinking Movement from the 20s onwards with, I would say, Florence Scovel Shin, herwork and her book 'The Game of Life and How to Play It' (1925) and then a more commercial but seminal 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' (1936) by Dale Carnegie in. Also in the 30s, Dorothea Brande, 'Wake Up and Live' (1936), Napoleon Hill, 'Think and Grow Rich and How to Win Friends and Influence People'. Many have roots in the New Thought Movement of William James (1842-1910) although I think Scovel-Shin was more spiritual and less interested in "enlightened capitalism. In a way, they are "Americas" saints come to encourage and support.

I cant remember the name of the guy that really kicked it off again in the 80s, I think he was Dutch of Belgian. It was one of those things; he was a big guru into positive thought and life creation, highly successful and charge for expensive seminars. Then he was involved in an airplane accident, suffered massive burns and was handicapped by them. How did or why did he "create" that ... you don't hear that bit. You just read the books and PR he left behind on the way up.
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the sectret

Post09 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:How did or why did he "create" that ... you don't hear that bit. You just read the books and PR he left behind on the way up.

We never really know what goes in people's mind, so maybe he felt guilty about preaching something not 'so positive' and the only way out would be an accident ...

I don't think The Secret is all about money and luxurious life. They are trying to show how some people apply it and works. It is like karma; whether you believe it or not, but The Secret shows you how to want more for your own happiness and peace of mind, instead of being a victim of the whole history and believing that you can not go anywhere, not wanting ... Like big Institutions (BKs) taught us; have no desire, everything is lustful, greedy!!! Only center-in-charge can go to Madubhan every year, don't think about your future 'cause Destruction is going to happen and don't have any friends, or better, don't love anybody, this is attachment ... and the whole NEGATIVE stuff ... not like The Secret!!

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Post09 Aug 2007

I would agree that I am still conditioned against feeling comfortable with naturally "self-centered" material simplicities, rather Yogi austerities. From environmentalism, I am still overcast by the damage being done to the planet and have to think of much of this stuff as middle class endeavor only a few will enjoy.

But equally, I am also sensitive to very American portrayal of big properties, wonderful attractive surrounding, the trappings of wealth based on a violative monopoly of resources by the mighty Dollar. Many of these speakers are close or part of the "prosperity consciousness" movement which is very capitalist. (NB ... I have to make sure that I am not confusing What the Bleep! with The Secret here). I need hope and am conscious I become hopelessly depression by such human equality and eco-issues.

I don't know how to get over it, e.g. ... Al Gore being a "world saving environmentalist" but still using 21 times more electricity than the average American and spending $30 Million a year on his personal energy bill alone, when around 2 Billion people has no access to any energy and live on 100 Dollars a year.
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The Secret

Post09 Aug 2007

They don't believe or say , neither do I, that Al Gore is going to save the earth. We all know very well about America being the most "users" of everything, wasting and not recycling. He is just a guy that opened his mouth about something he believes in, and it is not a bad idea, people are becoming more aware.

I also feel very uncomfortable seeing the Earth going so fast, but maybe they have a point by encouraging people to be more positive and attract more good than 'bad' stuff AND habits, because being negative can be a habit (I agree that one guy on the movie seems too materialistic).

Just not to focus on the negative so much, like the terrorists and all the fear sold to the public ...

Anyway, I don't agree that the Secret is "American". :wink:
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Re: The Secret

Post12 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote: I am still conditioned against feeling comfortable with naturally "self-centered" material simplicities, rather Yogi austerities

Good on you ex-l: the existing materialistic paradigm of economic growth, rampant consumerism, and disposability, will destroy this 'civilisation' pretty soon, if nothing else gets us first. In material terms we all need to be satisfied with less, or at least with with what we already have, and we should glorify simplicity and sustainability, not glamour and excess.

But in spiritual terms we should all be asking for more - and it is ourselves we need to demand it from.
freedom wrote:Just not to focus on the negative so much, like the terrorists and all the fear sold to the public ...

I agree - the world needs more positive thinking. I enjoyed "The Secret", for its message that your future is in your own hands, you create it yourself. This is the opposite of the "surrender to Baba" sheep-like attitude, which encourages you to abandon responsibility for your self, and to become a cog in the machine. "The Secret" tells us to take responsibility for our selves, and to create a better reality.

Like ex-l, I do find "The Secret" too materialistic in terms of the desires in its examples, and I find it very American in that respect. But take the basic premise and apply it to your own desires, which I hope are higher level desires, and it becomes inspiring.
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Re: The Secret

Post12 Aug 2007

freedom wrote:Just not to focus on the negative so much, like the terrorists and all the fear sold to the public ...

Strongly agreed, freedom. One has to wonder what the purpose of the media is, as it is. A sort of mass, fear inducing, depressive programming in which even the weight of orthodox science plays its part?

And an enlightened perspective from howiemac to suggest to take one's higher sentiments and apply The Secret to them.
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Post12 Aug 2007

Talking about the purpose of the media, have you all heard about the Illuminati, right? is not BKWSO 'one of them'? Controlling minds for their present comfort and their egos? I even heard about sacrificing children, etc ... and Princess Diana's driver was instructed (programmed) to hit the car and so on ... then I thought about some deaths in BK world too ... really scary ... :evil:.

OK, back to our abundant spiritual desires for peace and love !!! 8). I have a big desire : to meet you all personally one day ... and eat, dance, drink, watch movies, go for walks, etc ... :D.
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Post12 Aug 2007

freedom wrote:OK, back to our abundant spiritual desires for peace and love !!! I have a big desire : to meet you all personally one day ... and eat, dance, drink, watch movies, go for walks, etc ...

I hope we can meet, too. How about making a movie together, "Escape from the White Doilies" ??

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